Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, port, dh_group):
        self._server = Server(port)
        self._contacts = ContactTable(dh_group)
        self.protocol = Protocol(self._contacts.translate)
        self.watcher = PacketWatcher()
        self.watcher.on_resend += self.resend

        # make packet watcher
        self._server.on_data += self.on_data
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, port, dh_group):
        self._server = Server(port)
        self._contacts = ContactTable(dh_group)
        self.protocol = Protocol(self._contacts.translate)
        self.watcher = PacketWatcher()
        self.watcher.on_resend += self.resend

        # make packet watcher
        self._server.on_data += self.on_data
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Stack():
    Main accessor to the bytelynx networking stack.
    Translates all data to expected values, as well
    as houses the on_data events for parsed packets.
    def __init__(self, port, dh_group):
        self._server = Server(port)
        self._contacts = ContactTable(dh_group)
        self.protocol = Protocol(self._contacts.translate)
        self.watcher = PacketWatcher()
        self.watcher.on_resend += self.resend

        # make packet watcher
        self._server.on_data += self.on_data

    def _handle_btlx(self):
        msgs = self.protocol.messages
        msgs['hello'].on_data += protofuncs.on_hello
        msgs['dh.g'].on_data += protofuncs.on_dh_g
        msgs['dh.mix'].on_data += protofuncs.on_dh_B

    def update_contacts(self, contacts):
        return self._contacts.update(contacts)

    def on_data(self, address, raw_data):
        Primary access point for any raw data received by the server.
        This function translates from :class:`~common.Address`
        to a :class:`~common.Contact`, decodes the data,
        and then procs the event for that packet type.

        :param address: The address that the data was received from.
        :type address: :class:`~common.Address`
        :param raw_data: The raw data from the contact.
        :type raw_data: bytes
        # Translate the ip to a contact
        contact = self._contacts.translate(address)

        # Decode the packet
            msg_name, data = self.protocol.decode(raw_data, contact)
        # Queue the message to be parsed when the channel is initialized fully
        except ChannelDNEError as e:
            contact.add_recv_msg(e.args[0], address, raw_data)
            msg = self.protocol.messages[msg_name]
            Logger.debug("<- %s: %s" % (address, msg))
            channel = contact.channels[msg.mode]

            # Do message housekeeping
            if msg.is_pongable:
                self.send_data(contact, msg.pong_msg,
                               {Tags.pongid.value: data[Tags.pktid.value]})
            # If this is a PONG
            elif msg.is_pong:
                payload = data[Tags.payload.value]
                self.watcher.rm_packet(payload[Tags.pongid.value], channel)

            # Proc the correct on_data event
            msg.on_data(contact, data)

    def resend(self, pkt):
        Resends a previously sent packet.

        :param pkt: The sent packet
        :type pkt: :class:`~common.SentPacket`
        self._server.send(pkt.contact.address, pkt.data)

    def send_data(self, contact, msg_name, data):
        Sends packet to a given contact.

        :param contact: The contact to send data to.
        :type contact: :class:`~common.contact`
        :param msg_name: The unique name of the message.
        :type msg_name: str.
        :param data: The data to send.
        :type data: dict.
        msg = self.protocol.messages[msg_name]
        Logger.debug("-> %s: %s" % (contact.address, msg))
        # Get a packet id for this message
            channel = contact.channels[msg.mode]
        # If we have not extablished a channel yet
        except KeyError as e:
            if msg.mode == 'aes-dht':
                Logger.info("Establishing AES-DHT channel with %s" %
                contact.add_sent_msg(msg.mode, msg_name, data)
                # Send a 'Hello'
                import state
                s = state.get()
                self.send_data(contact, 'hello', {'hash': s.contact.hash})
                raise e
            pkt_id = channel.pkt_id
            data[Tags.pktid.value] = pkt_id

            # Encode data
            payload = msg.encode(contact, data)

            # Send data to a contact
            self._server.send(contact.address, payload)

            # Check if this message is sent 'reliably'
            if msg.is_pongable:
                pkt = SentPacket(pkt_id, payload, contact, channel)
                channel.packets[pkt_id] = pkt
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Stack():
    Main accessor to the bytelynx networking stack.
    Translates all data to expected values, as well
    as houses the on_data events for parsed packets.

    def __init__(self, port, dh_group):
        self._server = Server(port)
        self._contacts = ContactTable(dh_group)
        self.protocol = Protocol(self._contacts.translate)
        self.watcher = PacketWatcher()
        self.watcher.on_resend += self.resend

        # make packet watcher
        self._server.on_data += self.on_data

    def _handle_btlx(self):
        msgs = self.protocol.messages
        msgs['hello'].on_data += protofuncs.on_hello
        msgs['dh.g'].on_data += protofuncs.on_dh_g
        msgs['dh.mix'].on_data += protofuncs.on_dh_B

    def update_contacts(self, contacts):
        return self._contacts.update(contacts)

    def on_data(self, address, raw_data):
        Primary access point for any raw data received by the server.
        This function translates from :class:`~common.Address`
        to a :class:`~common.Contact`, decodes the data,
        and then procs the event for that packet type.

        :param address: The address that the data was received from.
        :type address: :class:`~common.Address`
        :param raw_data: The raw data from the contact.
        :type raw_data: bytes
        # Translate the ip to a contact
        contact = self._contacts.translate(address)

        # Decode the packet
            msg_name, data = self.protocol.decode(raw_data, contact)
        # Queue the message to be parsed when the channel is initialized fully
        except ChannelDNEError as e:
            contact.add_recv_msg(e.args[0], address, raw_data)
            msg = self.protocol.messages[msg_name]
            Logger.debug("<- %s: %s" % (address, msg))
            channel = contact.channels[msg.mode]

            # Do message housekeeping
            if msg.is_pongable:
                self.send_data(contact, msg.pong_msg,
                               {Tags.pongid.value: data[Tags.pktid.value]})
            # If this is a PONG
            elif msg.is_pong:
                payload = data[Tags.payload.value]
                self.watcher.rm_packet(payload[Tags.pongid.value], channel)

            # Proc the correct on_data event
            msg.on_data(contact, data)

    def resend(self, pkt):
        Resends a previously sent packet.

        :param pkt: The sent packet
        :type pkt: :class:`~common.SentPacket`
        self._server.send(pkt.contact.address, pkt.data)

    def send_data(self, contact, msg_name, data):
        Sends packet to a given contact.

        :param contact: The contact to send data to.
        :type contact: :class:`~common.contact`
        :param msg_name: The unique name of the message.
        :type msg_name: str.
        :param data: The data to send.
        :type data: dict.
        msg = self.protocol.messages[msg_name]
        Logger.debug("-> %s: %s" % (contact.address, msg))
        # Get a packet id for this message
            channel = contact.channels[msg.mode]
        # If we have not extablished a channel yet
        except KeyError as e:
            if msg.mode == 'aes-dht':
                Logger.info("Establishing AES-DHT channel with %s" % contact.address)
                contact.add_sent_msg(msg.mode, msg_name, data)
                # Send a 'Hello'
                import state
                s = state.get()
                self.send_data(contact, 'hello', {'hash': s.contact.hash})
                raise e
            pkt_id = channel.pkt_id
            data[Tags.pktid.value] = pkt_id

            # Encode data
            payload = msg.encode(contact, data)

            # Send data to a contact
            self._server.send(contact.address, payload)

            # Check if this message is sent 'reliably'
            if msg.is_pongable:
                pkt = SentPacket(pkt_id, payload, contact, channel)
                channel.packets[pkt_id] = pkt