Ejemplo n.º 1
def update_image(user,**image):#Attribute disk_format can be only replaced for a queued image
    method_name = 'update_image'
    parameter = ['image_id', 'image_content']
    if Util.validate_parameter(*parameter, **image):
        image_id = image.get('image_id')
        req = Util.createRequest(GLANCE_URL+'v2/images/%s' % image_id, 'PATCH', user, 'patch')
            image_content = image.get('image_content')
            response = urllib2.urlopen(req,  json.dumps(image_content), timeout=TIME_OUT)
            obj = response.read()

            if obj and len(obj):
                content = json.loads(obj)
                code = response.code
                if code == 200 or code == 204:
                    except Exception, e:
                        print e.code
                        delete_cache(image_id, user)

                logger.debug(method_name+" code:" + str(code)+" content:" + str(content))
                return code, content
            logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+response.code)
        except HTTPError, e:
                logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+str(e.code))
                if 404 == e.code:
                    raise APIError(method_name+' failed.Reason: not found the image')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_project(user,**project):  #1045 {'project':project}
    method_name = 'create_project'
    parameter = ['project']
    import pdb
    if Util.validate_parameter(*parameter, **project):
        req = Util.createRequest(KEY_STORE_URL+"/v3/projects", 'POST',user)
            response = urllib2.urlopen(req, json.dumps(project), timeout=TIME_OUT)
            obj = response.read()
            if obj and len(obj):
                 content = json.loads(obj)
                 project_id = content['project'].get('id')
                 code = response.code
                 logger.debug(method_name+" code:" + str(code)+" content:" + str(content))
                 # if code ==201 and user_id is not None:
                 #     role_id="31fd1d2bb7e741218637e230c13df800"#Need to change roleId
                 #     add_user_to_project(user,project_id,user_id,role_id)
                 return code,content
            logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+response.code)

        except HTTPError, e:
                if 409 == e.code:
                    raise APIError('create project failed', 'Project  Duplicated')
                    raise APIError('HttpError,please contact the admin')
        except URLError, e:
                raise APIError('URLError',e.reason)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def update_tenant(**tenant):#1200 {'tenant_id':tenant_id,'teant':teant}
    method_name = 'update_tenant'
    parameter = ('tenant_id', 'teant')
    if Util.validate_parameter(*parameter, **tenant):
        # teant = {
        #             "tenant": {
        #                     "id": tenant.get('tenant_id'),
        #                     "name": "ACMExxx corp",
        #                     "description": "A description ...",
        #                     "enabled": True
        #             }
        #          }
        teant = tenant.get('teant')
        params = json.dumps(teant)
        req = Util.createRequest(KEY_STORE_URL+"v2.0/tenants/%s" % tenant.get('tenant_id'), 'POST')
            response = urllib2.urlopen(req, params, timeout=TIME_OUT)
            obj = response.read()
            if obj and len(obj):
                content = json.loads(obj)
                code = response.code
                logger.debug(method_name+" code:" + str(code)+" content:" + str(content))
                return content
            logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+response.code)
        except HTTPError, e:
                logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+str(e.message))
                if 409 == e.code:
                    raise APIError(method_name+'  Duplicated,please update the Tenant to create again')
        except URLError, e:
                logger.error(method_name+' URLError: '+str(e.reason))
                raise APIError(method_name+' URLError: ', e.reason)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def share_image(user,**image):#1273 {'image_id':image_id,'members':members}
    method_name = 'share_image'
    parameter = ('image_id', 'members')
    if Util.validate_parameter(*parameter, **image):
        req = Util.createRequest(GLANCE_URL+"/v2/images/%s/members" % image.get('image_id'), 'POST')
            response = urllib2.urlopen(req, json.dumps(image.get('members')), timeout=TIME_OUT)
            obj = response.read()
            if obj and len(obj):
                content = json.loads(obj)
                code = response.code
                logger.debug(method_name+" code:" + str(code)+" content:" + str(content))
                return code, content
            logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+response.code)
        except HTTPError, e:
                logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+str(e.code))
                raise APIError(method_name+' Error code: '+str(e.code))
        except URLError, e:
                logger.error(method_name+' URLError: '+str(e.code))
                raise APIError(method_name+' URLError: '+str(e.reason))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def delete_tenant(**tenant):#1201 Normal response codes: 204 {'tenant_id':tenantId}
    method_name = 'delete_tenant'
    parameter = ['tenant_id']
    if Util.validate_parameter(*parameter, **tenant):
        req = Util.createRequest(KEY_STORE_URL+"v2.0/tenants/%s" % tenant.get('tenant_id'), 'DELETE')
            response = urllib2.urlopen(req, json.dumps({}), timeout=TIME_OUT)
            obj = response.read()
            if obj and len(obj):
                code = response.code
                logger.debug(method_name+" code:" + str(code))
                return code
            logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+response.code)
        except HTTPError, e:
                logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+str(e.code))
                if 404 == e.code:
                    raise APIError(method_name+' failed.Reason: not found the Tenant')
        except URLError, e:
                logger.error(method_name+' URLError: '+str(e.reason))
                raise APIError(' URLError: ', e.reason)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_policy_by_id(**policy):#{'policy_id':policy_id}
    method_name = 'get_policy_by_id'
    parameter = ('policy_id')
    if Util.validate_parameter(*parameter, **policy):
        req = Util.createRequest(KEY_STORE_URL+'v3/policies/%s'+'/topologies/%d/node/%s' % policy.get('policy_id'), 'GET')
            response = urllib2.urlopen(req, json.dumps({}), timeout=TIME_OUT)
            obj = response.read()
            if obj and len(obj):
                content = json.loads(obj)
                code = response.code
                logger.debug(method_name+" code:" + str(code)+" content:" + str(content))
                return code, content
            logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+response.code)
        except HTTPError, e:
                logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+str(e.code))
                if 404 == e.code:
                    raise APIError(' failed.Reason: not found the policy')
        except URLError, e:
                logger.error(method_name,' URLError: '+str(e.reason))
                raise APIError(' URLError: ', e.reason)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def download_image(image_dict):#1270 {'image_id':image_id, 'file_name':file_name}
    method_name = 'download_image'
    parameter = ['image_id', 'file_name']
    if Util.validate_parameter(*parameter, **image):
        req = Util.createRequest(GLANCE_URL+'v2/images/%s/file' % image.get('image_id'), 'GET', 'stream')
            response = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=TIME_OUT)
            with open(image.get('file_name'), 'wb') as f:
                while True:
                    tmp = response.read(1024)
                    if not tmp:
            code = response.getcode()
            logger.debug(method_name+" code:" + str(code))
            return code
        except HTTPError, e:
                logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+str(e.code))
                if 404 == e.code:
                    raise APIError(method_name+' failed.Reason: not found the image')
        except URLError, e:
                logger.error(method_name+' URLError: '+str(e.code))
                raise APIError(method_name+' URLError: '+str(e.reason))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def delete_image(user,**image):#1265 {'image_id':imageId}
    method_name = 'delete_image'
    #You can delete an image in all status except deleted.
    # You must first set the 'protected' attribute to false (boolean) and then perform the delete.
    parameter = ['image_id']
    if Util.validate_parameter(*parameter, **image):
        image_id = image.get('image_id')
        req = Util.createRequest(GLANCE_URL+'v2/images/%s' % image_id, 'DELETE',user)
            response = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=TIME_OUT)
            code = response.code
            logger.debug(method_name+" code:" + str(code))
            # update cache failed, delete the whole cache table data
                update_cache(user,image_id, 'delete')
            except Exception, e:
                print e.code
                delete_cache(image_id, user)
            return code
        except HTTPError, e:
                logging.error(method_name+' Error code: '+str(e.code))
                if 404 == e.code:
                    raise APIError('not found the image')
Ejemplo n.º 9
def update_user(**user):#1200 {'tenant_id':tenant_id,'teant':teant}
    method_name = 'update_user'
    parameter = ('user_id', 'user')
    if Util.validate_parameter(*parameter, **user):
        user = user.get('user')
        params = json.dumps(teant)
        req = Util.createRequest(KEY_STORE_URL+"v2.0/users/%s" % user.get('tenant_id'), 'POST')
            response = urllib2.urlopen(req, params, timeout=TIME_OUT)
            obj = response.read()
            if obj and len(obj):
                content = json.loads(obj)
                code = response.code
                logger.debug(method_name+" code:" + str(code)+" content:" + str(content))
                return content
            logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+response.code)
        except HTTPError, e:
                logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+str(e.message))
                if 409 == e.code:
                    raise APIError(method_name+'  Duplicated,please update the Tenant to create again')
        except URLError, e:
                logger.error(method_name+' URLError: '+str(e.reason))
                raise APIError(method_name+' URLError: ', e.reason)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def create_tenant(**teant):  #1199{'teant':teant}
    method_name = 'create_tenant'
    parameter = ('teant')
    if Util.validate_parameter(*parameter, **teant):
        req = Util.createRequest(KEY_STORE_URL+"v2.0/tenants/", 'POST')
            response = urllib2.urlopen(req, json.dumps(teant.get('teant')), timeout=TIME_OUT)
            obj = response.read()
            if obj and len(obj):
                content = json.loads(obj)
                code = response.code
                logger.debug(method_name+" code:" + str(code)+" content:" + str(content))
                return content
            logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+response.code)
        except HTTPError, e:
                logger.error(method_name+' Error code: '+str(e.code))
                if 409 == e.code:
                    raise APIError('create tenant failed', 'Tenant  Duplicated,please update the Tenant to create again')
                    raise APIError('HttpError,please contact the admin')
        except URLError, e:
                logger.error(method_name+' URLError: ', e.reason)
                raise APIError('URLError:'+e.reason)