Ejemplo n.º 1
    def debugTextReport(self, tsStart = 0):
        Used to get a SQL activity dump as text.
        cNsElapsed = 0;
        for aEntry in self._aoTraceBack:
            cNsElapsed += aEntry[2];

        sHdr = 'SQL Debug Log (total time %s ns)' % (utils.formatNumber(cNsElapsed),);
        sDebug = sHdr + '\n' + '-' * len(sHdr) + '\n';

        iEntry = 0;
        for aEntry in self._aoTraceBack:
            iEntry += 1;
            sHdr = 'Query #%s  Timestamp: %s ns  Elapsed: %s ns  Rows: %s  Caller: %s' \
                % ( iEntry,
                    utils.formatNumber(aEntry[0] - tsStart),
                    aEntry[4], );
            sDebug += '\n' + sHdr + '\n' + '-' * len(sHdr) + '\n';

            sDebug += aEntry[1];
            if sDebug[-1] != '\n':
                sDebug += '\n';

            if aEntry[5] is not None:
                sDebug += 'Explain:\n' \
                          '  %s\n' \
                        % ( '\n'.join([aoRow[0] for aoRow in aEntry[5]]),);

        return sDebug;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def debugTextReport(self, tsStart=0):
        Used to get a SQL activity dump as text.
        cNsElapsed = 0
        for aEntry in self._aoTraceBack:
            cNsElapsed += aEntry[2]

        sHdr = 'SQL Debug Log (total time %s ns)' % (
            utils.formatNumber(cNsElapsed), )
        sDebug = sHdr + '\n' + '-' * len(sHdr) + '\n'

        iEntry = 0
        for aEntry in self._aoTraceBack:
            iEntry += 1
            sHdr = 'Query #%s  Timestamp: %s ns  Elapsed: %s ns  Rows: %s  Caller: %s' \
                % ( iEntry,
                    utils.formatNumber(aEntry[0] - tsStart),
                    aEntry[4], )
            sDebug += '\n' + sHdr + '\n' + '-' * len(sHdr) + '\n'

            sDebug += aEntry[1]
            if sDebug[-1] != '\n':
                sDebug += '\n'

            if aEntry[5] is not None:
                sDebug += 'Explain:\n' \
                          '  %s\n' \
                        % ( '\n'.join([aoRow[0] for aoRow in aEntry[5]]),)

        return sDebug
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def debugHtmlReport(self, tsStart = 0):
        Used to get a SQL activity dump as HTML, usually for WuiBase._sDebug.
        cNsElapsed = 0;
        for aEntry in self._aoTraceBack:
            cNsElapsed += aEntry[2];

        sDebug = '<h3>SQL Debug Log (total time %s ns):</h3>\n' \
                 '<table class="tmsqltable">\n' \
                 ' <tr>\n' \
                 '  <th>No.</th>\n' \
                 '  <th>Timestamp (ns)</th>\n' \
                 '  <th>Elapsed (ns)</th>\n' \
                 '  <th>Rows Returned</th>\n' \
                 '  <th>Command</th>\n' \
                 '  <th>Caller</th>\n' \
                 ' </tr>\n' \
               % (utils.formatNumber(cNsElapsed, '&nbsp;'),);

        iEntry = 0;
        for aEntry in self._aoTraceBack:
            iEntry += 1;
            sDebug += ' <tr>\n' \
                      '  <td align="right">%s</td>\n' \
                      '  <td align="right">%s</td>\n' \
                      '  <td align="right">%s</td>\n' \
                      '  <td align="right">%s</td>\n' \
                      '  <td><pre>%s</pre></td>\n' \
                      '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                      ' </tr>\n' \
                    % (iEntry,
                       utils.formatNumber(aEntry[0] - tsStart, '&nbsp;'),
                       utils.formatNumber(aEntry[2], '&nbsp;'),
                       utils.formatNumber(aEntry[3], '&nbsp;'),
            if aEntry[5] is not None:
                sDebug += ' <tr>\n' \
                          '  <td colspan="6"><pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;">%s</pre></td>\n' \
                          ' </tr>\n' \
                            % (webutils.escapeElem('\n'.join([aoRow[0] for aoRow in aEntry[5]])),);

        sDebug += '</table>';
        return sDebug;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def debugHtmlReport(self, tsStart=0):
        Used to get a SQL activity dump as HTML, usually for WuiBase._sDebug.
        cNsElapsed = 0
        for aEntry in self._aoTraceBack:
            cNsElapsed += aEntry[2]

        sDebug = '<h3>SQL Debug Log (total time %s ns):</h3>\n' \
                 '<table class="tmsqltable">\n' \
                 ' <tr>\n' \
                 '  <th>No.</th>\n' \
                 '  <th>Timestamp (ns)</th>\n' \
                 '  <th>Elapsed (ns)</th>\n' \
                 '  <th>Rows Returned</th>\n' \
                 '  <th>Command</th>\n' \
                 '  <th>Caller</th>\n' \
                 ' </tr>\n' \
               % (utils.formatNumber(cNsElapsed, '&nbsp;'),)

        iEntry = 0
        for aEntry in self._aoTraceBack:
            iEntry += 1
            sDebug += ' <tr>\n' \
                      '  <td align="right">%s</td>\n' \
                      '  <td align="right">%s</td>\n' \
                      '  <td align="right">%s</td>\n' \
                      '  <td align="right">%s</td>\n' \
                      '  <td><pre>%s</pre></td>\n' \
                      '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                      ' </tr>\n' \
                    % (iEntry,
                       utils.formatNumber(aEntry[0] - tsStart, '&nbsp;'),
                       utils.formatNumber(aEntry[2], '&nbsp;'),
                       utils.formatNumber(aEntry[3], '&nbsp;'),
            if aEntry[5] is not None:
                sDebug += ' <tr>\n' \
                          '  <td colspan="6"><pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;">%s</pre></td>\n' \
                          ' </tr>\n' \
                            % (webutils.escapeElem('\n'.join([aoRow[0] for aoRow in aEntry[5]])),)

        sDebug += '</table>'
        return sDebug
Ejemplo n.º 5
def Ln(X, n, Xs, Ys):

    end_index = find_interval_end_index(Xs, X)  #находим начальный индкс
    start_index = end_index - n  # конечный

    if start_index < 0:  # если нам нехватает элементов из таблицы, то мы просто уменьшаем промежуток по которому будет работь лагранж
        start_index = 0
        n = end_index

    print("используем элемент от x{start} до x{end}".format(start=start_index,
    formula_presentation = ""  #то где будет хранить формулу в текстовом формате(для последующего построения и демонастрции Елене Антаольевне :)
    sum = 0
    for k in range(start_index,
                   end_index + 1):  #проходимся от start_index до end_index + 1
        nominator_presentation = ""
        nominator = 1  #числитель
        for t in range(start_index, end_index + 1):
            if t == k:
            nominator *= (X - Xs[t])
            nominator_presentation += "( x - " + (formatNumber(
                Xs[t])) + " ) * "
        nominator_presentation = "(" + nominator_presentation[0:-3] + ")"
        denominator = 1
        denominator_presentation = ""
        for t in range(start_index, end_index + 1):
            if t == k:
            denominator *= (Xs[k] - Xs[t])
            denominator_presentation += "( " + formatNumber(
                Xs[k]) + " - " + (formatNumber(Xs[t])) + " ) * "
        denominator_presentation = "(" + denominator_presentation[0:-3] + ")"
        sum += nominator / denominator * Ys[k]
        formula_presentation += "(" + nominator_presentation + " / " + denominator_presentation + " * " + str(
            Ys[k]) + ") + "
    formula_presentation = formula_presentation[0:-3]
    print('FOMULA: {formula}'.format(formula=formula_presentation))
    return sum
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def generateReportBody(self):
        fInteractive = not self._fSubReport

        # Quick mockup.
        self._sTitle = 'Graph Wizzard'

        sHtml = ''
        sHtml += '<h2>Incomplete code - no complaints yet, thank you!!</h2>\n'

        # Create a form for altering the data we're working with.
        if fInteractive:
            (sTopOfForm, sEndOfForm) = self._generateInteractiveForm()
            sHtml += sTopOfForm
            del sTopOfForm

        # Emit the graphs.  At least one per sample source.
        sHtml += ' <div id="graphwiz-graphs">\n'
        iGraph = 0
        aoCollections = self._oModel.fetchGraphData()
        for iCollection, oCollection in enumerate(aoCollections):
            # Name the graph and add a checkbox for removing it.
            sSampleName = self._calcSampleName(oCollection)
            sHtml += '  <div class="graphwiz-collection" id="graphwiz-source-%u">\n' % (
                iCollection, )
            if fInteractive:
                sHtml += '   <div class="graphwiz-src-select">\n' \
                         '    <input type="checkbox" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s:%s%s" checked class="graphwiz-src-input">\n' \
                         '    <label for="%s">%s</label>\n' \
                         '   </div>\n' \
                       % ( WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, oCollection.sType,
                           ':'.join([str(idStr) for idStr in oCollection.aidStrTests]),
                           ':%u' % oCollection.idStrValue if oCollection.idStrValue else '',
                           WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, sSampleName )

            if len(oCollection.aoSeries) > 0:
                # Split the series into sub-graphs as needed and produce SVGs.
                aaoSeries = self._splitSeries(oCollection.aoSeries)
                for aoSeries in aaoSeries:
                    # Gather the data for this graph. (Most big stuff is passed by
                    # reference, so there shouldn't be any large memory penalty for
                    # repacking the data here.)
                    sYUnit = None
                    if aoSeries[0].iUnit < len(constants.valueunit.g_asNames
                                               ) and aoSeries[0].iUnit > 0:
                        sYUnit = constants.valueunit.g_asNames[
                    oData = WuiHlpGraphDataTableEx(sXUnit='Build revision',

                    fSeriesName = self._figureSeriesNameBits(aoSeries)
                    for oSeries in aoSeries:
                        sSeriesName = self._getSeriesNameFromBits(
                            oSeries, fSeriesName)
                        asHtmlTooltips = None
                        if len(oSeries.aoRevInfo) == len(oSeries.aiRevisions):
                            asHtmlTooltips = []
                            for i in range(len(oSeries.aoRevInfo)):
                                sPlusMinus = ''
                                if oSeries.acSamples[i] > 1:
                                    sPlusMinus = ' (+%s/-%s; %u samples)' \
                                               % ( utils.formatNumber(oSeries.aiErrorBarAbove[i]),
                                sTooltip = '<table class=\'graphwiz-tt\'><tr><td>%s:</td><td>%s %s %s</td></tr>'\
                                           '<tr><td>Rev:</td><td>r%s</td></tr>' \
                                         % ( sSeriesName,
                                             sYUnit, sPlusMinus,
                                oRevInfo = oSeries.aoRevInfo[i]
                                if oRevInfo.sAuthor is not None:
                                    sMsg = oRevInfo.sMessage[:80].strip()
                                    #if sMsg.find('\n') >= 0:
                                    #    sMsg = sMsg[:sMsg.find('\n')].strip();
                                    sTooltip += '<tr><td>Author:</td><td>%s</td></tr>' \
                                                '<tr><td>Date:</td><td>%s</td><tr>' \
                                                '<tr><td>Message:</td><td>%s%s</td></tr>' \
                                              % ( oRevInfo.sAuthor,
                                                  sMsg, '...' if len(oRevInfo.sMessage) > len(sMsg) else '')
                                sTooltip += '</table>'
                        oData.addDataSeries(sSeriesName, oSeries.aiRevisions,
                                            oSeries.aiValues, asHtmlTooltips,
                    # Render the data into a graph.
                    oGraph = self.oGraphClass('tmgraph-%u' % (iGraph, ), oData,

                        self._calcGraphName(aoSeries[0], fSeriesName,
                    sHtml += '   <div class="graphwiz-graph" id="graphwiz-graph-%u">\n' % (
                        iGraph, )
                    sHtml += oGraph.renderGraph()
                    sHtml += '\n   </div>\n'
                    iGraph += 1

                # Emit raw tabular data if requested.
                if self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTabular]:
                    sHtml += '   <div class="graphwiz-tab-div" id="graphwiz-tab-%u">\n' \
                             '    <table class="tmtable graphwiz-tab">\n' \
                           % (iCollection, )
                    for aoSeries in aaoSeries:
                        if aoSeries[0].iUnit < len(
                        ) and aoSeries[0].iUnit > 0:
                            sUnit = constants.valueunit.g_asNames[
                            sUnit = str(aoSeries[0].iUnit)

                        for iSeries, oSeries in enumerate(aoSeries):
                            sColor = self.oGraphClass.calcSeriesColor(iSeries)

                            sHtml += '<thead class="tmheader">\n' \
                                     ' <tr class="graphwiz-tab graphwiz-tab-new-series-row">\n' \
                                     '  <th colspan="5"><span style="background-color:%s;">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> %s</th>\n' \
                                     ' </tr>\n' \
                                     ' <tr class="graphwiz-tab graphwiz-tab-col-hdr-row">\n' \
                                     '  <th>Revision</th><th>Value (%s)</th><th>&Delta;max</th><th>&Delta;min</th>' \
                                     '<th>Samples</th>\n' \
                                     ' </tr>\n' \
                                     '</thead>\n' \
                                   % ( sColor,
                                       self._getSeriesNameFromBits(oSeries, self.kfSeriesName_All & ~self.kfSeriesName_OsArchs),
                                       sUnit )

                            for i in range(len(oSeries.aiRevisions)):
                                sHtml += '     <tr class="%s"><td>r%s</td><td>%s</td><td>+%s</td><td>-%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n' \
                                       % ( 'tmodd' if i & 1 else 'tmeven',
                                           oSeries.aiRevisions[i], oSeries.aiValues[i],
                                           oSeries.aiErrorBarAbove[i], oSeries.aiErrorBarBelow[i],
                    sHtml += '    </table>\n' \
                             '   </div>\n'
                sHtml += '<i>No results.</i>\n'
            sHtml += '  </div>\n'
        sHtml += ' </div>\n'

        # Finish the form.
        if fInteractive:
            sHtml += sEndOfForm

        return sHtml
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def generateReportBody(self):
        fInteractive = not self._fSubReport;

        # Quick mockup.
        self._sTitle = 'Graph Wizzard';

        sHtml = '';
        sHtml += '<h2>Incomplete code - no complaints yet, thank you!!</h2>\n';

        # Create a form for altering the data we're working with.
        if fInteractive:
            (sTopOfForm, sEndOfForm) = self._generateInteractiveForm();
            sHtml += sTopOfForm;
            del sTopOfForm;

        # Emit the graphs.  At least one per sample source.
        sHtml += ' <div id="graphwiz-graphs">\n';
        iGraph = 0;
        aoCollections = self._oModel.fetchGraphData();
        for iCollection, oCollection in enumerate(aoCollections):
            # Name the graph and add a checkbox for removing it.
            sSampleName = self._calcSampleName(oCollection);
            sHtml += '  <div class="graphwiz-collection" id="graphwiz-source-%u">\n' % (iCollection,);
            if fInteractive:
                sHtml += '   <div class="graphwiz-src-select">\n' \
                         '    <input type="checkbox" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s:%s%s" checked class="graphwiz-src-input">\n' \
                         '    <label for="%s">%s</label>\n' \
                         '   </div>\n' \
                       % ( WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, oCollection.sType,
                           ':'.join([str(idStr) for idStr in oCollection.aidStrTests]),
                           ':%u' % oCollection.idStrValue if oCollection.idStrValue else '',
                           WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, sSampleName );

            if len(oCollection.aoSeries) > 0:
                # Split the series into sub-graphs as needed and produce SVGs.
                aaoSeries = self._splitSeries(oCollection.aoSeries);
                for aoSeries in aaoSeries:
                    # Gather the data for this graph. (Most big stuff is passed by
                    # reference, so there shouldn't be any large memory penalty for
                    # repacking the data here.)
                    sYUnit = None;
                    if aoSeries[0].iUnit < len(constants.valueunit.g_asNames) and aoSeries[0].iUnit > 0:
                        sYUnit = constants.valueunit.g_asNames[aoSeries[0].iUnit];
                    oData = WuiHlpGraphDataTableEx(sXUnit = 'Build revision', sYUnit = sYUnit);

                    fSeriesName = self._figureSeriesNameBits(aoSeries);
                    for oSeries in aoSeries:
                        sSeriesName = self._getSeriesNameFromBits(oSeries, fSeriesName);
                        asHtmlTooltips = None;
                        if len(oSeries.aoRevInfo) == len(oSeries.aiRevisions):
                            asHtmlTooltips = [];
                            for i in range(len(oSeries.aoRevInfo)):
                                sPlusMinus = '';
                                if oSeries.acSamples[i] > 1:
                                    sPlusMinus = ' (+%s/-%s; %u samples)' \
                                               % ( utils.formatNumber(oSeries.aiErrorBarAbove[i]),
                                sTooltip = '<table class=\'graphwiz-tt\'><tr><td>%s:</td><td>%s %s %s</td></tr>'\
                                           '<tr><td>Rev:</td><td>r%s</td></tr>' \
                                         % ( sSeriesName,
                                             sYUnit, sPlusMinus,
                                oRevInfo = oSeries.aoRevInfo[i];
                                if oRevInfo.sAuthor is not None:
                                    sMsg = oRevInfo.sMessage[:80].strip();
                                    #if sMsg.find('\n') >= 0:
                                    #    sMsg = sMsg[:sMsg.find('\n')].strip();
                                    sTooltip += '<tr><td>Author:</td><td>%s</td></tr>' \
                                                '<tr><td>Date:</td><td>%s</td><tr>' \
                                                '<tr><td>Message:</td><td>%s%s</td></tr>' \
                                              % ( oRevInfo.sAuthor,
                                                  sMsg, '...' if len(oRevInfo.sMessage) > len(sMsg) else '');
                                sTooltip += '</table>';
                        oData.addDataSeries(sSeriesName, oSeries.aiRevisions, oSeries.aiValues, asHtmlTooltips,
                                            oSeries.aiErrorBarBelow, oSeries.aiErrorBarAbove);
                    # Render the data into a graph.
                    oGraph = self.oGraphClass('tmgraph-%u' % (iGraph,), oData, self._oDisp);

                    oGraph.setTitle(self._calcGraphName(aoSeries[0], fSeriesName, sSampleName));
                    sHtml += '   <div class="graphwiz-graph" id="graphwiz-graph-%u">\n' % (iGraph,);
                    sHtml += oGraph.renderGraph();
                    sHtml += '\n   </div>\n';
                    iGraph += 1;

                # Emit raw tabular data if requested.
                if self._dParams[WuiMain.ksParamGraphWizTabular]:
                    sHtml += '   <div class="graphwiz-tab-div" id="graphwiz-tab-%u">\n' \
                             '    <table class="tmtable graphwiz-tab">\n' \
                           % (iCollection, );
                    for aoSeries in aaoSeries:
                        if aoSeries[0].iUnit < len(constants.valueunit.g_asNames) and aoSeries[0].iUnit > 0:
                            sUnit = constants.valueunit.g_asNames[aoSeries[0].iUnit];
                            sUnit = str(aoSeries[0].iUnit);

                        for iSeries, oSeries in enumerate(aoSeries):
                            sColor = self.oGraphClass.calcSeriesColor(iSeries);

                            sHtml += '<thead class="tmheader">\n' \
                                     ' <tr class="graphwiz-tab graphwiz-tab-new-series-row">\n' \
                                     '  <th colspan="5"><span style="background-color:%s;">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> %s</th>\n' \
                                     ' </tr>\n' \
                                     ' <tr class="graphwiz-tab graphwiz-tab-col-hdr-row">\n' \
                                     '  <th>Revision</th><th>Value (%s)</th><th>&Delta;max</th><th>&Delta;min</th>' \
                                     '<th>Samples</th>\n' \
                                     ' </tr>\n' \
                                     '</thead>\n' \
                                   % ( sColor,
                                       self._getSeriesNameFromBits(oSeries, self.kfSeriesName_All & ~self.kfSeriesName_OsArchs),
                                       sUnit );

                            for i in range(len(oSeries.aiRevisions)):
                                sHtml += '     <tr class="%s"><td>r%s</td><td>%s</td><td>+%s</td><td>-%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n' \
                                       % ( 'tmodd' if i & 1 else 'tmeven',
                                           oSeries.aiRevisions[i], oSeries.aiValues[i],
                                           oSeries.aiErrorBarAbove[i], oSeries.aiErrorBarBelow[i],
                    sHtml += '    </table>\n' \
                             '   </div>\n';
                sHtml += '<i>No results.</i>\n';
            sHtml += '  </div>\n'
        sHtml += ' </div>\n';

        # Finish the form.
        if fInteractive:
            sHtml += sEndOfForm;

        return sHtml;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _recursivelyGenerateEvents(self, oTestResult, sParentName, sLineage,
                                   iRow, iFailure, oTestSet, iDepth):  # pylint: disable=R0914
        Recursively generate event table rows for the result set.

        oTestResult is an object of the type TestResultDataEx.
        # Hack: Replace empty outer test result name with (pretty) command line.
        if iRow == 1:
            sName = ''
            sDisplayName = sParentName
            sName = oTestResult.sName if sParentName == '' else '%s, %s' % (
            sDisplayName = webutils.escapeElem(sName)

        # Format error count.
        sErrCnt = ''
        if oTestResult.cErrors > 0:
            sErrCnt = ' (1 error)' if oTestResult.cErrors == 1 else ' (%d errors)' % oTestResult.cErrors

        # Format the include in graph checkboxes.
        sLineage += ':%u' % (oTestResult.idStrName, )
        sResultGraph  = '<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s" title="Include result in graph."/>' \
                      % (WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeResult, sLineage,)
        sElapsedGraph = ''
        if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
            sElapsedGraph = '<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s" title="Include elapsed time in graph."/>' \
                          % ( WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeElapsed, sLineage)

        if    len(oTestResult.aoChildren) == 0 \
          and len(oTestResult.aoValues)   == 0 \
          and len(oTestResult.aoMsgs)     == 0 \
          and len(oTestResult.aoFiles)    == 0:
            # Leaf - single row.
            tsEvent = oTestResult.tsCreated
            if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
                tsEvent += oTestResult.tsElapsed
            sHtml  = ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-leaf tmtbl-events-lvl%s tmstatusrow-%s">\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td colspan="2"%s>%s%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     ' </tr>\n' \
                   % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth, oTestResult.enmStatus,
                       webutils.escapeElem(self.formatIntervalShort(oTestResult.tsElapsed)) if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None
                                           else '',
                       ' id="failure-%u"' % (iFailure,) if oTestResult.isFailure() else '',
                       webutils.escapeElem(oTestResult.enmStatus), webutils.escapeElem(sErrCnt),
                       sResultGraph )
            iRow += 1
            # Multiple rows.
            sHtml  = ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-first tmtbl-events-lvl%s ">\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td></td>\n' \
                     '  <td></td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td colspan="2">%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td></td>\n' \
                     ' </tr>\n' \
                   % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                       webutils.escapeElem(self.formatTsShort(oTestResult.tsCreated)), ## @todo more timeline stuff later.
                       'running' if oTestResult.tsElapsed is None else '', )
            iRow += 1

            # Depth.
            for oChild in oTestResult.aoChildren:
                (sChildHtml, iRow, iFailure) = self._recursivelyGenerateEvents(
                    oChild, sName, sLineage, iRow, iFailure, oTestSet,
                    iDepth + 1)
                sHtml += sChildHtml

            # Messages.
            for oMsg in oTestResult.aoMsgs:
                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-message tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td colspan="3">%s: %s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                           webutils.escapeElem(oMsg.sMsg), )
                iRow += 1

            # Values.
            for oValue in oTestResult.aoValues:
                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-value tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td class="tmtbl-events-number">%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td class="tmtbl-events-unit">%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td><input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s:%u" title="Include value in graph."></td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                           utils.formatNumber(oValue.lValue).replace(' ', '&nbsp;'),
                           WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeValue, sLineage, oValue.idStrName, )
                iRow += 1

            # Files.
            for oFile in oTestResult.aoFiles:
                if oFile.sMime in [
                    aoLinks = [
                        WuiTmLink('%s (%s)' % (oFile.sFile, oFile.sKind),
                                  '', {
                            'View Raw',
                            '', {
                                self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: False,
                    aoLinks = [
                            '%s (%s)' % (oFile.sFile, oFile.sKind),
                            '', {
                                self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: False,
                              '', {
                                  self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: True,

                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-file tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                           '\n'.join(oLink.toHtml() for oLink in aoLinks),)
                iRow += 1

            # Done?
            if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-final tmtbl-events-lvl%s tmstatusrow-%s">\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td colspan="2"%s>%s%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth, oTestResult.enmStatus,
                           webutils.escapeElem(self.formatTsShort(oTestResult.tsCreated + oTestResult.tsElapsed)),
                           ' id="failure-%u"' % (iFailure,) if oTestResult.isFailure() else '',
                           webutils.escapeElem(oTestResult.enmStatus), webutils.escapeElem(sErrCnt),
                iRow += 1

        if oTestResult.isFailure():
            iFailure += 1

        return (sHtml, iRow, iFailure)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _generatePage(self):
        Generates the page using _sTemplate, _sPageTitle, _aaoMenus, and _sPageBody.
        assert self._sRedirectTo is None;

        # Build the replacement string dictionary.

        # Provide basic auth log out for browsers that supports it.
        sUserAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent();
        if   (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Firefox') > 0) \
          or False:
            # Log in as the logout user in the same realm, the browser forgets
            # the old login and the job is done. (see apache sample conf)
            sLogOut = ' (<a href="%s://logout:logout@%s%slogout.py">logout</a>)' \
                % (self._oSrvGlue.getUrlScheme(), self._oSrvGlue.getUrlNetLoc(), self._oSrvGlue.getUrlBasePath());
        elif (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Safari') > 0) \
          or False:
            # For a 401, causing the browser to forget the old login. Works
            # with safari as well as the two above. Since safari consider the
            # above method a phishing attempt and displays a warning to that
            # effect, which when taken seriously aborts the logout, this method
            # is preferable, even if it throws logon boxes in the user's face
            # till he/she/it hits escape, because it always works.
            sLogOut = ' (<a href="logout2.py">logout</a>)'
        elif (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('MSIE') > 0) \
          or (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Chrome') > 0) \
          or False:
            ## There doesn't seem to be any way to make IE really log out
            # without using a cookie and systematically 401 accesses based on
            # some logout state associated with it.  Not sure how secure that
            # can be made and we really want to avoid cookies.  So, perhaps,
            # just avoid IE for now. :-)
            ## Chrome/21.0 doesn't want to log out either.
            sLogOut = ''
            sLogOut = ''

        # Prep Menus.
        (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems) = self._generateMenus();

        # The dictionary (max variable length is 28 chars (see further down)).
        dReplacements = {
            '@@PAGE_TITLE@@':           self._sPageTitle,
            '@@LOG_OUT@@':              sLogOut,
            '@@TESTMANAGER_VERSION@@':  config.g_ksVersion,
            '@@TESTMANAGER_REVISION@@': config.g_ksRevision,
            '@@BASE_URL@@':             self._oSrvGlue.getBaseUrl(),
            '@@TOP_MENU_ITEMS@@':       sTopMenuItems,
            '@@SIDE_MENU_ITEMS@@':      sSideMenuItems,
            '@@SIDE_FILTER_CONTROL@@':  self._sPageFilter,
            '@@SIDE_MENU_FORM_ATTRS@@': '',
            '@@PAGE_BODY@@':            self._sPageBody,
            '@@DEBUG@@':                '',

        # Side menu form attributes.
        if self._dSideMenuFormAttrs:
            dReplacements['@@SIDE_MENU_FORM_ATTRS@@'] = ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (sKey, webutils.escapeAttr(sValue))
                                                                  for sKey, sValue in self._dSideMenuFormAttrs.items()]);

        # Special current user handling.
        if self._oCurUser is not None:
            dReplacements['@@USER_NAME@@'] = self._oCurUser.sUsername;
            dReplacements['@@USER_NAME@@'] = 'unauthorized user "' + self._oSrvGlue.getLoginName() + '"';

        # Prep debug section.
        if self._sDebug == '':
            if config.g_kfWebUiSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlExplain:
                self._sDebug  = '<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n%s\n' \
                              % ( utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart,),
            elif config.g_kfWebUiProcessedIn:
                self._sDebug  = '<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n' \
                              % ( utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart,), );
            if config.g_kfWebUiDebugPanel:
                self._sDebug += self._debugRenderPanel();
        if self._sDebug != '':
            dReplacements['@@DEBUG@@'] = u'<div id="debug"><br><br><hr/>' \
                                       + (utils.toUnicode(self._sDebug, errors='ignore') if isinstance(self._sDebug, str)
                                          else self._sDebug) \
                                       + u'</div>\n';

        # Load the template.
        oFile = open(os.path.join(self._oSrvGlue.pathTmWebUI(), self._sTemplate));
        sTmpl = oFile.read();

        # Process the template, outputting each part we process.
        offStart = 0;
        offCur   = 0;
        while offCur < len(sTmpl):
            # Look for a replacement variable.
            offAtAt = sTmpl.find('@@', offCur);
            if offAtAt < 0:
            offCur = offAtAt + 2;
            if sTmpl[offCur] not in string.ascii_uppercase:
            offEnd = sTmpl.find('@@', offCur, offCur+28);
            if offEnd <= 0:
            offCur = offEnd;
            sReplacement = sTmpl[offAtAt:offEnd+2];
            if sReplacement in dReplacements:
                # Got a match! Write out the previous chunk followed by the replacement text.
                if offStart < offAtAt:
                # Advance past the replacement point in the template.
                offCur += 2;
                offStart = offCur;
                assert False, 'Unknown replacement "%s" at offset %s in %s' % (sReplacement, offAtAt, self._sTemplate );

        # The final chunk.
        if offStart < len(sTmpl):

        return True;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _recursivelyGenerateEvents(self, oTestResult, sParentName, sLineage, iRow,
                                   iFailure, oTestSet, iDepth):     # pylint: disable=R0914
        Recursively generate event table rows for the result set.

        oTestResult is an object of the type TestResultDataEx.
        # Hack: Replace empty outer test result name with (pretty) command line.
        if iRow == 1:
            sName = '';
            sDisplayName = sParentName;
            sName = oTestResult.sName if sParentName == '' else '%s, %s' % (sParentName, oTestResult.sName,);
            sDisplayName = webutils.escapeElem(sName);

        # Format error count.
        sErrCnt = '';
        if oTestResult.cErrors > 0:
            sErrCnt = ' (1 error)' if oTestResult.cErrors == 1 else ' (%d errors)' % oTestResult.cErrors;

        # Format bits for adding or editing the failure reason.  Level 0 is handled at the top of the page.
        sChangeReason = '';
        if oTestResult.cErrors > 0 and iDepth > 0:
            dTmp = {
                self._oDisp.ksParamAction: self._oDisp.ksActionTestResultFailureAdd if oTestResult.oReason is None else
                TestResultFailureData.ksParam_idTestResult: oTestResult.idTestResult,
            sChangeReason = ' <a href="?%s" class="tmtbl-edit-reason" onclick="addRedirectToAnchorHref(this)">%s</a> ' \
                          % ( webutils.encodeUrlParams(dTmp), WuiContentBase.ksShortEditLinkHtml );

        # Format the include in graph checkboxes.
        sLineage += ':%u' % (oTestResult.idStrName,);
        sResultGraph  = '<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s" title="Include result in graph."/>' \
                      % (WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeResult, sLineage,);
        sElapsedGraph = '';
        if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
            sElapsedGraph = '<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s" title="Include elapsed time in graph."/>' \
                          % ( WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeElapsed, sLineage);

        if    len(oTestResult.aoChildren) == 0 \
          and len(oTestResult.aoValues) + len(oTestResult.aoMsgs) + len(oTestResult.aoFiles) == 0:
            # Leaf - single row.
            tsEvent = oTestResult.tsCreated;
            if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
                tsEvent += oTestResult.tsElapsed;
            sHtml  = ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-leaf tmtbl-events-lvl%s tmstatusrow-%s" id="S%u">\n' \
                     '  <td id="E%u">%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td colspan="2"%s>%s%s%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     ' </tr>\n' \
                   % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth, oTestResult.enmStatus, oTestResult.idTestResult,
                       self._formatEventTimestampHtml(tsEvent, oTestResult.tsCreated, oTestResult.idTestResult, oTestSet),
                       webutils.escapeElem(self.formatIntervalShort(oTestResult.tsElapsed)) if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None
                                           else '',
                       ' id="failure-%u"' % (iFailure,) if oTestResult.isFailure() else '',
                       webutils.escapeElem(oTestResult.enmStatus), webutils.escapeElem(sErrCnt),
                       sChangeReason if oTestResult.oReason is None else '',
                       sResultGraph );
            iRow += 1;
            # Multiple rows.
            sHtml  = ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-first tmtbl-events-lvl%s ">\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td></td>\n' \
                     '  <td></td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td colspan="2">%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td></td>\n' \
                     ' </tr>\n' \
                   % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                       self._formatEventTimestampHtml(oTestResult.tsCreated, oTestResult.tsCreated,
                                                      oTestResult.idTestResult, oTestSet),
                       'running' if oTestResult.tsElapsed is None else '', );
            iRow += 1;

            # Depth. Check if our error count is just reflecting the one of our children.
            cErrorsBelow = 0;
            for oChild in oTestResult.aoChildren:
                (sChildHtml, iRow, iFailure) = self._recursivelyGenerateEvents(oChild, sName, sLineage,
                                                                               iRow, iFailure, oTestSet, iDepth + 1);
                sHtml += sChildHtml;
                cErrorsBelow += oChild.cErrors;

            # Messages.
            for oMsg in oTestResult.aoMsgs:
                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-message tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td colspan="3">%s: %s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                           self._formatEventTimestampHtml(oMsg.tsCreated, oMsg.tsCreated, oMsg.idTestResultMsg, oTestSet),
                           webutils.escapeElem(oMsg.sMsg), );
                iRow += 1;

            # Values.
            for oValue in oTestResult.aoValues:
                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-value tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td class="tmtbl-events-number">%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td class="tmtbl-events-unit">%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td><input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s:%u" title="Include value in graph."></td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                           self._formatEventTimestampHtml(oValue.tsCreated, oValue.tsCreated, oValue.idTestResultValue, oTestSet),
                           utils.formatNumber(oValue.lValue).replace(' ', '&nbsp;'),
                           WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeValue, sLineage, oValue.idStrName, );
                iRow += 1;

            # Files.
            for oFile in oTestResult.aoFiles:
                if oFile.sMime in [ 'text/plain', ]:
                    aoLinks = [
                        WuiTmLink('%s (%s)' % (oFile.sFile, oFile.sKind), '',
                                  { self._oDisp.ksParamAction:        self._oDisp.ksActionViewLog,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamLogSetId:      oTestSet.idTestSet,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamLogFileId:     oFile.idTestResultFile, },
                                  sTitle = oFile.sDescription),
                        WuiTmLink('View Raw', '',
                                  { self._oDisp.ksParamAction:        self._oDisp.ksActionGetFile,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileSetId:  oTestSet.idTestSet,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileId:     oFile.idTestResultFile,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: False, },
                                  sTitle = oFile.sDescription),
                    aoLinks = [
                        WuiTmLink('%s (%s)' % (oFile.sFile, oFile.sKind), '',
                                  { self._oDisp.ksParamAction:        self._oDisp.ksActionGetFile,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileSetId:  oTestSet.idTestSet,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileId:     oFile.idTestResultFile,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: False, },
                                  sTitle = oFile.sDescription),
                aoLinks.append(WuiTmLink('Download', '',
                                         { self._oDisp.ksParamAction:        self._oDisp.ksActionGetFile,
                                           self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileSetId:  oTestSet.idTestSet,
                                           self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileId:     oFile.idTestResultFile,
                                           self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: True, },
                                         sTitle = oFile.sDescription));

                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-file tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                           self._formatEventTimestampHtml(oFile.tsCreated, oFile.tsCreated, oFile.idTestResultFile, oTestSet),
                           '\n'.join(oLink.toHtml() for oLink in aoLinks),);
                iRow += 1;

            # Done?
            if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
                tsEvent = oTestResult.tsCreated + oTestResult.tsElapsed;
                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-final tmtbl-events-lvl%s tmstatusrow-%s" id="E%d">\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td colspan="2"%s>%s%s%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth, oTestResult.enmStatus, oTestResult.idTestResult,
                           self._formatEventTimestampHtml(tsEvent, tsEvent, oTestResult.idTestResult, oTestSet),
                           ' id="failure-%u"' % (iFailure,) if oTestResult.isFailure() else '',
                           webutils.escapeElem(oTestResult.enmStatus), webutils.escapeElem(sErrCnt),
                           sChangeReason if cErrorsBelow < oTestResult.cErrors and oTestResult.oReason is None else '',
                iRow += 1;

        # Failure reason.
        if oTestResult.oReason is not None:
            sReasonText = '%s / %s' % ( oTestResult.oReason.oFailureReason.oCategory.sShort,
                                        oTestResult.oReason.oFailureReason.sShort, );
            sCommentHtml = '';
            if oTestResult.oReason.sComment is not None and len(oTestResult.oReason.sComment.strip()) > 0:
                sCommentHtml = '<br>' + webutils.escapeElem(oTestResult.oReason.sComment.strip());
                sCommentHtml = sCommentHtml.replace('\n', '<br>');

            sDetailedReason = ' <a href="?%s" class="tmtbl-show-reason">%s</a>' \
                            % ( webutils.encodeUrlParams({ self._oDisp.ksParamAction:

            sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-reason tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td colspan="2">%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td colspan="3">%s%s%s%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     ' </tr>\n' \
                   % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                        webutils.escapeElem(sReasonText), sDetailedReason, sChangeReason,
            iRow += 1;

        if oTestResult.isFailure():
            iFailure += 1;

        return (sHtml, iRow, iFailure);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _generatePage(self):
        Generates the page using _sTemplate, _sPageTitle, _aaoMenus, and _sPageBody.
        assert self._sRedirectTo is None

        # Load the template.
        oFile = open(
            os.path.join(self._oSrvGlue.pathTmWebUI(), self._sTemplate))
        sTmpl = oFile.read()

        # Do replacements.
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@PAGE_TITLE@@', self._sPageTitle)
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@PAGE_BODY@@', self._sPageBody)
        if self._oCurUser is not None:
            sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@USER_NAME@@', self._oCurUser.sUsername)
            sTmpl = sTmpl.replace(
                'unauthorized user "' + self._oSrvGlue.getLoginName() + '"')
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@TESTMANAGER_VERSION@@', config.g_ksVersion)
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@TESTMANAGER_REVISION@@', config.g_ksRevision)
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@BASE_URL@@', self._oSrvGlue.getBaseUrl())

        (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems) = self._generateMenus()
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@TOP_MENU_ITEMS@@', sTopMenuItems)
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@SIDE_MENU_ITEMS@@', sSideMenuItems)

        # Provide basic auth log out for browsers that supports it.
        sUserAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent()
        if   (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Firefox') > 0) \
          or False:
            # Log in as the logout user in the same realm, the browser forgets
            # the old login and the job is done. (see apache sample conf)
            sLogOut = ' (<a href="%s://logout:logout@%s%slogout.py">logout</a>)' \
                % (self._oSrvGlue.getUrlScheme(), self._oSrvGlue.getUrlNetLoc(), self._oSrvGlue.getUrlBasePath())
        elif (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Safari') > 0) \
          or False:
            # For a 401, causing the browser to forget the old login. Works
            # with safari as well as the two above. Since safari consider the
            # above method a phishing attempt and displays a warning to that
            # effect, which when taken seriously aborts the logout, this method
            # is preferable, even if it throws logon boxes in the user's face
            # till he/she/it hits escape, because it always works.
            sLogOut = ' (<a href="logout2.py">logout</a>)'
        elif (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('MSIE') > 0) \
          or (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Chrome') > 0) \
          or False:
            ## There doesn't seem to be any way to make IE really log out
            # without using a cookie and systematically 401 accesses based on
            # some logout state associated with it.  Not sure how secure that
            # can be made and we really want to avoid cookies.  So, perhaps,
            # just avoid IE for now. :-)
            ## Chrome/21.0 doesn't want to log out either.
            sLogOut = ''
            sLogOut = ''
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@LOG_OUT@@', sLogOut)

        # Debug section.
        if self._sDebug == '':
            if config.g_kfWebUiSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlExplain:
                self._sDebug  = '<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n%s\n' \
                              % ( utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart,),
            elif config.g_kfWebUiProcessedIn:
                self._sDebug  = '<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n' \
                              % ( utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart,), )
            if config.g_kfWebUiDebugPanel:
                self._sDebug += self._debugRenderPanel()

        if self._sDebug != '':
            sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@DEBUG@@', '<div id="debug"><br><br><hr/>' + \
                unicode(self._sDebug, errors='ignore') if isinstance(self._sDebug, str) else self._sDebug + '</div>')
            sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@DEBUG@@', '')

        # Output the result.
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _generatePage(self):
        Generates the page using _sTemplate, _sPageTitle, _aaoMenus, and _sPageBody.
        assert self._sRedirectTo is None;

        # Build the replacement string dictionary.

        # Provide basic auth log out for browsers that supports it.
        sUserAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent();
        if   (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Firefox') > 0) \
          or False:
            # Log in as the logout user in the same realm, the browser forgets
            # the old login and the job is done. (see apache sample conf)
            sLogOut = ' (<a href="%s://logout:logout@%s%slogout.py">logout</a>)' \
                % (self._oSrvGlue.getUrlScheme(), self._oSrvGlue.getUrlNetLoc(), self._oSrvGlue.getUrlBasePath());
        elif (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Safari') > 0) \
          or False:
            # For a 401, causing the browser to forget the old login. Works
            # with safari as well as the two above. Since safari consider the
            # above method a phishing attempt and displays a warning to that
            # effect, which when taken seriously aborts the logout, this method
            # is preferable, even if it throws logon boxes in the user's face
            # till he/she/it hits escape, because it always works.
            sLogOut = ' (<a href="logout2.py">logout</a>)'
        elif (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('MSIE') > 0) \
          or (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Chrome') > 0) \
          or False:
            ## There doesn't seem to be any way to make IE really log out
            # without using a cookie and systematically 401 accesses based on
            # some logout state associated with it.  Not sure how secure that
            # can be made and we really want to avoid cookies.  So, perhaps,
            # just avoid IE for now. :-)
            ## Chrome/21.0 doesn't want to log out either.
            sLogOut = ''
            sLogOut = ''

        # Prep Menus.
        (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems) = self._generateMenus();

        # The dictionary (max variable length is 28 chars (see further down)).
        dReplacements = {
            '@@PAGE_TITLE@@':           self._sPageTitle,
            '@@LOG_OUT@@':              sLogOut,
            '@@TESTMANAGER_VERSION@@':  config.g_ksVersion,
            '@@TESTMANAGER_REVISION@@': config.g_ksRevision,
            '@@BASE_URL@@':             self._oSrvGlue.getBaseUrl(),
            '@@TOP_MENU_ITEMS@@':       sTopMenuItems,
            '@@SIDE_MENU_ITEMS@@':      sSideMenuItems,
            '@@SIDE_FILTER_CONTROL@@':  self._sPageFilter,
            '@@PAGE_BODY@@':            self._sPageBody,
            '@@DEBUG@@':                '',

        # Special current user handling.
        if self._oCurUser is not None:
            dReplacements['@@USER_NAME@@'] = self._oCurUser.sUsername;
            dReplacements['@@USER_NAME@@'] = 'unauthorized user "' + self._oSrvGlue.getLoginName() + '"';

        # Prep debug section.
        if self._sDebug == '':
            if config.g_kfWebUiSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlExplain:
                self._sDebug  = '<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n%s\n' \
                              % ( utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart,),
            elif config.g_kfWebUiProcessedIn:
                self._sDebug  = '<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n' \
                              % ( utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart,), );
            if config.g_kfWebUiDebugPanel:
                self._sDebug += self._debugRenderPanel();
        if self._sDebug != '':
            dReplacements['@@DEBUG@@'] = '<div id="debug"><br><br><hr/>' + \
                unicode(self._sDebug, errors='ignore') if isinstance(self._sDebug, str) else self._sDebug + '</div>';

        # Load the template.
        oFile = open(os.path.join(self._oSrvGlue.pathTmWebUI(), self._sTemplate));
        sTmpl = oFile.read();

        # Process the template, outputting each part we process.
        offStart = 0;
        offCur   = 0;
        while offCur < len(sTmpl):
            # Look for a replacement variable.
            offAtAt = sTmpl.find('@@', offCur);
            if offAtAt < 0:
            offCur = offAtAt + 2;
            if sTmpl[offCur] not in string.ascii_uppercase:
            offEnd = sTmpl.find('@@', offCur, offCur+28);
            if offEnd <= 0:
            offCur = offEnd;
            sReplacement = sTmpl[offAtAt:offEnd+2];
            if sReplacement in dReplacements:
                # Got a match! Write out the previous chunk followed by the replacement text.
                if offStart < offAtAt:
                # Advance past the replacement point in the template.
                offCur += 2;
                offStart = offCur;
                assert False, 'Unknown replacement "%s" at offset %s in %s' % (sReplacement, offAtAt, self._sTemplate );

        # The final chunk.
        if offStart < offCur:

        return True;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _generatePage(self):
        Generates the page using _sTemplate, _sPageTitle, _aaoMenus, and _sPageBody.
        assert self._sRedirectTo is None;

        # Load the template.
        oFile = open(os.path.join(self._oSrvGlue.pathTmWebUI(), self._sTemplate));
        sTmpl = oFile.read();

        # Do replacements.
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@PAGE_TITLE@@', self._sPageTitle);
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@PAGE_BODY@@', self._sPageBody);
        if self._oCurUser is not None:
            sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@USER_NAME@@', self._oCurUser.sUsername);
            sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@USER_NAME@@', 'unauthorized user "' + self._oSrvGlue.getLoginName() + '"');
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@TESTMANAGER_VERSION@@', config.g_ksVersion);
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@TESTMANAGER_REVISION@@', config.g_ksRevision);
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@BASE_URL@@', self._oSrvGlue.getBaseUrl());

        (sTopMenuItems, sSideMenuItems) = self._generateMenus();
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@TOP_MENU_ITEMS@@', sTopMenuItems);
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@SIDE_MENU_ITEMS@@', sSideMenuItems);

        # Provide basic auth log out for browsers that supports it.
        sUserAgent = self._oSrvGlue.getUserAgent();
        if   (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Firefox') > 0) \
          or False:
            # Log in as the logout user in the same realm, the browser forgets
            # the old login and the job is done. (see apache sample conf)
            sLogOut = ' (<a href="%s://logout:logout@%s%slogout.py">logout</a>)' \
                % (self._oSrvGlue.getUrlScheme(), self._oSrvGlue.getUrlNetLoc(), self._oSrvGlue.getUrlBasePath());
        elif (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Safari') > 0) \
          or False:
            # For a 401, causing the browser to forget the old login. Works
            # with safari as well as the two above. Since safari consider the
            # above method a phishing attempt and displays a warning to that
            # effect, which when taken seriously aborts the logout, this method
            # is preferable, even if it throws logon boxes in the user's face
            # till he/she/it hits escape, because it always works.
            sLogOut = ' (<a href="logout2.py">logout</a>)'
        elif (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('MSIE') > 0) \
          or (sUserAgent.startswith('Mozilla/') and sUserAgent.find('Chrome') > 0) \
          or False:
            ## There doesn't seem to be any way to make IE really log out
            # without using a cookie and systematically 401 accesses based on
            # some logout state associated with it.  Not sure how secure that
            # can be made and we really want to avoid cookies.  So, perhaps,
            # just avoid IE for now. :-)
            ## Chrome/21.0 doesn't want to log out either.
            sLogOut = ''
            sLogOut = ''
        sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@LOG_OUT@@', sLogOut)

        # Debug section.
        if self._sDebug == '':
            if config.g_kfWebUiSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlTrace or self._fDbgSqlExplain:
                self._sDebug  = '<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n%s\n' \
                              % ( utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart,),
            elif config.g_kfWebUiProcessedIn:
                self._sDebug  = '<h3>Processed in %s ns.</h3>\n' \
                              % ( utils.formatNumber(utils.timestampNano() - self._oSrvGlue.tsStart,), );
            if config.g_kfWebUiDebugPanel:
                self._sDebug += self._debugRenderPanel();

        if self._sDebug != '':
            sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@DEBUG@@', '<div id="debug"><br><br><hr/>' + \
                unicode(self._sDebug, errors='ignore') if isinstance(self._sDebug, str) else self._sDebug + '</div>');
            sTmpl = sTmpl.replace('@@DEBUG@@', '');

        # Output the result.
        return True;
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _recursivelyGenerateEvents(self, oTestResult, sParentName, sLineage, iRow,
                                   iFailure, oTestSet, iDepth):     # pylint: disable=R0914
        Recursively generate event table rows for the result set.

        oTestResult is an object of the type TestResultDataEx.
        # Hack: Replace empty outer test result name with (pretty) command line.
        if iRow == 1:
            sName = '';
            sDisplayName = sParentName;
            sName = oTestResult.sName if sParentName == '' else '%s, %s' % (sParentName, oTestResult.sName,);
            sDisplayName = webutils.escapeElem(sName);

        # Format error count.
        sErrCnt = '';
        if oTestResult.cErrors > 0:
            sErrCnt = ' (1 error)' if oTestResult.cErrors == 1 else ' (%d errors)' % oTestResult.cErrors;

        # Format the include in graph checkboxes.
        sLineage += ':%u' % (oTestResult.idStrName,);
        sResultGraph  = '<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s" title="Include result in graph."/>' \
                      % (WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeResult, sLineage,);
        sElapsedGraph = '';
        if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
            sElapsedGraph = '<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s" title="Include elapsed time in graph."/>' \
                          % ( WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeElapsed, sLineage);

        if    len(oTestResult.aoChildren) == 0 \
          and len(oTestResult.aoValues)   == 0 \
          and len(oTestResult.aoMsgs)     == 0 \
          and len(oTestResult.aoFiles)    == 0:
            # Leaf - single row.
            tsEvent = oTestResult.tsCreated;
            if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
                tsEvent += oTestResult.tsElapsed;
            sHtml  = ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-leaf tmtbl-events-lvl%s tmstatusrow-%s">\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td colspan="2"%s>%s%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     ' </tr>\n' \
                   % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth, oTestResult.enmStatus,
                       webutils.escapeElem(self.formatIntervalShort(oTestResult.tsElapsed)) if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None
                                           else '',
                       ' id="failure-%u"' % (iFailure,) if oTestResult.isFailure() else '',
                       webutils.escapeElem(oTestResult.enmStatus), webutils.escapeElem(sErrCnt),
                       sResultGraph );
            iRow += 1;
            # Multiple rows.
            sHtml  = ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-first tmtbl-events-lvl%s ">\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td></td>\n' \
                     '  <td></td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td colspan="2">%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td></td>\n' \
                     ' </tr>\n' \
                   % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                       webutils.escapeElem(self.formatTsShort(oTestResult.tsCreated)), ## @todo more timeline stuff later.
                       'running' if oTestResult.tsElapsed is None else '', );
            iRow += 1;

            # Depth.
            for oChild in oTestResult.aoChildren:
                (sChildHtml, iRow, iFailure) = self._recursivelyGenerateEvents(oChild, sName, sLineage,
                                                                               iRow, iFailure, oTestSet, iDepth + 1);
                sHtml += sChildHtml;

            # Messages.
            for oMsg in oTestResult.aoMsgs:
                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-message tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td colspan="3">%s: %s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                           webutils.escapeElem(oMsg.sMsg), );
                iRow += 1;

            # Values.
            for oValue in oTestResult.aoValues:
                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-value tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td class="tmtbl-events-number">%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td class="tmtbl-events-unit">%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td><input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s:%u" title="Include value in graph."></td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                           utils.formatNumber(oValue.lValue).replace(' ', '&nbsp;'),
                           WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeValue, sLineage, oValue.idStrName, );
                iRow += 1;

            # Files.
            for oFile in oTestResult.aoFiles:
                if oFile.sMime in [ 'text/plain', ]:
                    aoLinks = [
                        WuiTmLink('%s (%s)' % (oFile.sFile, oFile.sKind), '',
                                  { self._oDisp.ksParamAction:        self._oDisp.ksActionViewLog,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamLogSetId:      oTestSet.idTestSet,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamLogFileId:     oFile.idTestResultFile, },
                                  sTitle = oFile.sDescription),
                        WuiTmLink('View Raw', '',
                                  { self._oDisp.ksParamAction:        self._oDisp.ksActionGetFile,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileSetId:  oTestSet.idTestSet,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileId:     oFile.idTestResultFile,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: False, },
                                  sTitle = oFile.sDescription),
                    aoLinks = [
                        WuiTmLink('%s (%s)' % (oFile.sFile, oFile.sKind), '',
                                  { self._oDisp.ksParamAction:        self._oDisp.ksActionGetFile,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileSetId:  oTestSet.idTestSet,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileId:     oFile.idTestResultFile,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: False, },
                                  sTitle = oFile.sDescription),
                aoLinks.append(WuiTmLink('Download', '',
                                         { self._oDisp.ksParamAction:        self._oDisp.ksActionGetFile,
                                           self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileSetId:  oTestSet.idTestSet,
                                           self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileId:     oFile.idTestResultFile,
                                           self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: True, },
                                         sTitle = oFile.sDescription));

                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-file tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                           '\n'.join(oLink.toHtml() for oLink in aoLinks),);
                iRow += 1;

            # Done?
            if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-final tmtbl-events-lvl%s tmstatusrow-%s">\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td colspan="2"%s>%s%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth, oTestResult.enmStatus,
                           webutils.escapeElem(self.formatTsShort(oTestResult.tsCreated + oTestResult.tsElapsed)),
                           ' id="failure-%u"' % (iFailure,) if oTestResult.isFailure() else '',
                           webutils.escapeElem(oTestResult.enmStatus), webutils.escapeElem(sErrCnt),
                iRow += 1;

        if oTestResult.isFailure():
            iFailure += 1;

        return (sHtml, iRow, iFailure);
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _recursivelyGenerateEvents(self, oTestResult, sParentName, sLineage, iRow,
                                   iFailure, oTestSet, iDepth):     # pylint: disable=R0914
        Recursively generate event table rows for the result set.

        oTestResult is an object of the type TestResultDataEx.
        # Hack: Replace empty outer test result name with (pretty) command line.
        if iRow == 1:
            sName = '';
            sDisplayName = sParentName;
            sName = oTestResult.sName if sParentName == '' else '%s, %s' % (sParentName, oTestResult.sName,);
            sDisplayName = webutils.escapeElem(sName);

        # Format error count.
        sErrCnt = '';
        if oTestResult.cErrors > 0:
            sErrCnt = ' (1 error)' if oTestResult.cErrors == 1 else ' (%d errors)' % oTestResult.cErrors;

        # Format bits for adding or editing the failure reason.  Level 0 is handled at the top of the page.
        sChangeReason = '';
        if oTestResult.cErrors > 0 and iDepth > 0:
            dTmp = {
                self._oDisp.ksParamAction: self._oDisp.ksActionTestResultFailureAdd if oTestResult.oReason is None else
                TestResultFailureData.ksParam_idTestResult: oTestResult.idTestResult,
            sChangeReason = ' <a href="?%s" class="tmtbl-edit-reason" onclick="addRedirectToAnchorHref(this)">%s</a> ' \
                          % ( webutils.encodeUrlParams(dTmp), WuiContentBase.ksShortEditLinkHtml );

        # Format the include in graph checkboxes.
        sLineage += ':%u' % (oTestResult.idStrName,);
        sResultGraph  = '<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s" title="Include result in graph."/>' \
                      % (WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeResult, sLineage,);
        sElapsedGraph = '';
        if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
            sElapsedGraph = '<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s" title="Include elapsed time in graph."/>' \
                          % ( WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeElapsed, sLineage);

        if    len(oTestResult.aoChildren) == 0 \
          and len(oTestResult.aoValues) + len(oTestResult.aoMsgs) + len(oTestResult.aoFiles) == 0:
            # Leaf - single row.
            tsEvent = oTestResult.tsCreated;
            if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
                tsEvent += oTestResult.tsElapsed;
            sHtml  = ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-leaf tmtbl-events-lvl%s tmstatusrow-%s" id="S%u">\n' \
                     '  <td id="E%u">%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td colspan="2"%s>%s%s%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     ' </tr>\n' \
                   % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth, oTestResult.enmStatus, oTestResult.idTestResult,
                       self._formatEventTimestampHtml(tsEvent, oTestResult.tsCreated, oTestResult.idTestResult, oTestSet),
                       webutils.escapeElem(self.formatIntervalShort(oTestResult.tsElapsed)) if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None
                                           else '',
                       ' id="failure-%u"' % (iFailure,) if oTestResult.isFailure() else '',
                       webutils.escapeElem(oTestResult.enmStatus), webutils.escapeElem(sErrCnt),
                       sChangeReason if oTestResult.oReason is None else '',
                       sResultGraph );
            iRow += 1;
            # Multiple rows.
            sHtml  = ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-first tmtbl-events-lvl%s ">\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td></td>\n' \
                     '  <td></td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td colspan="2">%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td></td>\n' \
                     ' </tr>\n' \
                   % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                       self._formatEventTimestampHtml(oTestResult.tsCreated, oTestResult.tsCreated,
                                                      oTestResult.idTestResult, oTestSet),
                       'running' if oTestResult.tsElapsed is None else '', );
            iRow += 1;

            # Depth. Check if our error count is just reflecting the one of our children.
            cErrorsBelow = 0;
            for oChild in oTestResult.aoChildren:
                (sChildHtml, iRow, iFailure) = self._recursivelyGenerateEvents(oChild, sName, sLineage,
                                                                               iRow, iFailure, oTestSet, iDepth + 1);
                sHtml += sChildHtml;
                cErrorsBelow += oChild.cErrors;

            # Messages.
            for oMsg in oTestResult.aoMsgs:
                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-message tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td colspan="3">%s: %s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                           self._formatEventTimestampHtml(oMsg.tsCreated, oMsg.tsCreated, oMsg.idTestResultMsg, oTestSet),
                           webutils.escapeElem(oMsg.sMsg), );
                iRow += 1;

            # Values.
            for oValue in oTestResult.aoValues:
                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-value tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td class="tmtbl-events-number">%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td class="tmtbl-events-unit">%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td><input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s%s:%u" title="Include value in graph."></td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                           self._formatEventTimestampHtml(oValue.tsCreated, oValue.tsCreated, oValue.idTestResultValue, oTestSet),
                           utils.formatNumber(oValue.lValue).replace(' ', '&nbsp;'),
                           WuiMain.ksParamReportSubjectIds, ReportGraphModel.ksTypeValue, sLineage, oValue.idStrName, );
                iRow += 1;

            # Files.
            for oFile in oTestResult.aoFiles:
                if oFile.sMime in [ 'text/plain', ]:
                    aoLinks = [
                        WuiTmLink('%s (%s)' % (oFile.sFile, oFile.sKind), '',
                                  { self._oDisp.ksParamAction:        self._oDisp.ksActionViewLog,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamLogSetId:      oTestSet.idTestSet,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamLogFileId:     oFile.idTestResultFile, },
                                  sTitle = oFile.sDescription),
                        WuiTmLink('View Raw', '',
                                  { self._oDisp.ksParamAction:        self._oDisp.ksActionGetFile,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileSetId:  oTestSet.idTestSet,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileId:     oFile.idTestResultFile,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: False, },
                                  sTitle = oFile.sDescription),
                    aoLinks = [
                        WuiTmLink('%s (%s)' % (oFile.sFile, oFile.sKind), '',
                                  { self._oDisp.ksParamAction:        self._oDisp.ksActionGetFile,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileSetId:  oTestSet.idTestSet,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileId:     oFile.idTestResultFile,
                                    self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: False, },
                                  sTitle = oFile.sDescription),
                aoLinks.append(WuiTmLink('Download', '',
                                         { self._oDisp.ksParamAction:        self._oDisp.ksActionGetFile,
                                           self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileSetId:  oTestSet.idTestSet,
                                           self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileId:     oFile.idTestResultFile,
                                           self._oDisp.ksParamGetFileDownloadIt: True, },
                                         sTitle = oFile.sDescription));

                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-file tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         '  <td></td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                           self._formatEventTimestampHtml(oFile.tsCreated, oFile.tsCreated, oFile.idTestResultFile, oTestSet),
                           '\n'.join(oLink.toHtml() for oLink in aoLinks),);
                iRow += 1;

            # Done?
            if oTestResult.tsElapsed is not None:
                tsEvent = oTestResult.tsCreated + oTestResult.tsElapsed;
                sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-final tmtbl-events-lvl%s tmstatusrow-%s" id="E%d">\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td colspan="2"%s>%s%s%s</td>\n' \
                         '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                         ' </tr>\n' \
                       % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth, oTestResult.enmStatus, oTestResult.idTestResult,
                           self._formatEventTimestampHtml(tsEvent, tsEvent, oTestResult.idTestResult, oTestSet),
                           ' id="failure-%u"' % (iFailure,) if oTestResult.isFailure() else '',
                           webutils.escapeElem(oTestResult.enmStatus), webutils.escapeElem(sErrCnt),
                           sChangeReason if cErrorsBelow < oTestResult.cErrors and oTestResult.oReason is None else '',
                iRow += 1;

        # Failure reason.
        if oTestResult.oReason is not None:
            sReasonText = '%s / %s' % ( oTestResult.oReason.oFailureReason.oCategory.sShort,
                                        oTestResult.oReason.oFailureReason.sShort, );
            sCommentHtml = '';
            if oTestResult.oReason.sComment is not None and len(oTestResult.oReason.sComment.strip()) > 0:
                sCommentHtml = '<br>' + webutils.escapeElem(oTestResult.oReason.sComment.strip());
                sCommentHtml = sCommentHtml.replace('\n', '<br>');

            sDetailedReason = ' <a href="?%s" class="tmtbl-show-reason">%s</a>' \
                            % ( webutils.encodeUrlParams({ self._oDisp.ksParamAction:

            sHtml += ' <tr class="%s tmtbl-events-reason tmtbl-events-lvl%s">\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td colspan="2">%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td colspan="3">%s%s%s%s</td>\n' \
                     '  <td>%s</td>\n' \
                     ' </tr>\n' \
                   % ( 'tmodd' if iRow & 1 else 'tmeven', iDepth,
                        webutils.escapeElem(sReasonText), sDetailedReason, sChangeReason,
            iRow += 1;

        if oTestResult.isFailure():
            iFailure += 1;

        return (sHtml, iRow, iFailure);
Ejemplo n.º 16
def F(x):
    return 2 * x + 3 * log(x + 0.5)
    # return sin(x)

# Xs = [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1]
# Ys = [0, 0.1987, 0.3894, 0.5646, 0.7174, 0.8415]

current = X0
print('   X   |  Y  ')
Xs = []
Ys = []
while current < XN:
    print(formatNumber(current), formatNumber(F(current)))
    current += H

N = n1
print("===================LAGRANZ {N} POWER=====================".format(N=N))
        "===========расчет для {value}============".format(value=INPUT_VALUE))
    result = Ln(INPUT_VALUE, N, Xs, Ys)
    actualResult = F(INPUT_VALUE)
    print("апроксимированный результат: {result}".format(result=result))
    print("реальный резльутат: {result}".format(result=actualResult))
    print("реальная ошибка: {result}".format(result=abs(actualResult -