Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testEscapeRegex(self):
     """ Make sure some of the characters that throw the Java regex
     package into a tizzy have been escaped, mainly ($,/). However,
     any other problem chars should be added as well. """
     testStr    = "$$$\\"
     escapedStr = QueryExecutor.escapeRegex(testStr)
     assert(escapedStr == "\$\$\$\\\\")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testConvertDirtyQueryToPstmt(self):
     """ Make sure we can convert some raw SQL into a prepared statement
     even if it contains some regex borking chars. """
     query  = "select dollars from dual where 1 = 1 and x = 1.0 and r = '$500.00' "
     values = JSONArray()
     nQuery = QueryExecutor.convertQueryToPstmt(query, values)
     assert(nQuery == "select dollars from dual where ? = ? and x = ? and r = ? ")
     assert(values.toString() == '["1","1","1.0","\\\$500.00"]')            
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def testConvertQueryToPstmt(self):
     """ Make sure we can convert some raw SQL into a 
     prepared statement """
     query  = "select sysdate from dual where 1 = 1 and x = 1.0 and r = 'test' "
     values = JSONArray()
     nQuery = QueryExecutor.convertQueryToPstmt(query, values)
     assert(nQuery == "select sysdate from dual where ? = ? and x = ? and r = ? ")
     assert(values.toString() == '["1","1","1.0","test"]')
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def setUp(self):
     """ Create a DB connection pool to an embedded Apache
     Derby instance for testing. Create some macros for testing
     as well. """            
     driver = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"
     dsn    = "jdbc:derby:/testdb;create=true"
     self.maxObjects        = 10
     self.expirationTime    = 10
     self.connectionTimeout = 10
     self.pool              = JDBCConnectionPool(driver, dsn, "", "", 
     self.executor          = QueryExecutor(self.pool)          
     MacroCache.put("$macro",   "SELECT 3 cold FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1")
     MacroCache.put("$pmacro",  "SELECT 4 cole FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 where 1 = ?")
     MacroCache.put("$umacro",  "insert into qe_test (id,txt) values(7,'700')")
     MacroCache.put("$upmacro", "insert into qe_test (id,txt) values(?,?)")
     #Setup dummy table
     reqStr  =  '[{query:"create table qe_test (id int, txt varchar(100))"}]'
     self.executor.execute(reqStr, True, True)                   
Ejemplo n.º 5
class QueryExecutorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
        def setUp(self):
            """ Create a DB connection pool to an embedded Apache
            Derby instance for testing. Create some macros for testing
            as well. """            
            driver = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"
            dsn    = "jdbc:derby:/testdb;create=true"
            self.maxObjects        = 10
            self.expirationTime    = 10
            self.connectionTimeout = 10
            self.pool              = JDBCConnectionPool(driver, dsn, "", "", 
            self.executor          = QueryExecutor(self.pool)          
            MacroCache.put("$macro",   "SELECT 3 cold FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1")
            MacroCache.put("$pmacro",  "SELECT 4 cole FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 where 1 = ?")
            MacroCache.put("$umacro",  "insert into qe_test (id,txt) values(7,'700')")
            MacroCache.put("$upmacro", "insert into qe_test (id,txt) values(?,?)")
            #Setup dummy table
            reqStr  =  '[{query:"create table qe_test (id int, txt varchar(100))"}]'
            self.executor.execute(reqStr, True, True)                   

        def testEscapeRegex(self):
            """ Make sure some of the characters that throw the Java regex
            package into a tizzy have been escaped, mainly ($,/). However,
            any other problem chars should be added as well. """
            testStr    = "$$$\\"
            escapedStr = QueryExecutor.escapeRegex(testStr)
            assert(escapedStr == "\$\$\$\\\\")
        def testConvertQueryToPstmt(self):
            """ Make sure we can convert some raw SQL into a 
            prepared statement """
            query  = "select sysdate from dual where 1 = 1 and x = 1.0 and r = 'test' "
            values = JSONArray()
            nQuery = QueryExecutor.convertQueryToPstmt(query, values)
            assert(nQuery == "select sysdate from dual where ? = ? and x = ? and r = ? ")
            assert(values.toString() == '["1","1","1.0","test"]')
        def testConvertDirtyQueryToPstmt(self):
            """ Make sure we can convert some raw SQL into a prepared statement
            even if it contains some regex borking chars. """
            query  = "select dollars from dual where 1 = 1 and x = 1.0 and r = '$500.00' "
            values = JSONArray()
            nQuery = QueryExecutor.convertQueryToPstmt(query, values)
            assert(nQuery == "select dollars from dual where ? = ? and x = ? and r = ? ")
            assert(values.toString() == '["1","1","1.0","\\\$500.00"]')            
        def testExecuteQueries(self):
            """ Make sure we can execute one query of each supported type
            as a query set. All the results should come back together. """
            reqStr  =  '[{query:"SELECT 1 cola FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1"},\
                         {query:"SELECT 2 colb FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 where 1 = ?",values:[1]},\
                         {query:"SELECT SCHEMANAME colc FROM SYS.SYSSCHEMAS where SCHEMANAME = \'SYSIBM\' ", convert:true},\
            #Test w/Document Format
            outJson  = self.executor.execute(reqStr,False,True)
            testJson = ['[',
                        '{"message":"","cols":["COLA"],"status":"success","types":["INTEGER"],"rows":[{"COLA":"1"}]},'     ,
                        '{"message":"","cols":["COLB"],"status":"success","types":["INTEGER"],"rows":[{"COLB":"2"}]},'     ,
                        '{"message":"","cols":["COLD"],"status":"success","types":["INTEGER"],"rows":[{"COLD":"3"}]},'     ,                           
                        '{"message":"","cols":["COLE"],"status":"success","types":["INTEGER"],"rows":[{"COLE":"4"}]}'      ,                           
            assert(outJson == ''.join(testJson))
            #Test w/o Document Format
            outJson2  = self.executor.execute(reqStr,False,False)
            testJson2 = ['[',
                        '{"message":"","cols":["COLA"],"status":"success","types":["INTEGER"],"rows":[["1"]]},'     ,
                        '{"message":"","cols":["COLB"],"status":"success","types":["INTEGER"],"rows":[["2"]]},'     ,
                        '{"message":"","cols":["COLD"],"status":"success","types":["INTEGER"],"rows":[["3"]]},'     ,                           
                        '{"message":"","cols":["COLE"],"status":"success","types":["INTEGER"],"rows":[["4"]]}'      ,                           
            assert(outJson2 == ''.join(testJson2))    
        def testExecuteUpdates(self):
            """ Make sure we can execute one update of each supported type 
            as a set in a single batch."""
            #Setup dummy table
            reqStr  =  '[{query:"drop table qe_test"},\
                         {query:"create table qe_test (id int, txt varchar(100))"}]'
            #Insert data
            reqStr  =  '[{query:"insert into qe_test (id,txt) values(1,\'100\')"}, \
                         {query:"insert into qe_test (id,txt) values(2,\'200\')"}, \
                         {query:"insert into qe_test (id,txt) values(3,\'300\')"}, \
                         {query:"insert into qe_test (id,txt) values(4,\'400\')"}, \
                         {query:"insert into qe_test (id,txt) values(?,?)",values:[5,\'500\']},\
                         {query:"insert into qe_test (id,txt) values(6,\'600\')",convert:true},\
            outJson  = self.executor.execute(reqStr,True,True)
            assert(outJson == '[{"message":"","status":"success"}]')
            #Retrieve and confirm w/document Format
            outQJson = self.executor.execute('[{query:"select id,txt from qe_test order by id"}]',False,True)
            testJson = ['[{"message":"","cols":["ID","TXT"],"status":"success","types":["INTEGER","VARCHAR"],',
            assert(outQJson == ''.join(testJson))
            #Retrieve and confirm w/o document Format
            outQJson = self.executor.execute('[{query:"select id,txt from qe_test order by id"}]',False,False)
            testJson = ['[{"message":"","cols":["ID","TXT"],"status":"success","types":["INTEGER","VARCHAR"],',
            assert(outQJson == ''.join(testJson))            
        def testSingleUpdate(self):
            """ Make sure running a single Raw SQL update 
            doesn't create a batch. """
            reqStr  =  '[{query:"drop table qe_test"},\
                         {query:"create table qe_test (id int, txt varchar(100))"}]'
            createAndDrop = self.executor.execute(reqStr,True,True)      
            assert(createAndDrop == '[{"message":"","status":"success"}]')
            outJson  = self.executor.execute('[{query:"insert into qe_test (id,txt) values(1,\'100\')"}]',True,True) 
            assert(outJson == '[{"message":"","status":"success"}]')
            outQJson = self.executor.execute('[{query:"select * from qe_test order by id"}]',False,True)
            assert(outQJson == '[{"message":"","cols":["ID","TXT"],"status":"success","types":["INTEGER","VARCHAR"],"rows":[{"ID":"1","TXT":"100"}]}]')
        def testSinglePreparedUpdate(self):
            """ Make sure running a single Prepared Statement update
            doesn't create a batch. """
            reqStr  =  '[{query:"drop table qe_test"},\
                         {query:"create table qe_test (id int, txt varchar(100))"}]'
            createAndDrop = self.executor.execute(reqStr,True,True)      
            assert(createAndDrop == '[{"message":"","status":"success"}]')  
            outJson  = self.executor.execute('[{query:"insert into qe_test (id,txt) values(?,?)",values:[9,\'900\']}]',True,True)  
            assert(outJson == '[{"message":"","status":"success"}]')
            outQJson = self.executor.execute('[{query:"select * from qe_test order by id"}]',False,True)
            assert(outQJson == '[{"message":"","cols":["ID","TXT"],"status":"success","types":["INTEGER","VARCHAR"],"rows":[{"ID":"9","TXT":"900"}]}]')