Ejemplo n.º 1
    def next_shape(self, shape=None):

        self.pressed_x_speed = config.block_size
        self.pressed_y_speed = 0

        if shape is None:
            self.shape_key = random.choices(list(self.dict_shapes.keys()),
            self.n_positions = len(self.dict_shapes[self.shape_key])
            self.position = random.randint(0, self.n_positions - 1)

            # Copy the shape key and position from input Shape instance
            self.shape_key = copy(shape.shape_key)
            self.n_positions = copy(shape.n_positions)
            self.position = copy(shape.position)

        # Initial (x, y) position
        self.x = config.game_boundaries[0] + (config.ncols // 2 -
                                              1) * config.block_size
        self.y = -(len(self.dict_shapes[self.shape_key][self.position]) *

        # Color
        self.shape_color = ColorEffect(shape_colors[self.shape_key],

        self.move = True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def next_shape(self, shape=None):

        self.pressed_x_speed = config.block_size
        self.pressed_y_speed = 0

        if shape is None:
            self.shape_key = random.choice(list(self.dict_shapes.keys()))
            self.n_positions = len(self.dict_shapes[self.shape_key])
            self.position = random.randint(0, self.n_positions - 1)

            # Копіювання ключа форми та положення з екземпляра вхідної форми
            self.shape_key = copy(shape.shape_key)
            self.n_positions = copy(shape.n_positions)
            self.position = copy(shape.position)

        # Початкове (x, y) положення
        self.x = config.game_boundaries[0] + (config.ncols // 2 -
                                              1) * config.block_size
        self.y = -(len(self.dict_shapes[self.shape_key][self.position]) *

        # Колір
        self.shape_color = ColorEffect(shape_colors[self.shape_key],

        self.move = True
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Shapes:

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def __init__(self):

        # Dropped blocks
        self.dropped = []
        self.dropped_index = []
        self.dropped_colors = []

        # Eresed blocks
        self.eresed = []
        self.eresed_colors = []

        if config.big_shapes:
            self.dict_shapes = {**dict_shapes, **dict_big_shapes}
            self.weights = {**weights, **weights_big_shapes}

            self.dict_shapes = dict_shapes
            self.weights = weights

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def restart(self):

        self.dropped = []
        self.dropped_index = []
        self.dropped_colors = []

        self.eresed = []
        self.eresed_colors = []

        if config.big_shapes:
            self.dict_shapes = {**dict_shapes, **dict_big_shapes}
            self.weights = {**weights, **weights_big_shapes}

            self.dict_shapes = dict_shapes
            self.weights = weights

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def next_shape(self, shape=None):

        self.pressed_x_speed = config.block_size
        self.pressed_y_speed = 0

        if shape is None:
            self.shape_key = random.choices(list(self.dict_shapes.keys()),
            self.n_positions = len(self.dict_shapes[self.shape_key])
            self.position = random.randint(0, self.n_positions - 1)

            # Copy the shape key and position from input Shape instance
            self.shape_key = copy(shape.shape_key)
            self.n_positions = copy(shape.n_positions)
            self.position = copy(shape.position)

        # Initial (x, y) position
        self.x = config.game_boundaries[0] + (config.ncols // 2 -
                                              1) * config.block_size
        self.y = -(len(self.dict_shapes[self.shape_key][self.position]) *

        # Color
        self.shape_color = ColorEffect(shape_colors[self.shape_key],

        self.move = True

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def get_shape(self):

        # self.shape is a list of pg.Rect
        self.shape = []

        for i, row in enumerate(
            for j, column in enumerate(row):
                if column == '0':
                    x = self.x + config.block_size * j
                    y = self.y + config.block_size * i
                    rect = pg.Rect(x, y, config.block_size, config.block_size)

        self.shape_corners = self.get_shape_corners()
        self.center = self.get_shape_center()

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def get_shape_corners(self):
        xs = [rect[0] for rect in self.shape]
        ys = [rect[1] for rect in self.shape]
        xmin = min(xs)
        ymin = min(ys)
        xmax = max(xs) + config.block_size
        ymax = max(ys) + config.block_size
        self.shape_corners = [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
        return self.shape_corners

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def get_shape_center(self):
        cx = self.shape_corners[0] + (self.shape_corners[2] -
                                      self.shape_corners[0]) / 2
        cy = self.shape_corners[1] + (self.shape_corners[3] -
                                      self.shape_corners[1]) / 2
        self.center = [cx, cy]
        return self.center

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def get_index(self, x, y):
        # Get row and column index when shape can't move down'
        row = int((y - config.game_boundaries[1]) / config.block_size)
        col = int((x - config.game_boundaries[0]) / config.block_size)
        return row, col

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def difference(self, bound, current_shape_bound, direction='bottom'):

        diff = 0
        if direction == 'left':
            if current_shape_bound < bound:
                diff = bound - current_shape_bound

        elif direction == 'right':
            if current_shape_bound > bound:
                diff = bound - current_shape_bound

        elif direction == 'bottom':
            if current_shape_bound > bound:
                diff = bound - current_shape_bound

        return diff

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def move_down(self, pressed_y=None):

        self.move = True

        if pressed_y is not None:
            if pressed_y:
                self.pressed_y_speed = 10
                self.pressed_y_speed = 0

        y_move = config.speed + self.pressed_y_speed
        self.move_shape(0, y_move)

        # See if next position is filled:
        if self.dropped and self.shape_key != 'DOT':
            for rect1 in self.dropped:
                for rect2 in self.shape:
                    if rect1.colliderect(rect2):
                        diff = self.difference(rect1.top, rect2.bottom,
                        self.move_shape(0, diff)
                        self.move = False
                        return self.move

        # See if shape is out the bottom boundarie
        diff = self.difference(config.game_boundaries[3],
                               self.shape_corners[3], 'bottom')
        if diff != 0:
            self.move_shape(0, diff)
            self.move = False
            return self.move

        return self.move

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def move_left(self):

        self.move_shape(-self.pressed_x_speed, 0)

        # See if shape is out of left boundarie
        diff = self.difference(config.game_boundaries[0],
                               self.shape_corners[0], 'left')
        if diff != 0:
            self.move_shape(diff, 0)

        # See if next position is filled:
        if self.dropped and self.shape_key != 'DOT':
            for rect1 in self.dropped:
                for rect2 in self.shape:
                    if rect1.colliderect(rect2):
                        diff = self.difference(rect1.right, rect2.left, 'left')
                        self.move_shape(diff, 0)
                        return None

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def move_right(self):

        # See if shape is out of right boundarie
        self.move_shape(self.pressed_x_speed, 0)
        diff = self.difference(config.game_boundaries[2],
                               self.shape_corners[2], 'right')
        if diff != 0:
            self.move_shape(diff, 0)

        # See if next position is filled:
        if self.dropped and self.shape_key != 'DOT':
            for rect1 in self.dropped:
                for rect2 in self.shape:
                    if rect1.colliderect(rect2):
                        diff = self.difference(rect1.left, rect2.right,
                        self.move_shape(diff, 0)
                        return None

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def move_shape(self, x, y):
        self.x += x
        self.y += y
        self.shape = [rect.move(x, y) for rect in self.shape]
        self.shape_corners = self.get_shape_corners()
        self.center = self.get_shape_center()

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def rotate(self):

        # Change position
        self.position += 1
        if self.position >= self.n_positions:
            self.position = 0

        # Update the shape to the new position

        # If rotated shape is out of bounds
        diff_left = self.difference(config.game_boundaries[0],
                                    self.shape_corners[0], 'left')
        if diff_left != 0:
            self.move_shape(diff_left, 0)

        diff_right = self.difference(config.game_boundaries[2],
                                     self.shape_corners[2], 'right')
        if diff_right != 0:
            self.move_shape(diff_right, 0)

        # If rotated shape colaps with any block
        if self.dropped:
            if any(
                    rect1.colliderect(rect2) for rect1 in self.shape
                    for rect2 in self.dropped):
                self.position -= 1
                if self.position < 0:
                    self.position = self.n_positions - 1


                if diff_left != 0:
                    self.move_shape(-diff_left, 0)

                if diff_right != 0:
                    self.move_shape(-diff_right, 0)

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def update_filled_spaces(self):
        # Append current shape to the dropped shapes
        for rect in self.shape:
            row, col = self.get_index(rect.left, rect.top)
            self.dropped_index.append([row, col])

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def erese_blocks(self):

        n_eresed = 0

        # Remove blocks when the row is fiilled
        if self.dropped and self.shape_key != 'DOT':

            # Get the IDs for the filled rows
            indexes_removed = []
            removed_rows = []
            for row in range(config.nrows)[::-1]:
                cols_filled = [
                    i for i, idx in enumerate(self.dropped_index)
                    if idx[0] == row
                if len(cols_filled) == config.ncols:

            if removed_rows:

                # Get the blocks that most be removed
                self.eresed = [self.dropped[i] for i in indexes_removed]
                self.eresed_colors = [
                    self.dropped_colors[i] for i in indexes_removed

                # Remove the blocks
                indexes = [
                    i for i in range(len(self.dropped_index))
                    if i not in indexes_removed
                self.dropped = [self.dropped[i] for i in indexes]
                self.dropped_index = [self.dropped_index[i] for i in indexes]
                self.dropped_colors = [self.dropped_colors[i] for i in indexes]

                # See which blocks must be move down
                to_update = []
                for i, row in enumerate(removed_rows):
                    for j, rect in enumerate(self.dropped):
                        if self.dropped_index[j][0] < row:

                # Move down the blocks
                for index in to_update:
                    self.dropped[index] = self.dropped[index].move(
                        0, config.block_size)
                    self.dropped_index[index][0] += 1

                n_eresed = len(self.eresed)

        if self.shape_key == 'DOT' and not self.move:

            # Remove the blocks by column
            row, col = self.dropped_index[-1]
            rows_filled = [
                i for i, idx in enumerate(self.dropped_index) if idx[1] == col
            indexes = [
                i for i, idx in enumerate(self.dropped_index) if idx[1] != col

            self.eresed = [self.dropped[idx] for idx in rows_filled]
            self.eresed_colors = [
                self.dropped_colors[idx] for idx in rows_filled

            self.dropped = [self.dropped[idx] for idx in indexes]
            self.dropped_index = [self.dropped_index[idx] for idx in indexes]
            self.dropped_colors = [self.dropped_colors[idx] for idx in indexes]

            n_eresed = len(self.eresed)

        return n_eresed

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def draw_eresed(self, screen):
        for i, rect, in enumerate(self.eresed):
            color = self.eresed_colors[i].change_color()
            color = self.eresed_colors[i].modify_color(color, l=-20)
            pg.draw.rect(screen, color, rect)
            pg.draw.rect(screen, colors['white'], rect, 1)

        self.eresed = []
        self.eresed_colors = []


    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def draw_shape(self, screen):
        color = self.shape_color.change_color()
        for rect in self.shape:
            if rect.bottom > config.game_boundaries[1]:
                pg.draw.rect(screen, color, rect)
                pg.draw.rect(screen, colors['white'], rect, 1)

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def draw_filled(self, screen):
        if self.dropped:
            for i, rect in enumerate(self.dropped):
                color = self.dropped_colors[i].change_color()
                pg.draw.rect(screen, color, rect)
                pg.draw.rect(screen, colors['white'], rect, 1)

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def draw_next_shape(self, x, y, screen):

        dx = x - self.center[0]
        dy = y - self.center[1]
        self.move_shape(dx, dy)

        color = self.shape_color.change_color()
        for rect in self.shape:
            pg.draw.rect(screen, color, rect)
            pg.draw.rect(screen, colors['white'], rect, 1)

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

# / -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \
# / --------------------------------------------------- \
# / -------------------------------- \
# / ------------- \
# / END
Ejemplo n.º 4
import os
import string
import pygame as pg

from shapes import Shapes
from config import config
from score import Score
from color import colors, ColorEffect

score = Score()
shape = Shapes()
next_shape = Shapes()
color_effect = ColorEffect(length=15)

class Relationship():
    def Button(self):

class Button:
    def __init__(self, key, function, draw_on):

        self.key = key

        # Положення та розміри кнопки
        self.x = config.buttons_size[self.key]['x']
        self.y = config.buttons_size[self.key]['y']
        self.w = config.buttons_size[self.key]['w']
        self.h = config.buttons_size[self.key]['h']
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Shapes:

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def __init__(self):

        # блоки, які випали
        self.dropped = []
        self.dropped_index = []
        self.dropped_colors = []

        # Стерті блоки
        self.eresed = []
        self.eresed_colors = []

        self.dict_shapes = dict_shapes
        self.weights = weights

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def restart(self):

        self.dropped = []
        self.dropped_index = []
        self.dropped_colors = []

        self.eresed = []
        self.eresed_colors = []

        self.dict_shapes = dict_shapes
        self.weights = weights

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def next_shape(self, shape=None):

        self.pressed_x_speed = config.block_size
        self.pressed_y_speed = 0

        if shape is None:
            self.shape_key = random.choice(list(self.dict_shapes.keys()))
            self.n_positions = len(self.dict_shapes[self.shape_key])
            self.position = random.randint(0, self.n_positions - 1)

            # Копіювання ключа форми та положення з екземпляра вхідної форми
            self.shape_key = copy(shape.shape_key)
            self.n_positions = copy(shape.n_positions)
            self.position = copy(shape.position)

        # Початкове (x, y) положення
        self.x = config.game_boundaries[0] + (config.ncols // 2 -
                                              1) * config.block_size
        self.y = -(len(self.dict_shapes[self.shape_key][self.position]) *

        # Колір
        self.shape_color = ColorEffect(shape_colors[self.shape_key],

        self.move = True

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def get_shape(self):

        # self.shape - це список pg.Rect
        self.shape = []

        for i, row in enumerate(
            for j, column in enumerate(row):
                if column == '0':
                    x = self.x + config.block_size * j
                    y = self.y + config.block_size * i
                    rect = pg.Rect(x, y, config.block_size, config.block_size)

        self.shape_corners = self.get_shape_corners()
        self.center = self.get_shape_center()

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def get_shape_corners(self):
        xs = [rect[0] for rect in self.shape]
        ys = [rect[1] for rect in self.shape]
        xmin = min(xs)
        ymin = min(ys)
        xmax = max(xs) + config.block_size
        ymax = max(ys) + config.block_size
        self.shape_corners = [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
        return self.shape_corners

        # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def get_shape_center(self):
        cx = self.shape_corners[0] + (self.shape_corners[2] -
                                      self.shape_corners[0]) / 2
        cy = self.shape_corners[1] + (self.shape_corners[3] -
                                      self.shape_corners[1]) / 2
        self.center = [cx, cy]
        return self.center

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def get_index(self, x, y):
        # Отримання індекса рядків і стовпців, коли форма не може рухатися вниз "
        row = int((y - config.game_boundaries[1]) / config.block_size)
        col = int((x - config.game_boundaries[0]) / config.block_size)
        return row, col

        # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def difference(self, bound, current_shape_bound, direction='bottom'):

        diff = 0
        if direction == 'left':
            if current_shape_bound < bound:
                diff = bound - current_shape_bound

        elif direction == 'right':
            if current_shape_bound > bound:
                diff = bound - current_shape_bound

        elif direction == 'bottom':
            if current_shape_bound > bound:
                diff = bound - current_shape_bound

        return diff

        # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def move_down(self, pressed_y=None):

        self.move = True

        if pressed_y is not None:
            if pressed_y:
                self.pressed_y_speed = 10
                self.pressed_y_speed = 0

        y_move = config.speed + self.pressed_y_speed
        self.move_shape(0, y_move)

        # Перевірка на заповненість
        if self.dropped:
            for rect1 in self.dropped:
                for rect2 in self.shape:
                    if rect1.colliderect(rect2):
                            diff = self.difference(rect1.top, rect2.bottom,
                            self.move_shape(0, diff)
                            self.move = False
                            return self.move
                        except Exception as value:
                            print("Щось пішло не так :(")

        # Перевірка, чи форма є поза нижньою межею
        diff = self.difference(config.game_boundaries[3],
                               self.shape_corners[3], 'bottom')
        if diff != 0:
                self.move_shape(0, diff)
                self.move = False
                return self.move
            except Exception as value:
                print("Щось пішло не так :(")

        return self.move

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def move_left(self):

        self.move_shape(-self.pressed_x_speed, 0)

        # Перевірка, чи форма є поза лівою межею
        diff = self.difference(config.game_boundaries[0],
                               self.shape_corners[0], 'left')
        if diff != 0:
                self.move_shape(diff, 0)
            except Exception as value:
                print("Щось пішло не так :(")

        # Перевірка на заповненість
        if self.dropped:
            for rect1 in self.dropped:
                for rect2 in self.shape:
                    if rect1.colliderect(rect2):
                            diff = self.difference(rect1.right, rect2.left,
                            self.move_shape(diff, 0)
                            return None
                        except Exception as value:
                            print("Щось пішло не так :(")

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def move_right(self):

        # Перевірка, чи форма є поза правою межею
        self.move_shape(self.pressed_x_speed, 0)
        diff = self.difference(config.game_boundaries[2],
                               self.shape_corners[2], 'right')
        if diff != 0:
                self.move_shape(diff, 0)
            except Exception as value:
                print("Щось пішло не так :(")

        # Перевірка на заповненість
        if self.dropped:
            for rect1 in self.dropped:
                for rect2 in self.shape:
                    if rect1.colliderect(rect2):
                            diff = self.difference(rect1.left, rect2.right,
                            self.move_shape(diff, 0)
                            return None
                        except Exception as value:
                            print("Щось пішло не так :(")

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def move_shape(self, x, y):
        self.x += x
        self.y += y
        self.shape = [rect.move(x, y) for rect in self.shape]
        self.shape_corners = self.get_shape_corners()
        self.center = self.get_shape_center()

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def rotate(self):

        # Змінення позиції
        self.position += 1
        if self.position >= self.n_positions:
            self.position = 0

        # Оновлення фігури до нової позиції

        # Перевірка, чи обернена форма є поза межею
        diff_left = self.difference(config.game_boundaries[0],
                                    self.shape_corners[0], 'left')
        if diff_left != 0:
            self.move_shape(diff_left, 0)

        diff_right = self.difference(config.game_boundaries[2],
                                     self.shape_corners[2], 'right')
        if diff_right != 0:
            self.move_shape(diff_right, 0)

        # Перевірка чи обернена фігура ні з чим не перетинається
        if self.dropped:
            if any(
                    rect1.colliderect(rect2) for rect1 in self.shape
                    for rect2 in self.dropped):
                self.position -= 1
                if self.position < 0:
                    self.position = self.n_positions - 1


                if diff_left != 0:
                    self.move_shape(-diff_left, 0)

                if diff_right != 0:
                    self.move_shape(-diff_right, 0)

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def update_filled_spaces(self):
        # Додавання поточної форми до викинутих фігур
        for rect in self.shape:
            row, col = self.get_index(rect.left, rect.top)
            self.dropped_index.append([row, col])

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def erese_blocks(self):

        n_eresed = 0

        # Видалення блоків, коли рядок заповнений
        if self.dropped:

            # Отримання ід заповнених рядків
            indexes_removed = []
            removed_rows = []
            for row in range(config.nrows)[::-1]:
                cols_filled = [
                    i for i, idx in enumerate(self.dropped_index)
                    if idx[0] == row
                if len(cols_filled) == config.ncols:

            if removed_rows:

                # Отримання блоків, які найбільше видаляються
                self.eresed = [self.dropped[i] for i in indexes_removed]
                self.eresed_colors = [
                    self.dropped_colors[i] for i in indexes_removed

                # Видалення блоків
                indexes = [
                    i for i in range(len(self.dropped_index))
                    if i not in indexes_removed
                self.dropped = [self.dropped[i] for i in indexes]
                self.dropped_index = [self.dropped_index[i] for i in indexes]
                self.dropped_colors = [self.dropped_colors[i] for i in indexes]

                # Перегляд, які блоки потрібно рухати вниз
                to_update = []
                for i, row in enumerate(removed_rows):
                    for j, rect in enumerate(self.dropped):
                        if self.dropped_index[j][0] < row:

                # Рух блоків вниз
                for index in to_update:
                    self.dropped[index] = self.dropped[index].move(
                        0, config.block_size)
                    self.dropped_index[index][0] += 1

                n_eresed = len(self.eresed)

        return n_eresed

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def draw_eresed(self, screen):
        for i, rect, in enumerate(self.eresed):
            color = self.eresed_colors[i].change_color()
            color = self.eresed_colors[i].modify_color(color, l=-20)
            pg.draw.rect(screen, color, rect)
            pg.draw.rect(screen, colors['white'], rect, 1)

        self.eresed = []
        self.eresed_colors = []


    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def draw_shape(self, screen):
        color = self.shape_color.change_color()
        for rect in self.shape:
            if rect.bottom > config.game_boundaries[1]:
                pg.draw.rect(screen, color, rect)
                pg.draw.rect(screen, colors['white'], rect, 1)

    # / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \

    def draw_filled(self, screen):
        if self.dropped:
            for i, rect in enumerate(self.dropped):
                color = self.dropped_colors[i].change_color()
                pg.draw.rect(screen, color, rect)
                pg.draw.rect(screen, colors['white'], rect, 1)

    def draw_next_shape(self, x, y, screen):

        dx = x - self.center[0]
        dy = y - self.center[1]
        self.move_shape(dx, dy)

        color = self.shape_color.change_color()
        for rect in self.shape:
            pg.draw.rect(screen, color, rect)
            pg.draw.rect(screen, colors['white'], rect, 1)