Ejemplo n.º 1
    def put(self, schema: str, data: dict) -> list:
        Insert data to mongodb

        :param schema: schema (name of collection in mongodb)
        :type schema: str

        :param data: data to store in dictionary format
        :type data: dict

        :return: list of dictionary with inserted _id
        :rtype: list

        # Create the output list
        output_list = list()

            # Get collection creating it if not exists
            mongo_collect = self._get_collection(schema, create_collection=True)

            # Insert data and recover _id

            output_list.append({AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD: data[AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD]})

            # Return the list with the updated elements
            return output_list

        except ServerSelectionTimeoutError:
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR)
        except Exception:
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.PUT_ERROR)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_last_index(self, schema: str, sub_schema: str) -> int:
        Recover last index from all collections
        :param schema: schema to search
        :param sub_schema: sub_schema to search
        :return: last inserted index of schema_collection

        schema_collection = self.get_schema_collection(schema, sub_schema)
        schema_collection_index = self.get_schema_collection_index(schema, sub_schema)

            # Recover collections. Add collection to cache if not exists
            collection_index = self._get_collection(schema_collection_index, create_collection=True, create_index=False)
            collection_data = self._get_collection(schema_collection, create_collection=True)

            # Find last data inserted from data collection
            sort_filter = '{' + AccessDatabaseMongoDB.OBJECT_ID_FIELD + ':-1}'
            mongo_result = collection_data.find({}).sort(sort_filter).limit(1)
            result = [element[AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD] for element in mongo_result]
            identifier_collection = 0 if len(result) == 0 else result[0]

            # Find last index inserted from index collection
            mongo_result = collection_index.find({})
            result = [element[AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD] for element in mongo_result]
            identifier_collection_index = 0 if len(result) == 0 else result[0]

            return max(identifier_collection, identifier_collection_index)

        except ServerSelectionTimeoutError:
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR)
        except Exception:
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.GET_INDEX_ERROR)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def update(self, schema: str, data: dict, conditions: list, criteria: str,
               native_criteria: bool) -> list:
        Update data in mongodb

        :param schema: schema (name of collection in mongodb)
        :type schema: str

        :param data: data to store in dictionary format
        :type data: dict

        :param conditions: conditions to search (list of tuple)
        :type conditions: list

        :param criteria: criteria from mongodb
        :type criteria: str

        :param native_criteria: boolean for search by native criteria from mongodb
        :type native_criteria: bool

        :return: list of dictionary with number of updated elements
        :rtype: list

        # Create the output list
        output_list = list()

            # Get collection from mongodb
            mongo_collect = self._get_collection(schema)

            # Define data to update
            mongo_data_update = {AccessDatabaseMongoDB.MONGO_UPDATE_OPERATOR: data}

            # Get criteria in mongodb language
            mongo_criteria = AccessDatabaseMongoDB._create_mongo_criteria(conditions, criteria, native_criteria)

            # Update elements and recover number of updated elements and number of matched elements
            mongo_result = mongo_collect.update_many(mongo_criteria, mongo_data_update)
            modified_count = mongo_result.modified_count

            # Add number of updated elements
            output_list.append({AccessDatabase.UPDATED_COUNT: modified_count})

            # Return the list with the updated elements
            return output_list

        except ServerSelectionTimeoutError:
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR)
        except Exception:
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.PUT_ERROR)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def remove(self, schema: str, conditions: list, criteria: str, native_criteria: bool) -> list:
        Delete elements from mongodb

        :param schema: schema (name of collection in mongodb)
        :type schema: str

        :param conditions: conditions to search (list of tuple)
        :type conditions: list

        :param criteria: criteria from mongodb
        :type criteria: str

        :param native_criteria: boolean for search by native criteria from mongodb
        :type native_criteria: bool

        :return: list of dictionary with number of deleted elements
        :rtype: list

        # Create the output list
        output_list = list()

            # Get collection from mongodb
            mongo_collect = self._get_collection(schema)

            # Get criteria in mongodb language
            mongo_criteria = AccessDatabaseMongoDB._create_mongo_criteria(conditions, criteria, native_criteria)

            # Delete elements with criteria and recover number of deleted elements
            mongo_result = mongo_collect.delete_many(mongo_criteria)
            deleted_count = mongo_result.deleted_count

            # Add number of deleted elements
            output_list.append({AccessDatabase.DELETED_COUNT: deleted_count})

            # Return the list with removed elements.
            return output_list

        except ServerSelectionTimeoutError:
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR)
        except Exception as e:
            # If there is SCHEMA_ERROR, this is not an error because schema does not exist. Only log warning
            if str(e) == ErrorMessages.SCHEMA_ERROR:
                logger.warning('Schema or subschema does not exist')
                output_list.append({AccessDatabase.DELETED_COUNT: 0})
                return output_list
                raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.REMOVE_ERROR)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _get_next_index(self, data: dict, schema: str, sub_schema: str) -> int:
        Check index of data to insert
        :param data: data to insert
        :param schema: schema to search
        :param sub_schema: sub_schema to search
        :return: next index of the data or exception

        # Recover collection index joining schema and sub_schema
        schema_collection_index = AccessDatabase.get_schema_collection_index(
            schema, sub_schema)

        # Check that schema_collections exists, and if not then create in cache_index
        if schema_collection_index not in self.cache_index.keys():
                schema_collection_index] = self.access_db.get_last_index(
                    schema, sub_schema)

        # If not exists _identifier, then create a new _identifier from cache
        # If exists _identifier, then check that is greather than last inserted _identifier. If not then raise excepcion
        if data[AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD] is None:
            next_index = self.cache_index[schema_collection_index] + 1
            next_index = data[AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD]
            if next_index <= self.cache_index[schema_collection_index]:
                raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.INDEX_VALUE_ERROR)

        return next_index
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def put_object(self, schema: str, sub_schema: str,
                   data: DatabaseObject) -> DatabaseObjectResult:
        Write object to object store

        :param schema: connection schema
        :type schema: str

        :param sub_schema: object type to save
        :type sub_schema: str

        :param data: data to save
        :type data: DatabaseObject

        :return: database object result with _id
        :rtype: DatabaseObjectResult

        # Validate data, checking that has inheritance from DatabaseObject
        if not issubclass(data.__class__, DatabaseObject):
            e = DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.INHERITANCE_ERROR)
            return DatabaseObjectModule._get_data_object_result_from_json(
                'put', exception=e)

        return self.put(schema, sub_schema, data.__dict__)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def put(self, schema: str, sub_schema: str,
            data: dict) -> DatabaseObjectResult:
        Write object to object store

        :param schema: connection schema
        :type schema: str

        :param sub_schema: object type to save
        :type sub_schema: str

        :param data: data to save
        :type data: dict

        :return: database object result with _id
        :rtype: DatabaseObjectResult

            # Check if database is up
            if not self.is_connected:
                logger.error('Error opening connection to datastore',
                raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR)

            # Validate data, checking that object has mandatory fields

            # Recover collection joining schema and sub_schema, same for index
            schema_collection = AccessDatabase.get_schema_collection(
                schema, sub_schema)
            schema_collection_index = AccessDatabase.get_schema_collection_index(
                schema, sub_schema)

            # Get next index and set index to data
            next_index = self._get_next_index(data, schema, sub_schema)
            data[AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD] = next_index

            # Set timestamp attribute
            data[AccessDatabase.TIMESTAMP_FIELD] = int(time.time() * 10000000)

            ret = self.access_db.put(schema_collection, data)

            # Update cache index
            self.cache_index[schema_collection_index] = next_index
            self.access_db.update_index(schema_collection_index, next_index)

            return DatabaseObjectModule._get_data_object_result_from_json(
                'put', result=ret)

        except DatabaseObjectException as e:

            # Set false only if socket timeout exception and if another process has not set it to false
            if str(e) == ErrorMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR and self.is_connected:
                self.is_connected = False
                logger.critical('Connection to datastore lost')

            logger.error('Error inserting data to datastore', exc_info=True)
            return DatabaseObjectModule._get_data_object_result_from_json(
                'put', exception=e)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, connection_url: str) -> None:
        Constructor with url connection

        :param connection_url: url connection from ini file
        :type connection_url: str

        :return: This function return nothing
        :rtype: None

        # Init the father class
        AccessDatabase.__init__(self, connection_url)

            # Connect with mongodb

            # Get database from URL connection
            self.db = self.connection.get_database()

            # Initialize caches
            self.cache_collections = dict()

        except errors.ConfigurationError:
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.CONFIGURATION_ERROR)
        except DatabaseObjectException as e:
            raise e
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def update_index(self, schema_collection_index: str, value: int) -> None:

            # Get collection from mongodb
            mongo_collect = self._get_collection(schema_collection_index, create_collection=True, create_index=False)

            # Define data to update
            mongo_data = {AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD: value}
            mongo_data_update = {AccessDatabaseMongoDB.MONGO_UPDATE_OPERATOR: mongo_data}

            # Update all elements of collection index
            mongo_collect.update_many({}, mongo_data_update, upsert=True)

        except ServerSelectionTimeoutError:
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR)
        except Exception:
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.UPDATE_INDEX_ERROR)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def get(self, schema: str, conditions: list, criteria: str, native_criteria: bool) -> list:
        Get data from mongodb

        :param schema: schema (name of collection in mongodb)
        :type schema: str

        :param conditions: conditions to search (list of tuple)
        :type conditions: list

        :param criteria: criteria from mongodb
        :type criteria: str

        :param native_criteria: boolean for search by native criteria from mongodb
        :type native_criteria: bool

        :return: list of dictionary with data
        :rtype: list

        # Create the output list
        output_list = list()

            # Get collection
            mongo_collect = self._get_collection(schema)

            # Get criteria in mongodb language
            mongo_criteria = AccessDatabaseMongoDB._create_mongo_criteria(conditions, criteria, native_criteria)

            # Find data with criteria
            mongo_result = mongo_collect.find(mongo_criteria).sort(AccessDatabase.TIMESTAMP_FIELD)

            # For each data: recover _id, set to data and add to output list
            for element in mongo_result:
                del element[AccessDatabaseMongoDB.OBJECT_ID_FIELD]

            # Return the list with the updated elements
            return output_list

        except ServerSelectionTimeoutError:
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR)
        except Exception:
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.GET_ERROR)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get(self,
            schema: str,
            sub_schema: str,
            conditions: list = ((AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD, '!=', None), ),
            criteria: str = '',
            native_criteria: bool = False) -> DatabaseObjectResult:
        Get data from data store

        :param schema: connection schema
        :type schema: str

        :param sub_schema: object type to save
        :type sub_schema: str

        :param conditions: list of tuple conditions
        :type conditions: list

        :param criteria: criteria search
        :type criteria: str

        :param native_criteria: criteria native from database
        :type native_criteria: bool

        :return: database object result
        :rtype: DatabaseObjectResult

            # Check if database is up
            if not self.is_connected:
                logger.error('Error opening connection to datastore',
                raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR)

            schema_collection = AccessDatabase.get_schema_collection(
                schema, sub_schema)
            ret = self.access_db.get(schema_collection, conditions, criteria,
            return DatabaseObjectModule._get_data_object_result_from_json(
                'get', result=ret)

        except DatabaseObjectException as e:

            # Set false only if socket timeout exception and if another process has not set it to false
            if str(e) == ErrorMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR and self.is_connected:
                self.is_connected = False
                logger.critical('Connection to datastore lost')

            logger.error('Error recovering data from datastore', exc_info=True)
            return DatabaseObjectModule._get_data_object_result_from_json(
                'get', exception=e)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _validate_data(data: dict) -> None:
        Check of data inherit from DatabaseObject

        :param data: data to check
        :type data: dict

        :return: This function return nothing
        :rtype: None

        if not all(key in data.keys() for key in vars(DatabaseObject())):
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.INHERITANCE_ERROR)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def open_connection(self) -> None:
        Get the connection whith mongodb and check that it is successful.

        :return: object that represents the connection
        :rtype: object

            self.connection = MongoClient(self.connection_url)

        except (errors.ConnectionFailure, errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError):
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _implement_database(name_database: str,
                            connection_database: str) -> AccessDatabase:
        Set implemented database

        :param name_database: name of implemented database
        :type name_database: str

        :param connection_database: url connection
        :type connection_database: str

        :return: instance of implemented database
        :rtype: AccessDatabase

        if name_database == 'mongodb':
            return AccessDatabaseMongoDB(connection_database)
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.CONFIGURATION_ERROR)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def update_object(self,
                      schema: str,
                      sub_schema: str,
                      data: DatabaseObject,
                      conditions: list = ((AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD, '!=',
                                           None), ),
                      criteria: str = '',
                      native_criteria: bool = False) -> DatabaseObjectResult:
        Update data in object store. This method will update all object data defined in "data" attribute

        :param schema: connection schema
        :type schema: str

        :param sub_schema: object type to save
        :type sub_schema: str

        :param data: data to update
        :type data: DatabaseObject

        :param conditions: list of tuple conditions
        :type conditions: list

        :param criteria: criteria to search
        :type criteria: str

        :param native_criteria: use native criteria from database or not
        :type native_criteria: bool

        :return: data object result wit number of updated objects
        :rtype: DatabaseObjectResult

        # Validate data, checking that has inheritance from DatabaseObject
        if not issubclass(data.__class__, DatabaseObject):
            e = DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.INHERITANCE_ERROR)
            return DatabaseObjectModule._get_data_object_result_from_json(
                'update', exception=e)

        # This updates all object data defined in "data" attribute because we pass __dict__ to update method
        return self.update(schema, sub_schema, data.__dict__, conditions,
                           criteria, native_criteria)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _get_collection(self, schema: str, create_collection: bool = False, create_index: bool = True) \
            -> collection.Collection:
        Get collection from database

        :param schema: collection of mongodb
        :type schema: str

        :param create_collection: create collection or not
        :type create_collection: bool

        :return: collection from mongodb
        :rtype: collection

        # If collection exists, get it.
        if schema in self.cache_collections.keys():
            mongo_collect = self.cache_collections[schema]

        # If not, if collection is in mongodb, get and cache
        elif schema in self.db.collection_names():
            mongo_collect = self.db[schema]
            self.cache_collections[schema] = mongo_collect

        # If not, if the function can create it, create it
        elif create_collection:
            mongo_collect = self.db.create_collection(schema)
            if create_index:
                mongo_collect.create_index([(AccessDatabase.TIMESTAMP_FIELD, ASCENDING)],
                                           name=AccessDatabase.TIMESTAMP_FIELD, unique=True)
                mongo_collect.create_index([(AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD, ASCENDING)],
                                           name=AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD, unique=True)
            self.cache_collections[schema] = mongo_collect

        # In other case, throw the exception
            logger.warning('Mongodb schema {} can not be recovered'.format(schema))
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.SCHEMA_ERROR)

        # Return the mongo collection
        return mongo_collect
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def _create_mongo_criteria(conditions: list, criteria: str, native_criteria: bool) -> dict:
        Create criteria native of mongodb

        :param conditions: list of tuple of conditions
        :type conditions: list

        :param criteria: native criteria language from mongodb
        :type criteria: str

        :param native_criteria: bool for use native criteria or not
        :type native_criteria: bool

        :return: filter
        :rtype: dict

        # Create a filter with list of empty conditions
        mongo_criteria = {AccessDatabaseMongoDB.MONGO_JOIN_CONDITION: list()}

            # Iterate all conditions to create native mongodb filter
            for condition in conditions:

                # Special case if the variable is the ID
                if condition[0] == AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD:

                    # If the value to compare is a list, one list of ObjectId must be generated
                    if isinstance(condition[2], (list, tuple)):
                        filter_condition = {
                            condition[0]: {AccessDatabaseMongoDB.MONGO_OPERATORS[condition[1]]: conditions[2]}

                    # If the value is zero, negative or None, all elements must be recovered
                    elif condition[2] is None or condition[2] <= 0:
                        filter_condition = {}

                    # Else the ObjectId  must be generated
                        filter_condition = {
                            condition[0]: {AccessDatabaseMongoDB.MONGO_OPERATORS[condition[1]]: condition[2]}

                # The rest of the variables do not have special cases
                    value_compare = condition[2]
                    filter_condition = {
                        condition[0]: {AccessDatabaseMongoDB.MONGO_OPERATORS[condition[1]]: value_compare}

                # Add condition translated to mongodb filter language

            # Only if native criteria is active, add native from user
            if native_criteria and len(criteria) > 0:

            # Return the mongo criteria
            logger.debug('Mongo criteria {}'.format(mongo_criteria))
            return mongo_criteria

        except Exception:
            raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.CRITERIA_ERROR)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def update(self,
               schema: str,
               sub_schema: str,
               data: dict,
               conditions: list = ((AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD, '!=', ''), ),
               criteria: str = '',
               native_criteria: bool = False) -> DatabaseObjectResult:
        Update data in object store. . This method will update only fields defined in "data" attribute

        :param schema: connection schema
        :type schema: str

        :param sub_schema: object type to save
        :type sub_schema: str

        :param data: data to update
        :type data: dict

        :param conditions: list of tuple conditions
        :type conditions: list

        :param criteria: criteria to search
        :type criteria: str

        :param native_criteria: use native criteria from database or not
        :type native_criteria: bool

        :return: data object result wit number of updated objects
        :rtype: DatabaseObjectResult

            # Check if database is up
            if not self.is_connected:
                logger.error('Error opening connection to datastore',
                raise DatabaseObjectException(ErrorMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR)

            # Delete all private attributes. It is forbidden to modify this attributes
            del data[AccessDatabase.ID_FIELD]
            del data[AccessDatabase.TIMESTAMP_FIELD]
            del data[AccessDatabase.UPDATED_COUNT]
            del data[AccessDatabase.DELETED_COUNT]

            schema_collection = AccessDatabase.get_schema_collection(
                schema, sub_schema)
            ret = self.access_db.update(schema_collection, data, conditions,
                                        criteria, native_criteria)

            return DatabaseObjectModule._get_data_object_result_from_json(
                'update', result=ret)

        except DatabaseObjectException as e:

            # Set false only if socket timeout exception and if another process has not set it to false
            if str(e) == ErrorMessages.CONNECTION_ERROR and self.is_connected:
                self.is_connected = False
                logger.critical('Connection to datastore lost')

            logger.error('Error updating data from datastore', exc_info=True)
            return DatabaseObjectModule._get_data_object_result_from_json(
                'update', exception=e)