Ejemplo n.º 1
def face(source, sink):
    topics = ['mean_rot_y']

    # Group the face info
    windows = grouper.Window(source.start_time, sink.window_duration)

    # Use a combiner to bundle the results
    comb = combine.Combiner(source.start_time, sink.window_duration, topics)

    for (chunk, start, end) in source:
        # Put into the groupers
        windows.put(chunk, start, end)

        # Analyze the data from the groupers
        for (window, w_start, w_end) in windows:
            if not window:
                mean_rot_y = None
                mean_rot_y = np.mean([x['head_pose']['rot_y'] for x in window])
            comb.put('mean_rot_y', mean_rot_y, w_start, w_end)

        # Process the combiner
        for (bundle, b_start, b_end) in comb:
            sink.put(bundle, b_start, b_end)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def audio(source, sink):
    topics = [

    # Group the audio
    blocks_10ms = grouper.Block(block_buffer=buffer.BlockBufferNP(
        int(.01 * float(source.rate)), np.float32), )
    windows_blocks_10ms = grouper.Window(source.start_time,
    windows = grouper.Window(source.start_time, sink.window_duration)

    # Use a combiner to bundle the results
    comb = combine.Combiner(source.start_time, sink.window_duration, topics)

    for (chunk, start, end) in source:
        # Put into the groupers
        windows.put(chunk, start, end)
        blocks_10ms.put(chunk, start, end)

        # Analyze the data from the groupers
        for (window, w_start, w_end) in windows:
            data = np.hstack(window)
            dataf = data.astype(np.float32) / 32786.

            # Mean volume
            mean_volume = np.mean(np.abs(dataf))
            comb.put('mean_volume', mean_volume, w_start, w_end)

            # Pitch
            pitch, confidence = get_pitch(dataf, source.rate)
            comb.put('pitch', pitch, w_start, w_end)
            comb.put('pitch_confidence', confidence, w_start, w_end)

        for (block, b_start, b_end) in blocks_10ms:
            windows_blocks_10ms.put(block, b_start, b_end)

        for (window, w_start, w_end) in windows_blocks_10ms:
            windowf = [x.astype(np.float32) / 32786. for x in window]
            pitch = [get_pitch(x, source.rate)[0] for x in windowf]
            pitch_std = np.std(pitch)
            comb.put('pitch_std', pitch_std, w_start, w_end)

        # Process the combiner
        for (bundle, b_start, b_end) in comb:
            sink.put(bundle, b_start, b_end)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def audio_test(source, sink):
    # create a curried function for computing time from length or something?
    topics = ['in_high_vol_nbhd', 'long_silence_before']

    # Group the audio
    windows_50ms = grouper.Window(source.start_time, .05)
    windows = grouper.Window(source.start_time, sink.window_duration)

    def is_valid(data):
        return all(map(is_silent, data))

    neighborhood = grouper.Neighborhood(is_valid, 10)
    history = grouper.History(10)
    counter = grouper.Counter(is_silent)

    # Use a combiner to bundle the results
    # Note that start_time is not constant!
    comb = combine.Combiner(source.start_time, sink.window_duration, topics)

    for (chunk, start, end) in source:
        chunkf = chunk.astype(np.float32) / 32786.
        # Put into the groupers
        windows_50ms.put(chunkf, start, end)

        for window, w_start, w_end in windows_50ms:
            stacked = np.hstack(window)
            neighborhood.put(stacked, w_start, w_end)
            history.put(stacked, w_start, w_end)
            counter.put(stacked, w_start, w_end)

        for neighbor, n_start, n_end in neighborhood:
            windows.put(neighbor, n_start, n_end)

        for window, w_start, w_end in windows:
            comb.put('in_high_vol_nbhd', any(window), w_start, w_end)

        for cnt, c_start, c_end in counter:
            comb.put('long_silence_before', cnt > 10, c_start, c_end)

        # Process the combiner
        for (bundle, b_start, b_end) in comb:
            print b_start, b_end, bundle
            sink.put(bundle, b_start, b_end)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    c = coinbase_utils.CoinClient.new(conf)
    btc_account = coinbase_utils.user_choose_confirm(c, 'BTC', 'Bitcoin account')
        deposit_address = btc_account.create_address().address
    except Exception as e:
        print(colored("Error obtaining deposit address", "red"))
        print(colored(e, "cyan"))
    conf.set('btc_account_id', btc_account.id)
    usd_account = coinbase_utils.user_choose_confirm(c, "USD", 'USD account')
    conf.set('usd_account_id', usd_account.id)
    wif = None
    while not wif:
        inputter = input_shares.UserInput()
        print(chr(27) + "[2J" + chr(27) + "[H")  # Clear Screen
        shares = [share.code for share in inputter.input_batch()]
        combiner = combine.Combiner(len(shares))
        print(chr(27) + "[2J" + chr(27) + "[H")  # Clear Screen
        secret = combiner(shares)
        if not secret:
            print(colored("The Shared Codes could not be combined", "red"))
            print("Starting over...")
                private_key = network.keys.private(secret_exponent=int(secret, 16))
                wif = private_key.wif()
            except Exception:
                print(colored("The Shared Codes could not be combined", "red"))
                print("Starting over...")
Ejemplo n.º 5
    show_private = True
threshold = int(sys.argv[1])
number = int(sys.argv[2])

seed = '0'
while int(seed, 16) < 1 or int(
        seed, 16
    seed = secrets.token_hex(32)

splitter = split.Splitter(threshold, number)
shares = splitter(seed)

combos = itertools.combinations(shares, threshold)
combiner = combine.Combiner(threshold)
i = 0
num_combos = int(
    math.factorial(number) /
    (math.factorial(threshold) * math.factorial(number - threshold)))
for combo in combos:
    i += 1
    print("{}Validating {} of {}".format("\b" * 50, i, num_combos),
    if combiner(combo) != seed:
        raise ValueError("Failed validating split shares")

if show_private:
    key = network.keys.private(secret_exponent=int(seed, 16))
    wif = key.wif()