Ejemplo n.º 1
	def find(query, components):
		conn = DB.getConn()
		c = conn.cursor()
		c.execute(query, components)
                commitrows = c.fetchall()
                commitfiles = []

                if commitrows:
                        allcommitids = ",".join([str(int(commit[0])) for commit in commitrows])

                        #This is poor practice, but we assured ourselves the value is composed only of ints first
                        DB.execute(c, "SELECT * from " + DB.commitfile._table + " WHERE commitid IN (" + allcommitids + ")")
                        commitfiles = c.fetchall()

                        DB.execute(c, "SELECT * from " + DB.commitkeyword._table + " WHERE commitid IN (" + allcommitids + ")")
                        commitkeywords = c.fetchall()

                commits = []
                for i in commitrows:
                        r = Repo()
                        r.loadFromValues(i[DB.commit._numColumns + 0], i[DB.commit._numColumns + 1], i[DB.commit._numColumns + 2],
                                i[DB.commit._numColumns + 3], i[DB.commit._numColumns + 4], i[DB.commit._numColumns + 5])

                        files = [file[DB.commitfile.file] for file in commitfiles
                                if file[DB.commitfile.commitid] == i[DB.commit.id]]
                        keywords = [keyword[DB.commitkeyword.keyword] for keyword in commitkeywords
                                    if keyword[DB.commitkeyword.commitid] == i[DB.commit.id]]

                        c = Commit()
                        c.loadFromDatabase(r, i, files, keywords)


                return commits
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def findByKeywords(keywords):
		conn = DB.getConn()
		c = conn.cursor()
		getcommitsSQL = "SELECT c.*, r.* " + \
				"FROM " + DB.commit._table + " c " + \
				"INNER JOIN " + DB.repo._table + " r " + \
				"	ON r.id = c.repoid "
		whereClause = " 1=1 "
		components = []
		if keywords:
			keywordsTree = KeywordsParser(keywords)
			getcommitsSQL += "LEFT OUTER JOIN " + DB.commitkeyword._table + " ck " + \
							 "	ON c.id = ck.commitid "
			whereClause, components = keywordsTree.getWhereClause("ck.keyword", "r.tagname", "r.maturity")
		getcommitsSQL += "WHERE " + whereClause
		getcommitsSQL += "ORDER BY c.date DESC "
		c.execute(getcommitsSQL, components)
		commitrows = c.fetchall()
		commitfiles = []
		if commitrows:
			allcommitids = ",".join([str(int(commit[0])) for commit in commitrows])
			#This is poor practice, but we assured ourselves the value is composed only of ints first
			c.execute("SELECT * from " + DB.commitfile._table + " WHERE commitid IN (" + allcommitids + ")")
			commitfiles = c.fetchall()

		commits = []
		for i in commitrows:
			r = Repo()
			r.loadFromValues(i[DB.commit._numColumns + 0], i[DB.commit._numColumns + 1], i[DB.commit._numColumns + 2], 
				i[DB.commit._numColumns + 3], i[DB.commit._numColumns + 4], i[DB.commit._numColumns + 5])
			files = [file[DB.commitfile.file] for file in commitfiles 
				if file[DB.commitfile.commitid] == i[DB.commit.id]]
			c = Commit()
			c.loadFromDatabase(r, i, files)

		return commits
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def findByIDs(project, uniqueid):
		conn = DB.getConn()
		c = conn.cursor()
		getcommitsSQL = "SELECT c.*, r.* " + \
				"FROM " + DB.commit._table + " c " + \
				"INNER JOIN " + DB.repo._table + " r " + \
				"	ON r.id = c.repoid "
		whereClause = " 1=1 "
		components = []
		if project and uniqueid:
			whereClause += "AND r.tagname = %s AND c.uniqueid = %s "
			components = [project, uniqueid]
		getcommitsSQL += "WHERE " + whereClause
		getcommitsSQL += "ORDER BY c.date DESC "
		DB.execute(c, getcommitsSQL, components)
		commitrows = c.fetchall()
		commitfiles = []
		if commitrows:
			allcommitids = ",".join([str(int(commit[0])) for commit in commitrows])
			#This is poor practice, but we assured ourselves the value is composed only of ints first
			DB.execute(c, "SELECT * from " + DB.commitfile._table + " WHERE commitid IN (" + allcommitids + ")")
			commitfiles = c.fetchall()

		commits = []
		for i in commitrows:
			r = Repo()
			r.loadFromValues(i[DB.commit._numColumns + 0], i[DB.commit._numColumns + 1], i[DB.commit._numColumns + 2], 
				i[DB.commit._numColumns + 3], i[DB.commit._numColumns + 4], i[DB.commit._numColumns + 5])
			files = [file[DB.commitfile.file] for file in commitfiles 
				if file[DB.commitfile.commitid] == i[DB.commit.id]]
			c = Commit()
			c.loadFromDatabase(r, i, files)

		return commits