Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_cmc_accuracy(self):
        # Test 2:1
        result = delta_e_cmc(self.color1, self.color2, pl=2, pc=1)
        expected = 1.443
            result, expected, 3,
            "DeltaE CMC (2:1) formula error. Got %.3f, expected %.3f (diff: %.3f)."
            % (result, expected, result - expected))

        # Test against 1:1 as well
        result = delta_e_cmc(self.color1, self.color2, pl=1, pc=1)
        expected = 1.482
            result, expected, 3,
            "DeltaE CMC (1:1) formula error. Got %.3f, expected %.3f (diff: %.3f)."
            % (result, expected, result - expected))

        # Testing atan H behavior.
        atan_color1 = LabColor(lab_l=69.417, lab_a=-12.612, lab_b=-11.271)
        atan_color2 = LabColor(lab_l=83.386, lab_a=39.426, lab_b=-17.525)
        result = delta_e_cmc(atan_color1, atan_color2)
        expected = 44.346
            result, expected, 3,
            "DeltaE CMC Atan test formula error. Got %.3f, expected %.3f (diff: %.3f)."
            % (result, expected, result - expected))
    def test_cmc_negative_square_root(self):
        Tests against a case where a negative square root in the delta_H
        calculation could happen.

        standard = LabColor(lab_l=0.9, lab_a=1, lab_b=1)
        sample = LabColor(lab_l=0.7, lab_a=0, lab_b=0)
        delta_e_cmc(standard, sample)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_cmc_negative_square_root(self):
        Tests against a case where a negative square root in the delta_H
        calculation could happen.

        standard = LabColor(lab_l=0.9, lab_a=1, lab_b=1)
        sample = LabColor(lab_l=0.7, lab_a=0, lab_b=0)
        delta_e_cmc(standard, sample)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, palette: str="palette.bin", distinguishing: float=5.0):
        """ Constructor.

        :param palette:
        :param distinguishing:
        self.distinguish = distinguishing
        self.colorList = []
        self.labColorList = []
        self.lBound, self.uBound = 0.0, 0.0

        persistence = shelve.open(palette)
        _colorList = persistence['data']

        for colorTuple in _colorList:
            color = sRGBColor(colorTuple[0], colorTuple[1], colorTuple[2])
            self.labColorList.append(convert_color(color, LabColor))


        self.colorsCount = len(self.colorList)

        for i in range(self.colorsCount):
            for j in range(i, self.colorsCount):
                distance = delta_e_cmc(self.labColorList[i], self.labColorList[j])
                self.lBound = min(self.lBound, distance)
                self.uBound = max(self.uBound, distance)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def delta_e(self, other_color, mode='cie2000', *args, **kwargs):
        Compares this color to another via Delta E.

        Valid modes:
        if not isinstance(other_color, ColorBase):
            raise InvalidArgument('delta_e_cie2000', 'other_color', other_color)

        # Convert the colors to Lab if they are not already.
        lab1 = self.convert_to('lab', *args, **kwargs)
        lab2 = other_color.convert_to('lab', *args, **kwargs)

        mode = mode.lower()
        if mode == 'cie2000':
            return color_diff.delta_e_cie2000(lab1, lab2)
        elif mode == 'cie1994':
            return color_diff.delta_e_cie1994(lab1, lab2, **kwargs)
        elif mode == 'cie1976':
            return color_diff.delta_e_cie1976(lab1, lab2)
        elif mode == 'cmc':
            return color_diff.delta_e_cmc(lab1, lab2, **kwargs)
            raise InvalidDeltaEMode(mode)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def colorPicker(colors, n=100):
    picks a color that is most different from the colors given in 'colors'
    does so by generating random colors and using a distance function to choose the one that has the largest 
    minimum distances, i.e. that is most distiguishable from the colors in 'colors' 
    :param colors: an array of Lab color objects from the colormath module
    :param n: the number of random colors to generate and choose from 
    :return: the color that was most different (had the maximum minium-distance to any other color in 'colors'

    dcolors = defaultColors()
    if len(colors) < len(dcolors):
        pickAColor = Nrandomcolors(n)

    mindistances = []

    #check the distances of the random generated colors to the provided colors.
    # we are interested in the next color which is farthest away from its closest color that you already have
    # so we look at the distances from each new color to all provided colors and we keep the miniumn
    # then we keep the color that provides the maximum minium distance...

    #print randcolors
    for newcolor in pickAColor:

        distances = []
        for havecolor in colors:


    return (np.array(pickAColor)[mindistances == np.max(mindistances)][0])
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def delta_e(self, other_color, mode='cie2000', *args, **kwargs):
     Compares this color to another via Delta E.
     Valid modes:
     if not isinstance(other_color, ColorBase):
         raise InvalidArgument('delta_e_cie2000', 'other_color', other_color)
     # Convert the colors to Lab if they are not already.
     lab1 = self.convert_to('lab', *args, **kwargs)
     lab2 = other_color.convert_to('lab', *args, **kwargs)
     mode = mode.lower()
     if mode == 'cie2000':
         return delta_e_cie2000(lab1, lab2)
     elif mode == 'cie1994':
         return delta_e_cie1994(lab1, lab2, **kwargs)
     elif mode == 'cie1976':
         return delta_e_cie1976(lab1, lab2)
     elif mode == 'cmc':
         return delta_e_cmc(lab1, lab2, **kwargs)
         raise InvalidDeltaEMode(mode)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def distance(c1, c2):
    Calculate the visual distance between the two colors.
    return delta_e_cmc(
        convert_color(sRGBColor(*c1, is_upscaled=True), LabColor),
        convert_color(sRGBColor(*c2, is_upscaled=True), LabColor))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def distance(c1, c2):
    Calculate the visual distance between the two colors.
    return delta_e_cmc(
        convert_color(sRGBColor(*c1, is_upscaled=True), LabColor),
        convert_color(sRGBColor(*c2, is_upscaled=True), LabColor)
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def __init__(self, data = None, color1 = None, color2 = None):
		self.color1, self.color2 = color1, color2
		if data is None or color1 == color2:
			self.__data = [0 for _ in xrange(0, 64)]

		assert len(data) == 64
		self.__data = []
		lab1 = convert_color(sRGBColor(*color1[1], is_upscaled = True), LabColor)
		lab2 = convert_color(sRGBColor(*color2[1], is_upscaled = True), LabColor)
		for rgb in data:
			rgb = sRGBColor(*rgb, is_upscaled = True)
			lab = convert_color(rgb, LabColor)
			d1 = delta_e_cmc(lab, lab1, 1, 1)
			d2 = delta_e_cmc(lab, lab2, 1, 1)
			self.__data.append(d1 / (d1 + d2))
		assert len(self.__data) == 64
def DeltaCalculator(CIE, LabCH, delta):
    lab_reference = LabColor(lab_l=CIE[0], lab_a=CIE[1], lab_b=CIE[2])
    lab = LabColor(lab_l=LabCH[0], lab_a=LabCH[1], lab_b=LabCH[2])
    if delta == 'delta_e_cie1976':
        return delta_e_cie1976(lab, lab_reference)
    elif delta == 'delta_e_cie1994':
        return delta_e_cie1994(lab, lab_reference)
    elif delta == 'delta_e_cie2000':
        return delta_e_cie2000(lab, lab_reference)
        return delta_e_cmc(lab, lab_reference)
 def test_cmc_accuracy(self):
     # Test 2:1
     result = delta_e_cmc(self.color1, self.color2, pl=2, pc=1)
     expected = 1.443
     self.assertAlmostEqual(result, expected, 3, 
         "DeltaE CMC (2:1) formula error. Got %.3f, expected %.3f (diff: %.3f)." % (
             result, expected, result - expected))
     # Test against 1:1 as well
     result = delta_e_cmc(self.color1, self.color2, pl=1, pc=1)
     expected = 1.482
     self.assertAlmostEqual(result, expected, 3, 
         "DeltaE CMC (1:1) formula error. Got %.3f, expected %.3f (diff: %.3f)." % (
             result, expected, result - expected))
     # Testing atan H behavior.
     atan_color1 = LabColor(lab_l=69.417, lab_a=-12.612, lab_b=-11.271)
     atan_color2 = LabColor(lab_l=83.386, lab_a=39.426, lab_b=-17.525)
     result = delta_e_cmc(atan_color1, atan_color2)
     expected = 44.346
     self.assertAlmostEqual(result, expected, 3, 
         "DeltaE CMC Atan test formula error. Got %.3f, expected %.3f (diff: %.3f)." % (
             result, expected, result - expected))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def compare_similar_hist(rgb_1, rgb_2):
    # print("rgb1",rgb_1)
    # print("rgb2",rgb_2)

    color1 = LabColor(lab_l, lab_a, lab_b)

    # color1 = LabColor(lab_l=0.9, lab_a=16.3, lab_b=-2.22)
    color2 = LabColor(lab_l, lab_a, lab_b)
    # delta_e = delta_e_cie2000(color1, color2)
    delta_e = delta_e_cmc(color1, color2)
    return delta_e
Ejemplo n.º 14
	def getColor(self, rgb):
			rgb = sRGBColor(*rgb, is_upscaled = True)
			src = convert_color(rgb, LabColor)
			match_color = None
			match_delta = None
			match_index = None
			index = 0
			for dst_rgb, dst in self.__colors:
				d = delta_e_cmc(src, dst, 1, 1)
				if (match_color is None) or (d < match_delta):
					match_index = index
					match_color = dst_rgb
					match_delta = d
				index += 1
			return match_index, match_color.get_upscaled_value_tuple()
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_color_distance(c1, c2, on_server):
    if (c1, c2) in dcache:
        return dcache[(c1, c2)]

    if (c2, c1) in dcache:
        return dcache[(c2, c1)]

    # Delta E CMC seems to be the most reliable method,
    # slightly more cpu expensive but not dramatically.
    # Other methods coupled with low permutation limit
    # on EV3 tend to mix Yellow/White and Orange/Red so
    # ignore on_server flag here and use Delta E CMC.
    distance = delta_e_cmc(c1, c2)

    dcache[(c1, c2)] = distance
    return distance
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def scatter(self, number: int, persistence: bool=False, saveAsFile: str="colorSample.bin") -> list:
        """ Sample certain number of distinguished colors.

        :param number:
        :param saveAsFile:
        gap = (self.uBound - self.lBound) / (2 * number) * self.distinguish
        sampleIndices = set()
        result = []

        avoidLock = 0

        while len(sampleIndices) < number:
            candidate = random.randint(0, self.colorsCount - 1)

            isDistinguished = True

            for i in sampleIndices:
                if delta_e_cmc(self.labColorList[i], self.labColorList[candidate]) < gap:
                    isDistinguished = False

            if isDistinguished:

            avoidLock += 1
            if avoidLock > self.colorsCount * 8:

        for index in sampleIndices:
            _rgb = self.colorList[index].get_value_tuple()
            rgb = (int(_rgb[0]), int(_rgb[1]), int(_rgb[2]))

        if persistence:
            sample = Palette(result)
            sample.draw("sample-%d.png" % number)

            persistence = shelve.open(saveAsFile)
            persistence['data'] = result

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 17
	def _infer_sample(self, well):
		# return None if the well is empty
		if well.color == '00000000' and well.color not in [s.color for s in self.samples]:
			return None
		# if the whole plate contains a single sample, assign that sample
		samples = [s for s in self.samples if s.name]
		if len(samples) == 1:
			return samples[0].name
		# find the sample color that's closest to the well color
		sample_labs = [convert_color(
				*self.hex_to_rgb(s.color)), LabColor) for s in samples]
		well_lab = convert_color(
				*self.hex_to_rgb(well.color)), LabColor)
		diffs = []
		for slab in sample_labs:
			diffs.append(delta_e_cmc(well_lab, slab))
		best_match = samples[diffs.index(min(diffs))]
		return best_match.name
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def detect_door_state(self, image, open_door_contour):
        minX, minY, maxX, maxY = open_door_contour
        img = image[minY:maxY, minX:maxX]
        img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        average = img.mean(axis=0).mean(axis=0)
        average = (int(average[0]), int(average[1]), int(average[2]))
        avg_color = convert_color(sRGBColor(*average), LabColor)

        TARGET_COLORS = {
            convert_color(sRGBColor(*(51, 32, 25)), LabColor),
            convert_color(sRGBColor(*(151, 117, 72)), LabColor)

        differences = [[
            delta_e_cmc(avg_color, target_value, pl=1, pc=1), target_name
        ] for target_name, target_value in TARGET_COLORS.items()]
        differences.sort()  # sorted by the first element of inner lists

        door_state = differences[0][1]
        return door_state
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def _infer_sample(self, well):
     # return None if the well is empty
     if well.color == '00000000' and well.color not in [
             s.color for s in self.samples
         return None
     # if the whole plate contains a single sample, assign that sample
     samples = [s for s in self.samples if s.name]
     if len(samples) == 1:
         return samples[0].name
     # find the sample color that's closest to the well color
     sample_labs = [
         convert_color(sRGBColor(*self.hex_to_rgb(s.color)), LabColor)
         for s in samples
     well_lab = convert_color(sRGBColor(*self.hex_to_rgb(well.color)),
     diffs = []
     for slab in sample_labs:
         diffs.append(delta_e_cmc(well_lab, slab))
     best_match = samples[diffs.index(min(diffs))]
     return best_match.name
Ejemplo n.º 20
def distance(spectrum_pnt, pnt, mode):
    color1 = LabColor(lab_l=spectrum_pnt[0],
    color2 = LabColor(lab_l=pnt[0], lab_a=pnt[1], lab_b=pnt[2])
    if mode == 'cie1976':
        return color_diff.delta_e_cie1976(color1, color2)
    elif mode == 'cie1994':
        return color_diff.delta_e_cie1994(color1,
    elif mode == 'cie2000':
        return color_diff.delta_e_cie2000(color1, color2, Kl=1, Kc=1, Kh=1)
    elif mode == 'cmc':
        return color_diff.delta_e_cmc(color1, color2, pl=2, pc=1)
        return np.sqrt((spectrum_pnt[0] - pnt[0])**2 +
                       (spectrum_pnt[1] - pnt[1])**2 +
                       (spectrum_pnt[2] - pnt[2])**2)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def _get_closest_color_swatch(self, library: QuerySet,
                                  color_to_match: LabColor):
        distance_dict = dict()

        for item in library:
            possible_color = convert_color(
                sRGBColor.new_from_rgb_hex(item.hex_color), LabColor)

            distance = delta_e_cmc(color_to_match, possible_color)

            distance_dict.update({item: distance})

        distance_dict = {
            i: distance_dict[i]
            for i in distance_dict if distance_dict[i] is not None

        sorted_distance_list = sorted(distance_dict.items(),
                                      key=lambda kv: kv[1])

            return sorted_distance_list[0][0]
        except IndexError:
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 22
hist = utils.centroid_histogram(clt)
bar = utils.plot_colors(hist, clt.cluster_centers_)

# set up values for known colors
colors = []
colors.append((convert_color(sRGBColor(94, 153, 25),  LabColor), "Green"))
colors.append((convert_color(sRGBColor(138, 50, 48),  LabColor), "Red"))
colors.append((convert_color(sRGBColor(233, 120, 54), LabColor), "Orange"))
colors.append((convert_color(sRGBColor(140, 65, 96),  LabColor), "Purple"))
colors.append((convert_color(sRGBColor(248, 215, 50), LabColor), "Yellow"))

# find dominant color
idx, _ = max(enumerate(hist), key=itemgetter(1))
color_rgb = sRGBColor(clt.cluster_centers_[idx][0], clt.cluster_centers_[idx][1], clt.cluster_centers_[idx][2])
color_lab = convert_color(color_rgb, LabColor)

# calculate the color difference from known colors
colordiffs = []
for color in colors:
    colordiffs.append(delta_e_cmc(color_lab, color[0]))

# print the known color we are the closest from
idx, _ = min(enumerate(colordiffs), key=itemgetter(1))
print colors[idx][1]

# show our color bart
Ejemplo n.º 23
# set up values for known colors
colors = []
colors.append((convert_color(sRGBColor(94, 153, 25), LabColor), "Green"))
colors.append((convert_color(sRGBColor(138, 50, 48), LabColor), "Red"))
colors.append((convert_color(sRGBColor(233, 120, 54), LabColor), "Orange"))
colors.append((convert_color(sRGBColor(140, 65, 96), LabColor), "Purple"))
colors.append((convert_color(sRGBColor(248, 215, 50), LabColor), "Yellow"))

# find dominant color
idx, _ = max(enumerate(hist), key=itemgetter(1))
color_rgb = sRGBColor(clt.cluster_centers_[idx][0],
color_lab = convert_color(color_rgb, LabColor)

# calculate the color difference from known colors
colordiffs = []
for color in colors:
    colordiffs.append(delta_e_cmc(color_lab, color[0]))

# print the known color we are the closest from
idx, _ = min(enumerate(colordiffs), key=itemgetter(1))
print colors[idx][1]

# show our color bart
Ejemplo n.º 24
def distance(c1, c2):
    ''' Calculate the visual distance between the two colors. '''
    rgbc1 = sRGBColor(*c1)
    rgbc2 = sRGBColor(*c2)
    return delta_e_cmc(convert_color(rgbc1, LabColor),
                       convert_color(rgbc2, LabColor))
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def DeltaECMC(self):
        reference = self.color1(self.lab_L, self.lab_a, self.lab_b)
        sample = self.color2(self.sam_L, self.sam_a, self.sam_b)

        return delta_e_cmc(reference, sample)
Ejemplo n.º 26
This module shows some examples of Delta E calculations of varying types.

# Does some sys.path manipulation so we can run examples in-place.
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import example_config

from colormath.color_objects import LabColor
from colormath.color_diff import delta_e_cie1976, delta_e_cie1994, \
    delta_e_cie2000, delta_e_cmc

# Reference color.
color1 = LabColor(lab_l=0.9, lab_a=16.3, lab_b=-2.22)
# Color to be compared to the reference.
color2 = LabColor(lab_l=0.7, lab_a=14.2, lab_b=-1.80)

print("== Delta E Colors ==")
print(" COLOR1: %s" % color1)
print(" COLOR2: %s" % color2)
print("== Results ==")
print(" CIE1976: %.3f" % delta_e_cie1976(color1, color2))
print(" CIE1994: %.3f (Graphic Arts)" % delta_e_cie1994(color1, color2))
# Different values for textiles.
print(" CIE1994: %.3f (Textiles)" % delta_e_cie1994(color1,
    color2, K_1=0.048, K_2=0.014, K_L=2))
print(" CIE2000: %.3f" % delta_e_cie2000(color1, color2))
# Typically used for acceptability.
print("     CMC: %.3f (2:1)" % delta_e_cmc(color1, color2, pl=2, pc=1))
# Typically used to more closely model human perception.
print("     CMC: %.3f (1:1)" % delta_e_cmc(color1, color2, pl=1, pc=1))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def distance(c1, c2):
    ''' Calculate the visual distance between the two colors. '''
    lc1 = convert_color(sRGBColor(*c1), LabColor)
    lc2 = convert_color(sRGBColor(*c2), LabColor)
    return delta_e_cmc(lc1, lc2)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def distance(c1, c2):
    Calculate the visual distance between the two colors.
    return delta_e_cmc(convert_sRGB(c1), convert_sRGB(c2))
Ejemplo n.º 29
def distance(c1, c2):
	c1lab = convert_color(sRGBColor(c1[0], c1[1], c1[2], True), LabColor)
	c2lab = convert_color(sRGBColor(c2[0], c2[1], c2[2], True), LabColor)
	return delta_e_cmc(c1lab, c2lab)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def color_distance(c1, c2):
    lab1 = convert_color(sRGBColor(*c1), LabColor)
    lab2 = convert_color(sRGBColor(*c2), LabColor)
    d = delta_e_cmc(lab1, lab2) / 10  # XXX
    return d
Ejemplo n.º 31
This module shows some examples of Delta E calculations of varying types.

# Does some sys.path manipulation so we can run examples in-place.
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import example_config

from colormath.color_objects import LabColor
from colormath.color_diff import delta_e_cie1976, delta_e_cie1994, \
    delta_e_cie2000, delta_e_cmc

# Reference color.
color1 = LabColor(lab_l=0.9, lab_a=16.3, lab_b=-2.22)
# Color to be compared to the reference.
color2 = LabColor(lab_l=0.7, lab_a=14.2, lab_b=-1.80)

print("== Delta E Colors ==")
print(" COLOR1: %s" % color1)
print(" COLOR2: %s" % color2)
print("== Results ==")
print(" CIE1976: %.3f" % delta_e_cie1976(color1, color2))
print(" CIE1994: %.3f (Graphic Arts)" % delta_e_cie1994(color1, color2))
# Different values for textiles.
print(" CIE1994: %.3f (Textiles)" %
      delta_e_cie1994(color1, color2, K_1=0.048, K_2=0.014, K_L=2))
print(" CIE2000: %.3f" % delta_e_cie2000(color1, color2))
# Typically used for acceptability.
print("     CMC: %.3f (2:1)" % delta_e_cmc(color1, color2, pl=2, pc=1))
# Typically used to more closely model human perception.
print("     CMC: %.3f (1:1)" % delta_e_cmc(color1, color2, pl=1, pc=1))
Ejemplo n.º 32
def distance(c1, c2):
    Calculate the visual distance between the two colors.
    return delta_e_cmc(convert_sRGB(c1), convert_sRGB(c2))
Ejemplo n.º 33
            #im2px[x,y] = (r,g,b)

    m = re.match(r'(..)(..)(..)', sys.argv[1])
    assert m
    (r, g, b) = map(lambda x: int(x, 16), m.group(1, 2, 3))
    c0str = '%02X%02X%02X to ' % (r, g, b)
    c0 = rgb2lab(r, g, b)

    fp = open('/tmp/tmp.html', 'w')
    for (idx, c1) in enumerate(p8_lab):
        c1str = '%02X%02X%02X' % p8_rgb[idx]
        delta0 = delta_e_cie1976(c0, c1)
        delta1 = delta_e_cie1994(c0, c1)
        delta2 = delta_e_cie2000(c0, c1)
        delta3 = delta_e_cmc(c0, c1)
        fp.write(' <tr>\n')
        fp.write('  <td bgcolor=#%s>%s</td>\n' % (c0str, c0str))
        fp.write('  <td bgcolor=#%s>%s</td>\n' % (c1str, c1str))
        fp.write('  <td>%f</td><td>%f</td><td>%f</td><td>%f</td>\n' %
                 (delta0, delta1, delta2, delta3))
        fp.write(' </tr>\n')
Ejemplo n.º 34
def distance(c1, c2):
    ''' Calculate the visual distance between the two colors. '''
    rgbc1 = sRGBColor(*c1)
    rgbc2 = sRGBColor(*c2)
    return delta_e_cmc(convert_color(rgbc1, LabColor), convert_color(rgbc2, LabColor))
Ejemplo n.º 35
def color_distance(c1, c2):
    color1 = sRGBColor(*c1, is_upscaled=True)
    lab_color1 = convert_color(color1, LabColor)
    color2 = sRGBColor(*c2, is_upscaled=True)
    lab_color2 = convert_color(color2, LabColor)
    return delta_e_cmc(lab_color1, lab_color2)