Ejemplo n.º 1
 def read_graph_struct(self, graph_name: str, revision: int = -1) -> GraphStruct:
     graph_view = self.graphs.collection_view(graph_name)
     if revision == -1:
         last_revision_struct = max(
             map(lambda _: GraphStruct.create(_[1]), graph_view.iterate_all(include_value=True)),
             key=lambda x: x.revision,
         if last_revision_struct is None:
             raise GraphStructureNotFound(graph_name)
         return last_revision_struct
     return GraphStruct.create(graph_view.get(str(revision)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def list_graphs(self, graph_name: Optional[str] = None, offset: int = 0, limit: Optional[int] = None,
                 with_info: bool = False) -> List[GraphStruct]:
     """List all known graphs. If graph_name is set, then include only all versions of this graph.
        If with_info is false, only graph_name and revision are received.
     :returns List[GraphStruct]: List of received graph structs
     data = {offset: offset, with_info: '1' if with_info else '0'}
     if graph_name:
         data['graph_name'] = graph_name
     if limit is not None:
         data['limit'] = limit
     return [GraphStruct.create(_) for _ in requests.get(self._url_prefix + 'graphs', params=data).json()['payload']]
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def add_graph_struct(self, graph_name: str, graph_struct: dict) -> int:
     return self.backend.add_graph_struct(graph_name, GraphStruct.create(graph_struct))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def list_graph_struct(self, graph_name: Optional[str] = None, with_info: bool = False) -> Iterator[
         Tuple[str, int, Optional[GraphStruct]]]:
     db = self.graphs.collection_view(graph_name) if graph_name else self.graphs
     for key, graph_struct in db.iterate_all(include_value=with_info):
         name, revision = (graph_name, key) if graph_name else key.split('=', 1)
         yield name, revision, GraphStruct.create(graph_struct) if graph_struct else None
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def read_graph(self, graph_name: str, graph_revision: Optional[int] = None) -> GraphStruct:
     """Read info about a specified graph's version. If graph_revision is not set, last revision is used.
     :returns GraphStruct: info about a graph
     return GraphStruct.create(requests.get(self._get_graph_url(graph_name, graph_revision)).json()['payload'])