def getUserPicture(outputWidth): camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0) if not camera.isOpened(): logging.error("Arrgghhh! The camera is not working!") return None outputSize = calculateScaledSize(outputWidth, capture=camera) logging.debug("Reading camera...") readOk, image = picWin = "Sonria..." cv2.namedWindow(picWin) key = -1 while key != ENTER_KEY and readOk: image = cv2.resize(image, outputSize) drawLabel("Presione [Enter]...", image, (int(outputWidth/3), 50)) cv2.imshow(picWin, image) key = cv2.waitKey(5) % 256 readOk, image = cv2.destroyWindow(picWin) cv2.waitKey(1) logging.debug('Picture taken.') return image
def recognizeVideo(faceRecognizer, videoFileName, subjects, haarFolder): faceCascade = loadCascadeClassifier(haarFolder + "/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml") leftEyeCascade = loadCascadeClassifier(haarFolder + "/haarcascade_lefteye_2splits.xml") rightEyeCascade = loadCascadeClassifier(haarFolder + "/haarcascade_righteye_2splits.xml") if not videoFileName: videoFileName = 0 capture = cv2.VideoCapture(videoFileName) readOk, image = if readOk: height, width, channels = image.shape else: logging.warning("Could not read capture!!") return minFaceSize = (int(width * 0.1), int(width * 0.1)) rectColor = (255, 0, 0) rectThickness = 2 fontColor = (255, 255, 255) fontScale = 0.8 fontThickness = 1 title = 'Face Recognizer App' cv2.namedWindow(title) while cv2.waitKey(10) == -1 and readOk: faces = detectFaces(image, faceCascade, leftEyeCascade, rightEyeCascade, minFaceSize) if len(faces) == 0 : for i in xrange(0, 3): cv2.imshow(title, image) _, image = else: for (x, y, w, h, _, _) in faces: face = cv2.cvtColor(image[y:y+h, x:x+w], cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faceGray = cv2.resize(face, (92, 112)) (prediction, distance) = faceRecognizer.predict(faceGray) if distance > 140: predictionLegend = "Unknow subject" else: predictionLegend = "Predicted {0} - Distance {1}".format(subjects[prediction], distance) cv2.rectangle(image, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), rectColor, rectThickness) drawLabel(predictionLegend, image, (x-20, y-10)) cv2.imshow(title, image) readOk, image = cv2.destroyWindow(title)
def main(): args = configureArguments() configureLogging(args.log) windowTitle = "Test draw app" cv2.namedWindow(windowTitle) haarFolder = "/home/juan/ciberpunks/opencv-2.4.11/data/haarcascades" faceCascade = loadCascadeClassifier(haarFolder + "/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml") leftEyeCascade = loadCascadeClassifier(haarFolder + "/haarcascade_lefteye_2splits.xml") rightEyeCascade = loadCascadeClassifier(haarFolder + "/haarcascade_righteye_2splits.xml") mouthCascade = loadCascadeClassifier(haarFolder + '/haarcascade_mcs_mouth.xml') color = (120,120,130) thickness = 2 width = 600 image = cv2.imread('/home/juan/ciberpunks/faces/news/[email protected]') image = cv2.resize(image, calculateScaledSize(width, image=image)) if image is None: print 'ERROR: no se pudo leer la imagen.' return minFaceSize = (10, 10) minEyeSize = (5, 5) faces = detectFaces(image, faceCascade, leftEyeCascade, rightEyeCascade, minFaceSize, minEyeSize) for (x, y, w, h, leftEyes, rightEyes) in faces: center = calculateCenter((x,y,w,h)) cv2.line(image, (x,0), (x, width), color, 2) cv2.line(image, (x+w,0), (x+w, width), color, 2) cv2.line(image, (0,y), (width, y), color, 2) cv2.line(image, (0,y+h), (width, y+h), color, 2) drawLabel("Juan Gabriel", image, (x, y+20)) cv2.imshow(windowTitle, image) cv2.waitKey(6000) cv2.destroyWindow(windowTitle)
def draw_boxes(img, boxes, names): """ Draws bounding boxes of objects detected on given image """ h, w = img.shape[:2] for box, tid in zip(boxes, names): # draw rectangle x, y, w, h = box x, y, w, h = int(x), int(y), int(w), int(h) cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2) text = "%d" % (tid) img = common.drawLabel(img, text, (x, y)) return img
def demo_video(video_file): detector = ObjectDetectorYolo(model='tiny-yolo-voc') mtracker = KalmanTracker(['person'], tracker='deep_sort') cap = common.VideoStream(video_file, queueSize=4).start() cv2.waitKey(500) Outcount, Incount = 0, 0 total_t, counter = 0, 0 while not cap.stopped: t = common.clock() imgcv = if imgcv is not None: counter += 1 detections = mtracker.update(imgcv, detections) cvboxes, ids = [], [] for tid, tracker in mtracker.trackers.iteritems(): if tracker.consecutive_invisible_count < 5: state_current = get_pos(tracker.bbox) try: if state_current != tracker.regionside: tracker.statechange += 1 print state_current, tracker.regionside, tracker.statechange if state_current == 'Positive': if tracker.statechange % 2: Incount += 1 else: Outcount -= 1 else: if tracker.statechange % 2: Outcount += 1 else: Incount -= 1 tracker.regionside = state_current except AttributeError: tracker.regionside = state_current tracker.statechange = 0 cvboxes.append(tracker.bbox) ids.append(tid) print Incount, Outcount cv2.line(imgcv, (LINE['x1'], LINE['y1']), (LINE['x2'], LINE['y2']), (0, 0, 255), 4) common.drawLabel(imgcv, "IN:%d OUT:%d" % (Incount, Outcount), (10, 10), size=1, color=(0, 0, 255)) common.showImage(draw_boxes(imgcv, cvboxes, ids)) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if key == 27: break t1 = common.clock() dt = t1 - t t = t1 total_t += dt print counter / total_t
def demo_video(video_file): facedemo = Face(detector_method=DETECTOR, recognition_method=None) mtracker = MultiTracker(SingleTrackerType=CorrelationTracker) # mtracker = MultiTracker(SingleTrackerType=CorrelationTracker, # removalConfig=removalConfig) # mtracker = MultiTracker(SingleTrackerType = cv2.TrackerKCF_create) cap = common.VideoStream(video_file, queueSize=4).start() cv2.waitKey(500) Outcount, Incount = 0, 0 while not cap.stopped: t = common.clock() total_t, counter = 0, 0 imgcv = if imgcv is not None: counter += 1 detections = facedemo.detect(imgcv, upsamples=0) mtracker.update(imgcv, common.toCvbox(detections)) cvboxes, ids = [], [] for tid, tracker in mtracker.trackers.items(): if tracker.visible_count > 3 and tracker.consecutive_invisible_count < 10: state_current = get_pos(tracker.bbox) try: if state_current != tracker.regionside: tracker.statechange += 1 print state_current, tracker.regionside, tracker.statechange if state_current == 'Positive': if tracker.statechange % 2: Incount += 1 else: Outcount -= 1 else: if tracker.statechange % 2: Outcount += 1 else: Incount -= 1 tracker.regionside = state_current except AttributeError: tracker.regionside = state_current tracker.statechange = 0 cvboxes.append(tracker.bbox) ids.append(tid) detections = to_bbox(cvboxes) print Incount, Outcount cv2.line(imgcv, (LINE['x1'], LINE['y1']), (LINE['x2'], LINE['y2']), (0, 0, 255), 4) imgcv = common.drawLabel(imgcv, "IN:%d OUT:%d" % (Incount, Outcount), (10, 10), color=(0, 0, 255)) common.showImage(common.drawObjects(imgcv, detections, ids)) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if key == 27: break t1 = common.clock() dt = t1 - t t = t1 total_t += dt print counter / total_t