def test_true_shape(self): c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, cube) g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) a = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2]]) a = g.true_shape(a) # Test remove duplicates a = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2], [0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2]]) self.assertEqual(2, g.true_shape(a).shape[0]) # Test 3 points on the same line should return outer points a = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]]) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(g.true_shape(a), np.array([[0, 0, 0], [3, 3, 3]]))) # Test 4 points that are actually a triagle a = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 3, 0], [3, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0]]) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(g.true_shape(a), np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 3, 0], [3, 0, 0]]))) # Test 4 points that are all outher vetecis in a convex polygon a = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 3, 0], [3, 0, 0], [5, 5, 0]]) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(g.true_shape(a), np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 3, 0], [3, 0, 0], [5, 5, 0]])))
def test_in_line(self): c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, cube) g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) self.assertTrue( g.in_line(np.array([[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2]]), np.array([2, 2, 2]))) # All points equal. self.assertFalse(g.in_line( line, point_not_paralell_to_line)) # Point in NOT parallel to line self.assertFalse(g.in_line(line, point_opposite_direction_than_line) ) # Point opposite dir then line self.assertFalse(g.in_line( line, point_further_away_than_line)) # Point is is further then line self.assertTrue(g.in_line(line, point_on_line)) # Point is on line self.assertFalse( g.in_line(np.array([[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]]), np.array([5, 5, 5]))) # Point is on line self.assertFalse(g.interior( line, point_not_paralell_to_line)) # Point in NOT parallel to line self.assertFalse(g.interior(line, point_opposite_direction_than_line) ) # Point opposite dir then line self.assertFalse(g.interior( line, point_further_away_than_line)) # Point is is further then line self.assertTrue(g.interior(line, point_on_line)) # Point is on line self.assertFalse( g.interior(np.array([[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]]), np.array([5, 5, 5]))) # Point is on line
def test_get_vertices(self): # Test for gamut.Gamut.get_vertices c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, cube) # Generating the colour Data object g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) n1_data = np.array([ [ 0, 0, 0 ], # 0 vertices # Array with just the vertices used for comparison. [10, 0, 0], # 1 vertices [10, 10, 0], # 2 vertices [0, 10, 0], # 3 vertices [10, 10, 10], # 6 vertices [10, 0, 10], # 8 vertices [0, 0, 10], # 9 vertices [0, 10, 10] ]) # 10 vertices vertices = g.get_vertices(cube) self.assertTrue(np.array_equiv( n1_data, vertices)) # Compares return array with the known vertices array. vertices = g.get_vertices( cube) # Calls the function and add the vertices to the array. self.assertTrue( np.array_equiv(n1_data, vertices) ) # Compares returned array with the known vertices array.
def test_is_inside(self): # Test for gamut.Gamut.is_inside c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, cube) g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, points_3d) a = g.is_inside(space.srgb, c_data) self.assertEqual( a.shape, points_3d.shape[:-1]) # Asserts if shape is reduced by 1dim self.assertEqual(a.dtype, bool) # Asserts is data type in the array is boolean self.assertTrue(np.allclose( a, bool_3d)) # Asserts that the returned values are correct c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, points_2d) a = g.is_inside(space.srgb, c_data) self.assertEqual( a.shape, points_2d.shape[:-1]) # Asserts if shape is reduced by 1dim self.assertEqual(a.dtype, bool) # Asserts is data type in the array is boolean self.assertTrue(np.allclose( a, bool_2d)) # Asserts that the returned values are correct c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, points_1d) a = g.is_inside(space.srgb, c_data) self.assertEqual( 1, a.size) # When only one point is sent, still returned a array self.assertEqual(a.dtype, bool) # Asserts is data type in the array is boolean self.assertTrue(np.allclose( a, bool_1d)) # Asserts that the returned values are correct c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, self.generate_sphere(15, 100)) g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, self.generate_sphere( 10, 15)) # Points lie within the sphere(inclusion = true) a = g.is_inside(space.srgb, c_data) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(a, np.ones( a.shape))) # Assert that all points lie within the gamut c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, self.generate_sphere( 20, 15)) # Points lie outside the sphere(inclusion = true) a = g.is_inside(space.srgb, c_data) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(a, np.zeros( a.shape))) # Assert that all points lie without the gamut
def test_center_of_mass(self): c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, cube) g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) cm = g.center_of_mass(g.get_vertices( g.hull.points)) # Get coordinate for center of the cube cp = np.array([5., 5., 5.]) # Point in center of cube. self.assertEqual(cp.all(), cm.all()) # Assert true that the points are the same.
def test_is_coplanar(self): c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, cube) g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) points = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 0], [3, 3, 0], [1, 1, 0]]) # coplanar points self.assertTrue(True, g.is_coplanar(points)) points = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [2, 2, 0], [3, 3, 0], [1, 1, 0]]) # non-coplanar points self.assertFalse(False, g.is_coplanar(points))
def test_gamut_initialize(self): # Test for convex hull c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, cube) # Generating the colour Data object g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) vertices = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10 ]) # Known indices of vertices for the test case self.assertEqual( vertices.tolist(), g.vertices.tolist()) # Checking that the vertices match
def test_plot_surface(self): # Test for gamut.Gamut.plot_surface fig = plt.figure() # Creates a figure ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Creates a 3D plot ax # c = self.generate_circle(1000, 10) # c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, c) # g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, polyhedron) # Generating the colour Data object g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) # Creates a new gamut sp = # specifies the color space g.plot_surface(ax, sp) # Calls the plot function
def test_generate_sphere(self): sphere = self.generate_sphere(5, 10) # plt.plot(sphere[:,0],sphere[:,1]) # # # plt.plot(sphere[:,0],sphere[:,2]) # fig = plt.figure() # Creates a figure ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Creates a 3D plot ax c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, sphere) g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) sp = # specifies the color space g.plot_surface(ax, sp) # Calls the plot function
def test_in_tetrahedron(self): c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, tetrahedron) g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) self.assertTrue(g.in_tetrahedron( tetrahedron, tetra_p_inside)) # Point is on the tetrahedron self.assertFalse(g.in_tetrahedron( tetrahedron, tetra_p_not_inside)) # Point is NOT on tetrahedron self.assertTrue(g.in_tetrahedron( tetrahedron, tetra_p_on_surface)) # Point is on a simplex(counts as inside) self.assertTrue(g.interior( tetrahedron, tetra_p_inside)) # Point is on the tetrahedron self.assertFalse(g.interior( tetrahedron, tetra_p_not_inside)) # Point is NOT on tetrahedron self.assertTrue(g.interior(tetrahedron, tetra_p_on_surface))
def test_feito_torres_with_sphere(self): gamut_sphere = self.generate_sphere(10, 100) outside = self.generate_sphere(12, 5) innside = self.generate_sphere(8, 5) c_idk = self.generate_sphere(9.9, 12) c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, gamut_sphere) g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) print("----------------") print("Should be inside") print("----------------") for i in range(0, innside.shape[0]): print(g.feito_torres(innside[i])) print("----------------") print("Should be outside") print("----------------") for i in range(0, innside.shape[0]): print(g.feito_torres(outside[i])) print("----------------") print("Uncertain") print("----------------") for i in range(0, innside.shape[0]): print(g.feito_torres(c_idk[i]))
def test_in_triangle(self): c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, cube) g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) self.assertFalse(g.in_triangle(triangle, triangle_point_not_coplanar)) self.assertFalse( g.in_triangle(triangle, triangle_point_coplanar_but_outside)) self.assertTrue(g.in_triangle(triangle, triangle_point_inside)) self.assertFalse(g.in_triangle(triangle2, triangle2_point_not_coplanar)) self.assertFalse( g.in_triangle(triangle2, triangle2_point_coplanar_but_outside)) self.assertTrue(g.in_triangle(triangle2, triangle2_point_inside)) self.assertFalse(g.interior(triangle, triangle_point_not_coplanar)) self.assertFalse( g.interior(triangle, triangle_point_coplanar_but_outside)) self.assertTrue(g.interior(triangle, triangle_point_inside)) self.assertFalse(g.interior(triangle2, triangle2_point_not_coplanar)) self.assertFalse( g.interior(triangle2, triangle2_point_coplanar_but_outside)) self.assertTrue(g.interior(triangle2, triangle2_point_inside))
def test_fix_orientation(self): c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, cube) g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) g.fix_orientation()
def test_sign(self): c_data = data.Data(space.srgb, cube) g = gamut.Gamut(space.srgb, c_data) print(g.sign(tetrahedron_two))