Ejemplo n.º 1
async def start_challonge(command, msg, channel, guild): # Base url to access Challonge's API
        tour_url = get_chal_tour_id(read_db('channel', 'bracket', channel.id)) # Grab tour_url from bracket command
        raise Exception(bold("Challonge") + ": Bracket link is missing. Try setting the bracket command")

    subdomain = read_db('guild', 'challonge', guild) # Server's subdomain with Challonge

    # Properly add the subdomain to the bracket url
    if subdomain:
        tour_url = subdomain + '-' + tour_url

    # Get the participants for the tournament
    parts_get = requests_get(base_url + tour_url + "/participants.json", headers={"User-Agent":"Lizard-BOT"}, auth=(chal_user, api_key))

    # Check the status codes
    # Anything but a 200 is bad
    if '200' in str(parts_get.status_code):
        return parts_get.json(), tour_url
    # 404 usually means a bad bracket link
    elif '404' in str(parts_get.status_code):
        raise Exception(bold("Challonge") + ": Lizard-BOT can not find tournament: " + tour_url)
    # Challonge error
    # Usually a 5xx error
        print(parts_get.text) # Print raw text to console
        raise Exception(bold("Challonge") + ": Unknown Challonge error for <" + tour_url + "> initializing connection to Challonge")
Ejemplo n.º 2
async def status(command, msg, user, channel, *args, **kwargs):
    currentRound = read_db('channel', 'round', channel.id)
    if currentRound:
        # Read the status message for a channel and make it bold
        # Currently the message must have {0} so it can fill in the current round
            message = read_db('channel', 'status', channel.id)
            return bold(message.format(currentRound))
            raise Exception(
                bold("Status") +
                ": Round message includes invalid {}. Please correct the status message to include only {0}"
    return bold(
        "Tournament has not begun. Please wait for the TOs to start Round 1!")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    async def user_has_permission(self, user, command, id):
        Performs various checks on the user and the
        command to determine if they're allowed to use it.

        # Check if the user is an admin and
        # if the command is an admin command.
        if command in self.admin_commands:
            botrole = read_db('guild', 'botrole', id)

            # If botrole is not set, allow the command
            if not botrole:
                return True

            # Find if the user has botrole
            for role in user.roles:
                if role.id == botrole:
                    return True
            return False
        # Check if the command is a dev command
        elif command in self.dev_commands:
            # If the user is a dev and that the command was sent from the proper server, give access to the dev commands
            if user.id in dev_ids and id in dev_guild:
                return True
            return False

        # User passed all the tests so they're allowed to
        # call the function.
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
async def challonge_seeding(command, msg, user, channel, *args, **kwargs):
    if len(msg.split(' ')) > 1:
        raise Exception(bold("Challonge_Seeding") + ": Too many arguments. " + await help_lizard('','','',''))

    async with channel.typing():
        parts, tour_url = await start_challonge(command, msg, channel, kwargs['guild'])
        # If there is no message, seed whole bracket msg
        # Else, grab the first param
            if not msg:
                seed_num = 0
            # Error on negative number
            elif int(msg.split(' ')[-1]) <= 0:
                seed_num = int(msg.split(' ')[-1])
            raise Exception(bold("Challonge_Seeding") + ": Seeding number must be a positive integer or 0 for everybody")

        # Get Google Sheets ID
        sheet_id = read_db('channel', 'seeding', channel.id)

        # If seeding hasn't been set, inform user
        if not sheet_id:
            raise Exception(bold("Challonge_Seeding") + ": There is no seeding sheet for this channel. Please view <https://github.com/lizardman301/Lizard-bot-rsf/blob/master/doc/seeding_with_sheets.md> for a walkthrough")

        # Grab what the seeds were
        seeds = seeding(sheet_id, parts, base_url + tour_url, seed_num)

        # Seeding takes place in different method
        await channel.send("**SEEDING:**\n {0}".format(',\n'.join(escape_markdown(pformat(seeds))[1:-1].split(', '))))

        # Final message that seeding is complete
Ejemplo n.º 5
async def botrole(command, msg, user, channel, *args, **kwargs):
    botrole = read_db('guild', 'botrole', kwargs['guild'])
        botrole_name = channel.guild.get_role(botrole).name
        botrole_name = 'everyone'

    # Pull the role name from the guild's roles
    return "The bot role is {0}".format(bold(botrole_name))
Ejemplo n.º 6
async def on_message(message):
    command = 'bracket' # Pre-setting the variable for use in the try/except block below (L78)
    # If the bot is the user, do not respond
    if message.author == client.user:

    # If the bot is mentioned in a message, respond with a message informing it of being a bot
    if client.user.mentioned_in(message):
        # If @everyone or @here is used, ignore
        if "@everyone" in message.content or "@here" in message.content:
        # Choose from a random response, then follow with a Bot message
        responses = ["Ok", "Thanks", "Sounds good to me", "Buff Rashid", "Buff Rashid", "Beep Boop", "Yes", "No", "Good to know", "Glad to hear it", "I'll keep that in mind", "The answer lies in the heart of battle", "Go home and be a family man"]
        await message.channel.send("{0} \n**I am a Bot that plays Rashid. Mentions cause my little Rashid brain to short circuit. Did you have ~~an eagle spi~~ a command?**".format(random_choice(responses)))

        # Check if the channel is in the DB
        # Add it if it isn't
        if not settings_exist(message.guild.id, message.channel.id):
            raise Exception("Lizard-BOT failed to create DB entry for: " + message.guild.name + ". Guild ID: " + message.guild.id)

        # Get prefix for the guild
        prefix = read_db('guild', 'prefix-lizard', message.guild.id)

        # Check if the attempted_cmd is !prefix-lizard and has too many args
        if (message.content.split(' ')[0] == "!prefix-lizard" or message.content.split(' ')[0] == "!prefliz") and len(message.content.split()) > 1:
            await message.channel.send("Too many arguments. Check help-lizard for more info")
        # Hardcode prefix command to be accessible via !
        elif message.content.split(' ')[0] == "!prefix-lizard" or message.content.split(' ')[0] == "!prefliz":
            response = await client.interface.call_command('prefix-lizard', 0, 0, 0, guild=message.guild.id)
            if response:
                await message.channel.send(response)
        # If other commands don't start with the correct prefix, do nothing
        elif not message.content.startswith(prefix):
        # Check if the attempted_cmd takes arguments
        elif message.content.split(' ')[0][1:].lower() in client.no_arg_cmds and len(message.content.split()) > 1:
            await message.channel.send("Too many arguments. Check help-lizard for more info")

        # Rotate through commands to see if the message matches
        for command in client.commands:
            command = command.lower() # Lower the command for easier matching
            msg = message.content # The message
            attempted_cmd = msg.split(' ')[0][1:].lower() # Get the attempted command from the beginning of the string

            if attempted_cmd in ['challonge', 'chal', 'edit'] and len(msg.split(' ')) > 1:
                attempted_cmd += ' ' + msg.split(' ')[1].lower()

            # Check if the message begins with a command
            if attempted_cmd and attempted_cmd == command:
                user = message.author # The author
                kwargs = {'guild':message.guild.id}

                # Remove the command from the start
                msg = msg[len(command)+1:].strip()

                # Check command to see if we need keyword args
                if command in ['challonge checkin', 'chal checkin']:
                    kwargs['guild_members'] = message.guild.members
                elif command in ['edit botrole', 'edit role']:
                    kwargs['guild_default_role'] = message.guild.default_role
                    kwargs['role_mentions'] = message.role_mentions
                elif command in ['edit bracket', 'edit pingtest', 'edit status', 'edit seeding', 'edit stream', 'edit tos']:
                    kwargs['channel_mentions'] = message.channel_mentions
                    if command in ['edit tos']:
                        kwargs['mentions'] = message.mentions
                elif command in ['draw']:
                    kwargs['full_msg'] = message
                    kwargs['client'] = client

                # Await the interface calling the command
                response = await client.interface.call_command(command, msg, user, message.channel, **kwargs)
                # If there is a response, send it
                if response:
                    await message.channel.send(response)
    except Exception:
        string_info = str(sys_exc_info()[1]) # Error message
        function_name = string_info.split(':')[0] # The command the error message came from

        # Expected error
        # Return friendly user message
        # Additional checks needed for challonge and edit commands that have multiple subcommands
        if client.interface._func_mapping[command].__name__ in function_name.strip("*").lower() or ('challonge' in client.interface._func_mapping[command].__name__ and 'challonge' in function_name.strip("*").lower()) or ('edit' in client.interface._func_mapping[command].__name__ and 'edit' in function_name.strip("*").lower()):
            await message.channel.send(function_name.replace('_', '-') + ': ' + ':'.join(string_info.split(':')[1:]))
        elif command == 'dev':
            # Return user message
            await message.channel.send(escape_markdown(traceback_format_exc()))
            # Print error to console
            # Print error to console
            # If we get this far and something breaks
            # Something is very wrong. Send user generic error message
            await message.channel.send("I is broken.\nBuff Rashid and submit an issue via <https://github.com/lizardman301/Lizard-bot-rsf/issues>\nOr just tell Lizardman301. That's what I do.")
Ejemplo n.º 7
async def TOs(command, msg, user, channel, *args, **kwargs):
    tos = read_db('channel', 'tos', channel.id)
    # If we get a value back, return TOs
    if tos:
        return tos
    return "There are no TOs associated with this channel."
Ejemplo n.º 8
async def stream(command, msg, user, channel, *args, **kwargs):
    # Custom message for a stream
    return read_db('channel', 'stream', channel.id)
Ejemplo n.º 9
async def prefix(command, msg, user, channel, *args, **kwargs):
    # Gets the prefix set for a guild
    return "The prefix is: {0}".format(
        read_db('guild', 'prefix-lizard', kwargs['guild']))
Ejemplo n.º 10
async def pingtest(command, msg, user, channel, *args, **kwargs):
    # Custom message used to teach users how to do a ping test
    return read_db('channel', 'pingtest', channel.id)
Ejemplo n.º 11
async def bracket(command, msg, user, channel, *args, **kwargs):
    # Custom message for setting a bracket
    return read_db('channel', 'bracket', channel.id)