Ejemplo n.º 1
class movieMode(basicMode):
    This class is used to play movie files.
    Users know it as "Movie mode".
    When entered, it might start playing a recently-made movie,
    or continue playing the last movie it was playing,
    or do nothing and wait for the user to open a new movie.
    The movie it is working with (if any) is always stored in assy.current_movie.
    In general, if assy.current_movie is playable when the mode is entered,
    it will start playing it. [I don't know the extent to which it will start
    from where it left off, in not only frame number but direction, etc. - bruce 050426]

    # class constants
    commandName = 'MOVIE'
    default_mode_status_text = "Mode: Movie Player"
    featurename = "Movie Player Mode"

    # methods related to entering this mode

    def Enter(self):
        # [bruce 050427 comment: I'm skeptical of this effect on selection,
        #  since I can't think of any good reason for it [maybe rendering speed optimization??],
        #  and once we have movies as nodes in the MT it will be a problem [why? #k],
        #  but for now I'll leave it in.]
        self.o.assy.unpickall_in_GLPane() # was: unpickparts, unpickatoms [bruce 060721]

    def _exitMode(self, *args, **kws):
        # note: this definition generates the debug print
        ## fyi (for developers): subclass movieMode overrides basicMode._exitMode; this is deprecated after mode changes of 040924.
        # because it's an API violation to override this method; what should be done instead is to do this in one of the other cleanup
        # functions documented in modes.py. Sometime that doc should be clarified and this method should be redone properly.
        # [bruce 070613 comment]
        movie = self.o.assy.current_movie
        if movie and movie.currentFrame is not 0:
            mrd = MovieRewindDialog(movie)
        basicMode._exitMode(self, *args, **kws)

    def init_gui(self):

        if not self.propMgr:
            self.propMgr = MoviePropertyManager(self)
            #@bug BUG: following is a workaround for bug 2494

        #@NOTE: self.propMgr.show() is called later in this (init_gui) method.

        self.updateCommandToolbar(bool_entering = True)

        self.w.simMoviePlayerAction.setChecked(1) # toggle on the Movie Player icon+

        # Disable some action items in the main window.
        # [bruce 050426 comment: I'm skeptical of disabling the ones marked #k
        #  and suggest for some others (especially "simulator") that they
        #  auto-exit the mode rather than be disabled,
        #  but I won't revise these for now.]
            #  Actions marked #k are now in disable_QActions_for_movieMode(). mark 060314)

        # MP dashboard initialization.
            #bruce 050428 precaution (has no noticable effect but seems safer in theory)
        #bruce 050428, working on bug 395: I think some undesirable state is left in the dashboard, so let's reinit it
        # (and down below we might like to init it from the movie if possible, but it's not always possible).
        self.propMgr._moviePropMgr_reinit() ###e could pass frameno? is max frames avail yet in all playable movies? not sure.
        # [bruce 050426 comment: probably this should just be a call of an update method, also used during the mode ###e]
        movie = self.o.assy.current_movie # might be None, but might_be_playable() true implies it's not
        if self.might_be_playable(): #bruce 050426 added condition
            frameno = movie.currentFrame
            frameno = 0 #bruce 050426 guessed value

        self.propMgr.frameNumberSpinBox.setValue(frameno) # bruce 050428 question: does this call our slot method?? ###k

        if self.might_be_playable(): # We have a movie file ready.  It's showtime! [bruce 050426 changed .filename -> .might_be_playable()]
            movie.cueMovie(propMgr = self.propMgr) # Cue movie.
            if movie.filename: #k not sure this cond is needed or what to do if not true [bruce 050510]
                env.history.message( "Movie file ready to play: %s" % movie.filename) #bruce 050510 added this message

        #Need to do this after calling movie._setUp (propMgr displays movie
        #information in its msg groupbox.  All this will be cleaned up when we
        #do moviemode code cleanup.


        # Disable Undo/Redo actions, and undo checkpoints, during this mode (they *must* be reenabled in restore_gui).
        # We do this last, so as not to do it if there are exceptions in the rest of the method,
        # since if it's done and never undone, Undo/Redo won't work for the rest of the session.
        # [bruce 060414; same thing done in some other modes]
        import foundation.undo_manager as undo_manager
        undo_manager.disable_undo_checkpoints('Movie Player')
        undo_manager.disable_UndoRedo('Movie Player', "in Movie Player") # optimizing this for shortness in menu text
            # this makes Undo menu commands and tooltips look like "Undo (not permitted in Movie Player)" (and similarly for Redo)

    def connect_or_disconnect_signals(self, connect):
        Connect or disconnect widget signals sent to their slot methods.
        @param isConnect: If True the widget will send the signals to the slot
        @type  isConnect: boolean
        if connect:
            change_connect = self.w.connect
            change_connect = self.w.disconnect



    def getFlyoutActionList(self): #Ninad 20070618
        Returns custom actionlist that will be used in a specific mode
        or editing a feature etc Example: while in movie mode,
        the _createFlyoutToolBar method calls

        #'allActionsList' returns all actions in the flyout toolbar
        #including the subcontrolArea actions
        allActionsList = []

        #Action List for  subcontrol Area buttons.
        #In this mode there is really no subcontrol area.
        #We will treat subcontrol area same as 'command area'
        #(subcontrol area buttons will have an empty list as their command area
        #list). We will set  the Comamnd Area palette background color to the
        #subcontrol area.

        subControlAreaActionList =[]

        self.exitMovieAction = NE1_QWidgetAction(self.w, win = self.w)
        self.exitMovieAction.setText("Exit Movie")
        self.exitMovieAction.setWhatsThis("Exits Movie Mode")

        separator = QAction(self.w)



        #Empty actionlist for the 'Command Area'
        commandActionLists = []

        #Append empty 'lists' in 'commandActionLists equal to the
        #number of actions in subControlArea
        for i in range(len(subControlAreaActionList)):
            lst = []

        params = (subControlAreaActionList, commandActionLists, allActionsList)

        return params

    def updateCommandToolbar(self, bool_entering = True):#Ninad 20070618
        Update the command toolbar.
        # object that needs its own flyout toolbar. In this case it is just
        #the mode itself.

        action = self.w.simMoviePlayerAction
        obj = self
                                                   entering = bool_entering)

    def enableMovieControls(self, enabled = True):

    def might_be_playable(self):
        Do we have a current movie which is worth trying to play?
        movie = self.o.assy.current_movie
        return movie and movie.might_be_playable()

    def update_dashboard_OBS(self): #bruce 050426 pieced this together from other code ####@@@@ call it
        Update our dashboard to reflect the state of assy.current_movie.
        self.enableMovieControls( self.might_be_playable() )
        ###e need to do more here, like the stuff in init_gui and maybe elsewhere

    def restore_patches_by_Command(self):
        This is run when we exit the mode for any reason.
        #bruce 050426 added this, to hold the side effect formerly
        # done illegally by haveNontrivialState.
        # ... but why do we need to do this at all?
        # the only point of what we'd do here would be to stop
        # having that movie optimize itself for rapid playing....
        movie = self.o.assy.current_movie
        if movie:
            # note: this assumes this is the only movie which might be "open",
            # and that redundant _close is ok.

    def haveNontrivialState(self):
        ##bruce 050426: This used to call self.o.assy.current_movie._close()
        # but that's wrong (this method shouldn't have side effects),
        # so I moved that to our custom restore_patches_by_Command() method.
        # Also, this used to always return False; that's still ok as long as we continually modify
        # the model and tell it so (assy.changed) -- but I'm not sure we do; this needs review. ###k ####@@@@
        # (Current strategy, 050426 eve: ignore this and assy.changed issues, until done.)
        return False

    ##bruce 050426: maybe Done should store the movie changes and Cancel should revert to prior state?? If so, revise this. ####@@@@
##    def StateDone(self):
##        self.o.assy.current_movie._close()
##        return None

    def restore_gui(self):


        # Reenable Undo/Redo actions, and undo checkpoints (disabled in init_gui);
        # do it first to protect it from exceptions in the rest of this method
        # (since if it never happens, Undo/Redo won't work for the rest of the session)
        # [bruce 060414; same thing done in some other modes]
        import foundation.undo_manager as undo_manager

        undo_manager.reenable_undo_checkpoints('Movie Player')
        undo_manager.reenable_UndoRedo('Movie Player')

        self.w.simMoviePlayerAction.setChecked(0) # toggle on the Movie Player icon
        self.set_cmdname('Movie Player') # this covers all changes while we were in the mode
            # (somewhat of a kluge, and whether this is the best place to do it is unknown;
            #  without this the cmdname is "Done")

        self.updateCommandToolbar(bool_entering = False)



    def makeMenus(self):
        self.Menu_spec = [
            ('Cancel', self.Cancel),
            ('Reset Movie', self.ResetMovie),
            ('Done', self.Done),
            ('Edit Color Scheme...', self.w.colorSchemeCommand),

    def ResetMovie(self):
        #bruce 050325 revised or made this, since .current_movie can change
        if self.o.assy.current_movie:

    def Draw(self):

    # mouse and key events

    def keyPress(self, key):

        # Disable delete key
        if key == Qt.Key_Delete:

        movie = self.o.assy.current_movie
        if not movie:

        # Left or Down arrow keys - advance back one frame
        if key == Qt.Key_Left or key == Qt.Key_Down:
            movie._playToFrame(movie.currentFrame - 1)

        # Right or Up arrow keys - advance forward one frame
        if key == Qt.Key_Right or key == Qt.Key_Up:
            movie._playToFrame(movie.currentFrame + 1)

        basicMode.keyPress(self,key) # So F1 Help key works. mark 060321


    def update_cursor_for_no_MB(self): # Fixes bug 1693. mark 060321
        Update the cursor for 'Movie Player' mode.
Ejemplo n.º 2
class movieMode(basicMode):
    This class is used to play movie files.
    Users know it as "Movie mode".
    When entered, it might start playing a recently-made movie,
    or continue playing the last movie it was playing,
    or do nothing and wait for the user to open a new movie.
    The movie it is working with (if any) is always stored in assy.current_movie.
    In general, if assy.current_movie is playable when the mode is entered,
    it will start playing it. [I don't know the extent to which it will start
    from where it left off, in not only frame number but direction, etc. - bruce 050426]

    # class constants
    commandName = 'MOVIE'
    default_mode_status_text = "Mode: Movie Player"
    featurename = "Movie Player Mode"

    # methods related to entering this mode

    def Enter(self):
        # [bruce 050427 comment: I'm skeptical of this effect on selection,
        #  since I can't think of any good reason for it [maybe rendering speed optimization??],
        #  and once we have movies as nodes in the MT it will be a problem [why? #k],
        #  but for now I'll leave it in.]
        )  # was: unpickparts, unpickatoms [bruce 060721]

    def _exitMode(self, *args, **kws):
        # note: this definition generates the debug print
        ## fyi (for developers): subclass movieMode overrides basicMode._exitMode; this is deprecated after mode changes of 040924.
        # because it's an API violation to override this method; what should be done instead is to do this in one of the other cleanup
        # functions documented in modes.py. Sometime that doc should be clarified and this method should be redone properly.
        # [bruce 070613 comment]
        movie = self.o.assy.current_movie
        if movie and movie.currentFrame is not 0:
            mrd = MovieRewindDialog(movie)
        basicMode._exitMode(self, *args, **kws)

    def init_gui(self):

        if not self.propMgr:
            self.propMgr = MoviePropertyManager(self)
            #@bug BUG: following is a workaround for bug 2494

        #@NOTE: self.propMgr.show() is called later in this (init_gui) method.


            1)  # toggle on the Movie Player icon+

        # Disable some action items in the main window.
        # [bruce 050426 comment: I'm skeptical of disabling the ones marked #k
        #  and suggest for some others (especially "simulator") that they
        #  auto-exit the mode rather than be disabled,
        #  but I won't revise these for now.]
        #  Actions marked #k are now in disable_QActions_for_movieMode(). mark 060314)

        # MP dashboard initialization.
        #bruce 050428 precaution (has no noticable effect but seems safer in theory)
        #bruce 050428, working on bug 395: I think some undesirable state is left in the dashboard, so let's reinit it
        # (and down below we might like to init it from the movie if possible, but it's not always possible).
        )  ###e could pass frameno? is max frames avail yet in all playable movies? not sure.
        # [bruce 050426 comment: probably this should just be a call of an update method, also used during the mode ###e]
        movie = self.o.assy.current_movie  # might be None, but might_be_playable() true implies it's not
        if self.might_be_playable():  #bruce 050426 added condition
            frameno = movie.currentFrame
            frameno = 0  #bruce 050426 guessed value

        )  # bruce 050428 question: does this call our slot method?? ###k

        if self.might_be_playable(
        ):  # We have a movie file ready.  It's showtime! [bruce 050426 changed .filename -> .might_be_playable()]
            movie.cueMovie(propMgr=self.propMgr)  # Cue movie.
            if movie.filename:  #k not sure this cond is needed or what to do if not true [bruce 050510]
                    "Movie file ready to play: %s" %
                    movie.filename)  #bruce 050510 added this message

        #Need to do this after calling movie._setUp (propMgr displays movie
        #information in its msg groupbox.  All this will be cleaned up when we
        #do moviemode code cleanup.


        # Disable Undo/Redo actions, and undo checkpoints, during this mode (they *must* be reenabled in restore_gui).
        # We do this last, so as not to do it if there are exceptions in the rest of the method,
        # since if it's done and never undone, Undo/Redo won't work for the rest of the session.
        # [bruce 060414; same thing done in some other modes]
        import foundation.undo_manager as undo_manager
        undo_manager.disable_undo_checkpoints('Movie Player')
            'Movie Player',
            "in Movie Player")  # optimizing this for shortness in menu text
        # this makes Undo menu commands and tooltips look like "Undo (not permitted in Movie Player)" (and similarly for Redo)

    def connect_or_disconnect_signals(self, connect):
        Connect or disconnect widget signals sent to their slot methods.
        @param isConnect: If True the widget will send the signals to the slot
        @type  isConnect: boolean
        if connect:
            change_connect = self.w.connect
            change_connect = self.w.disconnect

        change_connect(self.exitMovieAction, SIGNAL("triggered()"),


    def getFlyoutActionList(self):  #Ninad 20070618
        Returns custom actionlist that will be used in a specific mode
        or editing a feature etc Example: while in movie mode,
        the _createFlyoutToolBar method calls

        #'allActionsList' returns all actions in the flyout toolbar
        #including the subcontrolArea actions
        allActionsList = []

        #Action List for  subcontrol Area buttons.
        #In this mode there is really no subcontrol area.
        #We will treat subcontrol area same as 'command area'
        #(subcontrol area buttons will have an empty list as their command area
        #list). We will set  the Comamnd Area palette background color to the
        #subcontrol area.

        subControlAreaActionList = []

        self.exitMovieAction = NE1_QWidgetAction(self.w, win=self.w)
        self.exitMovieAction.setText("Exit Movie")
        self.exitMovieAction.setWhatsThis("Exits Movie Mode")

        separator = QAction(self.w)



        #Empty actionlist for the 'Command Area'
        commandActionLists = []

        #Append empty 'lists' in 'commandActionLists equal to the
        #number of actions in subControlArea
        for i in range(len(subControlAreaActionList)):
            lst = []

        params = (subControlAreaActionList, commandActionLists, allActionsList)

        return params

    def updateCommandToolbar(self, bool_entering=True):  #Ninad 20070618
        Update the command toolbar.
        # object that needs its own flyout toolbar. In this case it is just
        #the mode itself.

        action = self.w.simMoviePlayerAction
        obj = self

    def enableMovieControls(self, enabled=True):

    def might_be_playable(self):
        Do we have a current movie which is worth trying to play?
        movie = self.o.assy.current_movie
        return movie and movie.might_be_playable()

    def update_dashboard_OBS(
    ):  #bruce 050426 pieced this together from other code ####@@@@ call it
        Update our dashboard to reflect the state of assy.current_movie.
        ###e need to do more here, like the stuff in init_gui and maybe elsewhere

    def restore_patches_by_Command(self):
        This is run when we exit the mode for any reason.
        #bruce 050426 added this, to hold the side effect formerly
        # done illegally by haveNontrivialState.
        # ... but why do we need to do this at all?
        # the only point of what we'd do here would be to stop
        # having that movie optimize itself for rapid playing....
        movie = self.o.assy.current_movie
        if movie:
            # note: this assumes this is the only movie which might be "open",
            # and that redundant _close is ok.

    def haveNontrivialState(self):
        ##bruce 050426: This used to call self.o.assy.current_movie._close()
        # but that's wrong (this method shouldn't have side effects),
        # so I moved that to our custom restore_patches_by_Command() method.
        # Also, this used to always return False; that's still ok as long as we continually modify
        # the model and tell it so (assy.changed) -- but I'm not sure we do; this needs review. ###k ####@@@@
        # (Current strategy, 050426 eve: ignore this and assy.changed issues, until done.)
        return False

    ##bruce 050426: maybe Done should store the movie changes and Cancel should revert to prior state?? If so, revise this. ####@@@@
##    def StateDone(self):
##        self.o.assy.current_movie._close()
##        return None

    def restore_gui(self):


        # Reenable Undo/Redo actions, and undo checkpoints (disabled in init_gui);
        # do it first to protect it from exceptions in the rest of this method
        # (since if it never happens, Undo/Redo won't work for the rest of the session)
        # [bruce 060414; same thing done in some other modes]
        import foundation.undo_manager as undo_manager

        undo_manager.reenable_undo_checkpoints('Movie Player')
        undo_manager.reenable_UndoRedo('Movie Player')

            0)  # toggle on the Movie Player icon
        self.set_cmdname('Movie Player'
                         )  # this covers all changes while we were in the mode
        # (somewhat of a kluge, and whether this is the best place to do it is unknown;
        #  without this the cmdname is "Done")




    def makeMenus(self):
        self.Menu_spec = [
            ('Cancel', self.Cancel),
            ('Reset Movie', self.ResetMovie),
            ('Done', self.Done),
            ('Edit Color Scheme...', self.w.colorSchemeCommand),

    def ResetMovie(self):
        #bruce 050325 revised or made this, since .current_movie can change
        if self.o.assy.current_movie:

    def Draw(self):

    # mouse and key events

    def keyPress(self, key):

        # Disable delete key
        if key == Qt.Key_Delete:

        movie = self.o.assy.current_movie
        if not movie:

        # Left or Down arrow keys - advance back one frame
        if key == Qt.Key_Left or key == Qt.Key_Down:
            movie._playToFrame(movie.currentFrame - 1)

        # Right or Up arrow keys - advance forward one frame
        if key == Qt.Key_Right or key == Qt.Key_Up:
            movie._playToFrame(movie.currentFrame + 1)

        basicMode.keyPress(self, key)  # So F1 Help key works. mark 060321


    def update_cursor_for_no_MB(self):  # Fixes bug 1693. mark 060321
        Update the cursor for 'Movie Player' mode.
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def init_gui(self):

        if not self.propMgr:
            self.propMgr = MoviePropertyManager(self)
            #@bug BUG: following is a workaround for bug 2494

        #@NOTE: self.propMgr.show() is called later in this (init_gui) method.

        self.updateCommandToolbar(bool_entering = True)

        self.w.simMoviePlayerAction.setChecked(1) # toggle on the Movie Player icon+

        # Disable some action items in the main window.
        # [bruce 050426 comment: I'm skeptical of disabling the ones marked #k
        #  and suggest for some others (especially "simulator") that they
        #  auto-exit the mode rather than be disabled,
        #  but I won't revise these for now.]
            #  Actions marked #k are now in disable_QActions_for_movieMode(). mark 060314)

        # MP dashboard initialization.
            #bruce 050428 precaution (has no noticable effect but seems safer in theory)
        #bruce 050428, working on bug 395: I think some undesirable state is left in the dashboard, so let's reinit it
        # (and down below we might like to init it from the movie if possible, but it's not always possible).
        self.propMgr._moviePropMgr_reinit() ###e could pass frameno? is max frames avail yet in all playable movies? not sure.
        # [bruce 050426 comment: probably this should just be a call of an update method, also used during the mode ###e]
        movie = self.o.assy.current_movie # might be None, but might_be_playable() true implies it's not
        if self.might_be_playable(): #bruce 050426 added condition
            frameno = movie.currentFrame
            frameno = 0 #bruce 050426 guessed value

        self.propMgr.frameNumberSpinBox.setValue(frameno) # bruce 050428 question: does this call our slot method?? ###k

        if self.might_be_playable(): # We have a movie file ready.  It's showtime! [bruce 050426 changed .filename -> .might_be_playable()]
            movie.cueMovie(propMgr = self.propMgr) # Cue movie.
            if movie.filename: #k not sure this cond is needed or what to do if not true [bruce 050510]
                env.history.message( "Movie file ready to play: %s" % movie.filename) #bruce 050510 added this message

        #Need to do this after calling movie._setUp (propMgr displays movie
        #information in its msg groupbox.  All this will be cleaned up when we
        #do moviemode code cleanup.


        # Disable Undo/Redo actions, and undo checkpoints, during this mode (they *must* be reenabled in restore_gui).
        # We do this last, so as not to do it if there are exceptions in the rest of the method,
        # since if it's done and never undone, Undo/Redo won't work for the rest of the session.
        # [bruce 060414; same thing done in some other modes]
        import foundation.undo_manager as undo_manager
        undo_manager.disable_undo_checkpoints('Movie Player')
        undo_manager.disable_UndoRedo('Movie Player', "in Movie Player") # optimizing this for shortness in menu text
            # this makes Undo menu commands and tooltips look like "Undo (not permitted in Movie Player)" (and similarly for Redo)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def init_gui(self):

        if not self.propMgr:
            self.propMgr = MoviePropertyManager(self)
            #@bug BUG: following is a workaround for bug 2494

        #@NOTE: self.propMgr.show() is called later in this (init_gui) method.


            1)  # toggle on the Movie Player icon+

        # Disable some action items in the main window.
        # [bruce 050426 comment: I'm skeptical of disabling the ones marked #k
        #  and suggest for some others (especially "simulator") that they
        #  auto-exit the mode rather than be disabled,
        #  but I won't revise these for now.]
        #  Actions marked #k are now in disable_QActions_for_movieMode(). mark 060314)

        # MP dashboard initialization.
        #bruce 050428 precaution (has no noticable effect but seems safer in theory)
        #bruce 050428, working on bug 395: I think some undesirable state is left in the dashboard, so let's reinit it
        # (and down below we might like to init it from the movie if possible, but it's not always possible).
        )  ###e could pass frameno? is max frames avail yet in all playable movies? not sure.
        # [bruce 050426 comment: probably this should just be a call of an update method, also used during the mode ###e]
        movie = self.o.assy.current_movie  # might be None, but might_be_playable() true implies it's not
        if self.might_be_playable():  #bruce 050426 added condition
            frameno = movie.currentFrame
            frameno = 0  #bruce 050426 guessed value

        )  # bruce 050428 question: does this call our slot method?? ###k

        if self.might_be_playable(
        ):  # We have a movie file ready.  It's showtime! [bruce 050426 changed .filename -> .might_be_playable()]
            movie.cueMovie(propMgr=self.propMgr)  # Cue movie.
            if movie.filename:  #k not sure this cond is needed or what to do if not true [bruce 050510]
                    "Movie file ready to play: %s" %
                    movie.filename)  #bruce 050510 added this message

        #Need to do this after calling movie._setUp (propMgr displays movie
        #information in its msg groupbox.  All this will be cleaned up when we
        #do moviemode code cleanup.


        # Disable Undo/Redo actions, and undo checkpoints, during this mode (they *must* be reenabled in restore_gui).
        # We do this last, so as not to do it if there are exceptions in the rest of the method,
        # since if it's done and never undone, Undo/Redo won't work for the rest of the session.
        # [bruce 060414; same thing done in some other modes]
        import foundation.undo_manager as undo_manager
        undo_manager.disable_undo_checkpoints('Movie Player')
            'Movie Player',
            "in Movie Player")  # optimizing this for shortness in menu text
        # this makes Undo menu commands and tooltips look like "Undo (not permitted in Movie Player)" (and similarly for Redo)