Ejemplo n.º 1
  def __init__(self, CP, canbus):
    # initialize can parser

    self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
    self.cruise_buttons = CruiseButtons.UNPRESS
    self.left_blinker_on = False
    self.prev_left_blinker_on = False
    self.right_blinker_on = False
    self.prev_right_blinker_on = False

    # vEgo kalman filter
    dt = 0.01
    self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.], [0.]]),
                         A=np.matrix([[1., dt], [0., 1.]]),
                         C=np.matrix([1., 0.]),
                         K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
    self.v_ego = 0.
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, CP):
        # initialize can parser
        self.CP = CP

        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
        self.left_blinker_on = False
        self.prev_left_blinker_on = False
        self.right_blinker_on = False
        self.prev_right_blinker_on = False

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.], [0.]],
                             A=[[1., dt], [0., 1.]],
                             C=[1., 0.],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.CP = CP
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
        self.out = car.CarState.new_message()

        self.cruise_buttons = 0
        self.left_blinker_cnt = 0
        self.right_blinker_cnt = 0
        self.left_blinker_prev = False
        self.right_blinker_prev = False

        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, DT_CTRL], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[1.0, 0.0],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, CP):

        self.CP = CP
        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0

        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                             A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                             C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                             K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
        self.v_ego = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.CP = CP
        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.left_blinker_flash = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_flash = 0
        self.lca_left = 0
        self.lca_right = 0
        self.no_radar = CP.sccBus == -1
        self.mdps_bus = CP.mdpsBus
        self.sas_bus = CP.sasBus
        self.scc_bus = CP.sccBus

        self.blinker_timer = 0
        self.blinker_status = 0

        self.lkas_LdwsSysState = 0
        self.lkas_LdwsLHWarning = 0
        self.lkas_LdwsRHWarning = 0

        self.clu_CruiseSwState = 0

        self.cruise_set_speed = 0
        self.cruise_set_speed_kph = 0
        self.curise_set_first = 0
        self.curise_sw_check = 0
        self.prev_clu_CruiseSwState = 0

        self.prev_VSetDis = 30

        self.cruise_set_mode = 0

        self.driverAcc_time = 0

        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, DT_CTRL], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[1.0, 0.0],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
Ejemplo n.º 6
  def __init__(self, CP):

    self.CP = CP
    self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
    self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEAR_PACKET"]['GEAR']
    self.left_blinker_on = 0
    self.right_blinker_on = 0

    # initialize can parser
    self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

    # vEgo kalman filter
    dt = 0.01
    # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
    # R = 1e3
    self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                         A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                         C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                         K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
    self.v_ego = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, CP, canbus):
        # initialize can parser
        self.CP = CP

        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
        self.left_blinker_on = False
        self.prev_left_blinker_on = False
        self.right_blinker_on = False
        self.prev_right_blinker_on = False
        self.steer_torque_driver = 0
        self.steer_not_allowed = False
        self.main_on = False

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.], [0.]]),
                             A=np.matrix([[1., dt], [0., 1.]]),
                             C=np.matrix([1., 0.]),
                             K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
        self.v_ego = 0.
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.CP = CP
        self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
        self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEARBOX"]["GEAR_SHIFTER"]
        self.steer_status_values = defaultdict(
            lambda: "UNKNOWN",

        self.user_gas, self.user_gas_pressed = 0., 0
        self.brake_switch_prev = 0
        self.brake_switch_ts = 0

        self.cruise_buttons = 0
        self.cruise_setting = 0
        self.v_cruise_pcm_prev = 0
        self.blinker_on = 0

        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0

        self.cruise_mode = 0
        self.stopped = 0

        ### Do NOT modify here, modify in /data/honda_openpilot.cfg and reboot
        self.useTeslaRadar = False
        self.radarVIN = "                 "
        self.radarOffset = 0
        #read config file

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[1.0, 0.0],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, CP):

        self.CP = CP

        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[1.0, 0.0],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.0
        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.left_blinker_flash = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_flash = 0
        self.no_radar = self.CP.carFingerprint in FEATURES["non_scc"]
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.CP = CP
        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.left_blinker_flash = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_flash = 0
        self.lca_left = 0
        self.lca_right = 0
        self.no_radar = CP.sccBus == -1
        self.mdps_bus = CP.mdpsBus
        self.sas_bus = CP.sasBus
        self.scc_bus = CP.sccBus

        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, DT_CTRL], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[1.0, 0.0],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.kegman = KegmanConf()
        self.trMode = int(self.kegman.conf['lastTrMode']
                          )  # default to last distance interval on startup
        #self.trMode = 1
        self.lkMode = True
        self.read_distance_lines_prev = 4
        self.CP = CP
        self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
        self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEARBOX"]["GEAR_SHIFTER"]
        self.steer_status_values = defaultdict(
            lambda: "UNKNOWN",

        self.user_gas, self.user_gas_pressed = 0., 0
        self.brake_switch_prev = 0
        self.brake_switch_ts = 0
        self.lead_distance = 255
        self.hud_lead = 0

        self.cruise_buttons = 0
        self.cruise_setting = 0
        self.v_cruise_pcm_prev = 0
        self.blinker_on = 0

        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0

        self.cruise_mode = 0
        self.stopped = 0

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[1.0, 0.0],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 12
  def setUp(self):
    dt = 0.01
    x0_0 = 0.0
    x1_0 = 0.0
    A0_0 = 1.0
    A0_1 = dt
    A1_0 = 0.0
    A1_1 = 1.0
    C0_0 = 1.0
    C0_1 = 0.0
    K0_0 = 0.12287673
    K1_0 = 0.29666309

    self.kf_old = KF1D_old(x0=np.matrix([[x0_0], [x1_0]]),
                           A=np.matrix([[A0_0, A0_1], [A1_0, A1_1]]),
                           C=np.matrix([C0_0, C0_1]),
                           K=np.matrix([[K0_0], [K1_0]]))

    self.kf = KF1D(x0=[[x0_0], [x1_0]],
                   A=[[A0_0, A0_1], [A1_0, A1_1]],
                   C=[C0_0, C0_1],
                   K=[[K0_0], [K1_0]])
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.CP = CP

        self.user_gas, self.user_gas_pressed = 0., 0
        self.brake_switch_prev = 0
        self.brake_switch_ts = 0

        self.cruise_buttons = 0
        self.cruise_setting = 0
        self.blinker_on = 0

        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                             A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                             C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                             K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
        self.v_ego = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.gasbuttonstatus = 0
        self.CP = CP
        self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
        self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEAR_PACKET"]['GEAR']
        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0
        self.angle_offset = 0.
        self.init_angle_offset = False
        self.v_cruise_pcmlast = 41
        self.pcm_acc_status = False
        self.setspeedoffset = 34.0
        self.Angles = np.zeros(250)
        self.Angles_later = np.zeros(250)
        self.Angle_counter = 0
        self.Angle = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 60, 100, 180, 270, 500]
        self.Angle_Speed = [
            255, 160, 100, 80, 70, 60, 55, 50, 40, 33, 27, 17, 12
        if not travis:
            self.traffic_data_sock = messaging.pub_sock(
            self.arne182Status_sock = messaging.pub_sock(
        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[1.0, 0.0],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 15
  def __init__(self, CP):

    self.CP = CP
    self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
    print("DBC PARSED: %s" % DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
    self.shifter_values = 'D' #self.can_define.dv["GEAR_PACKET"]['GEAR']

    self.ENGAGED = False

     # initialize can parser
    self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

    # vEgo kalman filter
    dt = 0.01
    # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
    # R = 1e3
    self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                         A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                         C=[1.0, 0.0],
                         K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
    self.v_ego = 0.0
    self.pcm_acc_status = 0
    self.pcm_acc_active = False
    self.v_cruise_pcm = 0
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, CP):

        #labels for buttons
        self.btns_init = [["alca","ALC",["MadMax","Normal","Wifey"]], \
                          ["sound","SND",[""]], \
                          ["","",[""]], \
                          ["","",[""]], \
                          ["", "",[""]], \
                          ["", "", [""]]]
        #if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):
        # ALCA PARAMS
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [1.8, .3]

        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]

        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]

        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 1.5]

        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 3.]

        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.11, 0.072
        ]  # [.358, 0.084, 0.042]#delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75

        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s

        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]

        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = 1.

        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.50, 0.40]  #tesla parameters

        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 0.1

        self.CP = CP
        self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
        self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEAR_PACKET"]['GEAR']
        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)
        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Toyota", "toyota")
        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None
        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                             A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                             C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                             K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
        self.v_ego = 0.0

        #init variable for safety shutoff
        self.enabled_time = 0
        self.desired_angle = 0.
        self.current_angle = 0.
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, CP):
        #if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):
        # ALCA PARAMS
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [1.8, .3]

        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]

        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]

        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 1.5]

        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 3.]

        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.042
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75

        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s

        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]

        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = 1.

        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.30, 0.20]

        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        self.CP = CP
        self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
        self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEARBOX"]["GEAR_SHIFTER"]

        self.user_gas, self.user_gas_pressed = 0., 0
        self.brake_switch_prev = 0
        self.brake_switch_ts = 0

        self.cruise_buttons = 0
        self.cruise_setting = 0
        self.v_cruise_pcm_prev = 0
        self.blinker_on = 0

        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0

        self.stopped = 0

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Honda", "honda")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[[1.0, 0.0]],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.params = Params()
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9
        self.CL_MAX_A = 20.0
        # labels for buttons
        self.btns_init = [
            ["alca", "ALC", [""]],
            ["dsp", "DSP", ["OP", "MIN", "OFF", "GYRO"]],
            ["", "", [""]],
            ["msg", "MSG", [""]],
            ["sound", "SND", [""]],

        ### Do NOT modify here, modify in /data/bb_openpilot.cfg and reboot
        self.forcePedalOverCC = True
        self.usesApillarHarness = False
        self.enableHSO = True
        self.enableALCA = True
        self.enableDasEmulation = True
        self.enableRadarEmulation = True
        self.enableDriverMonitor = True
        self.enableShowCar = True
        self.enableShowLogo = True
        self.hasNoctuaFan = False
        self.limitBatteryMinMax = False
        self.limitBattery_Min = 60
        self.limitBattery_Max = 70
        self.doAutoUpdate = True
        self.blockUploadWhileTethering = False
        self.tetherIP = "127.0.0."
        self.useTeslaGPS = False
        self.useTeslaMapData = False
        self.hasTeslaIcIntegration = False
        self.useTeslaRadar = False
        self.useWithoutHarness = False
        self.radarVIN = "                 "
        self.enableLdw = True
        self.radarOffset = 0.0
        self.radarPosition = 0
        self.radarEpasType = 0
        self.fix1916 = False
        self.forceFingerprintTesla = False
        self.spinnerText = ""
        self.hsoNumbPeriod = 1.5
        self.ldwNumbPeriod = 1.5
        self.tapBlinkerExtension = 2
        self.ahbOffDuration = 5
        self.roadCameraID = ""
        self.driverCameraID = ""
        self.roadCameraFx = 0.73
        self.driverCameraFx = 0.75
        self.roadCameraFlip = 0
        self.driverCameraFlip = 0
        self.monitorForcedRes = ""
        # read config file

        self.apEnabled = True
        self.apFollowTimeInS = 2.5  # time in seconds to follow
        self.keepEonOff = False
        self.alcaEnabled = True
        self.mapAwareSpeed = False

        # Tesla Model
        self.teslaModelDetected = 1
        self.teslaModel = self.params.get("TeslaModel")
        if self.teslaModel:
            self.teslaModel = self.teslaModel.decode()
        if self.teslaModel is None:
            self.teslaModel = "S"
            self.teslaModelDetected = 0

        # for map integration
        self.csaRoadCurvC3 = 0.0
        self.csaRoadCurvC2 = 0.0
        self.csaRoadCurvRange = 0.0
        self.csaRoadCurvUsingTspline = 0

        self.csaOfframpCurvC3 = 0.0
        self.csaOfframpCurvC2 = 0.0
        self.csaOfframpCurvRange = 0.0
        self.csaOfframpCurvUsingTspline = 0

        self.roadCurvHealth = 0
        self.roadCurvRange = 0.0
        self.roadCurvC0 = 0.0
        self.roadCurvC1 = 0.0
        self.roadCurvC2 = 0.0
        self.roadCurvC3 = 0.0

        self.meanFleetSplineSpeedMPS = 0.0
        self.UI_splineID = 0
        self.meanFleetSplineAccelMPS2 = 0.0
        self.medianFleetSpeedMPS = 0.0
        self.topQrtlFleetSplineSpeedMPS = 0.0
        self.splineLocConfidence = 0
        self.baseMapSpeedLimitMPS = 0.0
        self.bottomQrtlFleetSpeedMPS = 0.0
        self.rampType = 0

        self.mapBasedSuggestedSpeed = 0.0
        self.splineBasedSuggestedSpeed = 0.0
        self.map_suggested_speed = 0.0

        self.gpsLongitude = 0.0
        self.gpsLatitude = 0.0
        self.gpsAccuracy = 0.0
        self.gpsElevation = 0.0
        self.gpsHeading = 0.0
        self.gpsVehicleSpeed = 0.0

        self.speed_limit_ms = 0.0
        self.userSpeedLimitOffsetKph = 0.0
        self.DAS_fusedSpeedLimit = 0

        self.brake_only = CP.enableCruise
        self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = 0
        self.CP = CP

        self.user_gas = 0.0
        self.user_gas_pressed = False
        self.pedal_interceptor_state = self.prev_pedal_interceptor_state = 0
        self.pedal_interceptor_value = 0.0
        self.pedal_interceptor_value2 = 0.0
        self.pedal_idx = self.prev_pedal_idx = 0
        self.brake_switch_prev = 0
        self.brake_switch_ts = 0

        self.cruise_buttons = 0

        self.turn_signal_state_left = (
            0  # 0 = off, 1 = on (blinking), 2 = failed, 3 = default
        self.turn_signal_state_right = (
            0  # 0 = off, 1 = on (blinking), 2 = failed, 3 = default
        self.prev_turn_signal_blinking = False
        self.turn_signal_blinking = False
        self.prev_turn_signal_stalk_state = 0
        self.turn_signal_stalk_state = (
            0  # 0 = off, 1 = indicate left (stalk down), 2 = indicate right (stalk up)

        self.steer_warning = 0

        self.stopped = 0

        # variables used for the fake DAS creation
        self.DAS_info_frm = -1
        self.DAS_info_msg = 0
        self.DAS_status_frm = 0
        self.DAS_status_idx = 0
        self.DAS_status2_frm = 0
        self.DAS_status2_idx = 0
        self.DAS_bodyControls_frm = 0
        self.DAS_bodyControls_idx = 0
        self.DAS_lanes_frm = 0
        self.DAS_lanes_idx = 0
        self.DAS_objects_frm = 0
        self.DAS_objects_idx = 0
        self.DAS_pscControl_frm = 0
        self.DAS_pscControl_idx = 0
        self.DAS_warningMatrix0_idx = 0
        self.DAS_warningMatrix1_idx = 0
        self.DAS_warningMatrix3_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryPeriodic1_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryPeriodic2_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryEvent1_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryEvent2_idx = 0
        self.DAS_control_idx = 0

        # BB notification messages for DAS
        self.DAS_canErrors = 0
        self.DAS_plannerErrors = 0
        self.DAS_doorOpen = 0
        self.DAS_notInDrive = 0

        self.summonButton = 0

        # BB variables for pedal CC
        self.pedal_speed_kph = 0.0

        # BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        # BB PCC
        self.regenLight = 0
        self.torqueLevel = 0.0

        # BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Tesla Model S", "tesla",
                                   self.enableShowLogo, self.enableShowCar)

        # BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = (
        )  # set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        # BB steering_wheel_stalk last position, used by ACC and ALCA
        self.steering_wheel_stalk = None

        # BB carConfig data used to change IC info
        self.real_carConfig = None
        self.real_dasHw = 0

        # BB visiond last type
        self.last_visiond = self.cstm_btns.btns[3].btn_label2

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(
            x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
            A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
            C=[1.0, 0.0],
            K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]],
        self.v_ego = 0.0

        self.imperial_speed_units = True

        # The current max allowed cruise speed. Actual cruise speed sent to the car
        # may be lower, depending on traffic.
        self.v_cruise_pcm = 0.0
        # Actual cruise speed currently active on the car.
        self.v_cruise_actual = 0.0

        # ALCA params
        self.ALCA_enabled = False
        self.ALCA_total_steps = 100
        self.ALCA_direction = 0
        self.ALCA_error = False

        self.angle_offset = 0.0
        self.init_angle_offset = False

        # AHB params
        self.ahbHighBeamStalkPosition = 0
        self.ahbEnabled = 0
        self.ahbLoBeamOn = 0
        self.ahbHiBeamOn = 0
        self.ahbNightMode = 0
Ejemplo n.º 19
  def __init__(self, CP):
    # labels for buttons
    self.btns_init = [["alca",                "ALC",                      ["MadMax", "Normal", "Calm"]],
                      [ACCMode.BUTTON_NAME,   ACCMode.BUTTON_ABREVIATION, ACCMode.labels()],
                      ["steer",               "STR",                      [""]],
                      ["brake",               "BRK",                      [""]],
                      ["msg",                 "MSG",                      [""]],
                      ["sound",               "SND",                      [""]]]

    if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):

      # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
      self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [2.2, .3]

      # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
      self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16. , 8.]

      # reenrey angle when to let go
      self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5. , 5.]

      # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
      self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 1.5]

      self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
      self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40.,10., 3.] 

      # change lane delta angles and other params
      self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
      self.CL_MAXD_A = [.358, 0.084, 0.042] #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75

      self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9 # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s

      # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
      self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.] 

      # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
      # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
      # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
      self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
      self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0. 
      self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = 1.

      #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
      self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
      self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7 ,0.50, 0.40]

      #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
      self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

    self.brake_only = CP.enableCruise
    self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = 0
    self.CP = CP

    self.user_gas = 0.
    self.user_gas_pressed = False
    self.pedal_interceptor_state = 0
    self.pedal_interceptor_value = 0.
    self.pedal_interceptor_value2 = 0.
    self.pedal_interceptor_missed_counter = 0
    self.brake_switch_prev = 0
    self.brake_switch_ts = 0

    self.cruise_buttons = 0
    self.blinker_on = 0

    self.left_blinker_on = 0
    self.right_blinker_on = 0
    self.steer_warning = 0
    self.stopped = 0
    self.frame_humanSteered = 0    # Last frame human steered

    # variables used for the fake DAS creation
    self.DAS_info_frm = -1
    self.DAS_info_msg = 0
    self.DAS_status_frm = 0
    self.DAS_status_idx = 0
    self.DAS_status2_frm = 0
    self.DAS_status2_idx = 0
    self.DAS_bodyControls_frm = 0
    self.DAS_bodyControls_idx = 0
    self.DAS_lanes_frm = 0
    self.DAS_lanes_idx = 0
    self.DAS_objects_frm = 0
    self.DAS_objects_idx = 0
    self.DAS_pscControl_frm = 0
    self.DAS_pscControl_idx = 0
    self.DAS_warningMatrix0_idx = 0
    self.DAS_warningMatrix1_idx = 0
    self.DAS_warningMatrix3_idx = 0
    self.DAS_telemetryPeriodic1_idx = 0
    self.DAS_telemetryPeriodic2_idx = 0
    self.DAS_telemetryEvent1_idx = 0
    self.DAS_telemetryEvent2_idx = 0
    self.DAS_control_idx = 0

    #BB variables for pedal CC
    self.pedal_speed_kph = 0.
    # Pedal mode is ready, i.e. hardware is present and normal cruise is off.
    self.pedal_interceptor_available = False
    self.prev_pedal_interceptor_available = False

    #BB UIEvents
    self.UE = UIEvents(self)

    #BB PCC
    self.regenLight = 0
    self.torqueLevel = 0.

    #BB variable for custom buttons
    self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self,"Tesla Model S","tesla")

    #BB custom message counter
    self.custom_alert_counter = -1 #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

    #BB steering_wheel_stalk last position, used by ACC and ALCA
    self.steering_wheel_stalk = None
    #BB carConfig data used to change IC info
    self.real_carConfig = None
    self.real_dasHw = 0
    # vEgo kalman filter
    dt = 0.01
    # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
    # R = 1e3
    self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                         A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                         C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                         K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
    self.v_ego = 0.0

    self.imperial_speed_units = True

    # The current max allowed cruise speed. Actual cruise speed sent to the car
    # may be lower, depending on traffic.
    self.v_cruise_pcm = 0.0
    # Actual cruise speed currently active on the car.
    self.v_cruise_actual = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.gasMode = int(kegman.conf['lastGasMode'])
        self.gasLabels = ["dynamic", "sport", "eco"]
        self.alcaLabels = ["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey", "off"]
        self.alcaMode = int(kegman.conf['lastALCAMode'])
        steerRatio = CP.steerRatio
        self.prev_distance_button = 0
        self.distance_button = 0
        self.prev_lka_button = 0
        self.lka_button = 0
        self.lkMode = True
        self.lane_departure_toggle_on = True
        # ALCA PARAMS
        self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 32., 55.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [
            0.77 * 16.2 / steerRatio, 0.86 * 16.2 / steerRatio,
            0.535 * 16.2 / steerRatio
        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]
        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]
        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 2.5]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 4.]
        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.040
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s
        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]
        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = [1., 1.1, 1.2]
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        self.CP = CP

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Chrysler", "chrysler")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0

        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[1.0, 0.0],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 21
  def __init__(self, CP):

    self.Angle = [0, 5, 10, 15,20,25,30,35,60,100,180,270,500]
    self.Angle_Speed = [255,160,100,80,70,60,55,50,40,33,27,17,12]
    #labels for ALCA modes
    self.alcaLabels = ["MadMax","Normal","Wifey"]
    self.alcaMode = 0
    #if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):
    # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
    self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]#[10., 44.]
    self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [2.0, 0.96, 0.4]
     # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
    self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
    self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16. , 8.]
     # reenrey angle when to let go
    self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
    self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5. , 5.]
     # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
    self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
    self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.3, 1.3]
    self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
    self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40.,10., 3.] 
     # change lane delta angles and other params
    self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
    self.CL_MAXD_A = [.358, 0.084, 0.042] #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75
    self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9 # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s
     # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
    self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
    self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.] 
     # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
    # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
    # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
    self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0. 
    self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = [1.3,1.2,1.2]
    self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
     #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
    self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
    self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7 ,0.30, 0.20]
    #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
    self.CP = CP

    #BB UIEvents
    self.UE = UIEvents(self)

    #BB variable for custom buttons
    self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self,"Hyundai","hyundai")

    #BB pid holder for ALCA
    self.pid = None

    #BB custom message counter
    self.custom_alert_counter = 100 #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero
    # initialize can parser
    self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

    # vEgo kalman filter
    dt = 0.01
    # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
    # R = 1e3
    self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                         A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                         C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                         K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
    self.v_ego = 0.0
    self.left_blinker_on = 0
    self.left_blinker_flash = 0
    self.right_blinker_on = 0
    self.right_blinker_flash = 0
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.Angle = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 60, 100, 180, 270, 500]
        self.Angle_Speed = [
            255, 160, 100, 80, 70, 60, 55, 50, 40, 33, 27, 17, 12
        #labels for ALCA modes
        self.alcaLabels = ["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey"]
        self.alcaMode = 0
        #if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):
        # ALCA PARAMS
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 15., 32., 44.]  #[10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [2.0, 1.75, 0.96, 0.4]
        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]
        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]
        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.3, 1.3]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 3.]
        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.042
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s
        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]
        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = [1.3, 1.2, 1.2]
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.30, 0.20]
        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        context = zmq.Context()
        #gps_ext_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['gpsLocationExternal'].port, poller)
        self.gps_location = messaging.sub_sock(
            context, service_list['gpsLocationExternal'].port)
        self.CP = CP
        self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
        self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEAR_PACKET"]['GEAR']
        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0
        self.distance = 999
        self.inaccuracy = 1.01
        self.speedlimit = 25
        self.approachradius = 100
        self.includeradius = 22
        self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)
        self.distance_toggle_prev = 2
        self.read_distance_lines_prev = 3
        self.lane_departure_toggle_on_prev = True
        self.acc_slow_on_prev = False
        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Toyota", "toyota")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = 100  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero
        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                             A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                             C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                             K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
        self.v_ego = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def update(self, d_rel, y_rel, v_rel, d_path, v_ego_t_aligned, measured,
        if self.initted:
            # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition
            self.dPathPrev = self.dPath
            self.vLeadPrev = self.vLead
            self.vRelPrev = self.vRel

        # relative values, copy
        self.dRel = d_rel  # LONG_DIST
        self.yRel = y_rel  # -LAT_DIST
        self.vRel = v_rel  # REL_SPEED
        self.measured = measured  # measured or estimate

        # compute distance to path
        self.dPath = d_path

        # computed velocity and accelerations
        self.vLead = self.vRel + v_ego_t_aligned

        if not self.initted:
            self.initted = True
            self.aLeadTau = _LEAD_ACCEL_TAU
            self.cnt = 1
            self.vision_cnt = 0
            self.vision = False
            self.aRel = 0.  # nidec gives no information about this
            self.vLat = 0.
            self.kf = KF1D([[self.vLead], [0.0]], _VLEAD_A, _VLEAD_C, _VLEAD_K)
            # estimate acceleration
            # TODO: use Kalman filter
            a_rel_unfilt = (self.vRel - self.vRelPrev) / ts
            a_rel_unfilt = clip(a_rel_unfilt, -10., 10.)
            self.aRel = k_a_lead * a_rel_unfilt + (1 - k_a_lead) * self.aRel

            # TODO: use Kalman filter
            # neglect steer override cases as dPath is too noisy
            v_lat_unfilt = 0. if steer_override else (self.dPath -
                                                      self.dPathPrev) / ts
            self.vLat = k_v_lat * v_lat_unfilt + (1 - k_v_lat) * self.vLat


            self.cnt += 1

        self.vLeadK = float(self.kf.x[SPEED][0])
        self.aLeadK = float(self.kf.x[ACCEL][0])

        if self.stationary:
            # stationary objects can become non stationary, but not the other way around
            self.stationary = v_ego_t_aligned > v_ego_stationary and abs(
                self.vLead) < v_stationary_thr
        self.oncoming = self.vLead < v_oncoming_thr

        self.vision_score = NO_FUSION_SCORE

        # Learn if constant acceleration
        if abs(self.aLeadK) < 0.5:
            self.aLeadTau = _LEAD_ACCEL_TAU
            self.aLeadTau *= 0.9
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.lkMode = True
        self.gasMode = int(kegman.conf['lastGasMode'])
        self.gasLabels = ["dynamic", "sport", "eco"]
        self.Angle = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 60, 100, 180, 270, 500]
        self.Angle_Speed = [
            255, 160, 100, 80, 70, 60, 55, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5
        self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)
        #labels for ALCA modes
        self.alcaLabels = ["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey", "off"]
        steerRatio = CP.steerRatio
        self.trLabels = ["0.9", "dyn", "2.7"]
        self.alcaMode = int(kegman.conf['lastALCAMode']
                            )  # default to last ALCA Mode on startup
        if self.alcaMode > 3:
            self.alcaMode = 3
            kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                         })  # write last distance bar setting to file
        self.trMode = int(kegman.conf['lastTrMode']
                          )  # default to last distance interval on startup
        if self.trMode > 2:
            self.trMode = 2
            kegman.save({'lastTrMode': int(self.trMode)
                         })  # write last distance bar setting to file
        #if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):
        # ALCA PARAMS
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 32., 55.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [
            2.0 * 15.4 / steerRatio, 1. * 15.4 / steerRatio,
            0.5 * 15.4 / steerRatio
        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]
        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]
        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 2.5]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 4.]
        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.040
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s
        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]
        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.

        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = [1., 1.1, 1.2]
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.30, 0.30]
        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        self.read_distance_lines_prev = 3

        self.CP = CP
        self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
        self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEARBOX"]["GEAR_SHIFTER"]

        self.user_gas, self.user_gas_pressed = 0., 0
        self.brake_switch_prev = 0
        self.brake_switch_ts = 0
        self.lead_distance = 255
        self.hud_lead = 0

        self.cruise_buttons = 0
        self.cruise_setting = 0
        self.v_cruise_pcm_prev = 0
        self.blinker_on = 0

        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0

        self.stopped = 0

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Honda", "honda")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[[1.0, 0.0]],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, CP):
        #labels for buttons
        self.btns_init = [["","",["","",""]], \
                          ["","",[""]], \
                          ["alca","ALC",["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey"]], \
                          ["cam","CAM",[""]], \
                          ["alwon", "MAD",[""]], \
                          ["sound", "SND", [""]]]

        # ALCA PARAMS
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [2.4, .3]

        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]

        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]

        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.7, .75]

        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [60., 3.]

        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.042
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75

        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s

        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]

        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = 1.

        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.4, 0.20]

        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        self.CP = CP

        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                             A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                             C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                             K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
        self.v_ego = 0.0
        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.left_blinker_flash = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_flash = 0
        self.has_scc = False

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Hyundai", "hyundai")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def reset_a_lead(self, aLeadK, aLeadTau):
     self.kf = KF1D([[self.vLead], [aLeadK]], _VLEAD_A, _VLEAD_C, _VLEAD_K)
     self.aLeadK = aLeadK
     self.aLeadTau = aLeadTau
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def reset_a_lead(self, aLeadK, aLeadTau):
     self.kf = KF1D([[self.vLead], [aLeadK]], self.K_A, self.K_C, self.K_K)
     self.aLeadK = aLeadK
     self.aLeadTau = aLeadTau