def positionShips(self, manual=False): for ship in self.ships: row, column = [-1, -1] cell = 'Z11' direction = -1 length = ship.length while not self.primaryBoard.canPositionShip( cell, direction, length): if ( or (not manual): row, column = common.randomCell() cell = self.primaryBoard.encode(row, column) direction = common.randomDirection() else: while True: common.clearScreen() self.primaryBoard.printBoard() cell = raw_input( 'Please Enter A Starting Cell For "%s": ' % direction = raw_input( 'Please Enter A Direction (0-Horizontal, 1-Vertical): ' ) if (direction in [ '0', '1' ]) and (self.primaryBoard.isValidCellAddress(cell)): direction = int(direction) row, column = self.primaryBoard.decode(cell) break while length > 0: self.primaryBoard.cells[row][column] = ship.symbol row = row + direction column = column + (1 - direction) length = length - 1
def printRoundMessage(self, player, message): # Check if both of players are bots allBots = self.users[0].bot and self.users[1].bot if allBots or not common.clearScreen() print 'Player: %s' % print 'Primary Board:' player.primaryBoard.printBoard() print 'Tracking Board:' player.trackingBoard.printBoard() print 'DASHBOARD: %s' % message
def elementPuzzle(gametime, debug=False): clearScreen() hint_count = 0 with open('puzzles/elements/words.txt', 'r') as f: words = [line.strip() for line in f] # word to use for code word = words[random.randint(0, len(words) - 1)] printOut('--- ACCESS POD MAINFRAME ---') elements = re.findall(r'([A-Z][a-z]*)', word) code = '' for item in elements: code += str(element(item).atomic_number) if debug: print(code) # Enable numpad if not debug: disableKeys(False) attempt = '0' while int(attempt) != int(code): #print('User: '******'\nUser: '******'Password: '******'*': hint_count = hint(hint_count) try: int(attempt) except ValueError: attempt = '0' # Disable numpad if not debug: disableKeys() printOut('ACCESS GRANTED') printOut('\n\n--- POD STATUS ---') m, s = divmod(gametime - time.time(), 60) printOut( 'ENGINE STATUS:\tOK\nHYPERDRIVE:\tOFFLINE\nLIFE SUPPORT:\tLIMITED - {:.0f} MINUTES {} SECONDS REMAINING\nHINTS USED:\t{}' .format(m, int(s), hint_count)) return hint_count
def printMenu(): common.clearScreen() print 'Menu' print '1-New Game' print '2-Exit'
def printMenu(): common.clearScreen() print 'Menu' print '1-New Game' print '2-Exit' # Main Application Flow: if __name__ == '__main__': while True: printMenu() choice = raw_input() if choice == '2': common.clearScreen() break elif choice == '1': common.clearScreen() name1 = raw_input('Please Enter A Name For Player-1: ') bot1 = raw_input( 'Please Select Player Type For %s (1-Bot, 2-Real User): ' % name1) easy = True bot = False if bot1 == '1': bot = True difficulty = raw_input( 'Please Select Player Difficulty For %s (1-Easy, 2-Hard): ' % name1)
def main(debug=False, gametime=10.0): if not debug: disableButton() os.system("./utils/") clearScreen() hint_count = 0 # user settles down and presses numpad 'enter' to start print('--- WARNING ---\nPLEASE READ BEFORE LAUNCHING\n\n') print( 'ESCAPE POD USERS MUST RESPECT THE FOLLOWING RULES:\n- NO FOOD OR DRINKS INSIDE THE POD\n- BE GENTLE WITH POD FEATURES\n- ESCAPE POD FITS ONE PERSON ONLY' ) print('\nIN CASE OF EMERGENCY PUSH POD DOOR OPEN') input('\n\n--- PRESS ENTER TO LAUNCH ---') if not debug: disableKeys() time.sleep(1) # close door electromagnets openDoor(False) printOut('PLEASE PULL DOOR CLOSED NOW') time.sleep(2) clearScreen() printOut('--- WELCOME ON BOARD ---') printOut( "\nIF YOU REQUIRE A HINT DURING ANY OF THE PUZZLES, PRESS '*' FOLLOWED BY ENTER\n" ) printOut('POD NOW LAUNCHING...') time.sleep(5) clearScreen() lights('dim') if not debug: # open video of launch and crash (blocking) os.system("omxplayer --no-keys --no-osd -o local " + start + " --win '0 0 1080 960' > /dev/null &") time.sleep(28) lights('flash') lights('dim') time.sleep(5) lights('fade') # open video of static space (in parallel) os.system("omxplayer --no-keys --no-osd -o local " + static + " --win '0 0 1080 960' > /dev/null &") printOut('SYSTEMS DAMAGED DUE TO ASTEROID COLLISION') time.sleep(2) printOut('\nSYSTEMS REBOOTING') for i in range(0, 5): print('.', end='', flush=True) time.sleep(1) # start countdown timeout = time.time() + (gametime * 60) m, s = divmod(timeout - time.time(), 60) printOut( '\n\n--- WARNING ---\nLIFE SUPPORT DAMAGED: {:.0f} MINUTES {} SECONDS REMAINING' .format(m, int(s))) printOut('PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS TO ENSURE SURVIVAL') time.sleep(2) # open video of traversing space (in parallel) os.system("killall -s SIGINT omxplayer.bin") os.system("omxplayer --no-keys --no-osd -o local " + journey + " --win '0 0 1080 960' > /dev/null &") # 1st PUZZLE: login ( hint_count += elementPuzzle(timeout, debug) time.sleep(2) # open video of asteroids approaching (in parallel) os.system("killall -s SIGINT omxplayer.bin") os.system("omxplayer --no-keys --no-osd -o local " + asteroids + " --win '0 0 1080 960' > /dev/null &") lights('dim') # 2nd PUZZLE: asteroid avoiding minigame ( deaths = asteroidPuzzle(timeout, debug) lights('fade') # open video of static space (in parallel) os.system("omxplayer --no-keys --no-osd -o local " + static + " --win '0 0 1080 960' > /dev/null &") # discount time depending on no. of deaths if deaths >= 1: timeout -= 10 if deaths >= 2: timeout -= deaths * 5 printOut( '\n\n --- WARNING ---\nLIFE SUPPORT DAMAGED BY ASTEROID COLLISION') m, s = divmod(timeout - time.time(), 60) printOut('{:.0f} MINUTE{} {} SECONDS REMAINING'.format( m, 'S' if m >= 2.0 else '', int(s))) time.sleep(2) # 3rd PUZZLE: repair codes ( hint_count += resistorPuzzle(timeout, debug) os.system("killall -s SIGINT omxplayer.bin") os.system("omxplayer --no-keys --no-osd -o local " + journey + " --win '0 0 1080 960' > /dev/null &") printOut('\n\nALL SYSTEMS GREEN FOR LANDING') time.sleep(2) clearScreen() printOut('--- WARNING ---\nPOD LANDING SEQUENCE ENGAGING...') time.sleep(3) lights('dim') # open video of landing (in parallel) os.system("killall -s SIGINT omxplayer.bin") os.system("omxplayer --no-keys --no-osd -o local " + landing + " --win '0 0 1080 960' > /dev/null &") # stop countdown final_time = timeout - time.time() # tell user they passed! clearScreen() time.sleep(30) lights('fade') printOut('POD SAFELY LANDED') # user presses numpad 'enter' to open bay door if not debug: disableKeys(False) printOut('\n\n--- THANKS FOR PLAYING! ---\n\n') m, s = divmod(final_time, 60) printOut('{}YOU FINISHED WITH {:.0f} MINUTE{} {} SECONDS {}.'.format( 'CONGRATULATIONS! ' if final_time >= 0 else '', m, 'S' if m >= 2.0 else '', int(s), 'REMAINING' if final_time >= 0 else 'OVERTIME')) printOut('\nTOTAL HINTS USED:\t{}\nASTEROID COLLISIONS:\t{}'.format( hint_count, deaths)) printOut('\n\n--- PRESS ENTER TO OPEN POD DOOR ---') input('') # open door electromagnets openDoor(True) # Wait for user to leave time.sleep(10)
def asteroidPuzzle(gametime, debug=False): # Disable buttons while printing if not debug: disableButton() pygame.mixer.init() pygame.init() #turn all of pygame on. hit_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('puzzles/asteroids/hit.wav') clearScreen() printOut( '--- WARNING! ---\nESCAPE POD NOW ENTERING HIGHLY DENSE ASTEROID FIELD' ) printOut( 'MAIN MONITOR WILL BE DISABLED TO CONSERVE POWER FOR EVASIVE MANEUVERS\nMANUAL NAVIGATION REQUIRED\nMANUAL CONTROLS LOCATED TO YOUR LEFT' ) printOut('ENTERING FIELD IN') for i in [3, 2, 1]: print(i) time.sleep(1) os.system("killall -s SIGINT omxplayer.bin") clearScreen()'puzzles/asteroids/moon.wav') timeout = time.time() + TIMEOUT speed = SPEED curses.initscr() win = curses.newwin(HEIGHT, WIDTH, 0, 0) win.keypad(1) curses.noecho() curses.curs_set(0) win.border(0) win.nodelay(1) player = Player() win.addch(player.y, player.x, player.getIcon()) key = None asteroids = [] interval = time.time() curr_time = time.time() # Enable buttons if not debug: disableButton(False) while True: if time.time() > timeout: break if time.time() > curr_time + 5: speed *= RATE curr_time = time.time() win.border(0) win.addstr(0, 0, 'Time Left : {:.2f} '.format(timeout - time.time())) win.addstr(HEIGHT - 1, 1, 'Deaths : {} '.format(player.deaths())) if debug: win.addstr(HEIGHT - 1, WIDTH - 13, 'Speed : {:.2f}'.format(speed)) event = win.getch() key = None if event == -1 else event if key == ord('a'): player.left() win.addch(player.y, player.x, player.getIcon()) win.addch(player.y, player.x + 1, ' ') if key == ord('d'): player.right() win.addch(player.y, player.x, player.getIcon()) win.addch(player.y, player.x - 1, ' ') if time.time() > player.last_death + 1: player.setIcon() if time.time() > interval + speed: win.addch(player.y, player.x, player.getIcon()) for i in range(0, NUM_ASTEROIDS): first = Asteroid() asteroids.append(first) for asteroid in asteroids: asteroid.fall() if asteroid.exist: if hit(player, asteroid, hit_sound): player.setIcon('*') win.addch(player.y, player.x, player.getIcon()) win.addch(asteroid.y - 1, asteroid.x, ' ') else: win.addch(asteroid.y, asteroid.x, '@') win.addch(asteroid.y - 1, asteroid.x, ' ') interval = time.time() curses.endwin() # Disable buttons if not debug: disableButton() clearScreen() printOut('NAVIGATION THROUGH ASTEROID FIELD COMPLETE...') printOut('POD WAS HIT {} TIME{}'.format( player.deaths(), '' if player.deaths() == 1 else 'S')) printOut('\n\n--- POD STATUS ---') m, s = divmod(gametime - time.time(), 60) printOut( 'ENGINE STATUS:\tOK\nHYPERDRIVE:\tOFFLINE\nLIFE SUPPORT:\tLIMITED - {:.0f} MINUTE{} {} SECONDS REMAINING' .format(m, 'S' if m >= 2.0 else '', int(s))) return player.deaths()
def resistorPuzzle(gametime, debug=False): clearScreen() hint_count = 0 if not debug: disableKeys() global ser if not tryConnect('/dev/ttyUSB1', b'RESISTORS\r\n'): if not tryConnect('/dev/ttyUSB0', b'RESISTORS\r\n'): try: if not tryConnect('/dev/ttyACM1', b'RESISTORS\r\n'): return except: if not tryConnect('/dev/ttyACM0', b'RESISTORS\r\n'): return # pick 2 random resistors resistor1 = random.randint(0, NUM_RESISTORS - 1) resistor2 = random.randint(0, NUM_RESISTORS - 1) while resistor2 == resistor1: # ensure resistor 2 is not same as resistor 1 resistor2 = random.randint(0, NUM_RESISTORS - 1) if debug: print('Resistor 1: {}\nResistor 2: {}'.format(resistor1, resistor2)) code1 = resistors[resistor1] code2 = resistors[resistor2] if debug: print('Code 1: {}'.format(code1)) print('Code 2: {}'.format(code2)) ser.write((str(resistor1) + '\n').encode()) ser.write((str(resistor2) + '\n').encode()) if debug: print('Values sent') while True: read_ser = ser.readline() if read_ser == b'ready\r\n': if debug: print('Arduino ready, LEDs lit') break printOut('--- WARNING ---') printOut('ENGINE DAMAGED DUE TO ASTEROID COLLISION') printOut('ATTEMPTING AUTOMATIC REPAIR') for i in range(5): print('.', end='', flush=True) time.sleep(0.5) printOut(' AUTOMATIC REPAIR FAILED!') printOut('MANUAL OVERRIDE REQUIRED\n\n') # Enable numpad if not debug: disableKeys(False) attempt = '0' while int(attempt) != int(code1) and int(attempt) != int(code2): attempt = input('ENTER ENGINE REPAIR CODE 1 OF 2: ') if attempt == '*': hint_count = hint(hint_count) try: int(attempt) except ValueError: attempt = '0' remaining = code2 if int(attempt) == int(code1) else code1 if int(attempt) == int(code1): ser.write((str(resistor1) + 'ok\n').encode()) else: ser.write((str(resistor2) + 'ok\n').encode()) printOut('\n') attempt = '0' while int(attempt) != int(remaining): attempt = input('ENTER ENGINE REPAIR CODE 2 OF 2: ') if attempt == '*': hint_count = hint(hint_count) try: int(attempt) except ValueError: attempt = '0' if int(attempt) == int(code1): ser.write((str(resistor1) + 'ok\n').encode()) else: ser.write((str(resistor2) + 'ok\n').encode()) # Disable numpad if not debug: disableKeys() clearScreen() printOut('REPAIR CODES ACCEPTED, ENGINE NOW REPAIRING') for i in range(5): print('.', end='', flush=True) time.sleep(0.5) printOut(' COMPLETE!') printOut('\n\n--- POD STATUS ---') m, s = divmod(gametime - time.time(), 60) printOut( 'ENGINE STATUS:\tOK\nHYPERDRIVE:\tONLINE\nLIFE SUPPORT:\tLIMITED - {:.0f} MINUTE{} {} SECONDS REMAINING\nHINTS USED:\t{}' .format(m, 'S' if m >= 2.0 else '', int(s), hint_count)) ser.close() return hint_count