Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_step_reporter(power_env, pw_cycle_test, color_scheme,
    from colors import strip_color

    env = os.environ.copy()
    if color_scheme:
        env["LG_COLOR_SCHEME"] = color_scheme

    # step reporter is called when -vv is given
    # -s is necessary for manual power driver confirmation
    with pexpect.spawn('pytest -vvs {param} --lg-env {env} {test}'.format(
            param=pytest_extra_param, env=power_env, test=pw_cycle_test),
                       env=env) as spawn:

        # rough match
        step_line = strip_color(spawn.after.decode("utf-8")).rstrip()
        # exact match
        assert step_line.endswith("cycle state='start'")

        spawn.expect("main: CYCLE the target None and press enter")

        # rough match
        step_line = strip_color(spawn.after.decode("utf-8")).rstrip()
        # exact match
        assert step_line.endswith("cycle state='stop'")

        assert spawn.exitstatus == 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def box_print(lines, icon, width=None):
    if width is None:
        width = 0

        for line in lines:
            width = max(width, len(strip_color(line)))

    print(f'Рћї{"Рћђ" * (width - 3)} {icon} РћђРћљ')

    for line in lines:
        padding = width - len(strip_color(line))
        print(f'Рћѓ {line}{" " * padding} Рћѓ')

    print(f'Рћћ{"Рћђ" * (width + 2)}Рћў')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def box_print(lines, icon, width=None):
    if width is None:
        width = 0

        for line in lines:
            width = max(width, len(strip_color(line)))

    print(f'┌{"─" * (width - 3)} {icon} ─┐')

    for line in lines:
        padding = width - len(strip_color(line))
        print(f'│ {line}{" " * padding} │')

    print(f'└{"─" * (width + 2)}┘')
def do_commands(lines):
    for line in lines:
def do_commands(lines):
    for line in lines:
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _run(self, store, work_data, interrupt_data, args):
        work = work_data + interrupt_data
        log = defaultdict(lambda: {'delta': timedelta()})
        current = store.get_recent_item()
        sum = 0
        time_required = 0

        if args["period"] is not None:
            days_prior = timedelta(days=args["period"])
            days_prior = None

        counted_days = []
        for item in work:
            if days_prior is None or (item.get_end().date() >=
                                      (datetime.today() - days_prior).date()):
                log[item.get_name()]["delta"] += item.get_delta()
                sum += item.get_delta().total_seconds()
                if item.get_start().date() not in counted_days\
                        and self.work_per_day is not None\
                        and str(item.get_end().date().weekday()) in self.workdays:
                    time_required += self.work_per_day
                    # This doesn't work if a log crosses dates. (e.g. starts on the first january and ends on the second
        name_col_len = 0

        for name, item in log.items():
            name_col_len = max(name_col_len, len(colors.strip_color(name)))
            secs = item['delta'].total_seconds()
            tmsg = []

            if secs > 3600:
                hours = int(secs // 3600)
                secs -= hours * 3600
                tmsg.append(str(hours) + ' hour' + ('s' if hours > 1 else ''))

            if secs > 60:
                mins = int(secs // 60)
                secs -= mins * 60
                tmsg.append(str(mins) + ' minute' + ('s' if mins > 1 else ''))

            log[name]['tmsg'] = ', '.join(tmsg)[::-1].replace(',', '& ',

        for name, item in sorted(log.items(),
                                 key=(lambda x: x[1]),
            end = ' ← working' if current.get_name(
            ) == name and current.is_running() else ''
            print(colors.ljust_with_color(name, name_col_len), ' ∙∙ ',
                  item['tmsg'], end)

        left_work = time_required - sum

        print("You worked in total: ", format_duration(sum))
        if self.work_per_day is not None:
            print(("You still need to work: "
                   if left_work > 0 else "You worked more than necessary: ") +
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def get_lines(parts, indent, prefix=None):
     lines = []
     line = []
     if prefix is not None:
         line_len = len(prefix) - 1
         line_len = len(indent) - 1
     for part in parts:
         if line_len + 1 + len(strip_color(part)) > text_width and line:
             lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line))
             line = []
             line_len = len(indent) - 1
         line_len += len(strip_color(part)) + 1
     if line:
         lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line))
     if prefix is not None:
         lines[0] = lines[0][len(indent):]
     return lines
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def writeText(self, text):

        if len(text) == 1 and ord(text) == 7:

        #TO-DO deal with text colour
        text = strip_color(text)

        # if special key pressed, dealing with it, otherwise write to output
        if not self.dealingWithSpecialKey(text):

        self.lastPosition = self.outputCtrl.GetLastPosition()
        self.lastFreezePosition = self.lastPosition
        # scroll to the end of output
        #self.outputCtrl.SetScrollPos( wx.VERTICAL,self.outputCtrl.GetScrollRange(wx.VERTICAL))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _finalize_subm(submission, result):
    final_stat = result.final_stat

    # guard against infinite loop
    if final_stat.verdict == 0:
        final_stat.verdict = common_pb2.SERR

    submission.submission_len = result.code_length
    submission.submission_score = final_stat.score
    submission.submission_status = final_stat.verdict

    if result.log['COMPILE_STDERR']:
        log = result.log['COMPILE_STDERR']
        log = result.log['COMPILE_STDOUT']

    if log.truncated:
        log += '[[[TRUNCATED]]]'

    submission.submission_error = strip_color(log.content)
    return submission
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def extract(self, compile_output):
        def safe_get_named_group(match, name):
                return match.group(name)
            except IndexError:
                return None

        def get_matched_error(match):
            source = safe_get_named_group(match, 'filename')
            lineno = safe_get_named_group(match, 'lineno')
            classname = safe_get_named_group(match, 'classname')
            if not classname:
                classnameonly = safe_get_named_group(match, 'classnameonly')
                packagename = safe_get_named_group(match, 'packagename')
                if classnameonly and packagename:
                    classname = '.'.join([packagename, classnameonly])
            if classname:
                classname = normalize_classname(classname)
            return ClassNotFoundError(source, lineno, classname)

        errors = []
        start = 0
        compile_output = strip_color(compile_output)
        while start < len(compile_output):
            first_match = None
            for p in self._error_patterns:
                m = p.search(compile_output, start)
                if m:
                    if not first_match or m.start() < first_match.start():
                        first_match = m

            if not first_match:

            start = first_match.end() + 1

        return errors
  def extract(self, compile_output):
    def safe_get_named_group(match, name):
        return match.group(name)
      except IndexError:
        return None

    def get_matched_error(match):
      source = safe_get_named_group(match, 'filename')
      lineno = safe_get_named_group(match, 'lineno')
      classname = safe_get_named_group(match, 'classname')
      if not classname:
        classnameonly = safe_get_named_group(match, 'classnameonly')
        packagename = safe_get_named_group(match, 'packagename')
        if classnameonly and packagename:
          classname = '.'.join([packagename, classnameonly])
      if classname:
        classname = normalize_classname(classname)
      return ClassNotFoundError(source, lineno, classname)

    errors = []
    start = 0
    compile_output = strip_color(compile_output)
    while start < len(compile_output):
      first_match = None
      for p in self._error_patterns:
        m = p.search(compile_output, start)
        if m:
          if not first_match or m.start() < first_match.start():
            first_match = m

      if not first_match:

      start = first_match.end() + 1

    return errors
def get_next_message(lines):
    if not lines:
        return (None, lines)
    line = lines[0]
    colorless_line = convert_smart_quotes_to_dumb_quotes(
    m = re.match(r'^(\S.*?):(\d+):', colorless_line)
    if not m:
        return (None, lines)
    e = Message()
    e.file, e.line_number = m.groups()
    m = re.match(r'^\S.*?:\d+:(\d+):\s*(.*?):', colorless_line)
    if m:
        e.column, e.type = m.groups()

    e.text = [line]
    e.text_without_ansi_codes = [colorless_line]
    parsing_note = False

    while lines:
        next_line = lines[0]
        if not next_line:
        colorless_next_line = colors.strip_color(lines[0])
        m = re.match(r'^\S.*:\d+:', colorless_next_line)
        if m:
            if re.match(r'^\S.*?:\d+:\d+:\s*note:', colorless_next_line):
                parsing_note = True


        if colorless_next_line.endswith(' generated.'):

        if parsing_note:

        if re.match(r"^[ ~]*\^[ ~]*$", colorless_next_line):
            previous_line = e.text_without_ansi_codes[-1]
            m = re.match(r"^(.*)\^~+", colorless_next_line)
            if m:
                e.highlighted_word = previous_line[len(m.group(1)
                caret_index = colorless_next_line.index('^')
                m = re.match(r"^\w*", previous_line[caret_index:])
                e.highlighted_word = m.group(0)

            e.underlined_word = ''
            m = re.match(r"^(.*?)~+", colorless_next_line)
            if m:
                e.underlined_word = previous_line[len(m.group(1)


    return (e, lines)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def normalize(self, s):
   """Removes escape sequences (e.g. colored output) and all whitespace from string s."""
   return ''.join(strip_color(s).split())
Ejemplo n.º 14
    lines = lines.split('\n')
    if False:
        assert len(lines) == covdata.numbers.n_statements

    cfg = dict(
        branch_bg = 52,
    import string
    for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
        spaces = fill - len(colors.strip_color(line))
        spaces = ' ' * spaces
        if (i + 1) not in covdata.missing:
            if False:#(i + 1) in covdata.statements:
                print((colors.color(unichr(0x258f), fg=46, bg=22) + colors.color(line + spaces, bg=22)).encode('utf8'))
                if (i + 1) in covdata.excluded:
                    line = colors.strip_color(line)
                    print((colors.color(unichr(0x258f), fg=46, bg=236) + colors.color(line + spaces, bg=236, fg=242)).encode('utf8'))
                elif (i + 1) in covdata.branch_lines():
                    line = colors.strip_color(line)
                    print((colors.color(unichr(0x258a), bg=cfg['branch_bg'], fg=160) + colors.color(line + spaces, bg=cfg['branch_bg'])).encode('utf8'))
                    print((colors.color(unichr(0x258f), fg=46) + line + spaces).encode('utf8'))
            #print((colors.color(unichr(0x258f), fg=160, bg=236) + colors.color(line + spaces, bg=236)).encode('utf8'))
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def normalize(self, s):
   """Removes escape sequences (e.g. colored output) and all whitespace from string s."""
   return ''.join(strip_color(s).split())
Ejemplo n.º 16
def diff_color(input_file, cfg):
    colorizes a diff file
    cov = cfg.data

    term_width = click.get_terminal_size()[0]
    modified = []
    measured = cov.data.measured_files()
    diff = PatchSet(input_file)
    for thing in diff:
        if thing.is_modified_file or thing.is_added_file:
            target = thing.target_file
            if target.startswith('b/') or target.startswith('a/'):
                target = target[2:]
            if abspath(target) in measured:
                covdata = cov._analyze(abspath(target))
                modified.append((thing, covdata))
                msg = "skip: {}".format(thing.target_file)
                msg = msg + (' ' * (term_width - len(msg)))
                print(colors.color(msg, bg='yellow', fg='black'))
#        else:
#            print("THING", dir(thing))

    for (patch, covdata) in modified:
        fname = str(patch.target_file) + (' ' * (term_width - len(patch.target_file)))
        print(colors.color(fname, bg='cyan', fg='black'))
        for hunk in patch:
            for line in hunk:
                kw = dict()
                if line.is_added:
                    if line.target_line_no in covdata.missing:
                        click.echo(colors.color(u'\u258f', fg='red', bg=52), nl=False, color=True)
                        kw['bg'] = 52
                        click.echo(colors.color(u'\u258f', fg='green'), nl=False, color=True)
                    print(' ', end='')
                out = str(line)
                if line.is_added:
                    kw['fg'] = 'green'
                elif line.is_removed:
                    kw['fg'] = 'red'
                print(colors.color(out, **kw))

    target_fname = abspath(target_fname)
    for fname in cov.data.measured_files():
        if target_fname == abspath(fname):

    if len(match) != 1:
        if len(match) == 0:
            # this file wasn't in the coverage data, so we just dump
            # it to stdout as-is. (FIXME: ideally, also
            # syntax-highlighted anyway)
            with open(target_fname, 'r') as f:
                for line in f.readlines():
            raise RuntimeError("Multiple matches: %s" % ', '.join(match))

    fname = match[0]
    covdata = cov._analyze(fname)

    percent = 1.0  # if no statements, it's all covered, right?
    if covdata.numbers.n_statements:
        percent = float(covdata.numbers.n_statements - covdata.numbers.n_missing) / covdata.numbers.n_statements
    total_statements = covdata.numbers.n_statements
    total_missing = covdata.numbers.n_missing

    fill = min(click.get_terminal_size()[0], 80)
    print_banner(fname, percent, fill)

    # it was tempting to write/override/wrap this Formatter and mess
    # with the background color based on our coverage data -- and
    # that's not a terrible idea, but the way TerminalFormatter is
    # written, it's not very nice. Basically, we'd have to wrap the
    # output stream, look for ANSI reset codes, and re-do the
    # background color after each reset (for "uncovered" lines)...
    # so I didn't do that. Instead we just hack it by clearing *all*
    # formatting from the "uncovered" lines and make them all "grey on
    # red"

    formatter = TerminalFormatter(style=style)
    lines = highlight(
        open(fname).read(), get_lexer_by_name('python'),
    lines = lines.split(u'\n')

    for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
#        assert type(line) is unicode
        spaces = fill - len(colors.strip_color(line))
        spaces = u' ' * spaces
        if (i + 1) not in covdata.missing:
            if (i + 1) in covdata.excluded:
                line = colors.strip_color(line)
                click.echo(colors.color(u'\u258f', fg=46, bg=236) + colors.color(line + spaces, bg=236, fg=242), color=True)
            elif cfg.branch and (i + 1) in covdata.branch_lines():
                line = colors.strip_color(line)
                click.echo(colors.color(u'\u258f', bg=52, fg=160) + colors.color(line + spaces, bg=52), color=True)
                click.echo(u'{}{}{}'.format(colors.color(u'\u258f', fg=46), line, spaces), color=True)
            # HACK-O-MATIC, uhm. Yeah, so what we're doing here is
            # splitting the output from the formatter on the ANSI
            # "reset" code, and the re-assembling it with the "52"
            # (dark red) background color. I appoligize in advance;
            # PRs with improvements encouraged!
            reset_code = u"\x1b[39;49;00m"
            segments = (line + spaces).split(reset_code)
            reset_plus_bg = u"\x1b[39;49;00m\x1b[39;49;48;5;52m"
            out = u"\x1b[39;49;48;5;52m" + reset_plus_bg.join(segments)
            click.echo(colors.color(u'\u258f', bg=52, fg=160) + out, color=True)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def term_color(target_fname, cfg, style='monokai'):
    cov = cfg.data
    target_fname = realpath(target_fname)

    match = filter( lambda f: target_fname == realpath(f), cov.data.measured_files() )

    if len(match) > 1:
        raise RuntimeError("Multiple matches: %s" % ', '.join(match))

    if len(match) == 0:
        # this file wasn't in the coverage data, so we just dump
        # it to stdout as-is. (FIXME: ideally, also
        # syntax-highlighted anyway)
        with open(target_fname, 'r') as f:
            sys.stdout.write( f.read() )

    fname = match[0]
    covdata = cov._analyze(fname)

    percent = 1.0  # if no statements, it's all covered, right?
    if covdata.numbers.n_statements:
        percent = float(covdata.numbers.n_statements - covdata.numbers.n_missing) / covdata.numbers.n_statements
    total_statements = covdata.numbers.n_statements
    total_missing = covdata.numbers.n_missing

    fill = min(click.get_terminal_size()[0], 80)
    print_banner(fname, percent, fill)

    # it was tempting to write/override/wrap this Formatter and mess
    # with the background color based on our coverage data -- and
    # that's not a terrible idea, but the way TerminalFormatter is
    # written, it's not very nice. Basically, we'd have to wrap the
    # output stream, look for ANSI reset codes, and re-do the
    # background color after each reset (for "uncovered" lines)...
    # so I didn't do that. Instead we just hack it by clearing *all*
    # formatting from the "uncovered" lines and make them all "grey on
    # red"

    formatter = TerminalFormatter(style=style)
    lines = highlight(
        open(fname).read(), get_lexer_by_name('python'),
    lines = lines.split(u'\n')

    for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
#        assert type(line) is unicode
        spaces = fill - len(colors.strip_color(line))
        spaces = u' ' * spaces
        if (i + 1) not in covdata.missing:
            if (i + 1) in covdata.excluded:
                line = colors.strip_color(line)
                click.echo(colors.color(u'\u258f', fg=46, bg=236) + colors.color(line + spaces, bg=236, fg=242), color=True)
            elif cfg.branch and (i + 1) in covdata.branch_lines():
                line = colors.strip_color(line)
                click.echo(colors.color(u'\u258f', bg=52, fg=160) + colors.color(line + spaces, bg=52), color=True)
                click.echo(u'{}{}{}'.format(colors.color(u'\u258f', fg=46), line, spaces), color=True)
            # HACK-O-MATIC, uhm. Yeah, so what we're doing here is
            # splitting the output from the formatter on the ANSI
            # "reset" code, and the re-assembling it with the "52"
            # (dark red) background color. I appoligize in advance;
            # PRs with improvements encouraged!
            reset_code = u"\x1b[39;49;00m"
            segments = (line + spaces).split(reset_code)
            reset_plus_bg = u"\x1b[39;49;00m\x1b[39;49;48;5;52m"
            out = u"\x1b[39;49;48;5;52m" + reset_plus_bg.join(segments)
            click.echo(colors.color(u'\u258c', bg=52, fg=160) + out, color=True)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_f():
    assert strip_color(red("foo")) == "foo"
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def _wrap_chunks(self, chunks):  # noqa: C901
        """_wrap_chunks(chunks : [string]) -> [string]

        Wrap a sequence of text chunks and return a list of lines of
        length 'self.width' or less.  (If 'break_long_words' is false,
        some lines may be longer than this.)  Chunks correspond roughly
        to words and the whitespace between them: each chunk is
        indivisible (modulo 'break_long_words'), but a line break can
        come between any two chunks.  Chunks should not have internal
        whitespace; ie. a chunk is either all whitespace or a "word".
        Whitespace chunks will be removed from the beginning and end of
        lines, but apart from that whitespace is preserved.
        lines = []
        if self.width <= 0:
            raise ValueError("invalid width %r (must be > 0)" % self.width)
        if six.PY3:  # pragma: no branch
            if self.max_lines is not None:
                if self.max_lines > 1:
                    indent = self.subsequent_indent
                    indent = self.initial_indent
                if len(indent) + len(self.placeholder.lstrip()) > self.width:
                    raise ValueError("placeholder too large for max width")

        # Arrange in reverse order so items can be efficiently popped
        # from a stack of chucks.

        while chunks:

            # Start the list of chunks that will make up the current line.
            # cur_len is just the length of all the chunks in cur_line.
            cur_line = []
            cur_len = 0

            # Figure out which static string will prefix this line.
            if lines:
                indent = self.subsequent_indent
                indent = self.initial_indent

            # Maximum width for this line.
            width = self.width - len(indent)

            # First chunk on line is whitespace -- drop it, unless this
            # is the very beginning of the text (ie. no lines started yet).
            if self.drop_whitespace and strip_color(chunks[-1]).strip() == '' and lines:
                del chunks[-1]

            while chunks:
                # modified upstream code, not going to refactor for ambiguous variable name.
                l = len(strip_color(chunks[-1]))  # noqa: E741

                # Can at least squeeze this chunk onto the current line.
                # modified upstream code, not going to refactor for ambiguous variable name.
                if cur_len + l <= width:  # noqa: E741
                    cur_len += l

                # Nope, this line is full.

            # The current line is full, and the next chunk is too big to
            # fit on *any* line (not just this one).
            if chunks and len(strip_color(chunks[-1])) > width:
                self._handle_long_word(chunks, cur_line, cur_len, width)
                cur_len = sum(map(len, cur_line))

            # If the last chunk on this line is all whitespace, drop it.
            if self.drop_whitespace and cur_line and strip_color(cur_line[-1]).strip() == '':
                cur_len -= len(strip_color(cur_line[-1]))
                del cur_line[-1]

            if cur_line:
                if six.PY2:
                    lines.append(indent + ''.join(cur_line))
                    if (self.max_lines is None or
                        len(lines) + 1 < self.max_lines or
                        (not chunks or
                         self.drop_whitespace and
                         len(chunks) == 1 and
                         not chunks[0].strip()) and cur_len <= width):
                        # Convert current line back to a string and store it in
                        # list of all lines (return value).
                        lines.append(indent + ''.join(cur_line))
                        while cur_line:
                            if strip_color(cur_line[-1]).strip() and cur_len + len(self.placeholder) <= width:
                                lines.append(indent + ''.join(cur_line))
                            cur_len -= len(strip_color(cur_line[-1]))
                            del cur_line[-1]
                            if lines:
                                prev_line = lines[-1].rstrip()
                                if len(strip_color(prev_line)) + len(self.placeholder) <= self.width:
                                    lines[-1] = prev_line + self.placeholder
                            lines.append(indent + self.placeholder.lstrip())

        return lines
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_remove_color(self):
     """ We can get the original message without the colors """
     self.assertEqual(strip_color(color("RED", "red")), "RED")
Ejemplo n.º 21
def diff_color(input_file, cfg):
    colorizes a diff file
    cov = cfg.data

    with paged_echo() as pager:
        term_width = click.get_terminal_size()[0]
        modified = []
        measured = cov.get_data().measured_files()
        diff = PatchSet(input_file)
        for thing in diff:
            if thing.is_modified_file or thing.is_added_file:
                target = thing.target_file
                if target.startswith('b/') or target.startswith('a/'):
                    target = target[2:]
                if abspath(target) in measured:
                    covdata = cov._analyze(abspath(target))
                    modified.append((thing, covdata))
#                    pager.echo(abspath(target))
                    msg = "skip: {}".format(target)
                    msg = msg + (' ' * (term_width - len(msg)))
                    pager.echo(colors.color(msg, bg='yellow', fg='black'))

        total_added_lines = 0
        total_covered_lines = 0

        for (patch, covdata) in modified:
            fname = str(patch.target_file) + (' ' * (term_width - len(patch.target_file)))
            pager.echo(colors.color(fname, bg='cyan', fg='black'))
            for hunk in patch:
                for line in hunk:
                    kw = dict()
                    if line.is_added:
                        total_added_lines += 1
                        if line.target_line_no in covdata.missing:
                            pager.echo(colors.color(u'\u258c', fg='red', bg=52), nl=False, color=True)
                            kw['bg'] = 52
                            total_covered_lines += 1
                            pager.echo(colors.color(u'\u258f', fg='green'), nl=False, color=True)
                        pager.echo(' ', nl=False)
                    out = u"{}".format(line).strip()
                    if line.is_added:
                        kw['fg'] = 'green'
                    elif line.is_removed:
                        kw['fg'] = 'red'
                    pager.echo(colors.color(out, **kw))

        if total_added_lines == 0:
            raise click.ClickException("No covered lines at all")

        percent_covered = (total_covered_lines / float(total_added_lines))
        msg = u"{} covered of {} added lines".format(total_covered_lines, total_added_lines)
        print_banner(msg, percent_covered, pager=pager)

        target_fname = abspath(target_fname)
        for fname in cov.get_data().measured_files():
            if target_fname == abspath(fname):

        if len(match) != 1:
            if len(match) == 0:
                # this file wasn't in the coverage data, so we just dump
                # it to stdout as-is. (FIXME: ideally, also
                # syntax-highlighted anyway)
                with open(target_fname, 'r') as f:
                    for line in f.readlines():
                raise RuntimeError("Multiple matches: %s" % ', '.join(match))

        fname = match[0]
        covdata = cov._analyze(fname)

        percent = 1.0  # if no statements, it's all covered, right?
        if covdata.numbers.n_statements:
            percent = float(covdata.numbers.n_statements - covdata.numbers.n_missing) / covdata.numbers.n_statements
        total_statements = covdata.numbers.n_statements
        total_missing = covdata.numbers.n_missing

        fill = min(click.get_terminal_size()[0], 80)
        print_banner(fname, percent, fill)

        # it was tempting to write/override/wrap this Formatter and mess
        # with the background color based on our coverage data -- and
        # that's not a terrible idea, but the way TerminalFormatter is
        # written, it's not very nice. Basically, we'd have to wrap the
        # output stream, look for ANSI reset codes, and re-do the
        # background color after each reset (for "uncovered" lines)...  so
        # I didn't do that. Instead we just hack it by splitting on the
        # reset codes (see below)

        formatter = TerminalFormatter(style=style)
        lines = highlight(
            open(fname).read(), get_lexer_by_name('python'),
        lines = lines.split(u'\n')

        for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
    #        assert type(line) is unicode
            spaces = fill - len(colors.strip_color(line))
            spaces = u' ' * spaces
            if (i + 1) not in covdata.missing:
                if (i + 1) in covdata.excluded:
                    line = colors.strip_color(line)
                    pager.echo(colors.color(u'\u258f', fg=46, bg=236) + colors.color(line + spaces, bg=236, fg=242), color=True)
                elif cfg.branch and (i + 1) in covdata.branch_lines():
                    line = colors.strip_color(line)
                    pager.echo(colors.color(u'\u258f', bg=52, fg=160) + colors.color(line + spaces, bg=52), color=True)
                    pager.echo(u'{}{}{}'.format(colors.color(u'\u258f', fg=46), line, spaces), color=True)
                # HACK-O-MATIC, uhm. Yeah, so what we're doing here is
                # splitting the output from the formatter on the ANSI
                # "reset" code, and the re-assembling it with the "52"
                # (dark red) background color. I appoligize in advance;
                # PRs with improvements encouraged!
                reset_code = u"\x1b[39;49;00m"
                segments = (line + spaces).split(reset_code)
                reset_plus_bg = u"\x1b[39;49;00m\x1b[39;49;48;5;52m"
                out = u"\x1b[39;49;48;5;52m" + reset_plus_bg.join(segments)
                pager.echo(colors.color(u'\u258f', bg=52, fg=160) + out, color=True)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def term_color(target_fname, cfg, style='monokai'):
    cov = cfg.data
    target_fname = realpath(target_fname)

    match = [f for f in cov.get_data().measured_files() if target_fname == realpath(f)]

    if len(match) > 1:
        raise RuntimeError("Multiple matches: %s" % ', '.join(match))

    if len(match) == 0:
        print("not in coverage")
        # this file wasn't in the coverage data, so we just dump
        # it to stdout as-is. (FIXME: ideally, also
        # syntax-highlighted anyway)
        with open(target_fname, 'r') as f:
            sys.stdout.write( f.read() )

    fname = match[0]
    covdata = cov._analyze(fname)

    percent = 1.0  # if no statements, it's all covered, right?
    if covdata.numbers.n_statements:
        percent = float(covdata.numbers.n_statements - covdata.numbers.n_missing) / covdata.numbers.n_statements
    total_statements = covdata.numbers.n_statements
    total_missing = covdata.numbers.n_missing

    fill = min(click.get_terminal_size()[0], 80)
    print_banner(fname, percent, fill)

    # it was tempting to write/override/wrap this Formatter and mess
    # with the background color based on our coverage data -- and
    # that's not a terrible idea, but the way TerminalFormatter is
    # written, it's not very nice. Basically, we'd have to wrap the
    # output stream, look for ANSI reset codes, and re-do the
    # background color after each reset (for "uncovered" lines)...
    # so I didn't do that. Instead we just hack it by clearing *all*
    # formatting from the "uncovered" lines and make them all "grey on
    # red"

    formatter = TerminalFormatter(style=style)
    raw_data = open(fname).read()
    lexer = get_lexer_by_name('python')
    lexer.stripall = False
    lexer.stripnl = False
    lines = highlight(raw_data, lexer, formatter=formatter)
    lines = lines.split(u'\n')

    # coverage thinks the first line is called "1", not "0"
    offset = 1

    for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
#        assert type(line) is unicode
        spaces = fill - len(colors.strip_color(line))
        spaces = u' ' * spaces
        if (i + offset) not in covdata.missing:
            if (i + offset) in covdata.excluded:
                line = colors.strip_color(line)
                click.echo(colors.color(u'\u258f', fg=46, bg=236) + colors.color(line + spaces, bg=236, fg=242), color=True)
            elif cfg.branch and (i + offset) in covdata.branch_lines():
                line = colors.strip_color(line)
                click.echo(colors.color(u'\u258f', bg=52, fg=160) + colors.color(line + spaces, bg=52), color=True)
                click.echo(u'{}{}{}'.format(colors.color(u'\u258f', fg=46), line, spaces), color=True)
            # HACK-O-MATIC, uhm. Yeah, so what we're doing here is
            # splitting the output from the formatter on the ANSI
            # "reset" code, and the re-assembling it with the "52"
            # (dark red) background color. I appoligize in advance;
            # PRs with improvements encouraged!
            reset_code = u"\x1b[39;49;00m"
            segments = (line + spaces).split(reset_code)
            reset_plus_bg = u"\x1b[39;49;00m\x1b[39;49;48;5;52m"
            out = u"\x1b[39;49;48;5;52m" + reset_plus_bg.join(segments)
            click.echo(colors.color(u'\u258c', bg=52, fg=160) + out, color=True)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def format(self, record):
     rec = super().format(record)
     return strip_color(rec)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def hint(argv):
    stack_base = "$sp"
    if (len(argv) > 0):
        stack_base = argv[0]

    vptype = gdb.lookup_type("void").pointer()
    isym = gdb.execute("info symbol $pc", False, True)
    m = re.search(".*(\+ [0-9]*) in section.*", isym)
    funcstart = None
    if (m is not None):
        #        print("m = '%s'" % (m,) )
        #        print("m.group(0) = '%s'" % (m.group(0),) )
        #        print("m.group(1) = '%s'" % (m.group(1),) )
        offset = m.group(1)
        funcstart = gdb.parse_and_eval(f"$pc-{offset}")
        print(f"Searching for call to {funcstart}")
#        print("offset = '%s'" % (offset,) )

    callre = re.compile("call (0x[0-9a-f]*)")
    ccallre = re.compile("call \*%")  # computed calls
    # $rsp-16 is kinda the default position
    # for other archs we might search differently?
    for i in range(-8, 64):
        pos = f"{stack_base}+({vptype.sizeof}*{i})"
        mem = vdb.memory.read(pos, vptype.sizeof)
        val = gdb.Value(mem, vptype)

        at = vdb.memory.mmap.get_atype(val)
        if (at == vdb.memory.access_type.ACCESS_EX):
            cmd = f"dis/{hint_context.value} {int(val)}"
            #            print("cmd = '%s'" % (cmd,) )
            dis = gdb.execute(cmd, False, True)
            dis = dis.splitlines()
            #            rng = dis[0]
            dis = dis[1:]
            pose = gdb.parse_and_eval(pos)
            print(vdb.color.color(f"At {pose} ({pos}) in ",
            if (funcstart is not None):
                for d in dis:
                    pd = colors.strip_color(d)
                    m = callre.search(pd)
                    if (m is None):
                        m = ccallre.search(pd)
                        if (m is not None):
                                " (computed call, check actual registers if possible)"
                        #                        print("m = '%s'" % (m,) )
                        #                        print("m.group(0) = '%s'" % (m.group(0),) )
                        #                        print("m.group(1) = '%s'" % (m.group(1),) )
                        target = m.group(1)
                        target = vdb.util.xint(target)
                        #                        print("target = '%s'" % (target,) )
                        #                        print("funcstart = '%s'" % (funcstart,) )
                        if (target == int(funcstart)):
            for d in dis:
                if (len(d) > 0):
Ejemplo n.º 25
Archivo: game.py Proyecto: MrMil/hanabi
 def format_color(f_str, values, bg):
     bw_str = f_str.format(*[strip_color(str(v)) for v in values])
     col_str = bw_str
     for v in values:
         col_str = col_str.replace(strip_color(str(v)), str(v))
     return colorize_bg(col_str, bg=bg)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str:
     """Format the message and remove ANSI color codes from it."""
     text = super().format(record)
     return colors.strip_color(text)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def _repl(m):
     s = m.group(1)
     s = strip_color(s) if strip else s
     return f"{color_fun(s)}"
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def _format_usage(self, usage, actions, groups, prefix):  # noqa: C901
        if prefix is None:
            prefix = _('usage: ')

        # if usage is specified, use that
        if usage is not None:
            usage = usage % dict(prog=self._prog)

        # if no optionals or positionals are available, usage is just prog
        elif usage is None and not actions:
            usage = '%(prog)s' % dict(prog=self._prog)

        # if optionals and positionals are available, calculate usage
        elif usage is None:
            prog = '%(prog)s' % dict(prog=self._prog)

            # split optionals from positionals
            optionals = []
            positionals = []
            for action in actions:
                if action.option_strings:

            # build full usage string
            format = self._format_actions_usage
            action_usage = format(optionals + positionals, groups)
            usage = ' '.join([s for s in [prog, action_usage] if s])

            # wrap the usage parts if it's too long
            text_width = self._width - self._current_indent
            if len(prefix) + len(strip_color(usage)) > text_width:

                # break usage into wrappable parts
                part_regexp = r'\(.*?\)+|\[.*?\]+|\S+'
                opt_usage = format(optionals, groups)
                pos_usage = format(positionals, groups)
                opt_parts = _re.findall(part_regexp, opt_usage)
                pos_parts = _re.findall(part_regexp, pos_usage)
                assert ' '.join(opt_parts) == opt_usage
                assert ' '.join(pos_parts) == pos_usage

                # helper for wrapping lines
                def get_lines(parts, indent, prefix=None):
                    lines = []
                    line = []
                    if prefix is not None:
                        line_len = len(prefix) - 1
                        line_len = len(indent) - 1
                    for part in parts:
                        if line_len + 1 + len(strip_color(part)) > text_width and line:
                            lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line))
                            line = []
                            line_len = len(indent) - 1
                        line_len += len(strip_color(part)) + 1
                    if line:
                        lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line))
                    if prefix is not None:
                        lines[0] = lines[0][len(indent):]
                    return lines

                # if prog is short, follow it with optionals or positionals
                len_prog = len(strip_color(prog))
                if len(prefix) + len_prog <= 0.75 * text_width:
                    indent = ' ' * (len(prefix) + len_prog + 1)
                    if opt_parts:
                        lines = get_lines([prog] + opt_parts, indent, prefix)
                        lines.extend(get_lines(pos_parts, indent))
                    elif pos_parts:
                        lines = get_lines([prog] + pos_parts, indent, prefix)
                        lines = [prog]

                # if prog is long, put it on its own line
                    indent = ' ' * len(prefix)
                    parts = opt_parts + pos_parts
                    lines = get_lines(parts, indent)
                    if len(lines) > 1:
                        lines = []
                        lines.extend(get_lines(opt_parts, indent))
                        lines.extend(get_lines(pos_parts, indent))
                    lines = [prog] + lines

                # join lines into usage
                usage = '\n'.join(lines)

        # prefix with 'usage:'
        return '%s%s\n\n' % (prefix, usage)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def ansi_remove(self, txt):
     if colors:
         return colors.strip_color(txt)
         return txt
Ejemplo n.º 30
Archivo: test.py Proyecto: PlasmaHH/vdb
def run_tests( tests ):

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='run vdb tests.')
    parser.add_argument("-s","--show", action="store_true", help = "Show the list of active tests (and a bit of info)")
    parser.add_argument("-f","--filter", type=str, action="store", help = "Regex to filter tests for")
    parser.add_argument("-d","--debug", action="store_true", help = "enables test debugging mode")

    args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

    if( args.filter ):
        cre = re.compile(args.filter)
        for test in tests:
            name = test.get("name",None)
            if( name is not None and cre.search(name) is not None ):
                test["enabled"] = False

    if( args.show ):
        otbl = []
        for test in tests:
            for kw in ["name","enabled","commands","expect","hash","file"]:
                var = test.get(kw,None)
                if( kw == "commands" ):
                    var = len(var)
                if( kw == "enabled" ):
                    if( var == True or var is None ):
                        var = "Y"
                        var = "N"
                line.append( var )
        return None

    failed = 0
    passed = 0
    skipped = 0
    for test in tests:
        f = test.get("file",None)
        c = test.get("commands",None)
        cl = test.get("enabled_commands",None)
        cmset = None
        if( cl is not None ):
            fc = fake_config(cl)
#            print("fc.elements = '%s'" % (fc.elements,) )
            cmset = set(fc.elements)
            for ci in range(0,len(c)):
                if( ci in cmset ):
            c = nc

        n = test.get("name", "unnamed test" )
        en = test.get("enabled",None)
        op = test.get("output",args.debug)
        print("Test '%s' :" % n)
        if( en is not None and en == False ):
            skip("Skipping, not enabled")
            skipped += 1
        if( f is not None and c is not None ):
            b = compile(f)
            g,h = run_binary( b, c )
            h0 = test.get("hash",None)
            if( h0 is not None ):
                if( h == h0 ):
                    good("hash passed")
                    passed += 1
                    fail("hash failed")
                    print("Expected: %s, result %s" % (h0,h) )
                    failed += 1
            g,h = run_binary( None, c )
        e = test.get("expect",None)
        if( op ):
        if( args.debug ):
        if( e is not None ):
            tolines = open(e, 'r').readlines()
            r = diff(g.splitlines(keepends=True),tolines)
            if( len(r) > 0 ):
                ofn = os.path.splitext(e)[0]
                ofn += ".out"
                with open(ofn,"w") as o:
                failed += 1
                good("expect passed")
                passed += 1
#            print("r = '%s'" % (r,) )

    fc = failcolor
    sk = skipcolor
    if( failed == 0 ):
        fc = goodcolor
    if( skipped == 0 ):
        sk = goodcolor
    print(vdb.color.color(f"Passed: {passed}",goodcolor),end="")
    print(vdb.color.color(f", Failed: {failed}",fc),end="")
    print(vdb.color.color(f", Skipped: {skipped}",sk))