Ejemplo n.º 1
def parse_log(logFileName, options):
    of = open(options.output_file, "w") if options.output_file else sys.stdout
    prefix = options.prefix
    header_written = False
    has_init_time = False

    # Define the regex for header and content
    timestamp_re = r'\[\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{3}\]'
    info_re = r'\[INFO\]'
    header_re = r'{}: # (\w+(?:\t\w+)+)'.format(prefix)
    content_re = r'{}: ([^#\t]+(?:\t.+))+'.format(prefix)
    all_header_re = r'(?:{} {} )?{}'.format(timestamp_re, info_re, header_re)
    all_content_re = r'({}) {} {}'.format(timestamp_re, info_re, content_re)
    all_header_cre = re.compile(all_header_re)
    all_content_cre = re.compile(all_content_re)

    # Read all lines of the log file and fill header and content
    for l in open(logFileName):
        ls = l.strip()
        # write header
        if not header_written:
            hm = all_header_cre.match(ls)
            if hm:
                header = ["time"] + hm.group(1).split('\t')
                of.write(",".join(header) + "\n")
                header_written = True
            cm = all_content_cre.match(ls)
            if cm:
                # get time
                time_str = cm.group(1)[1:-1]
                if not has_init_time:
                    init_time = datetime_from_str(time_str)
                    has_init_time = True
                time = datetime_from_str(time_str)
                rel_time = (time - init_time).total_seconds()
                content = [str(rel_time)] + cm.group(2).split('\t')
                of.write(",".join(content) + "\n")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def parse_log(logFileName, options):
    of = open(options.output_file, "w") if options.output_file else sys.stdout
    prefix = options.prefix
    prefix_delim = " " + options.prefix + ":"
    header_written = False
    has_init_time = False
    for l in open(logFileName):
        # write header
        if (not header_written) and all(x in l for x in [prefix_delim, "#", "\t"]):
            header = ["time"] + l.partition("#")[2].strip().split("\t")
            of.write(",".join(header) + "\n")
            header_written = True
        elif (prefix_delim in l) and ("#" not in l):
            dp = l.partition(prefix_delim)
            # get time
            time_str = dp[0].partition("[INFO]")[0].strip()[1:-1]
            if not has_init_time:
                init_time = datetime_from_str(time_str)
                has_init_time = True
            time = datetime_from_str(time_str)
            rel_time = (time - init_time).total_seconds()
            content = [str(rel_time)] + dp[2].strip().split("\t")
            of.write(",".join(content) + "\n")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parse_log(logFileName, options):
    of = open(options.output_file, "w") if options.output_file else sys.stdout
    prefix = options.prefix
    prefix_delim = " " + options.prefix + ":"
    header_written = False
    has_init_time = False
    for l in open(logFileName):
        # write header
        if (not header_written) and all(x in l
                                        for x in [prefix_delim, "#", "\t"]):
            header = ["time"] + l.partition("#")[2].strip().split("\t")
            of.write(",".join(header) + "\n")
            header_written = True
        elif (prefix_delim in l) and ("#" not in l):
            dp = l.partition(prefix_delim)
            # get time
            time_str = dp[0].partition("[INFO]")[0].strip()[1:-1]
            if not has_init_time:
                init_time = datetime_from_str(time_str)
                has_init_time = True
            time = datetime_from_str(time_str)
            rel_time = (time - init_time).total_seconds()
            content = [str(rel_time)] + dp[2].strip().split("\t")
            of.write(",".join(content) + "\n")