Ejemplo n.º 1
def main_menu(window, main_clock, PATH_TO_ROOT):
    # Set variables
    title = txt.menu_title.render("HORSE", 1, cval.black)
    running = True

    # load image assets
    background = pygame.image.load(MENU)

    img_twitter = pygame.image.load(TWITTER_ICON)

    while running:
        window.fill(cval.black)  # Default to fill window with black
        window.blit(background, (0, 0))  # Overlay background image

        # Window height and width
        win_width, win_height = window.get_size()

        # Place Title in top center
        loc_x = win_width / 2 - title.get_width() / 2
        loc_y = win_height / 3 - title.get_height() / 2
        window.blit(title, (loc_x, loc_y))

        # Create and position play button
        btn_width = 90
        btn_height = 50
        loc_x = win_width / 4 - btn_width / 2
        loc_y = win_height * 2 / 3 - btn_height / 2
        play_btn = Button(cval.white, loc_x, loc_y, btn_width, btn_height,

        # Create and position options button
        loc_x = win_width * 3 / 4 - btn_width / 2
        loc_y = win_height * 2 / 3 - btn_height / 2
        team_menu_btn = Button(cval.white, loc_x, loc_y, btn_width, btn_height,

        # Create and position hacked screen
        loc_x = 20
        loc_y = 20
        hacked_screen_btn = Button(cval.white, loc_x, loc_y, btn_width,
                                   btn_height, "Hacked")

        # Twitter icon
        btn_width = 56
        btn_height = 56
        loc_x = win_width - 60
        loc_y = win_height - 60
        twitter_btn = Button(cval.white, loc_x, loc_y, btn_width, btn_height,

        # Display menu buttons
        window.blit(img_twitter, (win_width - 64, win_height - 64))

        # Get mouse position
        mx, my = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

        # Check for key press or mouse click event
        clicked = False
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                running = False
            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                    running = False
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                if event.button == 1:
                    clicked = True

        # React to mouse click
        if clicked:
            # Check for click location
            if play_btn.mouse_over((mx, my)):
                game(window, main_clock)

            if team_menu_btn.mouse_over((mx, my)):
                credits_screen(window, main_clock, PATH_TO_ROOT)

            if hacked_screen_btn.mouse_over((mx, my)):
                hacked_screen(window, main_clock, PATH_TO_ROOT)

            if twitter_btn.mouse_over((mx, my)):
                twit = Twitter(PATH_TO_ROOT)
                login_status = twit.login_screen(window, main_clock)
                if login_status == True:
                    twit.thank_user_window(window, main_clock)

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def robotInit(self):
        self.sd = NetworkTable.getTable('SmartDashboard')

        self.joystick1 = wpilib.Joystick(0)
        self.joystick2 = wpilib.Joystick(1)
        self.ui_joystick = wpilib.Joystick(2)

        self.pinServo = wpilib.Servo(6)

        # hello
        self.lf_motor = wpilib.Talon(0)
        self.lr_motor = wpilib.Talon(1)
        self.rf_motor = wpilib.Talon(2)
        self.rr_motor = wpilib.Talon(3)

        # #ROBOT DRIVE##
        self.robot_drive = wpilib.RobotDrive(self.lf_motor, self.lr_motor,
                                             self.rf_motor, self.rr_motor)
            wpilib.RobotDrive.MotorType.kFrontRight, True)
            wpilib.RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearRight, True)


        self.sweeper_relay = wpilib.Relay(0)

        self.gyro = wpilib.Gyro(0)

        self.tote_motor = wpilib.CANTalon(5)
        self.can_motor = wpilib.CANTalon(15)

        self.sensor = Sensor(self.tote_motor, self.can_motor)

        self.tote_forklift = ToteForklift(self.tote_motor, self.sensor, 2)
        self.can_forklift = CanForklift(self.can_motor, self.sensor, 3)

        self.calibrator = Calibrator(self.tote_forklift, self.sensor)

        self.next_pos = 1

        self.backSensor = SharpIRGP2Y0A41SK0F(6)

        self.drive = drive.Drive(self.robot_drive, self.gyro, self.backSensor)

        self.align = alignment.Alignment(self.sensor, self.tote_forklift,

        self.components = {
            'tote_forklift': self.tote_forklift,
            'can_forklift': self.can_forklift,
            'drive': self.drive,
            'align': self.align,
            'sensors': self.sensor

        self.control_loop_wait_time = 0.025
        self.automodes = AutonomousModeSelector('autonomous', self.components)

        # #Defining Buttons##
        self.canUp = Button(self.joystick1, 3)
        self.canDown = Button(self.joystick1, 2)
        self.canTop = Button(self.joystick1, 6)
        self.canBottom = Button(self.joystick1, 7)
        self.toteUp = Button(self.joystick2, 3)
        self.toteDown = Button(self.joystick2, 2)
        self.toteTop = Button(self.joystick2, 6)
        self.toteBottom = Button(self.joystick2, 7)
        self.ui_joystick_tote_down = Button(self.ui_joystick, 4)
        self.ui_joystick_tote_up = Button(self.ui_joystick, 6)
        self.ui_joystick_can_up = Button(self.ui_joystick, 5)
        self.ui_joystick_can_down = Button(self.ui_joystick, 3)

        self.reverseDirection = Button(self.joystick1, 1)
        #self.alignTrigger = Button(self.joystick2, 1)

        self.toteTo = 0
        self.oldTote = 0
        self.canTo = 0
        self.oldCan = 0
        self.reverseRobot = False
        self.oldReverseRobot = False
        self.autoLift = False

        self.sd.putNumber('liftTo', 0)
        self.sd.putNumber('binTo', 0)
        self.sd.putBoolean('autoLift', False)
        self.sd.putBoolean('reverseRobot', False)