Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(dstat_fn):
    First parse into CSV string, then convert to JSON
    with open(dstat_fn, 'r') as fid:
        blob = fid.read()
    blob = "system" + blob.split('"system"')[1].strip()
    lines = blob.split('\n')
    line = lines.pop(0)
    cpu_list = [i.strip(' usage",,,,,') for i in line.split(',"')[1:]]
    csv_str = 'time.sec,' + ','.join(cpu_list) + '\n'
    line = lines.pop(0)  # header row
    # Parse first line and set t0
    (t0, vals) = parse_line(lines.pop(0))
    csv_str += '0,' + ','.join([str(val) for val in vals]) + '\n'

    while lines:
        (t, vals) = parse_line(lines.pop(0))
        csv_str += str(round((t - t0).total_seconds(), 1)) + ','
        csv_str += ','.join([str(val) for val in vals]) + '\n'

    out_fn = dstat_fn.replace('data/raw', 'data/final')
    out_fn += '.csv'
    with open(out_fn, 'w') as fid:

    # Convert and save JSON object
    obj = csv_to_json(csv_str)
    out_fn = out_fn.replace('.csv', '.json')
    with open(out_fn, 'w') as fid:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(raw_fn):
    Parse each line of input file and construct CSV strings, then convert to JSON
    gpu_str, mem_str, pow_str = parse_raw_gpu(raw_fn)
    # Often the last set of data is incomplete. Clean the csv records
    gpu_str = validate(gpu_str)
    mem_str = validate(mem_str)
    pow_str = validate(pow_str)
    ext = ['.gpu', '.mem', '.pow']
    num_gpu = len(gpu_str.split('\n')[0].split(',')) - 1
    header = 'time_sec,' + ','.join(['gpu' + str(i) for i in range(num_gpu)])
    header += '\n'
    # Save data for all individual gpu traces
    for csv_str in [gpu_str, mem_str, pow_str]:
        csv_str = header + csv_str
        ext_str = ext.pop(0)
        out_fn = raw_fn.replace('data/raw', 'data/final') + ext_str + '.csv'
        with open(out_fn, 'w') as fid:
        obj = csv_to_json(csv_str)
        out_fn = raw_fn.replace('data/raw', 'data/final') + ext_str + '.json'
        with open(out_fn, 'w') as fid:
    # Now calculate average GPU & Memory usage for all traces and save
    header = 'time_sec,GPU,MEMORY\n'
    avg_str = calc_avg(gpu_str, mem_str)
    out_fn = raw_fn.replace('data/raw', 'data/final') + '.avg.csv'
    with open(out_fn, 'w') as fid:
        fid.write(header + avg_str)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(raw_fn):
    First sum all the interrupts on a given CPU thread for a particular timestamp
    Then subtract the total interrupts from previous timestamp
    csv_str = parse_raw_interrupts(raw_fn)

    out_fn = raw_fn.replace('data/raw', 'data/final')
    out_fn += '.csv'
    with open(out_fn, 'w') as fid:

    obj = csv_to_json(csv_str)
    out_fn = out_fn.replace('.csv', '.json')
    with open(out_fn, 'w') as fid:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main(raw_fn):
    Parse each line of input file and construct CSV strings, then convert to JSON
    num_gpu, topology, gpu_str, membw_str, mem_str, pow_str, temp_str, pcie_str, nvl_str, int_str = parse_raw_gpu(
    # Often the last set of data is incomplete. Clean the csv records
    #    gpu_str = validate(gpu_str)
    #    mem_str = validate(mem_str)
    #    pow_str = validate(pow_str)
    ext = ['.gpu', '.mem', '.pow', '.membw', '.temp']
    #    num_gpu = len(gpu_str.split('\n')[0].split(',')) - 1
    header = 'time_sec,' + ','.join(['gpu' + str(i) for i in range(num_gpu)])
    header += '\n'
    # Save data for all individual gpu traces
    for csv_str in [gpu_str, membw_str, mem_str, pow_str, temp_str]:
        csv_str = header + csv_str
        ext_str = ext.pop(0)
        out_fn = raw_fn.replace('data/raw', 'data/final') + ext_str + '.csv'
        with open(out_fn, 'w') as fid:
        obj = csv_to_json(csv_str)
        out_fn = raw_fn.replace('data/raw', 'data/final') + ext_str + '.json'
        with open(out_fn, 'w') as fid:
    # Now calculate average GPU & Memory usage for all traces and save
    header = 'time_sec,GPU,MEMORY,MEM_BW\n'
    avg_str = calc_avg(gpu_str, mem_str, membw_str)
    out_fn = raw_fn.replace('data/raw', 'data/final') + '.avg.csv'
    with open(out_fn, 'w') as fid:
        fid.write(header + avg_str)

    header = 'time_sec'
    header += ",PCIeRx,PCIeTx,NVDevRx,NVDevTx,NVH2D,NVD2H\n"
    for i in range(num_gpu):
        out_fn = raw_fn.replace('data/raw', 'data/final') + '.nvl%d.csv' % (i)
        with open(out_fn, 'w') as fid:
            fid.write(header + int_str[i])