Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    session = requests.session()
    session.verify = False
    nsx_url = 'https://%s:%s' % ("<NSX MANAGER IP>", 443)
    connector = connect.get_requests_connector(session=session, msg_protocol='rest', url=nsx_url)
    stub_config = StubConfigurationFactory.new_std_configuration(connector)
    security_context = create_user_password_security_context("<USERNAME>", "<PASSWORD>")
    tz_list = []
    tz_svc = TransportZones(stub_config)
    tz_list = tz_svc.list()
    r = tz_list.results
    start_row = 1
    for i in r:
        tz = i.convert_to(TransportZone)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 0, tz.display_name)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 1, tz.description)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 2, tz.id)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 3, tz.resource_type)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 4, tz.host_switch_id)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 5, tz.host_switch_mode)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 6, tz.host_switch_name)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 7, tz.is_default)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 8, tz.nested_nsx)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 9, tz.transport_type)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 10,tz.uplink_teaming_policy_names)
        start_row += 1
    ls_wkbk.save('Transport Zones.xls')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    # Read the command-line arguments. The args object will contain
    # 4 properties, args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port, args.user, and
    # args.password.
    args = getargs.getargs()

    # Create a session using the requests library. For more information on
    # requests, see http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/
    session = requests.session()

    # If your NSX API server is using its default self-signed certificate,
    # you will need the following line, otherwise the python ssl layer
    # will reject the server certificate. THIS IS UNSAFE and you should
    # normally verify the server certificate.
    session.verify = False

    # Set up the API connector and security context
    nsx_url = 'https://%s:%s' % (args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port)
    connector = connect.get_requests_connector(
        session=session, msg_protocol='rest', url=nsx_url)
    stub_config = StubConfigurationFactory.new_std_configuration(connector)
    security_context = create_user_password_security_context(
        args.user, args.password)

    # Now any API calls we make should authenticate to NSX using
    # HTTP Basic Authentication. Let's get a list of all Transport Zones.
    transportzones_svc = TransportZones(stub_config)
    tzs = transportzones_svc.list()
    # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice.
    pp = PrettyPrinter()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def SheetSegments(auth_list,WORKBOOK,TN_WS,NSX_Config = {}):
    NSX_Config['Segments'] = []
    Dict_LS = {}
    # NSX Connection
    SessionNSX = ConnectNSX(auth_list)
    stub_config = StubConfigurationFactory.new_std_configuration(SessionNSX[1])
    ls_svc = LogicalSwitches(stub_config)
    ls_list = ls_svc.list()
    nb = len(ls_list.results)
    tz_svc = TransportZones(stub_config)
    tz_list = tz_svc.list()

    XLS_Lines = []
    TN_HEADER_ROW = ('Segments', 'VNI', 'VLAN', 'Transport Zone Name', 'Transport Zone Type', 'Replication Mode', 'Admin State')

    if ls_list.result_count > 0:
        while True:
            for segment in ls_list.results:
                TZ_NAME = ""
                TZ_Type = ""
                for tz in tz_list.results:
                    if segment.transport_zone_id == tz.id:
                        TZ_NAME = tz.display_name
                        TZ_Type = tz.transport_type

                Dict_LS['segment_name'] = segment.display_name
                Dict_LS['vni'] = segment.vni
                Dict_LS['vlan'] = segment.vlan
                Dict_LS['tz_name'] = TZ_NAME
                Dict_LS['tz_type'] = TZ_Type
                Dict_LS['replication_mode'] = segment.replication_mode
                Dict_LS['status'] = segment.admin_state
                XLS_Lines.append([segment.display_name, segment.vni, segment.vlan, TZ_NAME, TZ_Type, segment.replication_mode,segment.admin_state])

            if ls_list.cursor is None:
                print(" --> more than " + str(nb) + " results for " + style.RED + "Segments" + style.NORMAL + " - please wait")
                ls_list = LogicalSwitches(stub_config).list(cursor =ls_list.cursor )
                nb = len(ls_list.results) + nb

        XLS_Lines.append(["no Segments", "", "", "", "", "",""])

    if GetOutputFormat() == 'CSV':
        CSV = WORKBOOK
    elif GetOutputFormat() == 'JSON':
        FillSheetJSON(JSON, NSX_Config)
    elif GetOutputFormat() == 'YAML':
        FillSheetYAML(YAML, NSX_Config)
        ConditionnalFormat(TN_WS, 'G2:G' + str(len(XLS_Lines) + 1), 'UP')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def listTransportZones(module, stub_config):
    tz_list = []
        tz_svc = TransportZones(stub_config)
        tz_list = tz_svc.list()
    except Error as ex:
        api_error = ex.date.convert_to(ApiError)
        module.fail_json(msg='API Error listing Transport Zones: %s'%(api_error.error_message))
    return tz_list
Ejemplo n.º 5
def getTransportZoneEndPoint(module, stub_config):
    tz_endpoints = []
    transportzones_svc = TransportZones(stub_config)
        tzs = transportzones_svc.list()
    except Error as ex:
        api_error = ex.data.convert_to(ApiError)
        module.exit_json(changed=False, message="Error listing Transport Zones: "%(api_error))

    for tz_name in module.params['transport_zone_endpoints']:
        for vs in tzs.results:
            fn = vs.convert_to(TransportZone)
            if fn.display_name == tz_name:
    return tz_endpoints
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main():
    session = requests.session()
    session.verify = False
    nsx_url = 'https://%s:%s' % ("<NSX-T MANAGER FQDN>", 443)
    connector = connect.get_requests_connector(session=session,
    stub_config = StubConfigurationFactory.new_std_configuration(connector)
    security_context = create_user_password_security_context(
        "<USERNAME>", "<PASSWORD>")
    ls_list = []
    ls_svc = LogicalSwitches(stub_config)
    ls_list = ls_svc.list()
    # print(ls_list)
    tz_list = []
    tz_svc = TransportZones(stub_config)
    tz_list = tz_svc.list()
    start_row = 1
    for vs in ls_list.results:
        ls = vs.convert_to(LogicalSwitch)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 0, ls.display_name)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 1, ls.vni, style_alignleft)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 2, ls.vlan, style_alignleft)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 4, ls.transport_zone_id)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 6, ls.replication_mode)
        sheet1.write(start_row, 7, ls.admin_state)
        # print(ls.resource_type)
        newlist = []
        for i in range(len(ls.tags)):
        sheet1.write(start_row, 8, (str(newlist[0])))
        if len(newlist) > 1:
            sheet1.write(start_row, 9, (str(newlist.pop())))
        x = len(tz_list.results)
        for i in range(0, x):
            if ls.transport_zone_id == tz_list.results[i].id:
                sheet1.write(start_row, 3, tz_list.results[i].display_name)
                sheet1.write(start_row, 5, tz_list.results[i].transport_type)
        start_row += 1
    ls_wkbk.save('Logical Switches.xls')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main():
    # Read the command-line arguments.
    arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    arg_parser.add_argument('-n', '--nsx_host', type=str, required=True,
                            help='NSX host to connect to')
    arg_parser.add_argument('-t', '--tcp_port', type=int, default=443,
                            help='TCP port for NSX server')
    arg_parser.add_argument('-c', '--client_certificate', type=str,
                            help='Name of PEM file containing client '
                            'certificate and private key')
    args = arg_parser.parse_args()

    # Create a session using the requests library. For more information on
    # requests, see http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/
    session = requests.session()

    # If your NSX API server is using its default self-signed certificate,
    # you will need the following line, otherwise the python ssl layer
    # will reject the server certificate. THIS IS UNSAFE and you should
    # normally verify the server certificate.
    session.verify = False

    # Configure the requests library to supply a client certificate
    session.cert = args.client_certificate

    # Set up the API connector
    nsx_url = 'https://%s:%s' % (args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port)
    connector = connect.get_requests_connector(
        session=session, msg_protocol='rest', url=nsx_url)
    stub_config = StubConfigurationFactory.new_std_configuration(connector)

    # Now any API calls we make should authenticate to NSX using
    # the client certificate. Let's get a list of all Transport Zones.
    transportzones_svc = TransportZones(stub_config)
    tzs = transportzones_svc.list()
    # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice.
    pp = PrettyPrinter()
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    args = getargs.getargs()


    user = "******"
    password = "******"
    tcp_port = 443

#    stub_config = auth.get_session_auth_stub_config(args.user, args.password,
#                                                    args.nsx_host,
#                                                    args.tcp_port)
    stub_config = auth.get_session_auth_stub_config(user, password, nsx_host, tcp_port)
    # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice.
    pp = PrettyPrinter()

    # Create the service we'll need.
    transportzones_svc = TransportZones(stub_config)

    # First, list all transport zones. If your NSX installation has
    # just been installed, this should return an empty list.
    tzs = transportzones_svc.list()
    print("Initial list of transport zones - %d zones" % tzs.result_count)

    # Create a transport zone.
    new_tz = TransportZone(
        display_name="My transport zone",
        description="Transport zone for basic create/read/update/delete demo",
    result_tz = transportzones_svc.create(new_tz)
    print("Transport zone created. id is %s" % result_tz.id)

    # Save the id, which uniquely identifies the resource we created.
    tz_id = result_tz.id

    # Read that transport zone.
    read_tz = transportzones_svc.get(tz_id)
    print("Re-read the transport zone")

    # List all transport zones again. The newly created transport
    # zone will be in the list.
    tzs = transportzones_svc.list()
    print("Updated list of transport zones - %d zones" % tzs.result_count)

    print("You can now examine the list of transport zones in the")
    print("NSX manager if you wish. Press enter to continue.")

    # Update the transport zone.
    read_tz.description = "Updated description for transport zone"
    updated_tz = transportzones_svc.update(tz_id, read_tz)
    print("After updating description. Note that the revision property is "
          "automatically updated.")

    # Update the transport zone again.
    # Note that NSX insists that clients always operate on up-to-date
    # data. To enforce this, every resource in NSX has a "revision"
    # property that is automatically maintained by NSX and is
    # incremented each time the resource is updated. If a client
    # submits an update operation, and the revision property in the
    # payload provided by the client does not match the revision
    # stored on the server, another update must have happened since
    # the client last read the resource, and the client's copy is
    # therefore stale.  In this case, the server will return a 412
    # Precondition Failed error. This is intended to prevent clients
    # from clobbering each other's updates. To recover from this
    # error, the client must re-read the resource, apply any desired
    # updates, and perform another update operation.
    updated_tz.description = "Updated description again for transport zone"
    updated_tz = transportzones_svc.update(tz_id, updated_tz)
    print("After updating description again.")

    # Delete the transport zone.
    print("After deleting transport zone")

    # Now if we try to read the transport zone, we should get a
    # 404 Not Found error. This example also shows how you can
    # check for and handle specific errors from the NSX API.
        read_tz = transportzones_svc.get(tz_id)
    except NotFound:
        print("Transport zone is gone, as expected")