Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _populateForm(self, oForm, oData):
        oForm.addIntRO(TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase, oData.idTestCase, "Test Case ID")
        oForm.addTimestampRO(TestCaseData.ksParam_tsEffective, oData.tsEffective, "Last changed")
        oForm.addTimestampRO(TestCaseData.ksParam_tsExpire, oData.tsExpire, "Expires (excl)")
        oForm.addIntRO(TestCaseData.ksParam_uidAuthor, oData.uidAuthor, "Changed by UID")
        oForm.addIntRO(TestCaseData.ksParam_idGenTestCase, oData.idGenTestCase, "Test Case generation ID")
        oForm.addText(TestCaseData.ksParam_sName, oData.sName, "Name")
        oForm.addText(TestCaseData.ksParam_sDescription, oData.sDescription, "Description")
        oForm.addCheckBox(TestCaseData.ksParam_fEnabled, oData.fEnabled, "Enabled")
            TestCaseData.ksParam_cSecTimeout, utils.formatIntervalSeconds2(oData.cSecTimeout), "Default timeout"
        oForm.addWideText(TestCaseData.ksParam_sTestBoxReqExpr, oData.sTestBoxReqExpr, "TestBox requirements (python)")
        oForm.addWideText(TestCaseData.ksParam_sBuildReqExpr, oData.sBuildReqExpr, "Build requirement (python)")
        oForm.addWideText(TestCaseData.ksParam_sBaseCmd, oData.sBaseCmd, "Base command")
        oForm.addText(TestCaseData.ksParam_sValidationKitZips, oData.sValidationKitZips, "Test suite files")

        oForm.addListOfTestCaseArgs(TestCaseDataEx.ksParam_aoTestCaseArgs, oData.aoTestCaseArgs, "Argument variations")

        aoTestCaseDeps = []
        for oTestCase in self._aoAllTestCases:
            if oTestCase.idTestCase == oData.idTestCase:
            fSelected = False
            for oDep in oData.aoDepTestCases:
                if oDep.idTestCase == oTestCase.idTestCase:
                    fSelected = True
            aoTestCaseDeps.append([oTestCase.idTestCase, fSelected, oTestCase.sName])
        oForm.addListOfTestCases(TestCaseDataEx.ksParam_aoDepTestCases, aoTestCaseDeps, "Depends on test cases")

        aoGlobalResrcDeps = []
        for oGlobalRsrc in self._aoAllGlobalRsrcs:
            fSelected = False
            for oDep in oData.aoDepGlobalResources:
                if oDep.idGlobalRsrc == oGlobalRsrc.idGlobalRsrc:
                    fSelected = True
            aoGlobalResrcDeps.append([oGlobalRsrc.idGlobalRsrc, fSelected, oGlobalRsrc.sName])
        oForm.addListOfResources(TestCaseDataEx.ksParam_aoDepGlobalResources, aoGlobalResrcDeps, "Depends on resources")

        oForm.addMultilineText(TestCaseDataEx.ksParam_sComment, oData.sComment, "Comment")


        return True
    def _formatListEntry(self, iEntry):
        Format *show all* table entry

        from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin
        oEntry  = self._aoEntries[iEntry]

        aoActions = [
            WuiTmLink('Details', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
                      { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildSrcDetails,
                        BuildSourceData.ksParam_idBuildSrc: oEntry.idBuildSrc,
                        WuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate: self._tsEffectiveDate, }),
        if self._oDisp is None or not self._oDisp.isReadOnlyUser():
            aoActions += [
                WuiTmLink('Clone', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
                          { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildSrcClone,
                            BuildSourceData.ksParam_idBuildSrc: oEntry.idBuildSrc,
                            WuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate: self._tsEffectiveDate, }),
            if isDbTimestampInfinity(oEntry.tsExpire):
                aoActions += [
                    WuiTmLink('Modify', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
                              { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildSrcEdit,
                                BuildSourceData.ksParam_idBuildSrc: oEntry.idBuildSrc } ),
                    WuiTmLink('Remove', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName,
                              { WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildSrcDoRemove,
                                BuildSourceData.ksParam_idBuildSrc: oEntry.idBuildSrc },
                              sConfirm = 'Are you sure you want to remove build source #%d?' % (oEntry.idBuildSrc,) )

        return [ oEntry.idBuildSrc,
                 utils.formatIntervalSeconds2(oEntry.cSecMaxAge) if oEntry.cSecMaxAge is not None else None,
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _populateForm(self, oForm, oData):
        oForm.addIntRO      (TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase,       oData.idTestCase,       'Test Case ID')
        oForm.addTimestampRO(TestCaseData.ksParam_tsEffective,      oData.tsEffective,      'Last changed')
        oForm.addTimestampRO(TestCaseData.ksParam_tsExpire,         oData.tsExpire,         'Expires (excl)')
        oForm.addIntRO      (TestCaseData.ksParam_uidAuthor,        oData.uidAuthor,        'Changed by UID')
        oForm.addIntRO      (TestCaseData.ksParam_idGenTestCase,    oData.idGenTestCase,    'Test Case generation ID')
        oForm.addText       (TestCaseData.ksParam_sName,            oData.sName,            'Name')
        oForm.addText       (TestCaseData.ksParam_sDescription,     oData.sDescription,     'Description')
        oForm.addCheckBox   (TestCaseData.ksParam_fEnabled,         oData.fEnabled,         'Enabled')
        oForm.addLong       (TestCaseData.ksParam_cSecTimeout,
                             utils.formatIntervalSeconds2(oData.cSecTimeout),               'Default timeout')
        oForm.addWideText   (TestCaseData.ksParam_sTestBoxReqExpr,  oData.sTestBoxReqExpr,  'TestBox requirements (python)');
        oForm.addWideText   (TestCaseData.ksParam_sBuildReqExpr,    oData.sBuildReqExpr,    'Build requirement (python)');
        oForm.addWideText   (TestCaseData.ksParam_sBaseCmd,         oData.sBaseCmd,         'Base command')
        oForm.addText       (TestCaseData.ksParam_sValidationKitZips,   oData.sValidationKitZips,   'Test suite files')

        oForm.addListOfTestCaseArgs(TestCaseDataEx.ksParam_aoTestCaseArgs, oData.aoTestCaseArgs, 'Argument variations')

        aoTestCaseDeps = [];
        for oTestCase in self._aoAllTestCases:
            if oTestCase.idTestCase == oData.idTestCase:
            fSelected = False;
            for oDep in oData.aoDepTestCases:
                if oDep.idTestCase == oTestCase.idTestCase:
                    fSelected = True;
            aoTestCaseDeps.append([oTestCase.idTestCase, fSelected, oTestCase.sName]);
        oForm.addListOfTestCases(TestCaseDataEx.ksParam_aoDepTestCases, aoTestCaseDeps,     'Depends on test cases')

        aoGlobalResrcDeps = [];
        for oGlobalRsrc in self._aoAllGlobalRsrcs:
            fSelected = False;
            for oDep in oData.aoDepGlobalResources:
                if oDep.idGlobalRsrc == oGlobalRsrc.idGlobalRsrc:
                    fSelected = True;
            aoGlobalResrcDeps.append([oGlobalRsrc.idGlobalRsrc, fSelected, oGlobalRsrc.sName]);
        oForm.addListOfResources(TestCaseDataEx.ksParam_aoDepGlobalResources, aoGlobalResrcDeps, 'Depends on resources')


        return True;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _populateForm(self, oForm, oData):
     oForm.addIntRO      (BuildSourceData.ksParam_idBuildSrc,       oData.idBuildSrc,       'Build Source item ID')
     oForm.addTimestampRO(BuildSourceData.ksParam_tsEffective,      oData.tsEffective,      'Last changed')
     oForm.addTimestampRO(BuildSourceData.ksParam_tsExpire,         oData.tsExpire,         'Expires (excl)')
     oForm.addIntRO      (BuildSourceData.ksParam_uidAuthor,        oData.uidAuthor,        'Changed by UID')
     oForm.addText       (BuildSourceData.ksParam_sName,            oData.sName,            'Name')
     oForm.addText       (BuildSourceData.ksParam_sDescription,     oData.sDescription,     'Description')
     oForm.addText       (BuildSourceData.ksParam_sProduct,         oData.sProduct,         'Product')
     oForm.addText       (BuildSourceData.ksParam_sBranch,          oData.sBranch,          'Branch')
     asTypes    = self.getListOfItems(coreconsts.g_kasBuildTypesAll, oData.asTypes);
     oForm.addListOfTypes(BuildSourceData.ksParam_asTypes,          asTypes,                'Build types')
     asOsArches = self.getListOfItems(coreconsts.g_kasOsDotCpusAll, oData.asOsArches);
     oForm.addListOfOsArches(BuildSourceData.ksParam_asOsArches,    asOsArches,             'Target architectures')
     oForm.addInt        (BuildSourceData.ksParam_iFirstRevision,   oData.iFirstRevision,   'Starting from revision')
     oForm.addInt        (BuildSourceData.ksParam_iLastRevision,    oData.iLastRevision,    'Ending by revision')
     oForm.addLong       (BuildSourceData.ksParam_cSecMaxAge,
                          utils.formatIntervalSeconds2(oData.cSecMaxAge) if oData.cSecMaxAge not in [-1, '', None] else '',
                          'Max age in seconds');
     return True;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def addListOfTestCaseArgs(self, sName, aoVariations, sLabel): # pylint: disable=R0915
        Adds a list of test case argument variations to the form.

        @param sName        Name of HTML form element
        @param aoVariations List of TestCaseArgsData instances.
        @param sLabel       Label of HTML form element
        self._addLabel(sName, sLabel);

        sTableId = 'TestArgsExtendingListRoot';
        fReadOnly = self._fReadOnly;  ## @todo argument?
        sReadOnlyAttr = ' readonly class="tmform-input-readonly"' if fReadOnly else '';

        sHtml  = '<li>\n'

        # Define javascript function for extending the list of test case
        # variations.  Doing it here so we can use the python constants. This
        # also permits multiple argument lists on one page should that ever be
        # required...
        if not fReadOnly:
            sHtml += '<script type="text/javascript">\n'
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += 'g_%s_aItems = { %s };\n' % (sName, ', '.join(('%s: 1' % (i,)) for i in range(len(aoVariations))),);
            sHtml += 'g_%s_cItems = %s;\n' % (sName, len(aoVariations),);
            sHtml += 'g_%s_iIdMod = %s;\n' % (sName, len(aoVariations) + 32);
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += 'function %s_removeEntry(sId)\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '{\n';
            sHtml += '    if (g_%s_cItems > 1)\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '    {\n';
            sHtml += '        g_%s_cItems--;\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '        delete g_%s_aItems[sId];\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '        setElementValueToKeyList(\'%s\', g_%s_aItems);\n' % (sName, sName);
            sHtml += '\n';
            for iInput in range(8):
                sHtml += '        removeHtmlNode(\'%s[\' + sId + \'][%s]\');\n' % (sName, iInput,);
            sHtml += '    }\n';
            sHtml += '}\n';
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += 'function %s_extendListEx(cGangMembers, cSecTimeout, sArgs, sTestBoxReqExpr, sBuildReqExpr)\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '{\n';
            sHtml += '    var oElement = document.getElementById(\'%s\');\n' % (sTableId,);
            sHtml += '    var oTBody   = document.createElement(\'tbody\');\n';
            sHtml += '    var sHtml    = \'\';\n';
            sHtml += '    var sId;\n';
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    g_%s_iIdMod += 1;\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '    sId = g_%s_iIdMod.toString();\n' % (sName,);

            oVarDefaults = TestCaseArgsData();
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'<tr class="tmform-testcasevars-first-row">\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td>Gang Members:</td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td class="tmform-field-tiny-int">' \
                     '<input name="%s[\' + sId + \'][%s]" id="%s[\' + sId + \'][0]" value="\' + cGangMembers + \'"></td>\';\n' \
                   % (sName, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_cGangMembers, sName,);
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td>Timeout:</td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td class="tmform-field-int">' \
                     '<input name="%s[\' + sId + \'][%s]" id="%s[\' + sId + \'][1]" value="\'+ cSecTimeout + \'"></td>\';\n' \
                   % (sName, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_cSecTimeout, sName,);
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td><a href="#" onclick="%s_removeEntry(\\\'\' + sId + \'\\\');"> Remove</a></td>\';\n' \
                   % (sName, );
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td></td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'</tr>\';\n'
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'<tr class="tmform-testcasevars-inner-row">\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td>Arguments:</td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td class="tmform-field-wide100" colspan="4">' \
                     '<input name="%s[\' + sId + \'][%s]" id="%s[\' + sId + \'][2]" value="\' + sArgs + \'"></td>\';\n' \
                   % (sName, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_sArgs, sName,);
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td></td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'</tr>\';\n'
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'<tr class="tmform-testcasevars-inner-row">\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td>TestBox Reqs:</td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td class="tmform-field-wide100" colspan="4">' \
                     '<input name="%s[\' + sId + \'][%s]" id="%s[\' + sId + \'][2]" value="\' + sTestBoxReqExpr' \
                     ' + \'"></td>\';\n' \
                   % (sName, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_sTestBoxReqExpr, sName,);
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td></td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'</tr>\';\n'
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'<tr class="tmform-testcasevars-final-row">\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td>Build Reqs:</td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td class="tmform-field-wide100" colspan="4">' \
                     '<input name="%s[\' + sId + \'][%s]" id="%s[\' + sId + \'][2]" value="\' + sBuildReqExpr + \'"></td>\';\n' \
                   % (sName, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_sBuildReqExpr, sName,);
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td></td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'</tr>\';\n'
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    oTBody.id = \'%s[\' + sId + \'][6]\';\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '    oTBody.innerHTML = sHtml;\n';
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    oElement.appendChild(oTBody);\n';
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    g_%s_aItems[sId] = 1;\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '    g_%s_cItems++;\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '    setElementValueToKeyList(\'%s\', g_%s_aItems);\n' % (sName, sName);
            sHtml += '}\n';
            sHtml += 'function %s_extendList()\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '{\n';
            sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s");\n' % (sName,
                escapeAttr(str(oVarDefaults.cGangMembers)), escapeAttr(str(oVarDefaults.cSecTimeout)),
                escapeAttr(oVarDefaults.sArgs), escapeAttr(oVarDefaults.sTestBoxReqExpr),
                escapeAttr(oVarDefaults.sBuildReqExpr), );
            sHtml += '}\n';
            if config.g_kfVBoxSpecific:
                sSecTimeoutDef = escapeAttr(str(oVarDefaults.cSecTimeout));
                sHtml += 'function vbox_%s_add_uni()\n' % (sName,);
                sHtml += '{\n';
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 1 --virt-modes raw", ' \
                         ' "", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 1 --virt-modes hwvirt", ' \
                         ' "fCpuHwVirt is True", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 1 --virt-modes hwvirt-np", ' \
                         ' "fCpuNestedPaging is True", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '}\n';
                sHtml += 'function vbox_%s_add_uni_amd64()\n' % (sName,);
                sHtml += '{\n';
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 1 --virt-modes hwvirt", ' \
                         ' "fCpuHwVirt is True", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 1 --virt-modes hwvirt-np", ' \
                         ' "fCpuNestedPaging is True", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '}\n';
                sHtml += 'function vbox_%s_add_smp()\n' % (sName,);
                sHtml += '{\n';
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 2 --virt-modes hwvirt",' \
                         ' "fCpuHwVirt is True and cCpus >= 2", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 2 --virt-modes hwvirt-np",' \
                         ' "fCpuNestedPaging is True and cCpus >= 2", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 3 --virt-modes hwvirt",' \
                         ' "fCpuHwVirt is True and cCpus >= 3", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 4 --virt-modes hwvirt-np ",' \
                         ' "fCpuNestedPaging is True and cCpus >= 4", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                #sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 6 --virt-modes hwvirt",' \
                #         ' "fCpuHwVirt is True and cCpus >= 6", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                #sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 8 --virt-modes hwvirt-np",' \
                #         ' "fCpuNestedPaging is True and cCpus >= 8", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '}\n';
            sHtml += '</script>\n';

        # List current entries.
        sHtml += '<input type="hidden" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s">\n' \
               % (sName, sName, ','.join(str(i) for i in range(len(aoVariations))), );
        sHtml += '  <table id="%s" class="tmform-testcasevars">\n' % (sTableId,)
        if not fReadOnly:
            sHtml += '  <caption>\n' \
                     '    <a href="#" onClick="%s_extendList()">Add</a>\n' % (sName,);
            if config.g_kfVBoxSpecific:
                sHtml += '    [<a href="#" onClick="vbox_%s_add_uni()">Single CPU Variations</a>\n' % (sName,);
                sHtml += '    <a href="#" onClick="vbox_%s_add_uni_amd64()">amd64</a>]\n' % (sName,);
                sHtml += '    [<a href="#" onClick="vbox_%s_add_smp()">SMP Variations</a>]\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '  </caption>\n';

        dSubErrors = {};
        if sName in self._dErrors  and  isinstance(self._dErrors[sName], dict):
            dSubErrors = self._dErrors[sName];

        for iVar in range(len(aoVariations)):
            oVar = copy.copy(aoVariations[iVar]);

            sHtml += '<tbody id="%s[%s][6]">\n' % (sName, iVar,)
            sHtml += '  <tr class="tmform-testcasevars-first-row">\n' \
                     '    <td>Gang Members:</td>' \
                     '    <td class="tmform-field-tiny-int"><input name="%s[%s][%s]" id="%s[%s][1]" value="%s"%s></td>\n' \
                     '    <td>Timeout:</td>' \
                     '    <td class="tmform-field-int"><input name="%s[%s][%s]" id="%s[%s][2]" value="%s"%s></td>\n' \
                   % ( sName, iVar, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_cGangMembers, sName, iVar, oVar.cGangMembers, sReadOnlyAttr,
                       sName, iVar, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_cSecTimeout,  sName, iVar,
                       utils.formatIntervalSeconds2(oVar.cSecTimeout), sReadOnlyAttr, );
            if not fReadOnly:
                sHtml += '    <td><a href="#" onclick="%s_removeEntry(\'%s\');">Remove</a></td>\n' \
                       % (sName, iVar);
                sHtml +=  '    <td></td>\n';
            sHtml += '    <td class="tmform-testcasevars-stupid-border-column"></td>\n' \
                     '  </tr>\n';

            sHtml += '  <tr class="tmform-testcasevars-inner-row">\n' \
                     '    <td>Arguments:</td>' \
                     '    <td class="tmform-field-wide100" colspan="4">' \
                     '<input name="%s[%s][%s]" id="%s[%s][3]" value="%s"%s></td>\n' \
                     '    <td></td>\n' \
                     '  </tr>\n' \
                   % ( sName, iVar, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_sArgs, sName, iVar, escapeAttr(oVar.sArgs), sReadOnlyAttr)

            sHtml += '  <tr class="tmform-testcasevars-inner-row">\n' \
                     '    <td>TestBox Reqs:</td>' \
                     '    <td class="tmform-field-wide100" colspan="4">' \
                     '<input name="%s[%s][%s]" id="%s[%s][4]" value="%s"%s></td>\n' \
                     '    <td></td>\n' \
                     '  </tr>\n' \
                   % ( sName, iVar, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_sTestBoxReqExpr, sName, iVar,
                       escapeAttr(oVar.sTestBoxReqExpr), sReadOnlyAttr)

            sHtml += '  <tr class="tmform-testcasevars-final-row">\n' \
                     '    <td>Build Reqs:</td>' \
                     '    <td class="tmform-field-wide100" colspan="4">' \
                     '<input name="%s[%s][%s]" id="%s[%s][5]" value="%s"%s></td>\n' \
                     '    <td></td>\n' \
                     '  </tr>\n' \
                   % ( sName, iVar, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_sBuildReqExpr, sName, iVar,
                       escapeAttr(oVar.sBuildReqExpr), sReadOnlyAttr)

            if iVar in dSubErrors:
                sHtml += '  <tr><td colspan="4"><p align="left" class="tmform-error-desc">%s</p></td></tr>\n' \
                       % (self._escapeErrorText(dSubErrors[iVar]),);

            sHtml += '</tbody>\n';
        sHtml += '  </table>\n'
        sHtml += '</li>\n'

        return self._add(sHtml)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _populateForm(self, oForm, oData):
        oForm.addIntRO(TestCaseData.ksParam_idTestCase, oData.idTestCase,
                       'Test Case ID')
                             oData.tsEffective, 'Last changed')
        oForm.addTimestampRO(TestCaseData.ksParam_tsExpire, oData.tsExpire,
                             'Expires (excl)')
        oForm.addIntRO(TestCaseData.ksParam_uidAuthor, oData.uidAuthor,
                       'Changed by UID')
        oForm.addIntRO(TestCaseData.ksParam_idGenTestCase, oData.idGenTestCase,
                       'Test Case generation ID')
        oForm.addText(TestCaseData.ksParam_sName, oData.sName, 'Name')
        oForm.addText(TestCaseData.ksParam_sDescription, oData.sDescription,
        oForm.addCheckBox(TestCaseData.ksParam_fEnabled, oData.fEnabled,
                      'Default timeout')
                          'TestBox requirements (python)')
                          oData.sBuildReqExpr, 'Build requirement (python)')
        oForm.addWideText(TestCaseData.ksParam_sBaseCmd, oData.sBaseCmd,
                          'Base command')
                      oData.sValidationKitZips, 'Test suite files')

                                    'Argument variations')

        aoTestCaseDeps = []
        for oTestCase in self._aoAllTestCases:
            if oTestCase.idTestCase == oData.idTestCase:
            fSelected = False
            for oDep in oData.aoDepTestCases:
                if oDep.idTestCase == oTestCase.idTestCase:
                    fSelected = True
                [oTestCase.idTestCase, fSelected, oTestCase.sName])
                                 aoTestCaseDeps, 'Depends on test cases')

        aoGlobalResrcDeps = []
        for oGlobalRsrc in self._aoAllGlobalRsrcs:
            fSelected = False
            for oDep in oData.aoDepGlobalResources:
                if oDep.idGlobalRsrc == oGlobalRsrc.idGlobalRsrc:
                    fSelected = True
                [oGlobalRsrc.idGlobalRsrc, fSelected, oGlobalRsrc.sName])
                                 aoGlobalResrcDeps, 'Depends on resources')


        return True
    def _formatListEntry(self, iEntry):
        Format *show all* table entry

        from testmanager.webui.wuiadmin import WuiAdmin
        oEntry = self._aoEntries[iEntry]

        aoActions = [
                'Details', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName, {
                    WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildSrcDetails,
                    BuildSourceData.ksParam_idBuildSrc: oEntry.idBuildSrc,
                    WuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate: self._tsEffectiveDate,
        if self._oDisp is None or not self._oDisp.isReadOnlyUser():
            aoActions += [
                    'Clone', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName, {
                        WuiAdmin.ksParamAction: WuiAdmin.ksActionBuildSrcClone,
                        BuildSourceData.ksParam_idBuildSrc: oEntry.idBuildSrc,
                        WuiAdmin.ksParamEffectiveDate: self._tsEffectiveDate,
            if isDbTimestampInfinity(oEntry.tsExpire):
                aoActions += [
                        'Modify', WuiAdmin.ksScriptName, {
                        WuiAdmin.ksScriptName, {
                        'Are you sure you want to remove build source #%d?' %
                        (oEntry.idBuildSrc, ))

        return [
            if oEntry.cSecMaxAge is not None else None,
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def addListOfTestCaseArgs(self, sName, aoVariations, sLabel): # pylint: disable=R0915
        Adds a list of test case argument variations to the form.

        @param sName        Name of HTML form element
        @param aoVariations List of TestCaseArgsData instances.
        @param sLabel       Label of HTML form element
        self._addLabel(sName, sLabel);

        sTableId = 'TestArgsExtendingListRoot';
        fReadOnly = self._fReadOnly;  ## @todo argument?
        sReadOnlyAttr = ' readonly class="tmform-input-readonly"' if fReadOnly else '';

        sHtml  = '<li>\n'

        # Define javascript function for extending the list of test case
        # variations.  Doing it here so we can use the python constants. This
        # also permits multiple argument lists on one page should that ever be
        # required...
        if not fReadOnly:
            sHtml += '<script type="text/javascript">\n'
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += 'g_%s_aItems = { %s };\n' % (sName, ', '.join(('%s: 1' % (i,)) for i in range(len(aoVariations))),);
            sHtml += 'g_%s_cItems = %s;\n' % (sName, len(aoVariations),);
            sHtml += 'g_%s_iIdMod = %s;\n' % (sName, len(aoVariations) + 32);
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += 'function %s_removeEntry(sId)\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '{\n';
            sHtml += '    if (g_%s_cItems > 1)\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '    {\n';
            sHtml += '        g_%s_cItems--;\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '        delete g_%s_aItems[sId];\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '        setElementValueToKeyList(\'%s\', g_%s_aItems);\n' % (sName, sName);
            sHtml += '\n';
            for iInput in range(8):
                sHtml += '        removeHtmlNode(\'%s[\' + sId + \'][%s]\');\n' % (sName, iInput,);
            sHtml += '    }\n';
            sHtml += '}\n';
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += 'function %s_extendListEx(cGangMembers, cSecTimeout, sArgs, sTestBoxReqExpr, sBuildReqExpr)\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '{\n';
            sHtml += '    var oElement = document.getElementById(\'%s\');\n' % (sTableId,);
            sHtml += '    var oTBody   = document.createElement(\'tbody\');\n';
            sHtml += '    var sHtml    = \'\';\n';
            sHtml += '    var sId;\n';
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    g_%s_iIdMod += 1;\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '    sId = g_%s_iIdMod.toString();\n' % (sName,);

            oVarDefaults = TestCaseArgsData();
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'<tr class="tmform-testcasevars-first-row">\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td>Gang Members:</td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td class="tmform-field-tiny-int">' \
                     '<input name="%s[\' + sId + \'][%s]" id="%s[\' + sId + \'][0]" value="\' + cGangMembers + \'"></td>\';\n' \
                   % (sName, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_cGangMembers, sName,);
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td>Timeout:</td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td class="tmform-field-int">' \
                     '<input name="%s[\' + sId + \'][%s]" id="%s[\' + sId + \'][1]" value="\'+ cSecTimeout + \'"></td>\';\n' \
                   % (sName, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_cSecTimeout, sName,);
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td><a href="#" onclick="%s_removeEntry(\\\'\' + sId + \'\\\');"> Remove</a></td>\';\n' \
                   % (sName, );
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td></td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'</tr>\';\n'
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'<tr class="tmform-testcasevars-inner-row">\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td>Arguments:</td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td class="tmform-field-wide100" colspan="4">' \
                     '<input name="%s[\' + sId + \'][%s]" id="%s[\' + sId + \'][2]" value="\' + sArgs + \'"></td>\';\n' \
                   % (sName, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_sArgs, sName,);
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td></td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'</tr>\';\n'
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'<tr class="tmform-testcasevars-inner-row">\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td>TestBox Reqs:</td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td class="tmform-field-wide100" colspan="4">' \
                     '<input name="%s[\' + sId + \'][%s]" id="%s[\' + sId + \'][2]" value="\' + sTestBoxReqExpr' \
                     ' + \'"></td>\';\n' \
                   % (sName, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_sTestBoxReqExpr, sName,);
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td></td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'</tr>\';\n'
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'<tr class="tmform-testcasevars-final-row">\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td>Build Reqs:</td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td class="tmform-field-wide100" colspan="4">' \
                     '<input name="%s[\' + sId + \'][%s]" id="%s[\' + sId + \'][2]" value="\' + sBuildReqExpr + \'"></td>\';\n' \
                   % (sName, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_sBuildReqExpr, sName,);
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'  <td></td>\';\n';
            sHtml += '    sHtml += \'</tr>\';\n'
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    oTBody.id = \'%s[\' + sId + \'][6]\';\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '    oTBody.innerHTML = sHtml;\n';
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    oElement.appendChild(oTBody);\n';
            sHtml += '\n';
            sHtml += '    g_%s_aItems[sId] = 1;\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '    g_%s_cItems++;\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '    setElementValueToKeyList(\'%s\', g_%s_aItems);\n' % (sName, sName);
            sHtml += '}\n';
            sHtml += 'function %s_extendList()\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '{\n';
            sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s");\n' % (sName,
                escapeAttr(str(oVarDefaults.cGangMembers)), escapeAttr(str(oVarDefaults.cSecTimeout)),
                escapeAttr(oVarDefaults.sArgs), escapeAttr(oVarDefaults.sTestBoxReqExpr),
                escapeAttr(oVarDefaults.sBuildReqExpr), );
            sHtml += '}\n';
            if config.g_kfVBoxSpecific:
                sSecTimeoutDef = escapeAttr(str(oVarDefaults.cSecTimeout));
                sHtml += 'function vbox_%s_add_uni()\n' % (sName,);
                sHtml += '{\n';
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 1 --virt-modes raw", ' \
                         ' "", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 1 --virt-modes hwvirt", ' \
                         ' "fCpuHwVirt is True", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 1 --virt-modes hwvirt-np", ' \
                         ' "fCpuNestedPaging is True", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '}\n';
                sHtml += 'function vbox_%s_add_uni_amd64()\n' % (sName,);
                sHtml += '{\n';
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 1 --virt-modes hwvirt", ' \
                         ' "fCpuHwVirt is True", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 1 --virt-modes hwvirt-np", ' \
                         ' "fCpuNestedPaging is True", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '}\n';
                sHtml += 'function vbox_%s_add_smp()\n' % (sName,);
                sHtml += '{\n';
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 2 --virt-modes hwvirt",' \
                         ' "fCpuHwVirt is True and cCpus >= 2", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 2 --virt-modes hwvirt-np",' \
                         ' "fCpuNestedPaging is True and cCpus >= 2", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 3 --virt-modes hwvirt",' \
                         ' "fCpuHwVirt is True and cCpus >= 3", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 4 --virt-modes hwvirt-np ",' \
                         ' "fCpuNestedPaging is True and cCpus >= 4", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                #sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 6 --virt-modes hwvirt",' \
                #         ' "fCpuHwVirt is True and cCpus >= 6", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                #sHtml += '    %s_extendListEx("1", "%s", "--cpu-counts 8 --virt-modes hwvirt-np",' \
                #         ' "fCpuNestedPaging is True and cCpus >= 8", "");\n' % (sName, sSecTimeoutDef);
                sHtml += '}\n';
            sHtml += '</script>\n';

        # List current entries.
        sHtml += '<input type="hidden" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s">\n' \
               % (sName, sName, ','.join(str(i) for i in range(len(aoVariations))), );
        sHtml += '  <table id="%s" class="tmform-testcasevars">\n' % (sTableId,)
        if not fReadOnly:
            sHtml += '  <caption>\n' \
                     '    <a href="#" onClick="%s_extendList()">Add</a>\n' % (sName,);
            if config.g_kfVBoxSpecific:
                sHtml += '    [<a href="#" onClick="vbox_%s_add_uni()">Single CPU Variations</a>\n' % (sName,);
                sHtml += '    <a href="#" onClick="vbox_%s_add_uni_amd64()">amd64</a>]\n' % (sName,);
                sHtml += '    [<a href="#" onClick="vbox_%s_add_smp()">SMP Variations</a>]\n' % (sName,);
            sHtml += '  </caption>\n';

        dSubErrors = {};
        if sName in self._dErrors  and  isinstance(self._dErrors[sName], dict):
            dSubErrors = self._dErrors[sName];

        for iVar in range(len(aoVariations)):
            oVar = copy.copy(aoVariations[iVar]);

            sHtml += '<tbody id="%s[%s][6]">\n' % (sName, iVar,)
            sHtml += '  <tr class="tmform-testcasevars-first-row">\n' \
                     '    <td>Gang Members:</td>' \
                     '    <td class="tmform-field-tiny-int"><input name="%s[%s][%s]" id="%s[%s][1]" value="%s"%s></td>\n' \
                     '    <td>Timeout:</td>' \
                     '    <td class="tmform-field-int"><input name="%s[%s][%s]" id="%s[%s][2]" value="%s"%s></td>\n' \
                   % ( sName, iVar, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_cGangMembers, sName, iVar, oVar.cGangMembers, sReadOnlyAttr,
                       sName, iVar, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_cSecTimeout,  sName, iVar,
                       utils.formatIntervalSeconds2(oVar.cSecTimeout), sReadOnlyAttr, );
            if not fReadOnly:
                sHtml += '    <td><a href="#" onclick="%s_removeEntry(\'%s\');">Remove</a></td>\n' \
                       % (sName, iVar);
                sHtml +=  '    <td></td>\n';
            sHtml += '    <td class="tmform-testcasevars-stupid-border-column"></td>\n' \
                     '  </tr>\n';

            sHtml += '  <tr class="tmform-testcasevars-inner-row">\n' \
                     '    <td>Arguments:</td>' \
                     '    <td class="tmform-field-wide100" colspan="4">' \
                     '<input name="%s[%s][%s]" id="%s[%s][3]" value="%s"%s></td>\n' \
                     '    <td></td>\n' \
                     '  </tr>\n' \
                   % ( sName, iVar, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_sArgs, sName, iVar, escapeAttr(oVar.sArgs), sReadOnlyAttr)

            sHtml += '  <tr class="tmform-testcasevars-inner-row">\n' \
                     '    <td>TestBox Reqs:</td>' \
                     '    <td class="tmform-field-wide100" colspan="4">' \
                     '<input name="%s[%s][%s]" id="%s[%s][4]" value="%s"%s></td>\n' \
                     '    <td></td>\n' \
                     '  </tr>\n' \
                   % ( sName, iVar, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_sTestBoxReqExpr, sName, iVar,
                       escapeAttr(oVar.sTestBoxReqExpr), sReadOnlyAttr)

            sHtml += '  <tr class="tmform-testcasevars-final-row">\n' \
                     '    <td>Build Reqs:</td>' \
                     '    <td class="tmform-field-wide100" colspan="4">' \
                     '<input name="%s[%s][%s]" id="%s[%s][5]" value="%s"%s></td>\n' \
                     '    <td></td>\n' \
                     '  </tr>\n' \
                   % ( sName, iVar, TestCaseArgsData.ksParam_sBuildReqExpr, sName, iVar,
                       escapeAttr(oVar.sBuildReqExpr), sReadOnlyAttr)

            if iVar in dSubErrors:
                sHtml += '  <tr><td colspan="4"><p align="left" class="tmform-error-desc">%s</p></td></tr>\n' \
                       % (self._escapeErrorText(dSubErrors[iVar]),);

            sHtml += '</tbody>\n';
        sHtml += '  </table>\n'
        sHtml += '</li>\n'

        return self._add(sHtml)