Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_spinn_nocrash(board):
    """Test that sending a DVS packet with no forwarding does not crash board"""
    pkt = DVSPacket(10, 30, 1)
    # Send packet
    board_assert_equal(board.use_dvs(pkt), RESPONSES["success"])
    # Echo to check that the board replies
    board_assert_equal(board.echo("test"), "test")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_bad_cmd(board, log):
    """Tests whether a non-existent command gives an error message"""

    # Log error code
    resp_msg = board._read()
    if resp_msg in RESPONSES.values():
        log.info("Response received: " + resp_msg)

    board_assert_equal(resp_msg, RESPONSES["bad_cmd"])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_spinn_fwd_received(board):
    """Tests that sending a DVS packet and receiving some data works"""

    # Turn on forwarding to check that any packet comes back
    board_assert_equal(board.forward_spinn(0), RESPONSES["success"])
    # Send a test packet
    test_pkt = DVSPacket(10, 30, 1)
    board_assert_equal(board.use_dvs(test_pkt), RESPONSES["success"])

    pkt = board.get_spinn()
    board_assert_isinstance(pkt, SpiNNPacket)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_spinn_fwd_rx_received(board):
    """Tests that sending a DVS packet and receiving some data works"""

    # Turn on forwarding to check that any packet comes back
    board_assert_equal(board.set_spinn_rx_fwd(0), RESPONSES["success"])
    # Send a test packet
    test_pkt = motor_2_to_7(100)
    board_assert_equal(board.use_spinn(test_pkt), RESPONSES["success"])

    speed = board.get_received_data()
    assert speed > 0
    assert speed == 100
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_dvs_use_pkt(board):
    """Tests that sending simulated packet is sent back"""

    # Turn on forwarding to check that any packet comes back
    board_assert_equal(board.forward_dvs(0), RESPONSES["success"])
    # Send a test packet
    test_pkt = DVSPacket(10, 30, 1)
    board_assert_equal(board.use_dvs(test_pkt), RESPONSES["success"])
    pkt = board.get_dvs()
    board_assert_isinstance(pkt, DVSPacket)
    board_assert_equal(pkt.x, test_pkt.x)
    board_assert_equal(pkt.y, test_pkt.y)
    board_assert_equal(pkt.pol, test_pkt.pol)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_many_packets(mbed, board, log, packets):
    """Tests the time taken for many packets to be sent is small"""

    # Clear the MBED and tell it to wait

    # Work out x limits for 20 packets
    x_min = 12
    x_step = 6
    x_max = 100 + (packets) * x_step

    y_max = 90
    y_step = 3
    y_min = y_max - (packets) * y_step

    # Form list of test packets and expected results
    dvs_data = [
        DVSPacket(x, y, y % 2) for x, y in zip(range(x_min, x_max, x_step),
                                               range(y_max, y_min, -y_step))
    exp_data = [spinn_2_to_7(x, SpiNNMode.SPINN_MODE_128) for x in dvs_data]

    for dvs_pkt in dvs_data:
        board_assert_equal(board.use_dvs(dvs_pkt), RESPONSES["success"])

    # Trigger the MBED to start the speed test

    # Give period of time to forward to the MBED
    time.sleep(packets * 0.05)

    # Retrieve packets
    (duration, count, rx_data) = mbed.get_spinn()

    # Check results are identical
    assert rx_data
    assert len(rx_data) == len(exp_data)
    assert len(rx_data) == count
    for exp, rxp in zip(rx_data, exp_data):
        assert exp.data == rxp.data

    # Check duration is reasonable - packets times 15ms
    assert duration < len(exp_data) * 15000

    log.info("Test for %d packets took %lfs with %lfs per packet" %
             (len(exp_data), duration / 1000000.0, duration /
              (1000000.0 * packets)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_dvs_packets_received(board):
    """Tests that board receives actual DVS packets"""

    # Set new timeout to allow time for actual DVS to supply packets
    tmp_timeout = board.ser.timeout
    board.ser.timeout = 1

    # Retrieve and check packet
    board_assert_equal(board.forward_dvs(1000), RESPONSES["success"])
    pkt = board.get_dvs()
    board_assert_isinstance(pkt, DVSPacket)
    board_assert_le(pkt.x, 127)
    board_assert_le(pkt.y, 127)
    board_assert_le(pkt.pol, 1)

    # Reset timeout to previous
    board.ser.timeout = tmp_timeout
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_sim_single_tx(mbed, board, log):
    """Tests that a single packet is received by the STM"""

    # Ensure that STM is forwarding received data
    board_assert_equal(board.set_spinn_rx_fwd(0), RESPONSES["success"])

    # Send data to the MBED ready to transmit to SpiNNaker

    # Trigger the transmission and check the result
    duration = mbed.send_trigger_tx()
    log.info("Test for single packet took %lfs with %lfs per symbol",
             duration / 1000000.0, duration / (1000000.0 * 11))
    assert duration > 0

    # Retrieve data from STM and check it is correct
    speed = board.get_received_data()
    assert speed > 0
    assert speed == 100
Ejemplo n.º 9
def helper_check_downscale(board, pkt_list, exp):
    """Helper method to be used by remaining tests"""
    # Request one more than expected to be sure that there aren't extras
    request_packets = 1
    if exp is not None:
        request_packets += len(exp)

    # As we are expecting to time out on reads a lot, set the timeout lower
    tmp_timeout = board.ser.timeout
    board.ser.timeout = 0.2

    # Forward all packets to PC
    board_assert_equal(board.forward_dvs(0), RESPONSES["success"])

    response_list = []
    rx_pkt_list = []

    # Send all packets
    for pkt in pkt_list:
        board_assert_equal(board.use_dvs(pkt), RESPONSES["success"])
        # Check for any output from dvs
        rx_pkt = board.get_dvs()
        if rx_pkt:
            rx_pkt_list += [rx_pkt]

    # Compare to expected
    if exp is None:
        assert rx_pkt_list == []
        assert rx_pkt_list
        for rx_pkt in rx_pkt_list:
            print("{}, {}, {}".format(rx_pkt.x, rx_pkt.y, rx_pkt.pol))
        assert len(rx_pkt_list) == len(exp)
        for pkt, rx_pkt in zip(exp, rx_pkt_list):
            board_assert_isinstance(rx_pkt, DVSPacket)
            board_assert_equal(rx_pkt.x, pkt.x)
            board_assert_equal(rx_pkt.y, pkt.y)
            board_assert_equal(rx_pkt.pol, pkt.pol)

    # Reset board timeout
    board.ser.timeout = tmp_timeout
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_single_packet(mbed, board, log):
    """Test that DVS packet sent to board is sent to MBED correctly"""

    # Trigger the MBED to ensure state is correct

    # Ensure board is in correct mode

    # Send a DVS packet to the board
    dvs_pkt = DVSPacket(10, 30, 1)
    board_assert_equal(board.use_dvs(dvs_pkt), RESPONSES["success"])
    pkt = spinn_2_to_7(dvs_pkt, SpiNNMode.SPINN_MODE_128)

    # Give a brief period of time to forward to the MBED

    # Retrieve packets from MBED
    (_, _, rx_pkt) = mbed.get_spinn()

    # Check results are identical
    assert rx_pkt
    for rxp in rx_pkt:
        board_assert_isinstance(rxp, SpiNNPacket)
    log.info("Got packet data: {}".format([hex(x) for x in rx_pkt[0].data]))
    log.info("Calculated data: {}".format([hex(x) for x in pkt.data]))
    board_assert_equal(pkt.data, rx_pkt[0].data)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_dvs_packets_manykinds(board, log):
    """Tests that board receives DVS packets with various values"""

    # Set new timeout to allow time for actual DVS to supply packets
    tmp_timeout = board.ser.timeout
    board.ser.timeout = 1

    x_rx = set()
    y_rx = set()
    p_rx = set()

    board_assert_equal(board.forward_dvs(0), RESPONSES["success"])

    # Receive 500ms worth of packets
    start_time = time.time()
    while time.time() - start_time < 2:
        # Retrieve and check packet
        pkt = board.get_dvs()
        if not isinstance(pkt, DVSPacket):

        board_assert_le(pkt.x, 127)
        board_assert_le(pkt.y, 127)
        board_assert_le(pkt.pol, 1)

        # Add values to sets

    # Check that various results are received
    log.info("DVS packets have counts: x=%d, y=%d, pol=%d",
             len(x_rx), len(y_rx), len(p_rx))
    assert len(x_rx) >= 10
    assert len(y_rx) >= 10
    assert len(p_rx) == 2

    # Reset timeout to previous
    board.ser.timeout = tmp_timeout
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_sim_many_tx(mbed, board, log):
    """Tests that many packets are received by the STM"""

    # Ensure that STM is forwarding received data
    board_assert_equal(board.set_spinn_rx_fwd(0), RESPONSES["success"])

    speed_max = 200
    speed_step = math.floor(200 / 20)
    speeds = list(range(0, speed_max, speed_step))

    # Send data to the MBED ready to transmit to SpiNNaker
    for speed in speeds:

    # Trigger the transmission and check the result
    duration = mbed.send_trigger_tx()
    assert duration > 0
    log.info("Test for %d packets took %lfs with %lfs per packet", len(speeds),
             duration / 1000000.0, duration / (1000000.0 * 20))

    # Retrieve data from STM and check it is correct
    for speed in speeds:
        assert board.get_received_data() == speed
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_spinn_encode(board, dvs_pkt, log):
    """Test that board encodes a packet the same as the test system for mode 128"""

    # Turn on forwarding to check that any packet comes back
    board_assert_equal(board.forward_spinn(0), RESPONSES["success"])

    # Set mode to the mode under test

    # For each packet, test all modes
    result = spinn_2_to_7(dvs_pkt, SpiNNMode.SPINN_MODE_128)

    # Send packet
    board_assert_equal(board.use_dvs(dvs_pkt), RESPONSES["success"])

    # Retrieve response
    pkt = board.get_spinn()
    board_assert_isinstance(pkt, SpiNNPacket)

    # Check data is correct
    log.info("Got packet data: {}".format([hex(x) for x in pkt.data]))
    log.info("Calculated data: {}".format([hex(x) for x in result.data]))
    board_assert_equal(pkt.data, result.data)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_spinn_encode_downres(board, pkt_list, exp, mode, log):
    """Tests that encoding works for two of each mode"""

    # Turn on forwarding to check that any packet comes back
    board_assert_equal(board.forward_spinn(0), RESPONSES["success"])

    # Set mode to the mode under test
    board_assert_equal(board.set_mode_spinn(mode.value), RESPONSES["success"])

    # For each packet, test all modes
    result = spinn_2_to_7(exp, mode)

    # Send packets
    for dvs_pkt in pkt_list:
        board_assert_equal(board.use_dvs(dvs_pkt), RESPONSES["success"])

    # Retrieve response
    pkt = board.get_spinn()
    board_assert_isinstance(pkt, SpiNNPacket)

    # Check data is correct
    log.info("Got packet data: {}".format([hex(x) for x in pkt.data]))
    log.info("Calculated data: {}".format([hex(x) for x in result.data]))
    board_assert_equal(pkt.data, result.data)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_spinn_fwd_reset(board):
    """Tetss that resetting the forwarding works"""
    board_assert_equal(board.reset_spinn(), RESPONSES["success"])
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_res_16(board, pkt_list, exp):
    """Tests that resolution 16x16 only outputs packets in specific cases"""
    helper_check_downscale(board, pkt_list, exp)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_res_128(board):
    """Test that resolution 128x128 is unchanged"""


    # Forward all packets to PC
    board_assert_equal(board.forward_dvs(0), RESPONSES["success"])

    # Send several 128x128 DVS Packets
    for param in range(10, 120, 20):
        pkt = DVSPacket(param, param, param % 2)
        board_assert_equal(board.use_dvs(pkt), RESPONSES["success"])
        rx_pkt = board.get_dvs()
        board_assert_isinstance(rx_pkt, DVSPacket)
        board_assert_equal(rx_pkt.x, pkt.x)
        board_assert_equal(rx_pkt.y, pkt.y)
        board_assert_equal(rx_pkt.pol, pkt.pol)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_spinn_set_mode_incorrect(board, mode):
    board_assert_equal(board.set_mode_spinn(mode), RESPONSES["bad_param"])
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_spinn_set_mode_correct(board, mode):
    board_assert_equal(board.set_mode_spinn(mode), RESPONSES["success"])
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_id(board):
    """Tests if open controller responds to ID request"""
    board_assert_equal(board.get_id(), BOARD_ID)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_spinn_fwd_temp(board):
    """Tests that setting temporary forwarding is accepted"""
    board_assert_equal(board.forward_spinn(1000), RESPONSES["success"])
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_echo(board, test_str):
    """Tests echo functionality of board"""
    board_assert_equal(board.echo(test_str), test_str)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_spinn_fwd_rx_permanent_on(board):
    """Tests that turning forwarding on permanently works"""
    board_assert_equal(board.set_spinn_rx_fwd(0), RESPONSES["success"])
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_spinn_fwd_on_reset(board):
    """Tests that turning on and then resetting forwarding works"""
    board_assert_equal(board.forward_spinn(0), RESPONSES["success"])
    board_assert_equal(board.reset_spinn(), RESPONSES["success"])
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_dvs_fwd_permanent_on(board):
    """Tests that turning forwarding on permanently works"""
    board_assert_equal(board.forward_dvs(0), RESPONSES["success"])