Ejemplo n.º 1
these methods in turn activate other portions of the python AI code."""
from logging import debug, info, error, fatal

from common.configure_logging import redirect_logging_to_freeorion_logger

# Logging is redirected before other imports so that import errors appear in log files.

import sys
import random

import freeOrionAIInterface as fo  # interface used to interact with FreeOrion AI client  # pylint: disable=import-error

from common.option_tools import parse_config, get_option_dict, check_bool
parse_config(fo.getOptionsDBOptionStr("ai-config"), fo.getUserConfigDir())

from freeorion_tools import patch_interface

import ColonisationAI
import ExplorationAI
import DiplomaticCorp
import FleetUtilsAI
import InvasionAI
import MilitaryAI
import PlanetUtilsAI
import PriorityAI
import ProductionAI
import ResearchAI
import ResourcesAI
Ejemplo n.º 2
from galaxy import calc_star_system_positions
from starsystems import name_planets, generate_systems
from empires import compile_home_system_list, setup_empire
from fields import generate_fields
from natives import generate_natives
from monsters import generate_monsters
from specials import distribute_specials
from util import int_hash, seed_rng, report_error, error_list
import universe_statistics

from common import six
from common.handlers import init_handlers
from common.listeners import listener
from common.option_tools import parse_config
init_handlers(fo.get_options_db_option_str("ai-config"), None)

class PyGalaxySetupData:
    Class used to store and manage a copy of the galaxy setup data provided by the FreeOrion interface.
    This data can then be modified when needed during the universe generation process, without having to
    change the original data structure.
    def __init__(self, galaxy_setup_data):
        self.seed = galaxy_setup_data.seed
        self.size = galaxy_setup_data.size
        self.shape = galaxy_setup_data.shape
        self.age = galaxy_setup_data.age
        self.starlane_frequency = galaxy_setup_data.starlaneFrequency
Ejemplo n.º 3
from starnames import name_star_systems
from galaxy import calc_star_system_positions
from starsystems import name_planets, generate_systems
from empires import compile_home_system_list, setup_empire
from fields import generate_fields
from natives import generate_natives
from monsters import generate_monsters
from specials import distribute_specials
from util import int_hash, seed_rng, report_error, error_list
import universe_statistics

from common.handlers import init_handlers
from common.listeners import listener
from common.option_tools import parse_config
parse_config(fo.get_options_db_option_str("ai-config"), fo.get_user_config_dir())
init_handlers(fo.get_options_db_option_str("ai-config"), None)

class PyGalaxySetupData:
    Class used to store and manage a copy of the galaxy setup data provided by the FreeOrion interface.
    This data can then be modified when needed during the universe generation process, without having to
    change the original data structure.
    def __init__(self, galaxy_setup_data):
        self.seed = galaxy_setup_data.seed
        self.size = galaxy_setup_data.size
        self.shape = galaxy_setup_data.shape
        self.age = galaxy_setup_data.age
        self.starlane_frequency = galaxy_setup_data.starlaneFrequency
Ejemplo n.º 4
"""The FreeOrionAI module contains the methods which can be made by the C AIInterface;
these methods in turn activate other portions of the python AI code."""
import pickle  # Python object serialization library
import sys
import random

# IMPORTANT! this import also execute python code to update freeOrionAIInterface interface,
# removing this import will brake AI in unexpected way.

import freeOrionAIInterface as fo  # interface used to interact with FreeOrion AI client  # pylint: disable=import-error

from common.option_tools import parse_config
parse_config(fo.getAIConfigStr(), fo.getUserConfigDir())

from freeorion_tools import patch_interface

import AIstate
import ColonisationAI
import ExplorationAI
import DiplomaticCorp
import FleetUtilsAI
import InvasionAI
import MilitaryAI
import PlanetUtilsAI
import PriorityAI
import ProductionAI
import ResearchAI
import ResourcesAI
from freeorion_tools import UserStringList, chat_on_error, print_error, UserString, handle_debug_chat, Timer, init_handlers
from common.listeners import listener
Ejemplo n.º 5
"""The FreeOrionAI module contains the methods which can be made by the C AIInterface;
these methods in turn activate other portions of the python AI code."""
import pickle  # Python object serialization library
import sys
import random

from common import configure_logging

import freeOrionAIInterface as fo  # interface used to interact with FreeOrion AI client  # pylint: disable=import-error

from common.option_tools import parse_config
parse_config(fo.getAIConfigStr(), fo.getUserConfigDir())

from freeorion_tools import patch_interface

import AIstate
import ColonisationAI
import ExplorationAI
import DiplomaticCorp
import FleetUtilsAI
import InvasionAI
import MilitaryAI
import PlanetUtilsAI
import PriorityAI
import ProductionAI
import ResearchAI
import ResourcesAI
import TechsListsAI
from freeorion_tools import UserStringList, chat_on_error, print_error, UserString, handle_debug_chat, Timer, init_handlers
from common.listeners import listener