Ejemplo n.º 1
def discount_to_dict(user, company, d, android=False):
    ret = {
        'id': d.id,
        'description': d.description,
        'code': d.code,
        'type': d.type,
        'amount': format_number(user, company, d.amount, True),
        'enabled': d.enabled,
        'active': d.is_active,

    if android and d.start_date:
        ret['start_date'] = [d.start_date.year, d.start_date.month, d.start_date.day]
        ret['start_date'] = format_date(user, company, d.start_date)

    if android and d.end_date:
        ret['end_date'] = [d.end_date.year, d.end_date.month, d.end_date.day]
        ret['end_date'] = format_date(user, company, d.end_date)
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: bill.py Proyecto: rokj/sellout
def payment_to_dict(user, company, payment):
    return {
        "type": payment.type,
        "amount_paid": format_number(user, company, payment.amount_paid),
        "currency": payment.currency,
        "total": format_number(user, company, payment.total),
        "total_btc": format_number(user, company, payment.total_btc),
        "transaction_datetime": format_date(user, company, payment.transaction_datetime),
        "btc_transaction_reference": payment.btc_transaction_reference,
        "paypal_transaction_reference": payment.paypal_transaction_reference,
        "payment_info": payment.payment_info,
        "status": payment.get_status_display(),
Ejemplo n.º 3
def stats(request, company):
    c = Company.objects.get(url_name=company)

    # permission?
    if not has_permission(request.user, c, 'stats', 'view'):
        return no_permission_view(request, c, _("You have no permission to view stats"))

    # recent earnings: all bills from today/yesterday/this week/this month,
    # their income and profit
    def bill_earnings(start_date=None, end_date=None):
        billset = Bill.objects.filter(company=c, payment__status=PAID)

        if start_date:
            billset = billset.filter(timestamp__gte=start_date)

        if end_date:
            billset = billset.filter(timestamp__lt=end_date)

        if billset.count() == 0:
            return {
                'income': format_number(request.user, c, Decimal(0)),
                'profit': format_number(request.user, c, Decimal(0)),

        income = billset.aggregate(Sum('payment__total'))['payment__total__sum']

        return {
            'income': format_number(request.user, c, income),
            'profit': format_number(request.user, c,
                        income - billset.aggregate(Sum('base'))['base__sum'] -

    today = dtm.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone(get_company_value(request.user, c, 'pos_timezone')))
    today = today.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
    yesterday = today - dtm.timedelta(days=1)
    week_start = today - dtm.timedelta(days=today.weekday())
    month_start = today.replace(day=1)

    # get custom dates from form, if they are present
    earnings_from = None
    earnings_to = None

    if request.method == "GET":
        r = parse_date(request.user, c, request.GET.get('earnings_from'))
        if not r['success']:
            earnings_from = None
            earnings_from = r['date']

        r = parse_date(request.user, c, request.GET.get('earnings_to'))
        if not r['success']:
            earnings_to = None
            earnings_to = r['date']

        if earnings_from and earnings_to and earnings_from > earnings_to:
            earnings_from = None
            earnings_to = None

    if earnings_from and earnings_to:
        custom_earnings = bill_earnings(start_date=earnings_from, end_date=earnings_to)
        custom_earnings = None

    earnings = {
        'today': bill_earnings(start_date=today),
        'yesterday': bill_earnings(start_date=yesterday, end_date=today),
        'week': bill_earnings(start_date=week_start),
        'month': bill_earnings(start_date=month_start),
        'custom': custom_earnings,

    # top-selling products:
    # today/yesterday/this week/this/month/overall

    def top_products(start_date=None, end_date=None):
        itemset = BillItem.objects.filter(bill__company=c, bill__payment__status=PAID)

        if start_date:
            itemset = itemset.filter(bill__timestamp__gte=start_date)

        if end_date:
            itemset = itemset.filter(bill__timestamp__lt=end_date)

        itemset = itemset.values('name', 'code')\

        # make sure the list is always exactly TOP_PRODUCTS_LEN long
        itemset = list(itemset)
        itemset += [None for t in range(TOP_PRODUCTS_LEN - len(itemset))]

        return itemset

    # custom date limits from form
    products_from = None
    products_to = None

    if request.method == "GET":
        r = parse_date(request.user, c, request.GET.get('products_from'))
        if not r['success']:
            products_from = None
            products_from = r['date']

        r = parse_date(request.user, c, request.GET.get('products_to'))
        if not r['success']:
            products_to = None
            products_to = r['date']

        if products_from and products_to and products_from > products_to:
            products_from = None
            products_to = None

    if products_from and products_to:
        custom_products = top_products(start_date=products_from, end_date=products_to)
        custom_products = [None for x in range(TOP_PRODUCTS_LEN)]

    products_data = {
        'all_time': top_products(),
        'yesterday': top_products(start_date=yesterday, end_date=today),
        'week': top_products(start_date=week_start),
        'month': top_products(start_date=month_start),
        'custom': custom_products,

    # convert the products from dict of lists to a simple list of rows for the template
    products = []
    for i in range(TOP_PRODUCTS_LEN):
        if not products_data['all_time'][i]:

            'all_time': products_data['all_time'][i],
            'yesterday': products_data['yesterday'][i],
            'week': products_data['week'][i],
            'month': products_data['month'][i],
            'custom': products_data['custom'][i],

    context = {
        'company': c,
        'earnings': earnings,
        'earnings_from': format_date(request.user, c, earnings_from),
        'earnings_to': format_date(request.user, c, earnings_to),

        'products': products,
        'products_from': format_date(request.user, c, products_from),
        'products_to': format_date(request.user, c, products_to),

        'title': _("Stats"),
        'site_title': g.SITE_TITLE,
        'date_format_js': get_date_format(request.user, c, 'js')

    return render(request, 'pos/manage/stats.html', context)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def contact_to_dict(user, company, c):
    # returns all relevant contact's data
    # id
    # type
    # company_name
    # first_name
    # last_name
    # date_of_birth
    # street_address
    # postcode
    # city
    # country
    # email
    # phone
    # vat

    ret = {
        'id': c.id,
        'type': c.type,

    # a human-readable and quickly-accessible contact name
    # ret['name'] = ''
    if c.company_name:
        ret['name'] = c.company_name
        if c.first_name:
            ret['name'] = c.first_name + ' '
        if c.last_name:
            ret['name'] += c.last_name

    if c.company_name:
        ret['company_name'] = c.company_name
    if c.first_name:
        ret['first_name'] = c.first_name
    if c.last_name:
        ret['last_name'] = c.last_name
    if c.sex:
        ret['sex'] = c.sex
    if c.date_of_birth:
        ret['date_of_birth'] = format_date(user, company, c.date_of_birth)
    if c.street_address:
        ret['street_address'] = c.street_address
    if c.postcode:
        ret['postcode'] = c.postcode
    if c.city:
        ret['city'] = c.city
    if c.state:
        ret['state'] = c.state
    if c.country:
        ret['country'] = c.country
        ret['country_name'] = c.country_name
    if c.email:
        ret['email'] = c.email
    if c.phone:
        ret['phone'] = c.phone
    if c.vat:
        ret['vat'] = c.vat
    if c.additional_info:
        ret['additional_info'] = c.additional_info

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: bill.py Proyecto: rokj/sellout
def bill_to_dict(user, company, bill):
    # fields in bill:
    # company
    # type
    # recipient_contact > FK contact
    # note
    # sub_total |
    # discount  | decimal fields, with everything calculated
    # tax       |
    # timestamp
    # status > choices in g.BILL_STATUS
    b = {
        "id": bill.id,
        "issuer": company_to_dict(user, bill.issuer),
        "register": register_to_dict(user, company, bill.register),
        "user_id": bill.user_id,
        "user_name": bill.user_name,
        "serial": bill.serial,
        "serial_prefix": bill.serial_prefix,
        "serial_number": bill.serial_number,
        "notes": bill.notes,
        "discount_amount": format_number(user, company, bill.discount_amount),
        "discount_type": bill.discount_type,
        "currency": bill.payment.currency,
        # prices
        "base": format_number(user, company, bill.base),
        "discount": format_number(user, company, bill.discount),
        "tax": format_number(user, company, bill.tax),
        "total": format_number(user, company, bill.total),
        "timestamp": format_date(user, company, bill.timestamp) + " " + format_time(user, company, bill.timestamp),

    if bill.contact:
        b["contact"] = contact_to_dict(user, company, bill.contact)

    # get items
    items = list(BillItem.objects.filter(bill=bill))

    # gather tax rates for all items
    grouped_taxes = group_tax_rates(items)
    tax_rates = grouped_taxes["rates"]
    tax_sums = grouped_taxes["sums"]

    for rate in tax_rates:
        rate["amount"] = format_number(user, company, rate["amount"])
        rate["tax_sum"] = format_number(user, company, rate["tax_sum"])
        rate["net_sum"] = format_number(user, company, rate["net_sum"])
        rate["gross_sum"] = format_number(user, company, rate["gross_sum"])

    tax_sums["tax_sum"] = format_number(user, company, tax_sums["tax_sum"])
    tax_sums["net_sum"] = format_number(user, company, tax_sums["net_sum"])
    tax_sums["gross_sum"] = format_number(user, company, tax_sums["gross_sum"])

    b["tax_rates"] = tax_rates
    b["tax_sums"] = tax_sums

    # format all items
    i = []
    for item in items:
        i.append(bill_item_to_dict(user, company, item))

    b["items"] = i

    b["payment"] = payment_to_dict(user, company, bill.payment)

    return b