Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_evacuation_assistance(request):
	returns a json on success with the following data
      "evacuation_assistance": "Y" <- Or null
	# Pull the jwt from the POST request
	jwt = request.META.get(JWT_Headers_Key)
	except Exception as e:
		return HttpResponse(str(e), status=http_unauthorized_response)

	# Grab username from the token
	payload = j.grab_token_payload(jwt)

	user_pidm = Identity.objects.get(username=payload['username']).pidm

	# Now we query the emergency table for any info the user has listed
	# SELECT * FROM Emergency WHERE Emergency.pidm = user_pidm
	user_entry = Emergency.objects.filter(pidm=user_pidm)

	# No info found for this user's valid request results in a 204, No Content
	if len(user_entry) < 1:
		return HttpResponse("No emergency info found", status=http_no_content_response)

	# Otherwise return evacuation assistance status in their json format
	emergency_info = list(user_entry.values('evacuation_assistance'))

	return JsonResponse(emergency_info, safe=False)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_emergency_notifications(request):
	Only available as a POST request
	expects 'jwt': JWT
	JWT Body:
			first_name (str)
			last_name (str)
			username (str)
			email (str)
	returns a json on success with the following data
	  "alternate_phone":  "XXXXXXXXXX", <- no dashes
      "primary_phone":  "XXXXXXXXXX",  <- no dashes
      "sms_device":  "XXXXXXXXXX",  <- no dashes
      "external_email":  "*****@*****.**",
      "campus_email":  "*****@*****.**",
      "activity_date": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS", <- YearMonthDayTHour:MinuteSecond
      "sms_status_ind": "Y" <- Or null
	NOTE: Any of these values can be null, make sure to check in front-end
	# Pull the jwt from the POST request
	jwt = request.META.get(JWT_Headers_Key)
	except Exception as e:
		return HttpResponse(str(e), status=http_unauthorized_response)

	# Grab username from the token
	payload = j.grab_token_payload(jwt)

	user_pidm = Identity.objects.get(username=payload['username']).pidm

	# Now we query the emergency table for any info the user has listed
	# SELECT * FROM Emergency WHERE Emergency.pidm = user_pidm
	user_entry = Emergency.objects.filter(pidm=user_pidm)

	# No info found for this user's valid request results in a 204, No Content
	if len(user_entry) < 1:
		return HttpResponse("No emergency info found", status=http_no_content_response)

	# Otherwise return all emergency info in their json format
	# We want every field except for the pidm, as there is no need to expose front-end to database specifics
	emergency_info = list(user_entry.values('external_email', 'campus_email', 'primary_phone',
											'alternate_phone', 'sms_status_ind', 'sms_device'))

	# Return the list of user's emergency info, safe=false means we can return non-dictionary items
	return JsonResponse(emergency_info, safe=False)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_emergency_contacts(request):
	Validates the jwt issued, then returns relevent emergency contact info
		if jwt fails to validate, then return Unauthorized Error(401)
		if user has no contacts, return No Content(204)
			first_name (str)
			last_name (str)
			username (str)
			email (str)
	returns a json on success with the following data
			surrogate_id: xxxx
			contact info...
			surrogate_id: xxxx
			contact info...
	If the user has no contacts, returns a No Content(204)
	if JWT fails to validate return Unauthorized Error(401)
	# Pull the jwt from the POST request
	jwt = request.META.get(JWT_Headers_Key)
	except Exception as e:
		return HttpResponse(str(e), status=http_unauthorized_response)

	payload = j.grab_token_payload(jwt)

	user_pidm = Identity.objects.get(username=payload['username']).pidm

	# Now we can query the contact table for any contacts that this user has listed
	contacts = Contact.objects.filter(pidm=user_pidm)

	# No contacts for this user's valid request results in a 204, No Content
	if len(contacts) < 1:
		return HttpResponse("No contacts found", status=http_no_content_response)

	# Otherwise return all contacts in their json form
	contact_list = list(contacts.values())
	return JsonResponse(contact_list, safe=False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_grab_token_payload(self):
        Testing the payload-grabbing of JWTs

        The payload/claims used to generate a JWT should matche the output
        from the grab_token_payload function
        """Testing valid and invalid comparisons"""
        for data in self.good_data_list:
            jwt = jwt_placeholder.generate_token(data)
            data_from_JWT = jwt_placeholder.grab_token_payload(jwt)
            """Valid comparison - should be True"""
            self.assertTrue(data == data_from_JWT)
            """Invalid comparison - should be False"""
            for bad_data in self.bad_data_list:
                self.assertFalse(bad_data == data_from_JWT)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def set_emergency_notifications(request):
	Updates the user's status on the Emergency assistance table

	jwt = request.META.get(JWT_Headers_Key)

	except Exception as e:
		return HttpResponse(str(e), status=http_unauthorized_response)

	payload = j.grab_token_payload(jwt)

	user_pidm = Identity.objects.get(username=payload['username']).pidm
	user_email = payload['email']

	# Determine if the user is already in the emergency registry
	query = Emergency.objects.filter(pidm=user_pidm)
	if len(query) < 1:
		entry = None
		user_exists = False
		# Might as well grab the Emergency entry here
		entry = query[0]
		user_exists = True

	form = SetEmergencyNotificationsForm(request.POST, instance=entry)
	if form.is_valid():
		if user_exists == True:
			return HttpResponse("Updated successfully.")
			new_entry = form.save(commit=False)
			new_entry.pidm = user_pidm
			new_entry.campus_email = user_email
			return HttpResponse("Created successfully.")
		return HttpResponse("errors:" + str(form.errors), status=http_unprocessable_entity_response)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def update_emergency_contact(request, surrogate_id=None):
	Update the database information regarding the emergency contact information.
	This could imply either submitting a new emergency contact, or deleting the
	existing emergency contact.
	# extract JWT from post request in uniform fashion to above JWT code
	jwt = request.META.get(JWT_Headers_Key)

	# Validate JWT
	except Exception as e:
		return HttpResponse(str(e), status=401)

	# Extract jwt payload
	payload = j.grab_token_payload(jwt)

	# First, we extract the checkbox data and determine if we need to branch
	if request.method == "DELETE":
		# checking whether surrogate id is given, and exists in database
		if surrogate_id == None:
			return HttpResponse("No Surrogate ID given for deleting contact!", status=422)
			entry = Contact.objects.get(surrogate_id=surrogate_id)
		except Contact.DoesNotExist:
			return HttpResponse("No contact found.")

		# checking whether user request has matching pidm with contact that has the surrogate id
		user_pidm = Identity.objects.get(username=payload['username']).pidm
		if entry.pidm != user_pidm:
			return HttpResponse("No contact found", status=http_unprocessable_entity_response)
			# any contacts that is belong to the same user and have lower priority got promoted, before deleting the entry
			Contact.objects.filter(pidm=entry.pidm, priority__gt=entry.priority).update(priority=F('priority') - 1)
			return HttpResponse("Successfully deleted emergency contact.", status=200)
	# End of deletion branch ==============================================================
		# first, decide if we are updating or creating
		# based upon if the surrogate_id already exists
		surrogate_id = request.POST.get('surrogate_id')
		if surrogate_id:
			# if given surrogate id does not match in table, throws error
				entry = Contact.objects.get(surrogate_id=surrogate_id)
			except Contact.DoesNotExist:
				return HttpResponse("Invalid surrogate id", status=http_unprocessable_entity_response)
			contact_exists = True
			# also record the priority before proceeding, to decide whether other contacts belong to the same user need demotion or promotion
			old_priority = int(entry.priority)
			entry = None
			contact_exists = False

		# Grab the pidm from the JWT
		jwt_pidm = Identity.objects.get(username=payload['username']).pidm

		# Create a copy of the POST request to modify the Pidm
		temp_body = request.POST.copy()
		temp_body['pidm'] = jwt_pidm

		# temporary fix for null value on state
			if temp_body['stat_code'] == "null":
				temp_body['stat_code'] = None

		# use form to validate and then save the request if the inputs are valid
		form = UpdateEmergencyContactForm(temp_body, instance=entry) # If instance=None, it creates table. else, updates
		if form.is_valid():
			# do not save immediately, since priority check on other contacts are needed
			entry = form.save(commit=False)
			new_priority = int(entry.priority)
			if contact_exists == True:
				# if the old contact wants to be promoted, demote the contacts between new and (old - 1) priority
				if old_priority > new_priority:
					Contact.objects.filter(pidm=entry.pidm, priority__range=(new_priority, old_priority - 1)).update(priority=F('priority') + 1)
				# if the old contact wants to be demoted, promote the contacts between (old + 1) and new priority
				if old_priority < new_priority:
					Contact.objects.filter(pidm=entry.pidm, priority__range=(old_priority + 1, new_priority)).update(priority=F('priority') - 1)
				# and do not change anything if the old and new priority are same
				return HttpResponse("Updated successfully.")
				# if the contact is new, demote any contacts that have lower priority
				Contact.objects.filter(priority__gte=new_priority).update(priority=F('priority') + 1)
				return HttpResponse("Created successfully.")
			return HttpResponse("errors:" + str(form.errors), status=http_unprocessable_entity_response)