Ejemplo n.º 1
	def findSetFromObject(self, pObject='', quiet=False):
		''' finds the set that an object is in
				pObject: object to look for
				quiet: suppress dialogs
			Returns: FBSet/False
		# get all sets
		allSets = self.scene.Sets
		# check for string
		if isinstance(pObject, str):
			pObject = self.getObject(name=pObject, pyMB=False, exact=False, quiet=quiet)
			if not pObject:
				if not quiet:
					moBuLogger.infoDialog("No valid object passed.")
				return False
		if not allSets:
			if not quiet:
				moBuLogger.infoDialog("No sets found in scene.")
			return False

		# check sets
		for _set in allSets:
			if self.isInSet(pObject=pObject, pSet=_set):
				moBuLogger.info("Found '%s' in set '%s'" % (pObject.Name, _set.Name))
				return _set
		# not found
		if not quiet:
			moBuLogger.infoDialog("'%s' not found in any sets" % pObject.Name)
		return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def plotCharacter(self, character=None, nSpace='', quiet=False):
		''' plots character
					character: passed FBCharacter object
					nSpace: namespace to search for character
					quiet: suppress message
				Returns: True/False
		if not character:
			if nSpace:
				character = MoBuSceneCore().getCharacter(hipsJoint='', nSpace=nSpace)
		lOptions = self.SetPlotOptions()
		lOptions.PlotTranslationOnRootOnly = True
#		lOptions.PreciseTimeDiscontinuities = True	#?
		if character.ActiveInput:
			if quiet:
				# default to choice 1, plot & continue
				character.PlotAnimation(FBCharacterPlotWhere.kFBCharacterPlotOnSkeleton, lOptions)
				character.ActiveInput = False
				res = FBMessageBox("Control Set Active", "Warning: Control set on %s is Active.\n\nWhat do you want to do?" % character.LongName, "Plot & Continue", "De-activate & Continue", "Cancel", 1, 1)
				if res == 1:
					character.PlotAnimation(FBCharacterPlotWhere.kFBCharacterPlotOnSkeleton, lOptions)
					character.ActiveInput = False
				if res == 2:
					character.ActiveInput = False
				elif res == 3:
					return False
		moBuLogger.info("Plotted to skeleton for character: '%s'" % character.LongName)
		return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def localRotationAxisToggle(self, pModel='', size=25):
		modelList = []
		#work on everything selected
		selected = self.getSelected()
		if selected:
			modelList = selected 
			modelList = [pModel]
		if len(modelList) == 1 and modelList[0] == '':
			moBuLogger.info("Nothing selected or passed to function localRotationAxisToggle()")
		for pModel in modelList:
#			pModel = self.validate(pModel, FBModelSkeleton)
			if not self.validate(pModel, FBModelSkeleton):
				moBuLogger.error("'%s' is not type FBModelSkeleton" % pModel)
			pModel = self.getObject(pModel, pyMB=True)
			if pModel:
				vis = True
				if pModel.GetPropertyValue('Show Rotation Axis'):
					vis = False
				pModel.SetPropertyValue('Show Rotation Axis', vis)
				pModel.SetPropertyValue('Pivot Visibility', 2)
				pModel.SetPropertyValue('Pivot Size', size)
		# for unitTests
		return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def zeroTimeline(self, character=None):
		''' moves timeline to zero with character animation
				character: FBcharacterNode
			Returns: True/False
		# find start of current take
		currentTake = FBSystem().CurrentTake
		currentTimeSpan = currentTake.LocalTimeSpan
		currentTakeStartTimeInt = int(currentTimeSpan.GetStart().GetTimeString())
		# check timeline
		if currentTakeStartTimeInt == 0:
			# abort
			moBuLogger.warning("No need to run zeroTimeline, first frame is already 0.")
			return False
		# find stop and offset
		currentTakeStopTimeInt = int(currentTimeSpan.GetStop().GetTimeString())
		offset = FBTime(0, 0, 0, -1 * currentTakeStartTimeInt)
		# create track
		lTrackContainer = FBStoryTrack(FBStoryTrackType.kFBStoryTrackCharacter)
#		lTrackContainer = FBStoryTrack(FBStoryTrackType.kFBStoryTrackAnimation)

		# find character		
		if not character:
			character = MoBuSceneCore().getCharacter(hipsJoint='')
		if not character:
			moBuLogger.error("Failed to find character.")
		# plot to control rig		
		if not character.GetCurrentControlSet():
		character.PlotAnimation(FBCharacterPlotWhere.kFBCharacterPlotOnControlRig, self.SetPlotOptions())
		# assign character to track
		lTrackContainer.Character = character
		# create clip, and offset it
		lTrackContainer.CopyTakeIntoTrack(currentTimeSpan, currentTake, offset)
		# move timeline
		newTimeSpan = FBTimeSpan()
		newTimeSpan.Set(FBTime(0, 0, 0, 0), FBTime(0, 0, 0, currentTakeStopTimeInt - currentTakeStartTimeInt))
		currentTake.LocalTimeSpan = newTimeSpan
		# plot back down
		self.plotCharacter(character=character, nSpace='', quiet=True)
		# nuke story track
		moBuLogger.info("Zeroed-out timeline.")
		return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def newButtonCallback(self, control, event):
     moBuLogger.info("Button '%s' pressed" % control.Name)
     btn, value = FBMessageBoxGetUserValue("New Set",
                                           "Type name of new set", "mySet",
                                           "OK", "Cancel", None, 1, True)
     if btn == 2:
	def removeAllNamespacesFromScene(self):
			for lComp in FBSystem().Scene.Components:
				# This function is a recursive function that will go through the whole hierarchy to add or replace the prefix
				lComp.ProcessNamespaceHierarchy (FBNamespaceAction.kFBRemoveAllNamespace   , '', '', False)
			moBuLogger.info("Removed all namespaces")
			return True
			moBuLogger.info("Failed to removed all namespaces")
			return False
 def removeAllNamespacesFromScene(self):
         for lComp in FBSystem().Scene.Components:
             # This function is a recursive function that will go through the whole hierarchy to add or replace the prefix
                 FBNamespaceAction.kFBRemoveAllNamespace, '', '', False)
         moBuLogger.info("Removed all namespaces")
         return True
         moBuLogger.info("Failed to removed all namespaces")
         return False
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def loadPCSoptions(self, pathFile=None, quiet=False, pOptions=None):
        """ saves with customFBFbxOptions
			pathFile: complete file path to save
			quiet: suppress messages
			pOptions: pre-made options
		Returns: True/False

        # pick file if not passed
        if not pathFile:
            pathFile = self.openFileDialog(openSave="open")

        # 		# Check for binary
        # 		lFbp = FBProgress()
        # 		lFbp.ProgressBegin()
        # 		lFbp.Caption = "Checking binary on %s" % pathFile.basename
        # 		lFbp.Percent = 50
        # 		if Path(pathFile).isbin:
        # 			moBuLogger.warning("Skipping file '%s' because detected binary" % pathFile)
        # 			lFbp.ProgressDone()
        # 			return False
        # 		moBuLogger.debug("Checked '%s' for binary, passed." % pathFile)
        # 		lFbp.ProgressDone()

        # check for cancel
        if not pathFile:
            moBuLogger.info("Cancelled open via loadPCSoptions()")
            return False

        if not pOptions:
            pOptions = self.customFBFbxOptions(pLoad=True)

            # by default, load all takes
        success = self.app.FileOpen(
            str(pathFile), 1 - quiet, self.customFBFbxOptions(pLoad=1, saveAllTakes=1, allElements=1)
        if success:
            moBuLogger.info("Success opening '%s'" % pathFile)
            moBuLogger.error("Failed to open '%s'" % pathFile)

        # 		# check for hips
        # 		ref = self.getObject("Reference")
        # 		if ref:
        # 			if len(ref.Children) > 0:
        # 				if not ref.Children[0].Name == 'Hips':
        # 					moBuLogger.infoDialog("WARNING: No Hips found in scene. Check your joint names.", "Joints Missing")

        return success
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def createNote(self, name='', content='', attach=''):
		''' BUG: HAVE to assign result to variable!
			create FBNote
				name: name of note
				content: content of note
			Returns: FBNote/False
		# see if note already exists
		ourNote = self.getObjectFromWildcardName(pattern=name, byName=True, returnLongNames=False, byType=FBNote)
		if ourNote:
			moBuLogger.info("Found existing FBNote: '%s'" % name)
			ourNote.StaticComment = content
			moBuLogger.info("Updating content to: '%s'" % content)
			ourNote = FBNote(name)
			moBuLogger.info("Creating new FBNote: '%s'" % name)
			ourNote.StaticComment = content
			moBuLogger.info("Setting content to: '%s'" % content)
		# add to scene
		if attach:
			result = ourNote.Attach(attach)
			result = ourNote.Attach()
		if not result:
			return False
		return ourNote
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def jpExportPropertyList (self, _object):
		logFile = '#This is the propertyList for object ' + _object.Name + '\n\n['
		propList = _object.PropertyList
		#list properties
		for _property in propList:
			#print character.Name
			#print _property.GetProperty
			if _property.GetName():
				logFile = logFile + _property.GetName()
			if _property.GetPropertyTypeName():
				logFile = logFile + ',' + _property.GetPropertyTypeName() + ']\n['
Ejemplo n.º 11
	def listTakeNamesFromFile(self, targetFilePath):
		''' prints and returns list of all Takes from a file
			targetFilePath: file to get take names from 
		Returns: [list] of take names
		takeNames = []
		if not os.path.exists(targetFilePath):
			moBuLogger.error("'%s' does not exist")
		pFbxOptionsLoad = FBFbxOptions(1, targetFilePath)
		for idx in range(0, pFbxOptionsLoad.GetTakeCount()):
		return takeNames
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def fixThis(self, message=""):
        """ sends scene and email to T.A.
				message: passed message for email
			Returns: True/False
        successes = 0

        # 1. Note currentScene name for reload
        currentScene = self.sceneName

        # 2. Enter notes
        if not message:
            result = FBMessageBoxGetUserValue(
                "Send Message",
                "Can you tell me what you were doing?",
                "Nothing to say",
                "Send scene",
            if result[0] == 1:
                message = result[1]
            elif result[0] == 2:
                moBuLogger.info("Cancelled mbCore.fixThis()")
                return False

                # 3. Save to network location
        savePath = Path("%s/data/%s/fixThis" % (gv.schemaLocation, getpass.getuser()))
        saveFilePath = "%s/%s" % (savePath, Path(currentScene).basename())

        # make dir
        if not os.path.exists(savePath):

        if self.savePCSoptions(pathFile=saveFilePath, quiet=True, pOptions=None, p4=False):
            moBuLogger.info("Saved scene to: '%s'" % saveFilePath)
            successes += 1
            moBuLogger.info("Failed to save scene to: '%s'" % saveFilePath)
            return False

            # 4. Email TechArtist
            # TODO: email message
        _file = open(saveFilePath.replace(".fbx", ".txt"), "w")

        # 5. Reload original scene
        if self.loadPCSoptions(pathFile=currentScene, quiet=False, pOptions=None):
            successes += 1
            moBuLogger.info("Failed to reload original scene: '%s'" % currentScene)

        if successes == 2:
            return True
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 13
	def isInSet(self, pObject='', pSet=''):
		''' see if object is in set
				pObject: object to look for
				pSet: set to look in
			Returns: True/False
		if not isinstance(pSet, FBSet):
			moBuLogger.error("'%s' is not of type(set)" % pSet)
			return False
		if not pObject:
			moBuLogger.error("No pObject passed.")
		# check if pObject is str
		if isinstance(pObject, str):
			#check directly
			for item in pSet.Items:
				if item.Name == pObject:
					moBuLogger.info("Found '%s' in '%s'" % (item.Name, pSet.Name))
					return True
			#check directly
			for item in pSet.Items:
				if item == pObject:
					moBuLogger.info("Found '%s' in '%s'" % (item.Name, pSet.Name))
					return True 
		# not found
		if isinstance(pObject, str):
			pObjectName = pObject
			pObjectName = pObject.LongName
		moBuLogger.info("Did not find '%s' in '%s'" % (pObjectName, pSet.Name))
		return False
Ejemplo n.º 14
	def moveAnimCurve(self, pModel, trans=True, rot=None, scale=None, x=None, y=None, z=None, _all=False):
		''' made to work on FBModelSkeleton, FBModelRoot
			default will move curves so first frame of curve is 0
			TODO: if int passed to an axis, will move curve so first frame
			of curve is passed int
		Returns: True if moved a Key
		indexes = []
		if _all:
			x, y, z, = True, True, True
		moved = False
		pModel = self.getObject(pModel)
		# Translation
		if x:
			# validate has a curve
			if self.hasAnimCurves(pModel, 'x'):
				moBuLogger.info("Moved animCurve '%s.Translation.X' to 0 at frame 0" % pModel.Name)
		if y:
			if self.hasAnimCurves(pModel, 'y'):
				moBuLogger.info("Moved animCurve '%s.Translation.Y' to 0 at frame 0" % pModel.Name)
		if z:
			if self.hasAnimCurves(pModel, 'z'):
				moBuLogger.info("Moved animCurve '%s.Translation.Z' to 0 at frame 0" % pModel.Name)
		for axis in indexes:
			transAnimNode = None
			if isinstance(pModel, PMBModel):
				transAnimNode = pModel.GetAnimationNode()
				transAnimNode = pModel.Translation.GetAnimationNode()
			if transAnimNode.Nodes[axis].FCurve:
				if transAnimNode.Nodes[axis].FCurve.Keys:
					fFirstValAxis = transAnimNode.Nodes[axis].FCurve.Keys[0].Value
					for key in transAnimNode.Nodes[axis].FCurve.Keys:
						fKeyVal = key.Value 
						key.Value = (fKeyVal - fFirstValAxis)
						moved = True
		#TODO: rot and scale	
		# Rotation
		indexes = None
		if x:
			# validate has a curve
			if self.hasAnimCurves(pModel, 'x', 'R'):
				indexes = 0
		# Scale
		# for unitTests
		return moved
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def mergePCSoptions(self, pathFile="", quiet=True, pOptions=None):
        """ merges with customFBFbxOptions
			pathFile: complete file path to merge
			quiet: suppress messages
			pOptions: pre-made options
		Returns: True/False
        if not pathFile:
            pathFile = self.openFileDialog()

        if not pOptions:
            pOptions = self.customFBFbxOptions(pLoad=True, saveAllTakes=True, allElements=True)

            # by default, do NOT merge takes
        if self.app.FileMerge(str(pathFile), 1 - quiet, pOptions):
            # report
            if not quiet:
                moBuLogger.info("Merged %s with PCSoptions" % pathFile)
            return True
            moBuLogger.error("Failed to merge '%s'" % pathFile)
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def cleanDirs(self, folderPath="", dirExtension=".fbm"):
        """ Cleans viral .bck/.fbm folders from given folderPath
				folderPath: director to clean
				dirExtension: extension to look for on end of dir
			Returns: True if cleaned any
        deleted = False
        if not folderPath:
            moBuLogger.error("No folderPath arg passed.")
            return False

        for root, dirs, unused in os.walk(folderPath):
            for _dir in dirs:
                dirPath = os.path.join(root, _dir)
                if Path(dirPath).isdir:
                    if re.search(dirExtension, dirPath):
                            deleted = True
                        except WindowsError:
                            moBuLogger.info("Failed to remove '%s'" % dirPath)
        return deleted
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def findSetFromObject(self, pObject='', quiet=False):
        ''' finds the set that an object is in
				pObject: object to look for
				quiet: suppress dialogs
			Returns: FBSet/False
        # get all sets
        allSets = self.scene.Sets

        # check for string
        if isinstance(pObject, str):
            pObject = self.getObject(name=pObject,
            if not pObject:
                if not quiet:
                    moBuLogger.infoDialog("No valid object passed.")
                return False

        if not allSets:
            if not quiet:
                moBuLogger.infoDialog("No sets found in scene.")
            return False

        # check sets
        for _set in allSets:
            if self.isInSet(pObject=pObject, pSet=_set):
                moBuLogger.info("Found '%s' in set '%s'" %
                                (pObject.Name, _set.Name))
                return _set

        # not found
        if not quiet:
            moBuLogger.infoDialog("'%s' not found in any sets" % pObject.Name)
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 18
	def getDirectoryList(self, defaultFolder, captionTitle='FolderSelect', returnList=1):
		  Return list of files from selected directory or just directory path
		 (string) defaultFolder:	default directory path
		 (string) captionTitle:		Window title
		 (bool) returnList:			1 = returnList of files in folder, 0 = return folderName
		RETURNS: (string) path
				(list) [path, files]
		#Get folder from current scene
		fullFileName = FBApplication().FBXFileName.replace('\\', '/')
		text = "Current Scene w/ path is: %s" % fullFileName
		pathParts = fullFileName.split('/')
		fileNameOnly = pathParts[len(pathParts) - 1]
		currentFolder = fullFileName.replace(fileNameOnly, "")
		if not currentFolder: currentFolder = str(ParseSchema(fullFileName).characterRoot)
		text = "currentFolder is: %s" % currentFolder
		#Build GUI
		folderWindow = FBFolderPopup()
		folderWindow.Caption = "%s: Select a folder for BatchProcessing" % captionTitle
		if not defaultFolder: defaultFolder = currentFolder
		folderWindow.Path = str(defaultFolder)
		#if window executes
		fileList = []
		if folderWindow.Execute():
			#iterate through each file
			fileList = listdir(folderWindow.Path)
		#assert(len(fileList)), logger.info('No directory selected')
		if not len(fileList): moBuLogger.info('No directory selected')
		if not returnList: return folderWindow.Path.replace('\\', '/')
		return [folderWindow.Path.replace('\\', '/'), fileList]
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def isInSet(self, pObject='', pSet=''):
        ''' see if object is in set
				pObject: object to look for
				pSet: set to look in
			Returns: True/False
        if not isinstance(pSet, FBSet):
            moBuLogger.error("'%s' is not of type(set)" % pSet)
            return False
        if not pObject:
            moBuLogger.error("No pObject passed.")

        # check if pObject is str
        if isinstance(pObject, str):
            #check directly
            for item in pSet.Items:
                if item.Name == pObject:
                    moBuLogger.info("Found '%s' in '%s'" %
                                    (item.Name, pSet.Name))
                    return True
            #check directly
            for item in pSet.Items:
                if item == pObject:
                    moBuLogger.info("Found '%s' in '%s'" %
                                    (item.Name, pSet.Name))
                    return True

        # not found
        if isinstance(pObject, str):
            pObjectName = pObject
            pObjectName = pObject.LongName
        moBuLogger.info("Did not find '%s' in '%s'" % (pObjectName, pSet.Name))
        return False
    def createTool(self):
        moBuLogger.info('|     Running Art Monkey v:%s     |' % _VERSION)
        moBuLogger.info('|     Build #:%s     |' % self.buildNumber)

        pcsGlobalToolName = "Art Monkey"
        tool = FBCreateUniqueTool(pcsGlobalToolName)
        tool.StartSizeX = 610
        tool.StartSizeY = 185

        # Layout for the controls
        x = FBAddRegionParam(5, FBAttachType.kFBAttachLeft, "")
        y = FBAddRegionParam(0, FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone, "")
        w = FBAddRegionParam(50, FBAttachType.kFBAttachRight, "")
        h = FBAddRegionParam(85, FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone, "")
        tool.AddRegion("main", "main", x, y, w, h)

        # Add grid layout
        grid = FBGridLayout()
        tool.SetControl("main", grid)

        col = 0

        logo = FBButton()
        logo.SetImageFileNames('%s/logo_small.jpg' % self.pcsImagePath)
        logo.Caption = "yeah"
        grid.AddRange(logo, 0, 1, col, col)
        grid.SetColWidth(col, 70)

        v = FBLabel()
        v.Caption = 'v:%s' % _VERSION
        v.Style = FBTextStyle.kFBTextStyleItalic
        v.Justify = FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter
        grid.Add(v, 2, col)
        col += 1

        # create load button
        loadB = FBButton()
        loadB.Caption = "Load"
        loadB.Look = FBButtonLook.kFBLookColorChange

        # create save button
        saveB = FBButton()
        saveB.Caption = "Save"
        saveB.Look = FBButtonLook.kFBLookColorChange

        # create saveAs button
        saveAsB = FBButton()
        saveAsB.Caption = "SaveAs"
        saveAsB.Look = FBButtonLook.kFBLookColorChange

        # add buttons to row 1,2,3 column 1
        grid.Add(loadB, 0, col)
        grid.Add(saveB, 1, col)
        grid.Add(saveAsB, 2, col)

        # want to fix the width of column 1 and 2 so the buttons are of a normal size
        grid.SetColWidth(col, 40)

        col += 1

        # create tab
        tab = FBTabControl()
        # we want the tab to span from row 0 to row 3 and from column 2 to column 2
        grid.AddRange(tab, 0, 3, col, col)

        # set the spacing between col0 and col1
        grid.SetColSpacing(col, 20)

        # now assign the rows and columns attributes
        # Fixed the height of row 0 and row 2 so the label and the buttons have a normal height
        grid.SetRowHeight(0, 20)
        grid.SetRowHeight(1, 20)
        grid.SetRowHeight(2, 20)
        grid.SetRowHeight(3, 70)

        # 1. Build a construction dictionary with {folder=[files]}
        self.menuDict, ext = self.getMenuDic()

        # 1.5 add top menu path for Load, Save, SaveAs
        #		menuTop = self.menuDict.keys()[0]
        if not Path.modulePath(self.mobuMenuPath):

        # 2. Sorted Keys list
        sKeys = []
        for dr in self.menuDict.iterkeys():

        for menu in sKeys:

            menuName = str(Path(menu).basename())
            # skip root and 'old'
            if not menuName == 'old' and not menuName == 'menu':
                tabLayout = FBGridLayout()
                #				lyt.default_space = 5
                tabLayout.SetRegionTitle("My Title", "Title")

                x = FBAddRegionParam(10, FBAttachType.kFBAttachLeft, "")
                y = FBAddRegionParam(20, FBAttachType.kFBAttachTop, "")
                w = FBAddRegionParam(140, FBAttachType.kFBAttachRight, "")
                h = FBAddRegionParam(75, FBAttachType.kFBAttachBottom, "")
                tabLayout.AddRegion(menuName, menuName, x, y, w, h)

                # must add dir to sys.path so imp can find it
                if not Path.modulePath(menu):

                row = 0
                column = 0
                colWidth = 0
                colMax = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0}
                for script in self.menuDict[menu]:
                    if not script == '__init__%s' % ext:
                        toolName = str(Path(script).namebase)
                        lTool = FBButton()
                        lTool.Caption = toolName
                        lTool.Justify = FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter

                        # Make "Fix this!" red
                        if toolName == 'Fix this!':
                            lTool.Look = FBButtonLook.kFBLookColorChange

                        # this callBack is active and all buttons will run this "last" menuModule.run()
                        tabLayout.Add(lTool, row, column)

                        # make column maximum of all rows
                        colWidth = len(toolName) * 7 + 2
                        if colWidth > colMax[column]:
                            colMax[column] = colWidth

                        tabLayout.SetColWidth(column, colMax[column])
                        tabLayout.SetRowHeight(row, 30)
                        # add button to tabbed sub-layout
                        tabLayout.Add(lTool, row, column)

                        # increment columns, rows
                        column += 1
                        if column > 3:
                            row += 1
                            column = 0

                # add layouts to tabControl with name of dir
                tab.Add(menuName, tabLayout)

        # finish up tab
        tab.TabPanel.TabStyle = 0  # normal tabs
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def savePCSoptions(self, pathFile=None, quiet=True, pOptions=None, p4=True):
        """ saves with customFBFbxOptions
			pathFile: complete file path to save
			quiet: suppress messages
			pOptions: pre-made options
			p4: markForAdd/checkout or not
		Returns: True/False

        text = "Saved with PCSoptions"

        # pick file if not passed
        if not pathFile:
            if not quiet:
                pathFile = self.openFileDialog(openSave="save")
                moBuLogger.error("No pathFile passed and quiet=True")
                return False
        if not pathFile:
            return False

            # add extension if they didn't type it
        if not Path(pathFile).ext:
            pathFile = "%s.fbx" % pathFile

        # 		# checkout from perforce
        # 		if p4:
        # 			if self.pcsParseObj.isp4Active:
        # 				self.p4.fileName = pathFile
        # 				if self.p4.isP4Connected:
        # 					try:
        # 						self.p4.p4CheckOut(desc=text)
        ##					except P4.P4Exception:
        # 					except:
        # 						moBuLogger.warning("Failed to checkout: '%s'" % pathFile)
        # 			else:
        # 				if not quiet:
        # 					moBuLogger.warning('P4Active setting FALSE, not checking out.')
        # 		else:
        # 			if not quiet:
        # 				moBuLogger.warning("p4 arg passed as False, not checking out for file: '%s'." % pathFile)

        if not pOptions:
            pOptions = self.customFBFbxOptions(pLoad=False, saveAllTakes=True)

            # 2010 save process
        currentTakeObject = FBSystem().CurrentTake
        if self.mobuVer == 2010:
            lMgr = FBFbxManager()  # @UndefinedVariable
            lMgr.Selected = True
            for strEach in lMgr.Takes:
                if strEach.Name != currentTakeObject.Name:
                    strEach.Import = False
            lMgr.EmbedMedia = False
            lMgr.BaseCameras = False
            lMgr.CameraSwitcherSettings = False
            lMgr.CurrentCameraSettings = False
            lMgr.GlobalLightingSettings = False
            lMgr.TransportSettings = False
            if not lMgr.Save():
                moBuLogger.errorDialog("There is a problem saving the file", "Cannot Save")
            if not lMgr.SaveEnd():
                moBuLogger.errorDialog("There is a problem saving the file", "Cannot Save")

                # 2012 save process
        elif self.mobuVer == 2012 or self.mobuVer == 2013 or self.mobuVer == 2014:
            alreadyExists = False
            if Path(pathFile).exists():
                alreadyExists = True
            if not self.app.FileSave(str(pathFile), pOptions):
                # cancelled?
                return False
            if not alreadyExists:
                # check to see if new file is there
                res = os.path.exists(str(pathFile))
                if res:
                    if not quiet:
                        moBuLogger.info("%s, '%s'" % (text, str(pathFile)))
                    return True
                    moBuLogger.errorDialog("Failed to save '%s'" % str(pathFile))
                    return False
                # TODO: check to see if different?
                if not quiet:
                    moBuLogger.info("%s, '%s'" % (text, str(pathFile)))
                return True
Ejemplo n.º 22
	def addAllToSet(self, name='', quiet=False):
		''' finds the set with name
				name: name of set
				quiet: suppress dialogs
			Returns: FBSet/False
		ourSet = None
		# type or select set name if not passed
		if not name:
			# check for selected set
			selected = self.getSelected(_type=FBSet, found=True)
			if selected:
				# test type
				if isinstance(selected, FBSet):
					ourSet = selected
				# spawn dialogue listing choices
				return False
			# check for set existence
			if self.findSet(name=name, quiet=quiet):
				ourSet = self.findSet(name=name, quiet=quiet)
				# create set
				ourSet = FBSet(name)
#		count = 0
#		allItems = []
#		modelSkeletons = self.getAllByType(_type='FBModelSkeleton')
#		allItems.extend(modelSkeletons)
#		models = self.getAllByType(_type='FBModel')
#		allItems.extend(models)
#		modelNulls = self.getAllByType(_type='FBModelNull')
#		allItems.extend(modelNulls)
#		materials = self.getAllByType(_type='FBMaterial')
#		allItems.extend(materials)
#		textures = self.getAllByType(_type='FBTexture')
#		allItems.extend(textures)
#		deformers = self.getAllByType(_type='FBDeformer')
#		allItems.extend(deformers)
#		constraintRelation = self.getAllByType(_type='FBConstraintRelation')
#		allItems.extend(constraintRelation)
#		groups = self.getAllByType(_type='FBGroup')
#		allItems.extend(groups)
#		poses = self.getAllByType(_type='FBPose')
#		allItems.extend(poses)
#		vidClips = self.getAllByType(_type='FBVideoClipImage')
#		allItems.extend(vidClips)
#		characters = self.getAllByType(_type='FBCharacter')
#		allItems.extend(characters)
#		for item in allItems:
#			ourSet.Items.append(item)
#			count+=1
		count = 0
		allItems = self.getAllByType(_type='all')
		for item in allItems:
			# skip Sets
			if isinstance(item, FBSet):
			# safe to add
			count += 1
		if not quiet:
			moBuLogger.infoDialog("%d items added to Set '%s'" % (count, ourSet.Name), "Set Created")
			moBuLogger.info("%d items added to Set '%s'" % (count, ourSet.Name))
		return ourSet
Ejemplo n.º 23
	def deleteAll(self, pObjects=[]):
		''' deletes all objects passed in the list
				pObjects: list of FBObjects
			Returns: True/False
		success = True
		# try selected if nothing passed
		if len(pObjects) == 0:
			pObjects = self.getSelected(_type='all', found=False)
			if len(pObjects) == 0:
				moBuLogger.warning("Must pass list or have something selected.")
				return False
		# covert to python list from FBPropertyListComponent
		pObjectsList = []
		if isinstance(pObjects, FBPropertyListComponent):
			for obj in pObjects:
			pObjectsList = pObjects
		# cull FBModelSkeleton type out to delete last
		deleteList = []
		modelSkels = []
		for _object in pObjectsList:
			if not isinstance(_object, FBModelSkeleton):
		# delete everything but FBModelSkeletons
		count = 0
		for obj in deleteList:
				# stupid list and unbound, have to test
					name = obj.Name	# have to store before deleting
					moBuLogger.debug("Deleted: %s" % name)
					count += 1
				except UnboundWrapperError:
					moBuLogger.debug("%s already deleted, skipping." % name)
				moBuLogger.debug("Failed to delete: %s" % name)
				success = False
		##WARNING!! Must delete other objects BEFORE
		##deleting FBModelSkeletons via children first

		# destroy FBModelSkeleton from hier up
		for modelSkel in modelSkels:
				# stupid list and unbound, have to test
					name = modelSkel.Name	# have to store before deleting
					moBuLogger.debug("Deleted: %s" % name)
					count += 1
				except UnboundWrapperError:
					moBuLogger.debug("%s already deleted, skipping." % name)
				moBuLogger.debug("Failed to delete: %s" % name)
				success = False
		moBuLogger.info("Deleted '%d' objects" % count)
		# clean
		del(pObjectsList, pObjects)
		return success
	for dr in menuDict.iterkeys():
	count = 0
	for menuNamePath in sKeys:
		menuName = str(Path(menuNamePath).basename())
		# skip root and 'old'
		if not menuName == 'old' and not menuName == 'mobuMenu':
			subMenu = FBGenericMenu()
			i = 0
			for script in menuDict[menuNamePath]:
				if not script == '__init__%s' % ext:
					toolName = str(Path(script).namebase)
					subMenu.InsertFirst(toolName, i)
			menu.InsertLast(menuName, 101+count, subMenu)
	moBuLogger.info("ArtMonkey menu already found.")

if __name__ == "__builtin__":
#	MoBuToolsMenu().createTool()
	print "moBu.pcsGlobalMenu imported"
    sKeys = []
    for dr in menuDict.iterkeys():

    count = 0
    for menuNamePath in sKeys:
        menuName = str(Path(menuNamePath).basename())
        # skip root and 'old'
        if not menuName == 'old' and not menuName == 'mobuMenu':
            subMenu = FBGenericMenu()
            i = 0
            for script in menuDict[menuNamePath]:
                if not script == '__init__%s' % ext:
                    toolName = str(Path(script).namebase)
                    subMenu.InsertFirst(toolName, i)
                    i += 1

            menu.InsertLast(menuName, 101 + count, subMenu)
            count += 1
    moBuLogger.info("ArtMonkey menu already found.")

if __name__ == "__builtin__":
    #	MoBuToolsMenu().createTool()
    print "moBu.pcsGlobalMenu imported"
		# add PyMoBu path
		pyMoBuVer = eval(pcsXMLcore.get('pyMoBuVer'))['%s' % version]
		sys.path.append('%s/python/moBu/site-packages/%s' % (gv.toolsLocation, pyMoBuVer))
		# start debugging
		import common.diagnostic.wingdbstub #@UnusedImport
		from common.diagnostic.pcsLogger import moBuLogger
		# do main import loop
			from moBu.core.sysGlobalMenu import MoBuToolsMenu
			moBuLogger.errorDialog("Failed to import moBu and start ArtMonkey")
			print "Failed to import moBu. Error: "
			print sys.exc_info()
		# start ArtMonkey Global menu
			moBuLogger.error("Failed to create Art Monkey menu")
		# report run from location
		def tempFunc():
Ejemplo n.º 27
	def newButtonCallback(self, control, event):
		moBuLogger.info("Button '%s' pressed" % control.Name)
		btn, value = FBMessageBoxGetUserValue("New Set", "Type name of new set", "mySet", FBPopupInputType.kFBPopupString, "OK", "Cancel", None, 1, True)
		if btn == 2:
        # add PyMoBu path
        pyMoBuVer = eval(pcsXMLcore.get('pyMoBuVer'))['%s' % version]
        sys.path.append('%s/python/moBu/site-packages/%s' %
                        (gv.toolsLocation, pyMoBuVer))

        # start debugging
        import common.diagnostic.wingdbstub  #@UnusedImport

        from common.diagnostic.pcsLogger import moBuLogger
        # do main import loop
            from moBu.core.sysGlobalMenu import MoBuToolsMenu
            moBuLogger.errorDialog("Failed to import moBu and start ArtMonkey")
            print "Failed to import moBu. Error: "
            print sys.exc_info()

        # start ArtMonkey Global menu
            moBuLogger.error("Failed to create Art Monkey menu")

        # report run from location
        def tempFunc():
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def goButtonCallback(self, control, event):
     moBuLogger.info("Button '%s' pressed" % control.Name)
     # create set
     newSet = FBSet(self.listSelection)
     moBuLogger.debug("Result of set creation is '%s'" % newSet)
     self.addAllToSet(name=newSet.Name, quiet=False)
Ejemplo n.º 30
	def allNodesByClassName(self):
		allComps = FBSystem().Scene.Components
		for node in allComps:
			moBuLogger.info("%s  <---type	 %s  <--LongName" % (node.ClassName(), node.LongName))
		return allComps
Ejemplo n.º 31
	def goButtonCallback(self, control, event):
		moBuLogger.info("Button '%s' pressed" % control.Name)
		# create set
		newSet = FBSet(self.listSelection)
		moBuLogger.debug("Result of set creation is '%s'" % newSet)
		self.addAllToSet(name=newSet.Name, quiet=False)
	def createTool(self):
		moBuLogger.info('|     Running Art Monkey v:%s     |' % _VERSION)
		moBuLogger.info('|     Build #:%s     |' % self.buildNumber)
		pcsGlobalToolName = "Art Monkey"
		tool = FBCreateUniqueTool(pcsGlobalToolName)
		tool.StartSizeX = 610
		tool.StartSizeY = 185
		# Layout for the controls
		x = FBAddRegionParam(5, FBAttachType.kFBAttachLeft, "")
		y = FBAddRegionParam(0, FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone, "")
		w = FBAddRegionParam(50, FBAttachType.kFBAttachRight, "")
		h = FBAddRegionParam(85, FBAttachType.kFBAttachNone, "")
		tool.AddRegion("main", "main", x, y, w, h)
		# Add grid layout
		grid = FBGridLayout()
		tool.SetControl("main", grid)
		col = 0
		logo = FBButton()
		logo.SetImageFileNames('%s/logo_small.jpg' % self.pcsImagePath)
		logo.Caption = "yeah"
		grid.AddRange(logo, 0, 1, col, col)
		grid.SetColWidth( col, 70 )
		v = FBLabel()
		v.Caption = 'v:%s' % _VERSION
		v.Style = FBTextStyle.kFBTextStyleItalic
		v.Justify = FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter
		grid.Add(v, 2, col)
		col +=1
		# create load button
		loadB = FBButton()
		loadB.Caption = "Load"
		loadB.Look = FBButtonLook.kFBLookColorChange
		# create save button
		saveB = FBButton()
		saveB.Caption = "Save"
		saveB.Look = FBButtonLook.kFBLookColorChange
		# create saveAs button
		saveAsB = FBButton()
		saveAsB.Caption = "SaveAs"
		saveAsB.Look = FBButtonLook.kFBLookColorChange
		# add buttons to row 1,2,3 column 1
		grid.Add(loadB, 0, col)
		grid.Add(saveB, 1, col)
		grid.Add(saveAsB, 2, col)
		# want to fix the width of column 1 and 2 so the buttons are of a normal size
		grid.SetColWidth( col, 40 )

		col +=1
		# create tab
		tab = FBTabControl()
		# we want the tab to span from row 0 to row 3 and from column 2 to column 2
		grid.AddRange(tab, 0, 3, col, col)
		# set the spacing between col0 and col1
		grid.SetColSpacing(col, 20)
		# now assign the rows and columns attributes
		# Fixed the height of row 0 and row 2 so the label and the buttons have a normal height
		grid.SetRowHeight(0, 20)
		grid.SetRowHeight(1, 20)
		grid.SetRowHeight(2, 20)
		grid.SetRowHeight(3, 70)
		# 1. Build a construction dictionary with {folder=[files]}
		self.menuDict, ext = self.getMenuDic()
		# 1.5 add top menu path for Load, Save, SaveAs
#		menuTop = self.menuDict.keys()[0]
		if not Path.modulePath(self.mobuMenuPath):
		# 2. Sorted Keys list
		sKeys = []
		for dr in self.menuDict.iterkeys():
		for menu in sKeys:
			menuName = str(Path(menu).basename())
			# skip root and 'old'
			if not menuName == 'old' and not menuName == 'menu':
				tabLayout = FBGridLayout()
#				lyt.default_space = 5
				tabLayout.SetRegionTitle("My Title", "Title")
				x = FBAddRegionParam(10, FBAttachType.kFBAttachLeft, "")
				y = FBAddRegionParam(20, FBAttachType.kFBAttachTop, "")
				w = FBAddRegionParam(140, FBAttachType.kFBAttachRight, "")
				h = FBAddRegionParam(75, FBAttachType.kFBAttachBottom, "")
				tabLayout.AddRegion(menuName, menuName, x, y, w, h)
				# must add dir to sys.path so imp can find it
				if not Path.modulePath(menu):
				row = 0
				column = 0
				colWidth = 0
				colMax = {0:0, 1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:0}
				for script in self.menuDict[menu]:
					if not script == '__init__%s' % ext:
						toolName = str(Path(script).namebase)
						lTool = FBButton()
						lTool.Caption = toolName
						lTool.Justify = FBTextJustify.kFBTextJustifyCenter
						# Make "Fix this!" red
						if toolName == 'Fix this!':
							lTool.Look = FBButtonLook.kFBLookColorChange
							lTool.SetStateColor(FBButtonState.kFBButtonState0, mbCore.Red)
							lTool.SetStateColor(FBButtonState.kFBButtonState1, mbCore.Red)
						# this callBack is active and all buttons will run this "last" menuModule.run()
						tabLayout.Add(lTool, row, column)
						# make column maximum of all rows
						colWidth = len(toolName) * 7 + 2
						if colWidth > colMax[column]:
							colMax[column] = colWidth
						tabLayout.SetColWidth(column, colMax[column])
						tabLayout.SetRowHeight(row, 30)
						# add button to tabbed sub-layout
						tabLayout.Add(lTool, row, column)
						# increment columns, rows
						column += 1
						if column > 3:
							row += 1
							column = 0
				# add layouts to tabControl with name of dir
				tab.Add(menuName, tabLayout)
		# finish up tab
		tab.TabPanel.TabStyle = 0 # normal tabs
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def addAllToSet(self, name='', quiet=False):
        ''' finds the set with name
				name: name of set
				quiet: suppress dialogs
			Returns: FBSet/False
        ourSet = None

        # type or select set name if not passed
        if not name:
            # check for selected set
            selected = self.getSelected(_type=FBSet, found=True)
            if selected:
                # test type
                if isinstance(selected, FBSet):
                    ourSet = selected
                # spawn dialogue listing choices
                return False
            # check for set existence
            if self.findSet(name=name, quiet=quiet):
                ourSet = self.findSet(name=name, quiet=quiet)
                # create set
                ourSet = FBSet(name)

#		count = 0
#		allItems = []
#		modelSkeletons = self.getAllByType(_type='FBModelSkeleton')
#		allItems.extend(modelSkeletons)
#		models = self.getAllByType(_type='FBModel')
#		allItems.extend(models)
#		modelNulls = self.getAllByType(_type='FBModelNull')
#		allItems.extend(modelNulls)
#		materials = self.getAllByType(_type='FBMaterial')
#		allItems.extend(materials)
#		textures = self.getAllByType(_type='FBTexture')
#		allItems.extend(textures)
#		deformers = self.getAllByType(_type='FBDeformer')
#		allItems.extend(deformers)
#		constraintRelation = self.getAllByType(_type='FBConstraintRelation')
#		allItems.extend(constraintRelation)
#		groups = self.getAllByType(_type='FBGroup')
#		allItems.extend(groups)
#		poses = self.getAllByType(_type='FBPose')
#		allItems.extend(poses)
#		vidClips = self.getAllByType(_type='FBVideoClipImage')
#		allItems.extend(vidClips)
#		characters = self.getAllByType(_type='FBCharacter')
#		allItems.extend(characters)
#		for item in allItems:
#			ourSet.Items.append(item)
#			count+=1

        count = 0
        allItems = self.getAllByType(_type='all')
        for item in allItems:

            # skip Sets
            if isinstance(item, FBSet):

            # safe to add
            count += 1

        if not quiet:
                "%d items added to Set '%s'" % (count, ourSet.Name),
                "Set Created")
            moBuLogger.info("%d items added to Set '%s'" %
                            (count, ourSet.Name))

        return ourSet