Ejemplo n.º 1
def admin_sync_domain_waf_conf(request):

    msg = ''
    status = False

    provider = 'QINGSONG'

    res = {
        'status': status,
        'msg': msg

    domain_id = request.POST.get('domain_id', '')

    # domain_id = 8

        domain_obj = Domain.objects.filter(id=domain_id).first()
        if not domain_obj:
            msg = af.DOMAIN_NOT_EXIST
            assert False

        channel = '%s://%s' % (domain_obj.protocol, domain_obj.domain)

        body = {
            'channel': channel,
        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('sync_domain_waf_conf', body)
        message = api_res[provider].get('message', 'success')
        msg = '' if message == 'success' else message

        if api_res[provider]['return_code'] == 0:
                'domain': 'itest.chinacache.com',
                'access_type': '2',
                'access_point': '广州',
                'access_point_cname': 'cc-waf-gz.ccgslb.com.cn',
                'confirm_cdn_preload': True,
                'confirm_cdn_http_layered': True,
                'confirm_cdn_https_layered': True,
                'status': 4,
                'source_is_ip': True,
                'source_addr': '',
                'port': '80',
                'ssl_status': 1,
                'cert_id': '333330',
                'return_code': 0,
                'cert_name': 'mzr_delete_final_1_2211',
                'default_waf_mode': 2,
                'self_waf_mode': 1
            waf_conf = api_res[provider]
            provider_obj = Provider.objects.filter(code=provider).first()

            waf_conf['provider_name'] = provider_obj.name
            waf_conf['provider_name'] = provider_obj.name

            res['waf_conf'] = waf_conf
            status = True

    except Exception as e:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['msg'] = msg
    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def admin_set_domain_waf_conf(request):
    """管理员设置waf 基本配置

    update = {
        'domain': '域名',
        'access_point': '接入点',
        'access_point_cname': '接入点对应cname',
        'access_type': 'waf接入方式 目前是 2',
        'src_type': '1 ip回源 & 2 域名回源',
        'src_address': '回源值 域名回源就是域名,ip回源就是ip',
        'src_port': '回源端口',
        'src_host': '回源host',
        'ssl_status': '是否启用https',
        'cert_name': '证书名称',
        'default_waf_mode': '默认规则防御模式',
        'self_waf_mode': '自定义规则防御模式',


    msg = ''
    status = False

    provider = 'QINGSONG'

    res = {
        'status': status,
        'msg': msg

    domain_id = request.POST.get('domain_id', '')
    short_name = request.POST.get('short_name', '')

    access_type = request.POST.get('access_type', '2')
    src_type = request.POST.get('src_type', '2')
    src_address = request.POST.get('src_address', '')
    src_port = request.POST.get('src_port', '')
    src_host = request.POST.get('src_host', '')
    ssl_status = request.POST.get('ssl_status', False)
    cert_id = request.POST.get('cert_id', '')
    default_waf_mode = request.POST.get('default_waf_mode', '')
    self_waf_mode = request.POST.get('self_waf_mode', '')

    # domain_id = 8

    # short_name = 'GZ'
    # default_waf_mode = 3
    # self_waf_mode = 0

        domain_obj = Domain.objects.filter(id=domain_id).first()
        if not domain_obj:
            msg = af.DOMAIN_NOT_EXIST
            assert False

        domain = domain_obj.domain
        channel = '%s://%s' % (domain_obj.protocol, domain)

        body = {
            'channel': channel,
            'access_type': access_type,

        if short_name:
            access_point = sf.ACCESS_POINT_CONF[short_name]['name']
            access_point_cname = sf.ACCESS_POINT_CONF[short_name]['cname']
            body['access_point'] = access_point
            body['access_point_cname'] = access_point_cname

        if src_address and src_type:
            src_type = int_check(src_type)
            if src_type is None:
                msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
                assert False

            if src_type == sf.SRC_TYPE_IP:
                if not is_ip(src_address):
                    msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
                    assert False
            elif src_type == sf.SRC_TYPE_DOMAIN:
                if not is_domain(src_address):
                    msg = af.PARAME_ERROR

            body['src_type'] = src_type
            body['src_address'] = src_address

        if src_port:
            body['src_port'] = src_port

        if src_host:
            body['src_host'] = src_host

        if default_waf_mode:
            body['default_waf_mode'] = default_waf_mode
        if self_waf_mode:
            body['self_waf_mode'] = self_waf_mode

        if ssl_status:
            body['ssl_status'] = ssl_status

        if cert_id:
            body['cert_id'] = cert_id

        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('set_domain_waf_conf', body)

        if api_res[provider]['return_code'] == 0:
            status = True

            log_msg = om.EDIT_WAF_CONF % (request.user.username, domain)
                request, om.SECURITY, log_msg)

    except Exception as e:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def admin_edit_parent_user(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {'status': status, 'msg': msg}

    username = request.POST.get('username', '')
    company = request.POST.get('company', '')
    user_type = request.POST.get('user_type', '')
    linkman = request.POST.get('linkman', '')
    email = request.POST.get('email', '')
    mobile = request.POST.get('mobile', '')

    is_active = request.POST.get('is_active', '')

    password = request.POST.get('password', '')
    reset_password = request.POST.get('reset_password', '0')

    perm_list = request.POST.getlist('perm[]', [])


        check_user = UserProfile.objects.filter(username=username).first()
        if not check_user:
            msg = af.USER_NOT_EXIST
            assert False

        if is_active:
            is_active = int_check(is_active)
            if is_active is None:
                msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
                assert False

            check_user.is_active = True if is_active else False

        if password:

        if reset_password:
            reset_password = int_check(reset_password)
            check_user.reset_password = True if reset_password else False

    except AssertionError:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)
        return json_response(res)

    creator_username = request.user.username

    if company:
        check_user.company = company

    if user_type == 'is_parent':
        check_user.is_parent = True
        check_user.is_agent = False
    if user_type == 'is_agent':
        check_user.is_parent = False
        check_user.is_agent = True

    if linkman:
        check_user.linkman = linkman
    if email:
        check_user.email = email
    if mobile:
        check_user.mobile = mobile

    user_perm, is_new = PermUser.objects.get_or_create(user=check_user)
    if is_new:

    # check_user.product_list.clear()
    # check_user.strategy_list.clear()

    for perm_code in perm_list:
        PermUser.assign_perm(perm_code, check_user)

        if perm_code == 'client_cdn_menu':
            cdn_product = Product.objects.filter(code='CDN').first()
            cdn_strategy = Strategy.get_obj_from_property('CC', 'CDN', 'CDN')
        # elif perm_code == 'client_security_menu':
        #     sec_product = Product.objects.filter(code='SECURITY').first()
        #     sec_strategy = Strategy.get_obj_from_property(
        #         'QINGSONG', 'SECURITY', 'WAF')
        #     check_user.product_list.add(sec_product)
        #     check_user.strategy_list.add(sec_strategy)
        #     check_user.save()


    log_msg = om.EDIT_USER % (creator_username, username)
    OperateLog.write_operate_log(request, om.ACCOUNTS, log_msg)

    status = True

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def edit_parent_user(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {'status': status, 'msg': msg}

    username = request.POST.get('username', '')
    company = request.POST.get('company', '')
    user_type = request.POST.get('user_type', '')
    linkman = request.POST.get('linkman', '')
    email = request.POST.get('email', '')
    mobile = request.POST.get('mobile', '')

    is_active = request.POST.get('is_active', '0')

    perm_list = request.POST.getlist('perm[]', '')


        check_user = UserProfile.objects.filter(username=username)
        if not check_user:
            msg = af.USER_NOT_EXIST
            assert False

        is_active = int_check(is_active)
        if is_active is None:
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
            assert False

        check_user.is_active = True if is_active else False

    except AssertionError:
        res['msg'] = msg
        return json_response(res)

    creator_username = request.user.username

    if company:
        check_user.company = company

    if user_type == 'is_parent':
        check_user.is_parent = True
        check_user.is_agent = False
    if user_type == 'is_agent':
        check_user.is_parent = False
        check_user.is_agent = True

    if linkman:
        check_user.linkman = linkman
    if email:
        check_user.email = email
    if mobile:
        check_user.mobile = mobile

    if perm_list:
        user_perm = PermUser.objects.filter(user=check_user)

        for perm_id in perm_list:
            PermUser.assign_perm(perm_id, check_user)


    log_msg = om.EDIT_USER % (creator_username, username)
    OperateLog.write_operate_log(request, om.ACCOUNTS, log_msg)

    status = True

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def admin_cert_list(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {'status': status, 'msg': msg}

    cert_name = request.POST.get('cert_name', '')
    status = request.POST.get('status', '[]')
    user_id = request.POST.get('user_id', '')

    # cert_name = 'xz_test_0009'
    # status = 1

        status_list = handle_list(status)

        if not status_list:
            status_list = [
                CertConf.CERT_CONDUCT, CertConf.CERT_SUCCESS,
                CertConf.CERT_FAIL, CertConf.CERT_TIMEOUT, CertConf.CERT_UPDATE

        body = {
            'status': status_list,

        if user_id:
            user_id = int_check(user_id)
            if user_id is None:
                msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
                assert False
            body['user_id'] = user_id

        if cert_name:
            body['cert_name'] = cert_name

        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('ssl_cert_query', body)
        return_code = api_res.get('return_code', 0)

        if return_code != 0:
            assert False

        result_list = api_res.get('cert_list', [])

        cert_list = []
        for cert_info in result_list:

            # cert_info['cert_from'] = CertConf.cert_from_name(
            #     cert_info['cert_from'])
            # cert_info['status'] = CertConf.cert_status_name(
            #     cert_info['status'])


        result_list = sorted(cert_list,
                             key=lambda x: x['create_time'],

        check_msg, result_list, pagination = data_pagination(
            request, result_list)

        if check_msg:
            res['msg'] = check_msg
            return json_response(res)

        res['cert_list'] = result_list
        res['page_info'] = pagination

        status = True
    except Exception as e:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['status'] = status


    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def client_cdn_edit_domain(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {'status': status, 'msg': msg}

    user = request.user

    domain = request.POST.get('domain', '')

    cert_name = request.POST.get('cert_name', '')
    src_type = request.POST.get('src_type', '')
    src_value = request.POST.get('src_value', '')
    src_host = request.POST.get('src_host', '')

    src_back_type = request.POST.get('src_back_type', '')
    src_back_value = request.POST.get('src_back_value', '')

    ignore_cache_control = request.POST.get('ignore_cache_control', '0')
    ignore_query_string = request.POST.get('ignore_query_string', '0')

    cache_rule = request.POST.get('cache_rule', '[]')

        cache_rule = json.loads(cache_rule)

        if src_back_value and not src_back_type:
            msg = af.SRC_BACK_TYPE_EMPTY
            assert False

        check_domain = Domain.objects.filter(domain=domain).first()
        if not check_domain:
            assert False
            msg = af.DOMAIN_NOT_EXIST

        src_ips = []
        src_domain = ''
        if src_type == CDNConf.SRC_IP:
            src_ips = src_value.split('\n')
        elif src_type == CDNConf.SRC_DOMAIN:
            src_domain = src_value

        if not src_host:
            src_host = domain

        src_back_ips = []
        src_back_domain = ''
        if src_back_type == CDNConf.SRC_BACK_IP:
            src_back_ips = src_back_value.split('\n')
        elif src_back_type == CDNConf.SRC_BACK_DOMAIN:
            src_back_domain = src_back_value

        body = {
            'user_id': user.id,
            'domain': domain,
            'cert_name': cert_name,
            'src_type': src_type,
            'src_ips': src_ips,
            'src_domain': src_domain,
            'src_host': src_host,
            'src_back_type': src_back_type,
            'src_back_ips': src_back_ips,
            'src_back_domain': src_back_domain,
            'ignore_cache_control': ignore_cache_control,
            'ignore_query_string': ignore_query_string,
            'cache_rule': cache_rule,
        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('cdn_domain_edit', body)
        return_code = api_res.get('return_code', 0)

        if return_code != 0:
            assert False

        status = True

        log_msg = om.EDIT_CDN_DOMAIN % (user.username, user.username, domain)
        OperateLog.write_operate_log(request, om.ACCOUNTS, log_msg)

    except Exception as e:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def admin_create_sec_domain(request):

    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {
        'status': status,
        'msg': msg

    channel_info_list = request.POST.getlist('channel_info_list', [])
    user_id = request.POST.get('user_id', '')

    channel_info_list = json.loads(channel_info_list[0])

        user_id = int_check(user_id)
        if user_id is None:
            msg = af.USER_NOT_EXIST
            assert False

        user = UserProfile.objects.filter(id=user_id).first()

        domain_info_list = []
        for channel_info in channel_info_list:

            channel_name = channel_info.get('channel_name', '')

            url_info = urlparse(channel_name)
            domain = url_info.netloc
            protocol = url_info.scheme

            domain_info = {
                'domain': domain,
                'protocol': protocol,
                'user_id': user_id,

        body = {
           'domain_info_list': domain_info_list

        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('domain_create', body)
        api_res = api_res.get('result_list', False)

        if api_res:
            for i in api_res:
                domain = i.get('domain', '')
                protocol = i.get('protocol', '')
                insert_flag = i.get('insert_flag', '')

                if insert_flag:
                    domain_obj, _ = Domain.objects.get_or_create(
                        domain=domain, protocol=protocol, user=user)

                    url = '%s://%s' % (protocol, domain)
                    log_msg = om.CREATE_SECURITY_DOMAIN % (user.username, url)
                        request, om.SECURITY, log_msg)

            status = True

    except AssertionError:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def login(request):
    res = {
        'status': False,
        'msg': '',
        'menus': []

    username = request.POST.get('username', '')

    password = request.POST.get('password', '')

    pl = request.POST.get('pl', '0')
    pl = int(pl)

    key = request.POST.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken', '')[:16]
    vi = request.POST.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken', '')[-16:]

    error_msg = ''
    status = False
    url = ''


        if not username:
            error_msg = af.USERNAME_EMPTY
            assert False

        if not password:
            error_msg = af.PASSWORD_EMPTY
            assert False

        dec_password = decrypt_to(password, key, vi)
        password = dec_password[:pl]

        user = UserProfile.objects.filter(username=username).first()

        if user:
            user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)

            if not user:
                error_msg = af.USER_ERROR
                assert False

            if not user.is_active:
                error_msg = af.USER_NOT_ACTIVE
                assert False

            if user.reset_password:
                redirect_url = '/base/reset_password/page/'
                return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)

            auth_login(request, user)

                request, om.ACCOUNTS, om.LOGIN_SYSTEM)

            menus, perm_user = get_menu_tree(user)

            res['menus'] = menus
            res['perm_user'] = perm_user

            status = True
            assert False
            error_msg = af.USER_ERROR

    except AssertionError:
        res['msg'] = _(error_msg)

    res['status'] = status
    res['url'] = url


    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def admin_cdn_user_list(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {'status': status, 'msg': msg}

    id_or_username = request.POST.get('id_or_username', '')
    cms_username = request.POST.get('cms_username', '')

    cdn_product = Product.objects.filter(code='CDN').first()


        body = {
            'username_list': [],
            'cms_username': '',
            'return_type': 'is_list',

        user_query = cdn_product.user_product.all()

        if id_or_username:

            check_res = int_check(id_or_username)

            if check_res is None:
                user_query = user_query.filter(username=id_or_username)
                user_query = user_query.filter(id=check_res)

        cms_user_list = []
        if user_query:
            body['username_list'] = [user.username for user in user_query]

            if cms_username:
                body['cms_username'] = cms_username

            api_res = APIUrl.post_link('user_query', body)
            api_user_query = api_res.get('user_query', {})

            print(1111111, api_user_query)

            for i in api_user_query:
                username = i.get('username', '')
                user_id = i.get('user_id', 0)
                cms_username = i.get('cms_username', '')

                cdn_opt = i.get('cdn_opt', [])

                user_info = {
                    'user_id': user_id,
                    'username': username,
                    'cms_username': cms_username,
                    'cdn_opt': cdn_opt


            cms_user_list = sorted(cms_user_list,
                                   key=lambda x: x['user_id'],

        check_msg, cdn_user_list, pagination = data_pagination(
            request, cms_user_list)

        if check_msg:
            res['msg'] = check_msg
            return json_response(res)

        res['cdn_user_list'] = cdn_user_list
        res['page_info'] = pagination

        status = True

    except AssertionError:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def admin_cdn_status_code_data(request):

    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {'status': status, 'msg': msg}

    start_time = request.POST.get('start_time', 0)
    end_time = request.POST.get('end_time', 0)
    user_id = request.POST.get('user_id', '')
    domain_ids = request.POST.get('domain_list', '[]')
    opts = request.POST.get('opts', '[]')

    all_status_code = []  # 全部状态码数据
    all_trend_result = []
    status_code_table = []
    trend_table = []
        user_id = int_check(user_id)
        if user_id is None:
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
            assert False

        msg, start_time, end_time = handle_req_time(start_time, end_time)
        if msg:
            assert False

        domain_ids = handle_list(domain_ids, dec_int=True)
        if domain_ids:
            opts = handle_list(opts)

            domain_query = Domain.objects.filter(id__in=domain_ids)
            domain_list = [i.domain for i in domain_query]

            (all_status_code, opt_status_code, all_trend_result,
             opt_trend_data) = get_domain_status_code(user_id, domain_list,
                                                      start_time, end_time,

            all_opt_status_code = copy.deepcopy(all_status_code)
            all_opt_status_code['opt'] = 'all'

            for opt in opt_status_code:
                opt_data = copy.deepcopy(opt_status_code[opt])
                opt_data['opt'] = opt

                opt_ratio_data = {}
                for code in opt_status_code[opt]:
                    opt_num = opt_status_code[opt][code]
                    base_num = all_status_code.get(code, 0)

                    opt_ratio = '%.4f' % (opt_num / base_num *
                                          100 if base_num else 0)

                    opt_ratio_data[code] = opt_ratio

                opt_ratio_data['opt'] = opt

            trend_table = []

            all_opt_trend_data = copy.deepcopy(all_trend_data)
            all_opt_trend_data['opt'] = 'all'

            for opt in opt_trend_data:
                opt_data = copy.deepcopy(opt_trend_data[opt])
                opt_data['opt'] = opt

                opt_ratio_data = {}
                for code in opt_trend_data[opt]:
                    opt_num = opt_trend_data[opt][code]
                    base_num = all_trend_data.get(code, 0)

                    opt_ratio = '%.4f' % (opt_num / base_num *
                                          100 if base_num else 0)

                    opt_ratio_data[code] = opt_ratio

                opt_ratio_data['opt'] = opt

        status = True

    except Exception as e:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['all_status_code'] = all_status_code
    res['status_code_table'] = status_code_table

    res['all_trend_result'] = all_trend_result
    res['trend_table'] = trend_table

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def admin_cdn_user_set_conf(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {'status': status, 'msg': msg}

    user = request.user

    user_id = request.POST.get('user_id', '')

    opt = request.POST.get('opt', '["CC"]')
    cc_cms_template_type = request.POST.get('cc_cms_template', '')
    cc_icp_check = request.POST.get('cc_icp_check', "0")
    base_cname = request.POST.get('base_cname', CDNConf.BASE_CNAME)

    # user_id = 93
    # cc_cms_template_type = 2
    # cc_icp_check = True
    # opt = ['CC']
    # base_cname = '.ns.xgslb.com'

        opt = json.loads(opt)

        user_id = int_check(user_id)
        if user_id is None:
            assert False
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR

        cc_icp_check = int_check(cc_icp_check)
        if cc_icp_check is None:
            assert False
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR

        cc_cms_template_type = int_check(cc_cms_template_type)
        if cc_cms_template_type is None:
            assert False
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR

        edit_user = UserProfile.objects.filter(id=user_id).first()
        if not edit_user:
            assert False
            msg = af.USER_NOT_EXIST

        fields = {
            'cc_cms_template_type': cc_cms_template_type,
            'cc_icp_check': cc_icp_check,
            'cdn_opt': opt,
            'base_cname': base_cname

        body = {
            'user_id': edit_user.id,
            'username': edit_user.username,
            'fields': fields,

        res = APIUrl.post_link('update_user', body)
        return_code = res.get('return_code', 0)

        if return_code != 0:
            assert False

        status = True

        log_msg = om.SET_CDN_BASE_CONF % (user.username, edit_user.username)
        OperateLog.write_operate_log(request, om.ACCOUNTS, log_msg)

    except Exception as e:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def create_child_user(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {'status': status, 'msg': msg}

    username = request.POST.get('username', '')
    password = request.POST.get('password', '')
    is_api = request.POST.get('is_api', 0)
    reset_password = request.POST.get('reset_password', 0)
    email = request.POST.get('email', '')
    mobile = request.POST.get('mobile', '')
    remark = request.POST.get('remark', '')


        if not username:
            msg = af.USERNAME_EMPTY
            assert False

        check_user = UserProfile.objects.filter(username=username)
        if check_user:
            msg = af.USER_EXIST
            assert False

        if not password:
            msg = af.PASSWORD_EMPTY
            assert False

        is_api = int_check(is_api)
        if is_api is None:
            msg = af.PARAM_ERROR
            assert False

        reset_password = int_check(reset_password)
        if reset_password is None:
            msg = af.PARAM_ERROR
            assert False

    except AssertionError:
        res['msg'] = msg
        return json_response(res)

    if is_api:

    identity = 'is_child'

    group = Group.objects.filter(id=GroupProfile.CUSTOMER_CHILD_ID)

    creator_username = request.user.username

    param = {
        'username': username,
        'password': password,
        'group': group,
        'identity': identity,
        'email': email,
        'mobile': mobile,
        'remark': remark,
        'reset_password': True if reset_password else False,
        'creator_username': creator_username

    user = create_user(**param)

    if not user:
        res['msg'] = af.PARAM_ERROR
        return json_response(res)

    log_msg = om.CREATE_USER % (creator_username, identity, username)
    OperateLog.write_operate_log(request, om.ACCOUNTS, log_msg)

    status = True

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def login(request):
    res = {'status': False, 'msg': '', 'menus': []}

    username = request.POST.get('username', '')

    password = request.POST.get('password', '')

    pl = request.POST.get('pl', '0')
    pl = int(pl)

    key = request.POST.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken', '')[:16]
    vi = request.POST.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken', '')[-16:]

    error_msg = ''
    status = False


        if not username:
            error_msg = af.USERNAME_EMPTY
            assert False

        if not password:
            error_msg = af.PASSWORD_EMPTY
            assert False

        dec_password = decrypt_to(password, key, vi)
        password = dec_password[:pl]

        user = UserProfile.objects.filter(username=username).first()

        if user:

            # cc 用户ldap登录
            if user.is_staff:
                login_flag, msg = authorize(username, password)
                if not login_flag:
                    error_msg = af.USER_ERROR
                    assert False


                user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)

                auth_login(request, user)
                OperateLog.write_operate_log(request, om.ACCOUNTS,

            # 系统内置账号登录
                user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
                if user:
                    if not user.is_active:
                        error_msg = af.USER_NOT_ACTIVE
                        assert False

                auth_login(request, user)

                OperateLog.write_operate_log(request, om.ACCOUNTS,

            menus = get_menu_tree(user)

            res['menus'] = menus
            status = True
            assert False
            error_msg = af.USER_ERROR

    except AssertionError:
        res['msg'] = error_msg

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def admin_upload_waf_cert(request):

    msg = ''
    status = False

    provider = 'QINGSONG'

    res = {
        'status': status,
        'msg': msg

    domain_id = request.POST.get('domain_id', '')
    name = request.POST.get('name', '')

    key = request.POST.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken', '')[:16]
    vi = request.POST.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken', '')[-16:]

    cert_value = request.POST.get('cert_value', '')
    dec_cert_value = decrypt_to(cert_value, key, vi)
    cert_pl = request.POST.get('cert_pl', '0')

    key_value = request.POST.get('key_value', '')
    dec_key_value = decrypt_to(key_value, key, vi)
    key_pl = request.POST.get('key_pl', '0')
        if not name:
            msg = af.CERT_NAME_EMPTY
            assert False

        cert_pl = int_check(cert_pl)
        if cert_pl is None:
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
            assert False

        key_pl = int_check(key_pl)
        if key_pl is None:
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
            assert False

        cert_value = dec_cert_value[:cert_pl]
        key_value = dec_key_value[:key_pl]

        domain_obj = Domain.objects.filter(id=domain_id).first()
        if not domain_obj:
            msg = af.DOMAIN_NOT_EXIST
            assert False

        domain = domain_obj.domain
        channel = '%s://%s' % (domain_obj.protocol, domain)

        body = {
            'channel': channel,
            'name': name,
            'cert': cert_value,
            'key': key_value
        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('waf_cert_upload', body)
        msg = api_res[provider]['message']

        if api_res[provider]['return_code'] == 0:
            status = True
            cert_id = api_res[provider].get('data', {}).get('cert_id', '')
            res['cert_id'] = cert_id

            log_msg = om.UPLOAD_WAF_CERT % (request.user.username, name)
                request, om.SECURITY, log_msg)
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    except Exception as e:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def admin_get_sec_domain_list(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {
        'status': status,
        'msg': msg

    id_or_username = request.POST.get('id_or_username', '')
    cms_username = request.POST.get('cms_username', '')
    domain = request.POST.get('domain', '')

        body = {
            'username_list': [],
            'cms_username': '',
            'return_type': 'is_dict'

        sec_product = Product.objects.filter(code='SECURITY').first()
        user_query = sec_product.user_product.all()

        if id_or_username:

            check_res = int_check(id_or_username)

            if check_res is None:
                user_query = user_query.filter(username=id_or_username)
                user_query = user_query.filter(id=check_res)

        if user_query:
            body['username_list'] = [user.username for user in user_query]

        if cms_username:
            body['cms_username'] = cms_username

        user_ids = []
        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('user_query', body)
        user_info_list = api_res.get('user_query', {})

        if user_info_list:
            user_ids = [
                user_info_list[i]['user_id'] for i in user_info_list]

        domain_query = Domain.objects.filter(user_id__in=user_ids)

        if domain:
            if domain.startswith('http'):
                protocol, record, domain = parseProtocolRecordDomain(domain)
                domain = f'{record}.{domain}'
            domain_query = Domain.objects.filter(domain__contains=domain)

        domain_query = domain_query.order_by('-id')

        domain_name_list = []
        if domain_query:
            domain_name_list = [i.domain for i in domain_query]

        body = {
            'domain_list': domain_name_list
        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('domain_query', body)
        api_domain_query = api_res.get('domain_query', [])

        domain_dict_list = []
        for domain_obj in domain_query:

            url = '%s://%s' % (domain_obj.protocol, domain_obj.domain)

            if url not in api_domain_query:

            domain_info = api_domain_query.get(url, {})

            user_id = domain_info.get('user_id')
            user = UserProfile.objects.filter(id=user_id).first()
            username = user.username
            cms_username = ''
            if username in user_info_list:
                cms_username = user_info_list.get(
                    username, {}).get('cms_username', '')

            # waf 服务判断
            is_waf = 0
            strategy_waf = domain_info.get('waf', [])
            if strategy_waf:
                is_waf = 1

            domain_dict = {
                'user_id': user_id,
                'username': username,
                'WAF': is_waf,
                'domain_id': domain_obj.id,
                'channel_name': url,
                'cms_username': cms_username
            if is_waf:
                #---get domain status info.
                status_from_api = APIUrl.post_link('get_domain_status', {'channel': url})
                if status_from_api['return_code'] == 0:
                    channel_status = status_from_api['data'].get('status', 0)
                    domain_dict['WAF'] = channel_status
                    print(f'admin_get_sec_domain_list[get_domain_status api error.] channel: {url}')


        check_msg, domain_dict_list, pagination = data_pagination(
            request, domain_dict_list)

        if check_msg:
            res['msg'] = _(check_msg)
            return json_response(res)

        res['domain_list'] = domain_dict_list
        res['page_info'] = pagination

        status = True

    except Exception:

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def admin_domain_waf_set_cdn(request):

    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {
        'status': status,
        'msg': msg

    domain_id = request.POST.get('domain_id', '')
    switch = request.POST.get('switch', '')
    confirm_cdn_preload = request.POST.get('confirm_cdn_preload', 0)
    confirm_cdn_http_layered = request.POST.get('confirm_cdn_http_layered', 0)
    confirm_cdn_https_layered = request.POST.get('confirm_cdn_https_layered', 0)

    # domain_id = 8
    # switch = 0
    # confirm_cdn_preload = 1
    # confirm_cdn_http_layered = 1
    # confirm_cdn_https_layered = 1

        domain_obj = Domain.objects.filter(id=domain_id).first()
        if not domain_obj:
            msg = af.DOMAIN_NOT_EXIST
            assert False
        domain = domain_obj.domain

        switch = int_check(switch)
        if switch is None:
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
            assert False

        confirm_cdn_preload = int_check(confirm_cdn_preload)
        if confirm_cdn_preload is None:
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
            assert False

        confirm_cdn_http_layered = int_check(confirm_cdn_http_layered)
        if confirm_cdn_http_layered is None:
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
            assert False

        confirm_cdn_https_layered = int_check(confirm_cdn_https_layered)
        if confirm_cdn_https_layered is None:
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
            assert False

        body = {
            'domain': domain,
            'switch': switch,
            'confirm_cdn_preload': True if confirm_cdn_preload else False,
            'confirm_cdn_http_layered': True if confirm_cdn_http_layered
            else False,
            'confirm_cdn_https_layered': True if confirm_cdn_https_layered
            else False,

        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('domain_waf_set_cdn', body)

        if api_res['return_code'] == 0:
            status = True
            switch_name = '开启' if switch else '关闭'
            log_msg = om.SET_WAF_CDN_STATUS % (
                request.user.username, domain, switch_name)
                request, om.SECURITY, log_msg)

    except AssertionError:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def admin_sec_user_list(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {
        'status': status,
        'msg': msg

    id_or_username = request.POST.get('id_or_username', '')
    cms_username = request.POST.get('cms_username', '')

    sec_product = Product.objects.filter(code='SECURITY').first()


        body = {
            'username_list': [],
            'cms_username': '',
            'return_type': 'is_list',

        user_query = sec_product.user_product.all()

        if id_or_username:

            check_res = int_check(id_or_username)

            if check_res is None:
                user_query = user_query.filter(username=id_or_username)
                user_query = user_query.filter(id=check_res)

        body['username_list'] = [user.username for user in user_query]

        if cms_username:
            body['cms_username'] = cms_username

        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('user_query', body)
        api_user_query = api_res.get('user_query', {})

        cms_user_list = []
        for i in api_user_query:
            username = i.get('username', '')
            user_id = i.get('user_id', 0)
            cms_username = i.get('cms_username', '')
            if not cms_username:

            user = user_query.filter(id=user_id).first()
            if not user:

            domain_num = Domain.objects.filter(user=user).count()

            user_info = {
                'user_id': user_id,
                'username': username,
                'cms_username': cms_username,
                'domain_num': domain_num


        cms_user_list = sorted(
            cms_user_list, key=lambda x: x['user_id'], reverse=True)

        check_msg, sec_user_list, pagination = data_pagination(
            request, cms_user_list)

        if check_msg:
            res['msg'] = check_msg
            return json_response(res)

        res['sec_user_list'] = sec_user_list
        res['page_info'] = pagination

        status = True

    except AssertionError:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def admin_cert_create_or_edit(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {'status': status, 'msg': msg}

    cert_name = request.POST.get('cert_name', '')
    username = request.POST.get('username', '')
    remark = request.POST.get('remark', '')
    email = request.POST.get('email', '')
    cert_from = request.POST.get('cert_from', 0)
    period = request.POST.get('period', 0)
    is_update = request.POST.get('is_update', 0)

    key = request.POST.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken', '')[:16]
    vi = request.POST.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken', '')[-16:]

    cert_value = request.POST.get('cert_value', '')
    dec_cert_value = decrypt_to(cert_value, key, vi)
    cert_pl = request.POST.get('cert_pl', '0')

    key_value = request.POST.get('key_value', '')
    dec_key_value = decrypt_to(key_value, key, vi)
    key_pl = request.POST.get('key_pl', '0')

    # cert_name = 'xz_test_0009'
    # username = '******'
    # remark = '备注备注'
    # email = '*****@*****.**'
    # cert_value = '--------字符串省略'
    # key_value = '--------字符串省略'
    # cert_from = 0
    # period = 0
    # is_update = 0

        if not cert_name:
            msg = af.CERT_NAME_EMPTY
            assert False

        if not username:
            msg = af.USER_NOT_EXIST
            assert False

        if not email:
            msg = af.CERT_EMAIL_EMPTY
            assert False

        if period:
            period = int_check(period)
            if period is None:
                msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
                assert False

        if cert_from:
            cert_from = int_check(cert_from)
            if cert_from is None:
                msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
                assert False

        if is_update:
            is_update = int_check(is_update)
            if is_update is None:
                msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
                assert False

        if not cert_value or not cert_value:
            msg = af.CERT_VALUE_OR_KEY_EMPTY
            assert False

        cert_pl = int_check(cert_pl)
        if cert_pl is None:
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
            assert False

        key_pl = int_check(key_pl)
        if key_pl is None:
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
            assert False

        cert_value = dec_cert_value[:cert_pl]
        key_value = dec_key_value[:key_pl]

        body = {
            'cert_name': cert_name,
            'username': username,
            'remark': remark,
            'email': email,
            'cert_value': cert_value,
            'key_value': key_value,
            'cert_from': cert_from,
            'period': period,
            'is_update': is_update,
            'opt_username': request.user.username

        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('ssl_cert_create_or_edit', body)
        print(111111111111, api_res)
        return_code = api_res.get('return_code', 0)

        if return_code != 0:
            res['msg'] = api_res.get('err_msg', '')
            assert False

        status = True
    except Exception as e:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def admin_check_domain_waf_status(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {
        'status': status,
        'msg': msg
    provider = 'QINGSONG'
    domain_id = request.POST.get('domain_id', '')


        domain_obj = Domain.objects.filter(id=domain_id).first()
        if not domain_obj:
            msg = af.DOMAIN_NOT_EXIST
            assert False

        body = {
            'channel': '%s://%s' % (domain_obj.protocol, domain_obj.domain),
            'provider': provider
        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('check_waf_status', body)
        message = api_res[provider].get('message', 'success')
        msg = '' if message == 'success' else message

        if api_res[provider].get('return_code', 1) == 0:

            check_status = api_res[provider]['status']

            waf_switch = 0
            check_result = ''
            status_msg = ''
            if check_status == 0:
                check_result = 'is_binding'
                waf_switch = 1
            elif check_status == 1:
                check_result = 'is_binding'

            elif check_status == 2:
                check_result = 'is_create'

            elif check_status == 3:
                status_msg = _(sf.DOMAIN_WAIT_AUDIT)
                check_result = 'is_auditing'
                msg = status_msg

            elif check_status == 4:
                status_msg = _(sf.DOMAIN_AUDIT_FAILED)
                check_result = 'is_audit_failed'
                msg = status_msg
                status_msg = _(sf.DOMAIN_CHECK_FAILED)
                check_result = 'is_check_failed'
                msg = status_msg

            res['check_result'] = check_result
            res['waf_switch'] = waf_switch
            res['status_msg'] = status_msg
            res['msg'] = msg
            status = True
        elif api_res[provider].get('return_code', 1) == -1:
            msg = sf.WAF_TOKEN_EMPTY
            assert False

    except Exception as e:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['msg'] = msg
    res['status'] = status


    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def parent_get_sec_domain_list(request):

    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {'status': status, 'msg': msg}

    url = request.POST.get('domain', '')

    url_info = urlparse(url)
    protocol = url_info.scheme
    netloc = url_info.netloc
    path = url_info.path

        user = request.user

        domain_query = Domain.objects.filter(user=user)

        if url:
            if protocol and netloc:
                domain_query = domain_query.filter(protocol=protocol,
                domain_query = domain_query.filter(domain__contains=path)

        domain_name_list = [i.domain for i in domain_query]

        body = {'domain_list': domain_name_list}

        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('domain_query', body)
        api_domain_query = api_res.get('domain_query', [])

        domain_dict_list = []
        for domain_obj in domain_query:

            url = '%s://%s' % (domain_obj.protocol, domain_obj.domain)

            if url not in api_domain_query:

            domain_info = api_domain_query.get(url, {})

            user_id = domain_info.get('user_id')
            user = UserProfile.objects.filter(id=user_id).first()

            # waf标记
            is_waf = 0
            waf_info = domain_info.get('waf', [])
            if waf_info:
                is_waf = 1

            domain_dict = {
                'username': user.username,
                'WAF': is_waf,
                'domain_id': domain_obj.id,
                'channel_name': url
            if is_waf:
                #---get domain status info.
                status_from_api = APIUrl.post_link('get_domain_status',
                                                   {'channel': url})
                if status_from_api['return_code'] == 0:
                    channel_status = status_from_api['data'].get('status', 0)
                    domain_dict['WAF'] = channel_status
                        f'parent_get_sec_domain_list[get_domain_status api error.] channel: {url}'


        check_msg, domain_dict_list, pagination = data_pagination(
            request, domain_dict_list)

        if check_msg:
            res['msg'] = _(check_msg)
            return json_response(res)

        res['domain_list'] = domain_dict_list
        res['page_info'] = pagination

        status = True

    except Exception as e:
        res['msg'] = e

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def admin_domain_waf_binding(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {
        'status': status,
        'msg': msg

    provider = 'QINGSONG'

    domain_id = request.POST.get('domain_id', '')
    access_type = request.POST.get('access_type', '2')
    short_name = request.POST.get('short_name', '')

    # domain_id = 8
    # short_name = 'GZ'

        if short_name not in sf.ACCESS_POINT_CONF:
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
            assert False

        access_point = sf.ACCESS_POINT_CONF[short_name]['name']
        access_point_cname = sf.ACCESS_POINT_CONF[short_name]['cname']

        domain_obj = Domain.objects.filter(id=domain_id).first()
        if not domain_obj:
            msg = af.DOMAIN_NOT_EXIST
            assert False
        domain = domain_obj.domain

        body = {
            'provider': provider,
            'domain': domain,
            'access_type': access_type,
            'access_point': access_point,
            'access_point_cname': access_point_cname,
            'confirm_cdn_preload': True,
            'confirm_cdn_http_layered': True,
            'confirm_cdn_https_layered': True,
            'short_name': short_name
        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('waf_binding', body)
        message = api_res.get('message', 'success')
        msg = '' if message == 'success' else message

        if api_res['return_code'] == 0:

            res['status'] = ''
            status = True

            log_msg = om.BINDING_WAF_DOMAIN % (request.user.username, domain)
                request, om.SECURITY, log_msg)

    except AssertionError:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['msg'] = msg
    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def client_cdn_status_code_data(request):
    import time
    start = time.time()
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {'status': status, 'msg': msg}

    user = request.user

    start_time = request.POST.get('start_time', 0)
    end_time = request.POST.get('end_time', 0)
    domain_ids = request.POST.get('domain_list', '[]')

    base_code = CDNConf.STATUS_CODE

    all_status_code = []  # 全部状态码数据
    status_code_table = []  # 状态码表格数据

    all_trend_result = []

    trend_table_data = []

        msg, start_time, end_time = handle_req_time(start_time, end_time)
        if msg:
            assert False

        domain_ids = handle_list(domain_ids, dec_int=True)

        if domain_ids:
            domain_query = Domain.objects.filter(id__in=domain_ids)
            domain_query = Domain.objects.filter(user=user)

        domain_list = [i.domain for i in domain_query]

        if domain_list:

            (all_status_code, __, all_trend_result, all_trend_data,
             __) = get_domain_status_code(user.id, domain_list, start_time,
                                          end_time, [])

            sum_req = 0
            for code in all_status_code:
                sum_req += all_status_code[code]

            for code in base_code:
                num = all_status_code[code]
                ratio = (num / sum_req) * 100 if sum_req else 0

                code_dict = {'code': code, 'num': num, 'ratio': '%.4f' % ratio}

            trend_key = list(all_trend_data.keys())

            sum_cnt = 0
            for i in all_trend_data:
                sum_cnt += all_trend_data[i]

            for key in trend_key:
                code_cnt = all_trend_data[key]

                ratio = code_cnt / sum_cnt * 100 if sum_cnt else 0

                temp_dict = {
                    'code': key,
                    'count': code_cnt,
                    'ratio': '%.4f' % ratio

        status = True

    except Exception as e:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    print(444444444, time.time() - start)
    res['all_status_code'] = all_status_code
    res['status_code_table'] = status_code_table

    res['all_trend_result'] = all_trend_result
    res['all_trend_data'] = trend_table_data
    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def admin_domain_waf_create(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {
        'status': status,
        'msg': msg

    provider = 'QINGSONG'

    domain_id = request.POST.get('domain_id', '')
    access_type = request.POST.get('access_type', '2')
    short_name = request.POST.get('short_name', '')

    src_type = request.POST.get('src_type', '2')
    src_address = request.POST.get('src_address', '')
    src_port = request.POST.get('src_port', '')
    src_host = request.POST.get('src_host', '')
    ssl_status = request.POST.get('ssl_status', False)
    cert_id = request.POST.get('cert_id', '')
    default_waf_mode = request.POST.get('default_waf_mode', '')
    self_waf_mode = request.POST.get('self_waf_mode', '')

    # domain_id = 8
    # short_name = 'GZ'
    print(f'admin_domain_waf_create request.POST: {request.POST}')

        if short_name not in sf.ACCESS_POINT_CONF:
            msg = af.PARAME_ERROR
            assert False

        access_point = sf.ACCESS_POINT_CONF[short_name]['name']
        access_point_cname = sf.ACCESS_POINT_CONF[short_name]['cname']

        domain_obj = Domain.objects.filter(id=domain_id).first()
        if not domain_obj:
            msg = af.DOMAIN_NOT_EXIST
            assert False
        domain = domain_obj.domain

        body = {
            'channel': f'{domain_obj.protocol}://{domain}',
            'provider': provider,

            'domain': domain,
            'short_name': short_name,
            'access_type': access_type,
            'access_point': access_point,
            'access_point_cname': access_point_cname,
            'src_type': src_type,
            'src_address': src_address,
            'src_port': src_port,
            'ssl_status': ssl_status,
            'cert_id': cert_id,
            'default_waf_mode': default_waf_mode,
            'self_waf_mode': self_waf_mode,

            # 'confirm_cdn_preload': True,
            # 'confirm_cdn_http_layered': True,
            # 'confirm_cdn_https_layered': True,
        api_res = APIUrl.post_link('waf_create', body)
        message = api_res['message']
        msg = '' if message == 'success' else message

        if api_res['return_code'] == 0:

            res['status'] = ''
            status = api_res['status']

            log_msg = om.CREATE_WAF_DOMAIN % (request.user.username, domain)
                request, om.SECURITY, log_msg)

    except AssertionError:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)

    res['msg'] = msg
    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def admin_create_parent_user(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {'status': status, 'msg': msg}

    username = request.POST.get('username', '')
    password = request.POST.get('password', '')
    company = request.POST.get('company', '')
    linkman = request.POST.get('linkman', '')
    email = request.POST.get('email', '')
    mobile = request.POST.get('mobile', '')
    is_api = request.POST.get('is_api', '')
    is_active = request.POST.get('is_active', '1')
    perm_list = request.POST.getlist('perm[]', [])


        if not username:
            msg = af.USERNAME_EMPTY
            assert False

        check_user = UserProfile.objects.filter(username=username)
        if check_user:
            msg = af.USER_EXIST
            assert False

        if not password:
            msg = af.PASSWORD_EMPTY
            assert False

        if not company:
            msg = af.COMPANY_EMPTY
            assert False

        is_api = int(is_api)
        if is_api is None:
            msg = af.PARAM_ERROR
            assert False

        is_active = int_check(is_active)
        if is_active is None:
            msg = af.PARAM_ERROR
            assert False

    except AssertionError:
        res['msg'] = _(msg)
        return json_response(res)

    identity = 'is_parent'

    group = Group.objects.filter(id=GroupProfile.CUSTOMER_ID).first()

    creator_username = request.user.username

    param = {
        'username': username,
        'password': password,
        'group': group,
        'identity': identity,
        'company': company,
        'linkman': linkman,
        'email': email,
        'mobile': mobile,
        'creator_username': creator_username,
        'is_api': True if is_api else False

    user = create_user(**param)

    if not user:
        res['msg'] = _(af.PARAM_ERROR)
        return json_response(res)

    if not is_active:
        user.is_active = False

    for perm_code in perm_list:
        PermUser.assign_perm(perm_code, user)
        if perm_code == 'client_cdn_menu':
            cdn_product = Product.objects.filter(code='CDN').first()
            cdn_strategy = Strategy.get_obj_from_property('CC', 'CDN', 'CDN')
        # elif perm_code == 'client_security_menu':
        #     sec_product = Product.objects.filter(code='SECURITY').first()
        #     sec_strategy = Strategy.get_obj_from_property(
        #         'QINGSONG', 'SECURITY', 'WAF')
        #     user.product_list.add(sec_product)
        #     user.strategy_list.add(sec_strategy)
        #     user.save()

    log_msg = om.CREATE_USER % (creator_username, identity, username)
    OperateLog.write_operate_log(request, om.ACCOUNTS, log_msg)

    status = True

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def create_parent_user(request):
    msg = ''
    status = False

    res = {'status': status, 'msg': msg}

    username = request.POST.get('username', '')
    password = request.POST.get('password', '')
    company = request.POST.get('company', '')
    user_type = request.POST.get('user_type', '')
    linkman = request.POST.get('linkman', '')
    email = request.POST.get('email', '')
    mobile = request.POST.get('mobile', '')

    perm_list = request.POST.getlist('perm[]', '')


        if not username:
            msg = af.USERNAME_EMPTY
            assert False

        check_user = UserProfile.objects.filter(username=username)
        if check_user:
            msg = af.USER_EXIST
            assert False

        if not password:
            msg = af.PASSWORD_EMPTY
            assert False

        if not company:
            msg = af.COMPANY_EMPTY
            assert False

    except AssertionError:
        res['msg'] = msg
        return json_response(res)

    identity = user_type

    group = Group.objects.filter(id=GroupProfile.CUSTOMER_ID)

    creator_username = request.user.username

    param = {
        'username': username,
        'password': password,
        'group': group,
        'identity': identity,
        'company': company,
        'linkman': linkman,
        'email': email,
        'mobile': mobile,
        'creator_username': creator_username

    user = create_user(**param)

    if not user:
        res['msg'] = af.PARAM_ERROR
        return json_response(res)

    if perm_list:
        for perm_id in perm_list:
            PermUser.assign_perm(perm_id, user)

    log_msg = om.CREATE_USER % (creator_username, identity, username)
    OperateLog.write_operate_log(request, om.ACCOUNTS, log_msg)

    status = True

    res['status'] = status

    return json_response(res)