def test_masks_CFA_Bayer(self):
        Tests :func:`colour_demosaicing.bayer.masks.masks_CFA_Bayer`

        for pattern in ('RGGB', 'BGGR', 'GRBG', 'GBRG'):
            mask = os.path.join(BAYER_DIRECTORY, '{0}_Masks.exr')
                tstack(masks_CFA_Bayer((8, 8), pattern)),
    def test_masks_CFA_Bayer(self):
        Tests :func:`colour_demosaicing.bayer.masks.masks_CFA_Bayer`

        for pattern in ('RGGB', 'BGGR', 'GRBG', 'GBRG'):
                colour.tstack(masks_CFA_Bayer((8, 8), pattern)),
Ejemplo n.º 3
def mosaicing_CFA_Bayer(RGB, pattern='RGGB'):
    Returns the *Bayer* CFA mosaic for a given *RGB* colourspace array.

    RGB : array_like
        *RGB* colourspace array.
    pattern : unicode, optional
        **{'RGGB', 'BGGR', 'GRBG', 'GBRG'}**,
        Arrangement of the colour filters on the pixel array.

        *Bayer* CFA mosaic.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> RGB = np.array([[[0, 1, 2],
    ...                  [0, 1, 2]],
    ...                 [[0, 1, 2],
    ...                  [0, 1, 2]]])
    >>> mosaicing_CFA_Bayer(RGB)
    array([[ 0.,  1.],
           [ 1.,  2.]])
    >>> mosaicing_CFA_Bayer(RGB, pattern='BGGR')
    array([[ 2.,  1.],
           [ 1.,  0.]])

    RGB = as_float_array(RGB)

    R, G, B = tsplit(RGB)
    R_m, G_m, B_m = masks_CFA_Bayer(RGB.shape[0:2], pattern)

    CFA = R * R_m + G * G_m + B * B_m

    return CFA
Ejemplo n.º 4
def mosaicing_CFA_Bayer(RGB, pattern='RGGB'):
    Returns the *Bayer* CFA mosaic for a given *RGB* colourspace array.

    RGB : array_like
        *RGB* colourspace array.
    pattern : unicode, optional
        **{'RGGB', 'BGGR', 'GRBG', 'GBRG'}**,
        Arrangement of the colour filters on the pixel array.

        *Bayer* CFA mosaic.

    >>> RGB = np.array([[[0, 1, 2],
    ...                  [0, 1, 2]],
    ...                 [[0, 1, 2],
    ...                  [0, 1, 2]]])
    >>> mosaicing_CFA_Bayer(RGB)
    array([[0, 1],
           [1, 2]])
    >>> mosaicing_CFA_Bayer(RGB, pattern='BGGR')
    array([[2, 1],
           [1, 0]])

    RGB = np.asarray(RGB)

    R, G, B = tsplit(RGB)
    R_m, G_m, B_m = masks_CFA_Bayer(RGB.shape[0:2], pattern)

    CFA = R * R_m + G * G_m + B * B_m

    return CFA
Ejemplo n.º 5
def demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Malvar2004(CFA, pattern='RGGB'):
    Returns the demosaiced *RGB* colourspace array from given *Bayer* CFA using
    Malvar (2004) demosaicing algorithm.

    CFA : array_like
        *Bayer* CFA.
    pattern : unicode, optional
        **{'RGGB', 'BGGR', 'GRBG', 'GBRG'}**,
        Arrangement of the colour filters on the pixel array.

        *RGB* colourspace array.

    >>> CFA = np.array([[0.30980393, 0.36078432, 0.30588236, 0.3764706],
    ...                 [0.35686275, 0.39607844, 0.36078432, 0.40000001]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Malvar2004(CFA)
    array([[[ 0.30980393,  0.31666668,  0.32941177],
            [ 0.33039216,  0.36078432,  0.38112746],
            [ 0.30588236,  0.32794118,  0.34877452],
            [ 0.36274511,  0.3764706 ,  0.38480393]],
           [[ 0.34828432,  0.35686275,  0.36568628],
            [ 0.35318628,  0.38186275,  0.39607844],
            [ 0.3379902 ,  0.36078432,  0.3754902 ],
            [ 0.37769609,  0.39558825,  0.40000001]]])
    >>> CFA = np.array([[0.3764706, 0.360784320, 0.40784314, 0.3764706],
    ...                 [0.35686275, 0.30980393, 0.36078432, 0.29803923]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Malvar2004(CFA, 'BGGR')
    array([[[ 0.35539217,  0.37058825,  0.3764706 ],
            [ 0.34264707,  0.36078432,  0.37450981],
            [ 0.36568628,  0.39607844,  0.40784314],
            [ 0.36568629,  0.3764706 ,  0.3882353 ]],
           [[ 0.34411765,  0.35686275,  0.36200981],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.32990197,  0.34975491],
            [ 0.33039216,  0.36078432,  0.38063726],
            [ 0.29803923,  0.30441178,  0.31740197]]])

    CFA = np.asarray(CFA)
    R_m, G_m, B_m = masks_CFA_Bayer(CFA.shape, pattern)

    GR_GB = np.asarray([[0, 0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0, 0], [-1, 2, 4, 2, -1],
                        [0, 0, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0, 0]]) / 8

    Rg_RB_Bg_BR = np.asarray([[0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, -1, 0],
                              [-1, 4, 5, 4, -1], [0, -1, 0, -1, 0],
                              [0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0]]) / 8

    Rg_BR_Bg_RB = np.transpose(Rg_RB_Bg_BR)

    Rb_BB_Br_RR = np.asarray([[0, 0, -1.5, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0, 2, 0],
                              [-1.5, 0, 6, 0, -1.5], [0, 2, 0, 2, 0],
                              [0, 0, -1.5, 0, 0]]) / 8

    R = CFA * R_m
    G = CFA * G_m
    B = CFA * B_m

    G = np.where(np.logical_or(R_m == 1, B_m == 1), convolve(CFA, GR_GB), G)

    RBg_RBBR = convolve(CFA, Rg_RB_Bg_BR)
    RBg_BRRB = convolve(CFA, Rg_BR_Bg_RB)
    RBgr_BBRR = convolve(CFA, Rb_BB_Br_RR)

    # Red rows.
    R_r = np.transpose(np.any(R_m == 1, axis=1)[np.newaxis]) * np.ones(R.shape)
    # Red columns.
    R_c = np.any(R_m == 1, axis=0)[np.newaxis] * np.ones(R.shape)
    # Blue rows.
    B_r = np.transpose(np.any(B_m == 1, axis=1)[np.newaxis]) * np.ones(B.shape)
    # Blue columns
    B_c = np.any(B_m == 1, axis=0)[np.newaxis] * np.ones(B.shape)

    R = np.where(np.logical_and(R_r == 1, B_c == 1), RBg_RBBR, R)
    R = np.where(np.logical_and(B_r == 1, R_c == 1), RBg_BRRB, R)

    B = np.where(np.logical_and(B_r == 1, R_c == 1), RBg_RBBR, B)
    B = np.where(np.logical_and(R_r == 1, B_c == 1), RBg_BRRB, B)

    R = np.where(np.logical_and(B_r == 1, B_c == 1), RBgr_BBRR, R)
    B = np.where(np.logical_and(R_r == 1, R_c == 1), RBgr_BBRR, B)

    return tstack((R, G, B))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Menon2007(CFA, pattern='RGGB', refining_step=True):
    Returns the demosaiced *RGB* colourspace array from given *Bayer* CFA using
    DDFAPD - *Menon (2007)* demosaicing algorithm.

    CFA : array_like
        *Bayer* CFA.
    pattern : unicode, optional
        **{'RGGB', 'BGGR', 'GRBG', 'GBRG'}**,
        Arrangement of the colour filters on the pixel array.
    refining_step : bool
        Perform refining step.

        *RGB* colourspace array.

    -   The definition output is not clipped in range [0, 1] : this allows for
        direct HDRI / radiance image generation on *Bayer* CFA data and post
        demosaicing of the high dynamic range data as showcased in this
        `Jupyter Notebook <\


    >>> CFA = np.array(
    ...     [[ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.30588236,  0.3764706 ],
    ...      [ 0.35686275,  0.39607844,  0.36078432,  0.40000001]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Menon2007(CFA)
    array([[[ 0.30980393,  0.35686275,  0.39215687],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.39607844],
            [ 0.30588236,  0.36078432,  0.39019608],
            [ 0.32156864,  0.3764706 ,  0.40000001]],
           [[ 0.30980393,  0.35686275,  0.39215687],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.39607844],
            [ 0.30588236,  0.36078432,  0.39019609],
            [ 0.32156864,  0.3764706 ,  0.40000001]]])
    >>> CFA = np.array(
    ...     [[ 0.3764706 ,  0.36078432,  0.40784314,  0.3764706 ],
    ...      [ 0.35686275,  0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.29803923]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Menon2007(CFA, 'BGGR')
    array([[[ 0.30588236,  0.35686275,  0.3764706 ],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.39411766],
            [ 0.29607844,  0.36078432,  0.40784314],
            [ 0.29803923,  0.3764706 ,  0.42352942]],
           [[ 0.30588236,  0.35686275,  0.3764706 ],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.39411766],
            [ 0.29607844,  0.36078432,  0.40784314],
            [ 0.29803923,  0.3764706 ,  0.42352942]]])

    CFA = as_float_array(CFA)
    R_m, G_m, B_m = masks_CFA_Bayer(CFA.shape, pattern)

    h_0 = np.array([0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0])
    h_1 = np.array([-0.25, 0, 0.5, 0, -0.25])

    R = CFA * R_m
    G = CFA * G_m
    B = CFA * B_m

    G_H = np.where(G_m == 0, _cnv_h(CFA, h_0) + _cnv_h(CFA, h_1), G)
    G_V = np.where(G_m == 0, _cnv_v(CFA, h_0) + _cnv_v(CFA, h_1), G)

    C_H = np.where(R_m == 1, R - G_H, 0)
    C_H = np.where(B_m == 1, B - G_H, C_H)

    C_V = np.where(R_m == 1, R - G_V, 0)
    C_V = np.where(B_m == 1, B - G_V, C_V)

    D_H = np.abs(C_H - np.pad(C_H, ((0, 0),
                                    (0, 2)), mode=str('reflect'))[:, 2:])
    D_V = np.abs(C_V - np.pad(C_V, ((0, 2),
                                    (0, 0)), mode=str('reflect'))[2:, :])

    del h_0, h_1, CFA, C_V, C_H

    k = np.array(
        [[0, 0, 1, 0, 1],
         [0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
         [0, 0, 3, 0, 3],
         [0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
         [0, 0, 1, 0, 1]])  # yapf: disable

    d_H = convolve(D_H, k, mode='constant')
    d_V = convolve(D_V, np.transpose(k), mode='constant')

    del D_H, D_V

    mask = d_V >= d_H
    G = np.where(mask, G_H, G_V)
    M = np.where(mask, 1, 0)

    del d_H, d_V, G_H, G_V

    # Red rows.
    R_r = np.transpose(np.any(R_m == 1, axis=1)[np.newaxis]) * np.ones(R.shape)
    # Blue rows.
    B_r = np.transpose(np.any(B_m == 1, axis=1)[np.newaxis]) * np.ones(B.shape)

    k_b = np.array([0.5, 0, 0.5])

    R = np.where(
        np.logical_and(G_m == 1, R_r == 1),
        G + _cnv_h(R, k_b) - _cnv_h(G, k_b),

    R = np.where(
        np.logical_and(G_m == 1, B_r == 1) == 1,
        G + _cnv_v(R, k_b) - _cnv_v(G, k_b),

    B = np.where(
        np.logical_and(G_m == 1, B_r == 1),
        G + _cnv_h(B, k_b) - _cnv_h(G, k_b),

    B = np.where(
        np.logical_and(G_m == 1, R_r == 1) == 1,
        G + _cnv_v(B, k_b) - _cnv_v(G, k_b),

    R = np.where(
        np.logical_and(B_r == 1, B_m == 1),
            M == 1,
            B + _cnv_h(R, k_b) - _cnv_h(B, k_b),
            B + _cnv_v(R, k_b) - _cnv_v(B, k_b),

    B = np.where(
        np.logical_and(R_r == 1, R_m == 1),
            M == 1,
            R + _cnv_h(B, k_b) - _cnv_h(R, k_b),
            R + _cnv_v(B, k_b) - _cnv_v(R, k_b),

    RGB = tstack([R, G, B])

    del R, G, B, k_b, R_r, B_r

    if refining_step:
        RGB = refining_step_Menon2007(RGB, tstack([R_m, G_m, B_m]), M)

    del M, R_m, G_m, B_m

    return RGB
Ejemplo n.º 7
def demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Malvar2004(CFA, pattern='RGGB'):
    Returns the demosaiced *RGB* colourspace array from given *Bayer* CFA using
    *Malvar (2004)* demosaicing algorithm.

    CFA : array_like
        *Bayer* CFA.
    pattern : unicode, optional
        **{'RGGB', 'BGGR', 'GRBG', 'GBRG'}**,
        Arrangement of the colour filters on the pixel array.

        *RGB* colourspace array.

    -   The definition output is not clipped in range [0, 1] : this allows for
        direct HDRI / radiance image generation on *Bayer* CFA data and post
        demosaicing of the high dynamic range data as showcased in this
        `Jupyter Notebook <\


    >>> CFA = np.array(
    ...     [[0.30980393, 0.36078432, 0.30588236, 0.3764706],
    ...      [0.35686275, 0.39607844, 0.36078432, 0.40000001]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Malvar2004(CFA)
    array([[[ 0.30980393,  0.31666668,  0.32941177],
            [ 0.33039216,  0.36078432,  0.38112746],
            [ 0.30588236,  0.32794118,  0.34877452],
            [ 0.36274511,  0.3764706 ,  0.38480393]],
           [[ 0.34828432,  0.35686275,  0.36568628],
            [ 0.35318628,  0.38186275,  0.39607844],
            [ 0.3379902 ,  0.36078432,  0.3754902 ],
            [ 0.37769609,  0.39558825,  0.40000001]]])
    >>> CFA = np.array(
    ...     [[0.3764706, 0.360784320, 0.40784314, 0.3764706],
    ...      [0.35686275, 0.30980393, 0.36078432, 0.29803923]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Malvar2004(CFA, 'BGGR')
    array([[[ 0.35539217,  0.37058825,  0.3764706 ],
            [ 0.34264707,  0.36078432,  0.37450981],
            [ 0.36568628,  0.39607844,  0.40784314],
            [ 0.36568629,  0.3764706 ,  0.3882353 ]],
           [[ 0.34411765,  0.35686275,  0.36200981],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.32990197,  0.34975491],
            [ 0.33039216,  0.36078432,  0.38063726],
            [ 0.29803923,  0.30441178,  0.31740197]]])

    CFA = as_float_array(CFA)
    R_m, G_m, B_m = masks_CFA_Bayer(CFA.shape, pattern)

    GR_GB = as_float_array(
        [[0, 0, -1, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 2, 0, 0],
         [-1, 2, 4, 2, -1],
         [0, 0, 2, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, -1, 0, 0]]) / 8  # yapf: disable

    Rg_RB_Bg_BR = as_float_array(
        [[0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0],
         [0, -1, 0, -1, 0],
         [-1, 4, 5, 4, - 1],
         [0, -1, 0, -1, 0],
         [0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0]]) / 8  # yapf: disable

    Rg_BR_Bg_RB = np.transpose(Rg_RB_Bg_BR)

    Rb_BB_Br_RR = as_float_array(
        [[0, 0, -1.5, 0, 0],
         [0, 2, 0, 2, 0],
         [-1.5, 0, 6, 0, -1.5],
         [0, 2, 0, 2, 0],
         [0, 0, -1.5, 0, 0]]) / 8  # yapf: disable

    R = CFA * R_m
    G = CFA * G_m
    B = CFA * B_m

    del G_m

    G = np.where(np.logical_or(R_m == 1, B_m == 1), convolve(CFA, GR_GB), G)

    RBg_RBBR = convolve(CFA, Rg_RB_Bg_BR)
    RBg_BRRB = convolve(CFA, Rg_BR_Bg_RB)
    RBgr_BBRR = convolve(CFA, Rb_BB_Br_RR)

    del GR_GB, Rg_RB_Bg_BR, Rg_BR_Bg_RB, Rb_BB_Br_RR

    # Red rows.
    R_r = np.transpose(np.any(R_m == 1, axis=1)[np.newaxis]) * np.ones(R.shape)
    # Red columns.
    R_c = np.any(R_m == 1, axis=0)[np.newaxis] * np.ones(R.shape)
    # Blue rows.
    B_r = np.transpose(np.any(B_m == 1, axis=1)[np.newaxis]) * np.ones(B.shape)
    # Blue columns
    B_c = np.any(B_m == 1, axis=0)[np.newaxis] * np.ones(B.shape)

    del R_m, B_m

    R = np.where(np.logical_and(R_r == 1, B_c == 1), RBg_RBBR, R)
    R = np.where(np.logical_and(B_r == 1, R_c == 1), RBg_BRRB, R)

    B = np.where(np.logical_and(B_r == 1, R_c == 1), RBg_RBBR, B)
    B = np.where(np.logical_and(R_r == 1, B_c == 1), RBg_BRRB, B)

    R = np.where(np.logical_and(B_r == 1, B_c == 1), RBgr_BBRR, R)
    B = np.where(np.logical_and(R_r == 1, R_c == 1), RBgr_BBRR, B)

    del RBg_RBBR, RBg_BRRB, RBgr_BBRR, R_r, R_c, B_r, B_c

    return tstack([R, G, B])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_bilinear(CFA, pattern='RGGB'):
    Returns the demosaiced *RGB* colourspace array from given *Bayer* CFA using
    bilinear interpolation.

    CFA : array_like
        *Bayer* CFA.
    pattern : unicode, optional
        **{'RGGB', 'BGGR', 'GRBG', 'GBRG'}**,
        Arrangement of the colour filters on the pixel array.

        *RGB* colourspace array.

    -   The definition output is not clipped in range [0, 1] : this allows for
        direct HDRI / radiance image generation on *Bayer* CFA data and post
        demosaicing of the high dynamic range data as showcased in this
        `Jupyter Notebook <\


    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> CFA = np.array(
    ...     [[0.30980393, 0.36078432, 0.30588236, 0.3764706],
    ...      [0.35686275, 0.39607844, 0.36078432, 0.40000001]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_bilinear(CFA)
    array([[[ 0.69705884,  0.17941177,  0.09901961],
            [ 0.46176472,  0.4509804 ,  0.19803922],
            [ 0.45882354,  0.27450981,  0.19901961],
            [ 0.22941177,  0.5647059 ,  0.30000001]],
           [[ 0.23235295,  0.53529412,  0.29705883],
            [ 0.15392157,  0.26960785,  0.59411766],
            [ 0.15294118,  0.4509804 ,  0.59705884],
            [ 0.07647059,  0.18431373,  0.90000002]]])
    >>> CFA = np.array(
    ...     [[0.3764706, 0.360784320, 0.40784314, 0.3764706],
    ...      [0.35686275, 0.30980393, 0.36078432, 0.29803923]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_bilinear(CFA, 'BGGR')
    array([[[ 0.07745098,  0.17941177,  0.84705885],
            [ 0.15490197,  0.4509804 ,  0.5882353 ],
            [ 0.15196079,  0.27450981,  0.61176471],
            [ 0.22352942,  0.5647059 ,  0.30588235]],
           [[ 0.23235295,  0.53529412,  0.28235295],
            [ 0.4647059 ,  0.26960785,  0.19607843],
            [ 0.45588237,  0.4509804 ,  0.20392157],
            [ 0.67058827,  0.18431373,  0.10196078]]])

    CFA = as_float_array(CFA)
    R_m, G_m, B_m = masks_CFA_Bayer(CFA.shape, pattern)

    H_G = as_float_array(
        [[0, 1, 0],
         [1, 4, 1],
         [0, 1, 0]]) / 4  # yapf: disable

    H_RB = as_float_array(
        [[1, 2, 1],
         [2, 4, 2],
         [1, 2, 1]]) / 4  # yapf: disable

    R = convolve(CFA * R_m, H_RB)
    G = convolve(CFA * G_m, H_G)
    B = convolve(CFA * B_m, H_RB)

    del R_m, G_m, B_m, H_RB, H_G

    return tstack([R, G, B])
def demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Malvar2004(CFA, pattern='RGGB'):
    Returns the demosaiced *RGB* colourspace array from given *Bayer* CFA using
    Malvar (2004) demosaicing algorithm.

    CFA : array_like
        *Bayer* CFA.
    pattern : unicode, optional
        **{'RGGB', 'BGGR', 'GRBG', 'GBRG'}**,
        Arrangement of the colour filters on the pixel array.

        *RGB* colourspace array.

    >>> CFA = np.array([[0.30980393, 0.36078432, 0.30588236, 0.3764706],
    ...                 [0.35686275, 0.39607844, 0.36078432, 0.40000001]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Malvar2004(CFA)
    array([[[ 0.30980393,  0.31666668,  0.32941177],
            [ 0.33039216,  0.36078432,  0.38112746],
            [ 0.30588236,  0.32794118,  0.34877452],
            [ 0.36274511,  0.3764706 ,  0.38480393]],
           [[ 0.34828432,  0.35686275,  0.36568628],
            [ 0.35318628,  0.38186275,  0.39607844],
            [ 0.3379902 ,  0.36078432,  0.3754902 ],
            [ 0.37769609,  0.39558825,  0.40000001]]])
    >>> CFA = np.array([[0.3764706, 0.360784320, 0.40784314, 0.3764706],
    ...                 [0.35686275, 0.30980393, 0.36078432, 0.29803923]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Malvar2004(CFA, 'BGGR')
    array([[[ 0.35539217,  0.37058825,  0.3764706 ],
            [ 0.34264707,  0.36078432,  0.37450981],
            [ 0.36568628,  0.39607844,  0.40784314],
            [ 0.36568629,  0.3764706 ,  0.3882353 ]],
           [[ 0.34411765,  0.35686275,  0.36200981],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.32990197,  0.34975491],
            [ 0.33039216,  0.36078432,  0.38063726],
            [ 0.29803923,  0.30441178,  0.31740197]]])

    CFA = np.asarray(CFA)
    R_m, G_m, B_m = masks_CFA_Bayer(CFA.shape, pattern)

    GR_GB = np.asarray(
        [[0, 0, -1, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 2, 0, 0],
         [-1, 2, 4, 2, -1],
         [0, 0, 2, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, -1, 0, 0]]) / 8

    Rg_RB_Bg_BR = np.asarray(
        [[0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0],
         [0, -1, 0, -1, 0],
         [-1, 4, 5, 4, - 1],
         [0, -1, 0, -1, 0],
         [0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0]]) / 8

    Rg_BR_Bg_RB = np.transpose(Rg_RB_Bg_BR)

    Rb_BB_Br_RR = np.asarray(
        [[0, 0, -1.5, 0, 0],
         [0, 2, 0, 2, 0],
         [-1.5, 0, 6, 0, -1.5],
         [0, 2, 0, 2, 0],
         [0, 0, -1.5, 0, 0]]) / 8

    R = CFA * R_m
    G = CFA * G_m
    B = CFA * B_m

    G = np.where(np.logical_or(R_m == 1, B_m == 1), convolve(CFA, GR_GB), G)

    RBg_RBBR = convolve(CFA, Rg_RB_Bg_BR)
    RBg_BRRB = convolve(CFA, Rg_BR_Bg_RB)
    RBgr_BBRR = convolve(CFA, Rb_BB_Br_RR)

    # Red rows.
    R_r = np.transpose(np.any(R_m == 1, axis=1)[np.newaxis]) * np.ones(R.shape)
    # Red columns.
    R_c = np.any(R_m == 1, axis=0)[np.newaxis] * np.ones(R.shape)
    # Blue rows.
    B_r = np.transpose(np.any(B_m == 1, axis=1)[np.newaxis]) * np.ones(B.shape)
    # Blue columns
    B_c = np.any(B_m == 1, axis=0)[np.newaxis] * np.ones(B.shape)

    R = np.where(np.logical_and(R_r == 1, B_c == 1), RBg_RBBR, R)
    R = np.where(np.logical_and(B_r == 1, R_c == 1), RBg_BRRB, R)

    B = np.where(np.logical_and(B_r == 1, R_c == 1), RBg_RBBR, B)
    B = np.where(np.logical_and(R_r == 1, B_c == 1), RBg_BRRB, B)

    R = np.where(np.logical_and(B_r == 1, B_c == 1), RBgr_BBRR, R)
    B = np.where(np.logical_and(R_r == 1, R_c == 1), RBgr_BBRR, B)

    return tstack((R, G, B))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Menon2007(CFA, pattern='RGGB', refining_step=True):
    Returns the demosaiced *RGB* colourspace array from given *Bayer* CFA using
    DDFAPD - Menon (2007) demosaicing algorithm.

    CFA : array_like
        *Bayer* CFA.
    pattern : unicode, optional
        **{'RGGB', 'BGGR', 'GRBG', 'GBRG'}**,
        Arrangement of the colour filters on the pixel array.
    refining_step : bool
        Perform refining step.

        *RGB* colourspace array.

    >>> CFA = np.array([[ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.30588236,  0.3764706 ],
    ...                 [ 0.35686275,  0.39607844,  0.36078432,  0.40000001]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Menon2007(CFA)
    array([[[ 0.30980393,  0.35686275,  0.39215687],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.39607844],
            [ 0.30588236,  0.36078432,  0.39019608],
            [ 0.32156864,  0.3764706 ,  0.40000001]],
           [[ 0.30980393,  0.35686275,  0.39215687],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.39607844],
            [ 0.30588236,  0.36078432,  0.39019609],
            [ 0.32156864,  0.3764706 ,  0.40000001]]])
    >>> CFA = np.array([[ 0.3764706 ,  0.36078432,  0.40784314,  0.3764706 ],
    ...                 [ 0.35686275,  0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.29803923]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Menon2007(CFA, 'BGGR')
    array([[[ 0.30588236,  0.35686275,  0.3764706 ],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.39411766],
            [ 0.29607844,  0.36078432,  0.40784314],
            [ 0.29803923,  0.3764706 ,  0.42352942]],
           [[ 0.30588236,  0.35686275,  0.3764706 ],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.39411766],
            [ 0.29607844,  0.36078432,  0.40784314],
            [ 0.29803923,  0.3764706 ,  0.42352942]]])

    CFA = np.asarray(CFA)
    R_m, G_m, B_m = masks_CFA_Bayer(CFA.shape, pattern)

    h_0 = np.array([0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0])
    h_1 = np.array([-0.25, 0, 0.5, 0, -0.25])

    R = CFA * R_m
    G = CFA * G_m
    B = CFA * B_m

    G_H = np.where(G_m == 0, _cnv_h(CFA, h_0) + _cnv_h(CFA, h_1), G)
    G_V = np.where(G_m == 0, _cnv_v(CFA, h_0) + _cnv_v(CFA, h_1), G)

    C_H = np.where(R_m == 1, R - G_H, 0)
    C_H = np.where(B_m == 1, B - G_H, C_H)

    C_V = np.where(R_m == 1, R - G_V, 0)
    C_V = np.where(B_m == 1, B - G_V, C_V)

    D_H = np.abs(C_H -
                 np.pad(C_H, ((0, 0), (0, 2)), mode=str('reflect'))[:, 2:])
    D_V = np.abs(C_V -
                 np.pad(C_V, ((0, 2), (0, 0)), mode=str('reflect'))[2:, :])

    k = np.array(
        [[0, 0, 1, 0, 1],
         [0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
         [0, 0, 3, 0, 3],
         [0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
         [0, 0, 1, 0, 1]])

    d_H = convolve(D_H, k, mode='constant')
    d_V = convolve(D_V, np.transpose(k), mode='constant')

    mask = d_V >= d_H
    G = np.where(mask, G_H, G_V)
    M = np.where(mask, 1, 0)

    # Red rows.
    R_r = np.transpose(np.any(R_m == 1, axis=1)[np.newaxis]) * np.ones(R.shape)
    # Blue rows.
    B_r = np.transpose(np.any(B_m == 1, axis=1)[np.newaxis]) * np.ones(B.shape)

    k_b = np.array([0.5, 0, 0.5])

    R = np.where(np.logical_and(G_m == 1, R_r == 1),
                 G + _cnv_h(R, k_b) - _cnv_h(G, k_b),

    R = np.where(np.logical_and(G_m == 1, B_r == 1) == 1,
                 G + _cnv_v(R, k_b) - _cnv_v(G, k_b),

    B = np.where(np.logical_and(G_m == 1, B_r == 1),
                 G + _cnv_h(B, k_b) - _cnv_h(G, k_b),

    B = np.where(np.logical_and(G_m == 1, R_r == 1) == 1,
                 G + _cnv_v(B, k_b) - _cnv_v(G, k_b),

    R = np.where(np.logical_and(B_r == 1, B_m == 1),
                 np.where(M == 1,
                          B + _cnv_h(R, k_b) - _cnv_h(B, k_b),
                          B + _cnv_v(R, k_b) - _cnv_v(B, k_b)),

    B = np.where(np.logical_and(R_r == 1, R_m == 1),
                 np.where(M == 1,
                          R + _cnv_h(B, k_b) - _cnv_h(R, k_b),
                          R + _cnv_v(B, k_b) - _cnv_v(R, k_b)),

    RGB = tstack((R, G, B))

    if refining_step:
        RGB = refining_step_Menon2007(RGB, tstack((R_m, G_m, B_m)), M)

    return RGB
Ejemplo n.º 11
def demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Menon2007(CFA, pattern='RGGB', refining_step=True):
    Returns the demosaiced *RGB* colourspace array from given *Bayer* CFA using
    DDFAPD - Menon (2007) demosaicing algorithm.

    CFA : array_like
        *Bayer* CFA.
    pattern : unicode, optional
        **{'RGGB', 'BGGR', 'GRBG', 'GBRG'}**,
        Arrangement of the colour filters on the pixel array.
    refining_step : bool
        Perform refining step.

        *RGB* colourspace array.

    >>> CFA = np.array([[ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.30588236,  0.3764706 ],
    ...                 [ 0.35686275,  0.39607844,  0.36078432,  0.40000001]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Menon2007(CFA)
    array([[[ 0.30980393,  0.35686275,  0.39215687],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.39607844],
            [ 0.30588236,  0.36078432,  0.39019608],
            [ 0.32156864,  0.3764706 ,  0.40000001]],
           [[ 0.30980393,  0.35686275,  0.39215687],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.39607844],
            [ 0.30588236,  0.36078432,  0.39019609],
            [ 0.32156864,  0.3764706 ,  0.40000001]]])
    >>> CFA = np.array([[ 0.3764706 ,  0.36078432,  0.40784314,  0.3764706 ],
    ...                 [ 0.35686275,  0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.29803923]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Menon2007(CFA, 'BGGR')
    array([[[ 0.30588236,  0.35686275,  0.3764706 ],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.39411766],
            [ 0.29607844,  0.36078432,  0.40784314],
            [ 0.29803923,  0.3764706 ,  0.42352942]],
           [[ 0.30588236,  0.35686275,  0.3764706 ],
            [ 0.30980393,  0.36078432,  0.39411766],
            [ 0.29607844,  0.36078432,  0.40784314],
            [ 0.29803923,  0.3764706 ,  0.42352942]]])

    CFA = np.asarray(CFA)
    R_m, G_m, B_m = masks_CFA_Bayer(CFA.shape, pattern)

    h_0 = np.array([0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0])
    h_1 = np.array([-0.25, 0, 0.5, 0, -0.25])

    R = CFA * R_m
    G = CFA * G_m
    B = CFA * B_m

    G_H = np.where(G_m == 0, _cnv_h(CFA, h_0) + _cnv_h(CFA, h_1), G)
    G_V = np.where(G_m == 0, _cnv_v(CFA, h_0) + _cnv_v(CFA, h_1), G)

    C_H = np.where(R_m == 1, R - G_H, 0)
    C_H = np.where(B_m == 1, B - G_H, C_H)

    C_V = np.where(R_m == 1, R - G_V, 0)
    C_V = np.where(B_m == 1, B - G_V, C_V)

    D_H = np.abs(C_H - np.pad(C_H, ((0, 0),
                                    (0, 2)), mode=str('reflect'))[:, 2:])
    D_V = np.abs(C_V - np.pad(C_V, ((0, 2),
                                    (0, 0)), mode=str('reflect'))[2:, :])

    k = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 3, 0, 3],
                  [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1]])

    d_H = convolve(D_H, k, mode='constant')
    d_V = convolve(D_V, np.transpose(k), mode='constant')

    mask = d_V >= d_H
    G = np.where(mask, G_H, G_V)
    M = np.where(mask, 1, 0)

    # Red rows.
    R_r = np.transpose(np.any(R_m == 1, axis=1)[np.newaxis]) * np.ones(R.shape)
    # Blue rows.
    B_r = np.transpose(np.any(B_m == 1, axis=1)[np.newaxis]) * np.ones(B.shape)

    k_b = np.array([0.5, 0, 0.5])

    R = np.where(np.logical_and(G_m == 1, R_r == 1),
                 G + _cnv_h(R, k_b) - _cnv_h(G, k_b), R)

    R = np.where(
        np.logical_and(G_m == 1, B_r == 1) == 1,
        G + _cnv_v(R, k_b) - _cnv_v(G, k_b), R)

    B = np.where(np.logical_and(G_m == 1, B_r == 1),
                 G + _cnv_h(B, k_b) - _cnv_h(G, k_b), B)

    B = np.where(
        np.logical_and(G_m == 1, R_r == 1) == 1,
        G + _cnv_v(B, k_b) - _cnv_v(G, k_b), B)

    R = np.where(
        np.logical_and(B_r == 1, B_m == 1),
        np.where(M == 1, B + _cnv_h(R, k_b) - _cnv_h(B, k_b),
                 B + _cnv_v(R, k_b) - _cnv_v(B, k_b)), R)

    B = np.where(
        np.logical_and(R_r == 1, R_m == 1),
        np.where(M == 1, R + _cnv_h(B, k_b) - _cnv_h(R, k_b),
                 R + _cnv_v(B, k_b) - _cnv_v(R, k_b)), B)

    RGB = tstack((R, G, B))

    if refining_step:
        RGB = refining_step_Menon2007(RGB, tstack((R_m, G_m, B_m)), M)

    return RGB
Ejemplo n.º 12
def demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_bilinear(CFA, pattern='RGGB'):
    Returns the demosaiced *RGB* colourspace array from given *Bayer* CFA using
    bilinear interpolation.

    CFA : array_like
        *Bayer* CFA.
    pattern : unicode, optional
        **{'RGGB', 'BGGR', 'GRBG', 'GBRG'}**,
        Arrangement of the colour filters on the pixel array.

        *RGB* colourspace array.

    >>> CFA = np.array([[0.30980393, 0.36078432, 0.30588236, 0.3764706],
    ...                 [0.35686275, 0.39607844, 0.36078432, 0.40000001]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_bilinear(CFA)
    array([[[ 0.69705884,  0.17941177,  0.09901961],
            [ 0.46176472,  0.4509804 ,  0.19803922],
            [ 0.45882354,  0.27450981,  0.19901961],
            [ 0.22941177,  0.5647059 ,  0.30000001]],
           [[ 0.23235295,  0.53529412,  0.29705883],
            [ 0.15392157,  0.26960785,  0.59411766],
            [ 0.15294118,  0.4509804 ,  0.59705884],
            [ 0.07647059,  0.18431373,  0.90000002]]])
    >>> CFA = np.array([[0.3764706, 0.360784320, 0.40784314, 0.3764706],
    ...                 [0.35686275, 0.30980393, 0.36078432, 0.29803923]])
    >>> demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_bilinear(CFA, 'BGGR')
    array([[[ 0.07745098,  0.17941177,  0.84705885],
            [ 0.15490197,  0.4509804 ,  0.5882353 ],
            [ 0.15196079,  0.27450981,  0.61176471],
            [ 0.22352942,  0.5647059 ,  0.30588235]],
           [[ 0.23235295,  0.53529412,  0.28235295],
            [ 0.4647059 ,  0.26960785,  0.19607843],
            [ 0.45588237,  0.4509804 ,  0.20392157],
            [ 0.67058827,  0.18431373,  0.10196078]]])

    CFA = np.asarray(CFA)
    R_m, G_m, B_m = masks_CFA_Bayer(CFA.shape, pattern)

    H_G = np.asarray(
        [[0, 1, 0],
         [1, 4, 1],
         [0, 1, 0]]) / 4

    H_RB = np.asarray(
        [[1, 2, 1],
         [2, 4, 2],
         [1, 2, 1]]) / 4

    R = convolve(CFA * R_m, H_RB)
    G = convolve(CFA * G_m, H_G)
    B = convolve(CFA * B_m, H_RB)

    return tstack((R, G, B))