def init_signals(outputDir, statsDir, timerSecs): quote_sz_df = None hist_ohlc_df = None quote_sz_file = "%s/%s.quotesz.csv" % (statsDir, today().strftime("%Y%m%d")) if os.path.exists(quote_sz_file): quote_sz_df = pd.read_csv(quote_sz_file, index_col=0) else: fatal("Missing Quote Size file %s" % (quote_sz_file)) hist_ohlc_file = "%s/%s.histohlc.csv" % (statsDir, today().strftime("%Y%m%d")) if os.path.exists(hist_ohlc_file): hist_ohlc_df = pd.read_csv(hist_ohlc_file, index_col=0) else: fatal("Missing Historical OHLC file %s" % (hist_ohlc_file)) output_file = "%s/%s.signals.csv" % (outputDir, today().strftime("%Y%m%d")) finish_time = format_time() info("Finish Time = %s" % (finish_time)) while <= finish_time: try: init_loop(output_file, hist_ohlc_df, quote_sz_df) except: error("Unexpected error: %s" % (str(sys.exc_info()[0]))) finally: sleep(timerSecs)
def main(argv): argExchCode = "" argStats = "/home/sqtprod/bca/stats" argOutput = "/home/sqtprod/bca/signals" argTimer = 5 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hc:s:o:",["exchcode=","stats=","output=","timer="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print_usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print_usage() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-c", "--exchcode"): argExchCode = arg elif opt in ("-s", "--stats"): argStats = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): argOutput = arg elif opt in ("-t", "--timer"): argTimer = int(arg) if len(argExchCode) == 0 or len(argStats) == 0 or len(argOutput) == 0: print_usage() exit(0) if len(business_days(today(), today(), argExchCode)) == 1: info("Stats Directory = %s" % (argStats)) info("Output Directory = %s" % (argOutput)) info("Timer = %d" % (argTimer)) init_signals(argOutput, argStats, argTimer) else: fatal("")
def main(argv): argDBConn = "" argExchCode = "" argDryRun = True try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hrd:c:", ["dryrun", "database=", "exchcode="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print_usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print_usage() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-d", "--database"): argDBConn = arg elif opt in ("-c", "--exchcode"): argExchCode = arg elif opt in ("-r", "--dryrun"): argDryRun = False if len(argDBConn) == 0 or len(argExchCode) == 0: print_usage() exit(0) if len(business_days(today(), today(), argExchCode)) == 1: info("Dry Run is turned %s" % ("ON" if argDryRun else "OFF")) init_eod(argDBConn, argExchCode, argDryRun) else: fatal("")
def main(argv): argExchCode = "" argDays = 21 argOutput = "/home/sqtprod/bca/stats" try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hc:d:o:", ["exchcode=", "days=", "output="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print_usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print_usage() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-c", "--exchcode"): argExchCode = arg elif opt in ("-d", "--days"): argDays = int(arg) elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): argOutput = arg if len(argExchCode) == 0 or argDays <= 0: print_usage() exit(0) if len(business_days(today(), today(), argExchCode)) == 1: info("Historical Days = %d" % (argDays)) info("Output Directory = %s" % (argOutput)) init_historical_ohlc(argOutput, argDays) else: fatal("")
def init_historical_ohlc(outputDir, days): # get x days OHLC query_ohlc = "select.histohlc[%s;%d]" % (today().strftime("%Y.%m.%d"), days) hist_ohlc = query_kdb("", 58001, query_ohlc) hist_ohlc['ic'] = hist_ohlc['ic'].apply(bytes.decode) hist_ohlc['Ticker'] = hist_ohlc['ic'].apply(local_hk_symbology) hist_ohlc = hist_ohlc.set_index('Ticker') hist_ohlc = hist_ohlc[['op', 'hi', 'lo', 'cl']] hist_ohlc.columns = ['hop', 'hhi', 'hlo', 'hcl'] hist_ohlc = hist_ohlc.sort_index() output_file = "%s/%s.histohlc.csv" % (outputDir, today().strftime("%Y%m%d")) info("Writing output to %s" % (output_file)) hist_ohlc.to_csv(output_file)
def main(argv): argExchCode = "" argMinPartRate = 0.01 argMaxPartRate = 0.05 argMaxLotSz = 5 argTimeInterval = 10 argCapital = 2e6 argOutput = "/home/sqtprod/bca/stats" try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hc:n:x:l:t:m:o:",["exchcode=","minpartrate=","maxpartrate=","maxlotsize=","timeinterval=","capital=","output="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print_usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print_usage() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-c", "--exchcode"): argExchCode = arg elif opt in ("-n", "--minpartrate"): argMinPartRate = float(arg) elif opt in ("-x", "--maxpartrate"): argMaxPartRate = float(arg) elif opt in ("-l", "--maxlotsize"): argMaxLotSz = int(arg) elif opt in ("-t", "--timeinterval"): argTimeInterval = int(arg) elif opt in ("-m", "--capital"): argCapital = float(arg) elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): argOutput = arg if len(argExchCode) == 0: print_usage() exit(0) if len(business_days(today(), today(), argExchCode)) == 1: info("Minimum Participation Rate = %f" % (argMinPartRate)) info("Maximum Participation Rate = %f" % (argMaxPartRate)) info("Maximum Lot Size = %d" % (argMaxLotSz)) info("Time Interval Slices = %d" % (argTimeInterval)) info("Capital = %d" % (argCapital)) info("Output Directory = %s" % (argOutput)) init_quote_size(argOutput, argMinPartRate, argMaxPartRate, argMaxLotSz, argTimeInterval, argCapital) else: fatal("")
def init_quote_size(outputDir, minPartRate, maxPartRate, maxLotSz, timeInterval, capital): round_lot = lambda x: math.floor(x['capital'] / (x['bpx'] / x['lotsz'])) * x['lotsz'] twap_sz = lambda x: max(x['lotsz'], round((x['qty']/timeInterval)/x['lotsz']) * x['lotsz']) avg_quote_sz = lambda x: math.ceil(((x['bsz']+x['asz'])*.5)/x['lotsz']) * x['lotsz'] if (not np.isnan(x['bsz']) and not np.isnan(x['asz'])) else (x['bsz'] if np.isnan(x['asz']) else np.isnan(x['bsz'])) min_part_sz = lambda x: max(x['lotsz'], round((minPartRate*x['quote_sz'])/x['lotsz'])*x['lotsz']) max_part_sz = lambda x: max(x['lotsz'], round((maxPartRate*x['quote_sz'])/x['lotsz'])*x['lotsz']) max_lot_sz = lambda x: x['lotsz'] * maxLotSz show_sz = lambda x: min(x['tv'], x['twap_sz'], x['max_part_sz'], x['max_lot_sz']) show_missing_sz = lambda x: x['lotsz'] if np.isnan(x['quotesize']) or x['quotesize'] < x['lotsz'] else x['quotesize'] products = get_products(today(), local_hk_symbology, host="", port=48883) products = products.reset_index() products = products[products['ty'] == '5'] products['Ticker'] = products['sym'] products = products[['Ticker','tunit','bpx']] products.columns = ['ticker','lotsz','bpx'] products = products[products['bpx'] > 0.] products = products.set_index('ticker') # get average quote size (past 10 days, every 5 minutes) quote_size = query_kdb("", 58001, "select.avgsize[%s;10;5]" % (today().strftime("%Y.%m.%d"))) quote_size['ic'] = quote_size['ic'].apply(bytes.decode).apply(local_hk_symbology) quote_size = quote_size.set_index('ic') trade_size = query_kdb("", 58001, "select.avgtrd[%s;10]" % (today().strftime("%Y.%m.%d"))) trade_size['ic'] = trade_size['ic'].apply(bytes.decode).apply(local_hk_symbology) trade_size = trade_size.set_index('ic') sizing_list = products.join(quote_size, how='left').join(trade_size, how='left') sizing_list['capital'] = capital sizing_list['qty'] = sizing_list.apply(round_lot, axis=1) sizing_list['quote_sz'] = sizing_list.apply(avg_quote_sz, axis=1) sizing_list['twap_sz'] = sizing_list.apply(twap_sz, axis=1).astype(int).fillna(0) sizing_list['min_part_sz'] = sizing_list.apply(min_part_sz, axis=1).astype(int).fillna(0) sizing_list['max_part_sz'] = sizing_list.apply(max_part_sz, axis=1).astype(int).fillna(0) sizing_list['max_lot_sz'] = sizing_list.apply(max_lot_sz, axis=1).astype(int).fillna(0) sizing_list['quotesize'] = sizing_list.apply(show_sz, axis=1) sizing_list['quotesize'] = sizing_list.apply(show_missing_sz, axis=1).astype(int) sizing_list = sizing_list[['quotesize']] output_file = "%s/%s.quotesz.csv" % (outputDir, today().strftime("%Y%m%d")) info("Writing output to %s" % (output_file)) sizing_list.to_csv(output_file)
def init_loop(outputFile, histOHLC, quoteSize): # get portfolios portfolios = get_portfolios(today(), 'mysql+mysqlconnector://sqtprod:[email protected]:3306/portfolios') # get ohlc today_ohlc = get_equity_ohlc(today(), local_hk_symbology, host="", port=48883) today_ohlc = today_ohlc.reset_index() today_ohlc = today_ohlc[['sym','op','hi','lo','cl']] today_ohlc.columns = ['Ticker','top','thi','tlo','tcl'] today_ohlc = today_ohlc.set_index('Ticker') today_range = lambda x: 'SELL' if x['tcl']>=x['thi'] else ('BUY' if x['tcl']<=x['tlo'] else '') signals = portfolios.join(today_ohlc, how='left').join(histOHLC, how='left').join(quoteSize, how='left') signals['breakout'] = signals.apply(breakout, axis=1) signals['range'] = signals.apply(today_range, axis=1) signals = signals[['sodqty','eodqty','top','thi','tlo','tcl','hop','hhi','hlo','hcl','quotesize','breakout','range']] info("Writing output to %s" % (outputFile)) signals.to_csv(outputFile)
def init_intraday(dbConn, exchCode, dryRun): func_buy_qty = lambda x: x['execqty'] if x['side'] in ['B', 'C'] else 0. func_sell_qty = lambda x: x['execqty'] if x['side'] in ['S', 'H'] else 0. reports_query = "select * from report where date = '%s'" % ( today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) trades_query = "Select * from trades where date = '%s'" % ( today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) reports = query_mysql(dbConn, reports_query, verbose=True) info("%d report record(s) found" % (reports.shape[0])) reports = reports.set_index(['portfolio', 'ticker']) trades = query_mysql(dbConn, trades_query, verbose=True) info("%d trades record(s) found" % (trades.shape[0])) if trades.shape[0] > 0: trades['tbuyqty'] = trades.apply(func_buy_qty, axis=1) trades[ 'tbuynot'] = trades['tbuyqty'] * trades['avgpx'] * trades['mult'] trades['tsellqty'] = trades.apply(func_sell_qty, axis=1) trades[ 'tsellnot'] = trades['tsellqty'] * trades['avgpx'] * trades['mult'] trades['tcomms'] = trades['comms'] trades_totals = trades.groupby(['portfolio', 'ticker'])['tbuyqty', 'tbuynot', 'tsellqty', 'tsellnot', 'tcomms'].sum() else: trades_totals = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'portfolio', 'ticker', 'tbuyqty', 'tbuynot', 'tsellqty', 'tsellnot', 'tcomms' ]) trades_totals = trades_totals.set_index(['portfolio', 'ticker']) portfolio = reports.join(trades_totals, how='outer') # copy over trade notional portfolio[['buyqty', 'buynot', 'sellqty', 'sellnot', 'comms']] = portfolio[[ 'tbuyqty', 'tbuynot', 'tsellqty', 'tsellnot', 'tcomms' ]] # fill zeros for missing data portfolio = portfolio.fillna(0.) portfolio = portfolio.reset_index().set_index('ticker') # products products = get_products(today(), local_hk_symbology) products = products[['tmult']] # take only multiplier column # price portfolio prices = get_equity_prices_rt(today(), local_hk_symbology) portfolio = portfolio.join(products, how='left').join(prices, how='left') # compute eodqty portfolio['eodqty'] = portfolio['sodqty'] + (portfolio['buyqty'] - portfolio['sellqty']) portfolio['eodnot'] = portfolio['eodqty'] * portfolio[ 'lastpx'] * portfolio['tmult'] portfolio['grosspnl'] = (portfolio['eodnot'] - (portfolio['buynot'] - portfolio['sellnot']) - portfolio['sodnot']) + portfolio['divs'] portfolio['netpnl'] = portfolio['grosspnl'] - portfolio['comms'] portfolio['date'] = today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # prepare insert to database set_reports(portfolio, dbConn, dryrun=dryRun) # submit prices set_prices(portfolio, dbConn, dryrun=dryRun) # run totals set_totals(dbConn, dryrun=dryRun)