def process_localfiles(pmailslst, pmutex, pservfileprocessedlst, pfrompath, ptopath): #1.move file to his dir #2.update maillst status by uid&flag fileslst = os.listdir(pfrompath) fileslst.sort() for i in range(0, len(fileslst), 1): if getidxkeywordinlst( pservfileprocessedlst, get2betw13(fileslst[i], public.GFLAG_UID, public.GSEPTOR_FILE)) > -1: #move to ptopath logaq('moving file to ' + ptopath) shutil.move(pfrompath + fileslst[i], ptopath + fileslst[i]) updateflagmsg_byuidflag( pmailslst, pmutex, get2betw13(fileslst[i], public.GFLAG_UID, public.GSEPTOR_FILE), public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_EXPORTED, public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_DOWNLOADED, '') else: #local file exist,serverfile no exist tmpidx = getidxbyuidflag( get2betw13(fileslst[i], public.GFLAG_UID, public.GSEPTOR_FILE), public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_EXPORTED, pmailslst) if tmpidx > -1: #os.rename(pfrompath+fileslst[i],(pfrompath+fileslst[i]).replace(public.GSUFFIX_FILEMAIL,'.drr')) logaq('moving file to send') shutil.move(pfrompath + fileslst[i], public.gdir_atachmt_willsend) updateflagmsg_byuidflag( pmailslst, pmutex, get2betw13(fileslst[i], public.GFLAG_UID, public.GSEPTOR_FILE), public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_EXPORTED, public.GSTATUS_ERROR, PG_MSG2)
def processfile(pmailslst, pmutex, ppath, pfilename): #process file content for creating view #Format: #old file:select ...... from ......where ......;select ...... from ...... where ......; #new file:create view filename_seq1V as select ...... from ......where ......;create view filename_seq2V as select ...... from ...... where ......; global s2_charset ltmpuid = get2betw13(pfilename, public.GPREFIX_FILEUID, public.GSEPTOR_FILE) tmpfd = open(ppath, 'rb') try: tmpdata = finally: tmpfd.close() s2_charset = chardet.detect(tmpdata)['encoding'] if s2_charset[ 0: 3] == 'UTF': #AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK AL32UTF8 ZHS16CGB231280 os.environ["NLS_LANG"] = public.GNLS_LANG_UTF8 else: os.environ["NLS_LANG"] = public.GNLS_LANG_GBK if check_fileformat(tmpdata.decode(s2_charset)): lviewname = public.GFLAG_UID + get2betw13( pfilename, public.GPREFIX_FILEUID, public.GSUFFIX_FILEMAIL) tmpfiletext = replace_oldkeyword( tmpdata.decode(s2_charset), S2_SELECT, S2_CREATEORREP + lviewname + S2_SUFFIX, S2_SEGSEPTOR, 1, lviewname + '_') tmperr, tmpfiletext = remove_riskfactors(tmpfiletext) if tmperr: updateflagmsg_byuidflag(pmailslst, pmutex, ltmpuid, public.GSTATUS_ATACHMT_DOWNLOADED, public.GSTATUS_ERROR, S2_RFACTORHINT + tmperr + S2_TAIL) logaq(pfilename + ':' + S2_RFACTORHINT + tmperr, 'e') if os.path.exists(public.gdir_history + pfilename): os.remove(public.gdir_history + pfilename) logaq('moving file to his') shutil.move(ppath, public.gdir_history) return False tmpdata = tmpfiletext.encode(s2_charset) tmpfd = open(ppath, 'wb') try: tmpfd.write(tmpdata) finally: tmpfd.close() return True else: updateflagmsg_byuidflag(pmailslst, pmutex, ltmpuid, public.GSTATUS_ATACHMT_DOWNLOADED, public.GSTATUS_ERROR, S2_MSG4) logaq(pfilename + ':' + S2_MSG4, 'e') if os.path.exists(public.gdir_history + pfilename): os.remove(public.gdir_history + pfilename) logaq('moving file to his') shutil.move(ppath, public.gdir_history) return False
def put_main(pmailslst, pparaslst, pmutex): fileslst = os.listdir(public.gdir_atachmt_downloaded) fileslst.sort() curmuid = -1 predbdusr = '' curdbdusr = '' for i in range(0, len(fileslst), 1): print(fileslst[i]) path = os.path.join(public.gdir_atachmt_downloaded, fileslst[i]) #process file context # curdbdusr = getdbtnsdbusr(get2betw13(fileslst[i], 'UID', '_'), public.GSTATUS_ATACHMT_DOWNLOADED, pmailslst) print(curdbdusr) if not curdbdusr: os.rename(path, path.replace(public.GSUFFIX_FILEMAIL, '.urr')) logaq('moving file to senddir') shutil.move(path.replace(public.GSUFFIX_FILEMAIL, '.urr'), public.gdir_atachmt_willsend) updateflagmsg_byuidflag(pmailslst, pmutex, get2betw13(fileslst[i], 'UID', '_'), public.GSTATUS_ATACHMT_DOWNLOADED, public.GSTATUS_ERROR, PG_MSG1) if i > 0: updateflagmsg_byuidflag( pmailslst, pmutex, get2betw13(fileslst[i - 1], 'UID', '_'), public.GSTATUS_ATACHMT_DOWNLOADED, public.GSTATUS_ATACHMT_UPLOADED, '') elif predbdusr != curdbdusr: #getoinfo if predbdusr: transport.close() loip, loprt, lousr, lopd = getoinforbytnsusr(curdbdusr, pparaslst) print(loip + ',' + loprt + ',' + lousr + ',' + lopd) transport = paramiko.Transport((loip, int(loprt))) transport.connect(username=lousr, password=lopd) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) if os.path.isfile(path): sftp.put(path, '/home/test/' + fileslst[i]) shutil.move(path, public.gdir_atachmt_uploaded) #updatedict_inlist(pmailslst,pmutex,pg_dictname_uid,get2betw13(fileslst[i],'UID','_'),pg_dictname_flag,public.GSTATUS_ATACHMT_DOWNLOADED,public.GSTATUS_ATACHMT_UPLOADED) if (predbdusr and predbdusr != curdbdusr) or (i == len(fileslst) - 1): idxlast = i - 1 if i == len(fileslst) - 1: idxlast = len(fileslst) - 1 print(get2betw13(fileslst[idxlast], 'UID', '_')) updateflagmsg_byuidflag(pmailslst, pmutex, get2betw13(fileslst[idxlast], 'UID', '_'), public.GSTATUS_ATACHMT_DOWNLOADED, public.GSTATUS_ATACHMT_UPLOADED, '') if i == len(fileslst) - 1: transport.close() #if fileslst[i].find('DW')>-1:#fileuid not match mailslst uid #print('----\n'+public.gdir_atachmt_uploaded+fileslst[i]+'\n'+public.gdir_atachmt_uploaded+'err.err'+'----\n') #os.rename(public.gdir_atachmt_uploaded+fileslst[i],public.gdir_atachmt_uploaded+'err.err') predbdusr = curdbdusr
def callprocedure(pmailslst, pparaslst, pmutex, ppath, pfilename, pproclst, pmutexp, pdbconlst): #add pdbconlst #!!!!!!!!!!this procedure maybe spend a long time!!!!!!!!!!! #BUG FINDED 20181123 ltmpuid = get2betw13(pfilename, public.GPREFIX_FILEUID, public.GSEPTOR_FILE) updateflagmsg_byuidflag(pmailslst, pmutex, ltmpuid, public.GSTATUS_ATACHMT_DOWNLOADED, public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_BEFEXPORT, '', time.time()) ltmpviewlike = public.GFLAG_UID + get2betw13( pfilename, public.GPREFIX_FILEUID, public.GSUFFIX_FILEMAIL) + '%' ltmpowner = getdbusrbyuid(ltmpuid, pmailslst).strip() ltmpdbtns = getdbtnsbyuid(ltmpuid, pmailslst) if len(ltmpowner) == 0: ltmpowner = getdbusrbydbtns(ltmpdbtns, pparaslst) logaq('dbtns:' + ltmpdbtns) logaq('dbusr:'******'t exit) #ltmpprocname=S2_PROC_PRODUCTDATA.replace('POWNER',ltmpowner.upper()) #ltmpprocname=ltmpprocname.replace('PVIEWLIKE',ltmpviewlike.upper()) #lrst=execprocedure(getsqlpluscon(ltmpdbtns,ltmpowner,pparaslst),ltmpprocname,pproclst,pmutexp) lsqlerr = '' for lerr in S2_ERROR: if lrst.lower().find(lerr.lower()) > -1: lsqlerr = lrst if lsqlerr: #procedure exec error lsqlerr = clearblankchar(lsqlerr) updateflagmsg_byuidflag(pmailslst, pmutex, ltmpuid, public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_BEFEXPORT, public.GSTATUS_ERROR, lsqlerr) logaq(pfilename + ':' + lsqlerr, 'e') if os.path.exists(public.gdir_history + pfilename): os.remove(public.gdir_history + pfilename) logaq('moving file to his') shutil.move(ppath, public.gdir_history) else: #cannot updateflag to exported until all UID attachments process over. # updateflagmsg_byuidflag(pmailslst,pmutex,pmailslst[pidxuid]['uid'],public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_BEFEXPORT,public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_EXPORTED,'') if os.path.exists(public.gdir_history + pfilename): os.remove(public.gdir_history + pfilename) logaq('moving file to his') shutil.move(ppath, public.gdir_history)
def format_tocc(pstr): rst = '' for ml in pstr.split(','): tmpem = get2betw13(ml, '<', '>') if not tmpem: tmpem = ml if not rst: rst = tmpem.strip() else: rst = rst + ',' + tmpem.strip() return rst
def exeprocedure_bycxora(pconstr, pproname, pproparaowner, pproparaviewlike, pdbconlst, pmutex): #instead of execprocedure; solving BUG:mutithread call sqlplus hang rst = 'begin exeprocedure_bycxora' logaq('ConToDB constr:' + get2betw13(pconstr, '', '/') + '/******@' + get2betw13(pconstr, '@', '')) logaq('callproc:' + pproname + '(' + pproparaowner + ',' + pproparaviewlike + ')') try: odb = cx_Oracle.Connection(pconstr) dbcur = odb.cursor() except Exception as e: logaq('DB connect Error: %s' % e, 'e') rst = "Error:DB connect Exception" return rst try: add_dbcon(pdbconlst, odb, dbcur, threading.currentThread().getName(), pmutex) logaq('dblst size(AaddedBcall):' + str(len(pdbconlst))) dbcur.callproc(pproname, [pproparaowner, pproparaviewlike]) logaq('remove dbfromlst') remove_dbcon(pdbconlst, threading.currentThread().getName(), pmutex) logaq('dblst size(After call&removed):' + str(len(pdbconlst))) except Exception as e: logaq('DB Error: %s' % e, 'e') rst = S2_MSG5 logaq('remove dbfromlst') remove_dbcon(pdbconlst, threading.currentThread().getName(), pmutex) logaq('dblst size(After call&removed):' + str(len(pdbconlst))) finally: try: dbcur.close() except Exception as e: logaq('dbcur close Error: %s' % e, 'e') try: odb.close() except Exception as e: logaq('dbcon close Error: %s' % e, 'e') return rst
def execsfile(pconstr, pfile): global s2_charset logaq('NLS_LANG=' + os.environ["NLS_LANG"]) logaq(S2_SQLAPP + ' constr:' + get2betw13(pconstr, '', '/') + '/******@' + get2betw13(pconstr, '@', '') + ' file:' + pfile) #/xlzhu@ procf = Popen([S2_SQLAPP, '-S', pconstr], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) logaq('opensqlplus id:' + str(id(procf))) logaq('begin create views...') #procf.stdin.write(('@'+pfile).encode())#exist bug try: (outf, errf) = procf.communicate(input=('@' + pfile).encode(s2_charset), timeout=60) logaq('create views end') except TimeoutExpired: logaq('sqlplus timeout', 'w') procf.terminate() (outf, errf) = procf.communicate() except Exception as e: logaq('sqlplus Exception: %s' % e, 'w') (outf, errf) = procf.communicate() if procf.returncode != 0: returnmsgf = errf.decode() logaq( 'returncode:' + str(procf.returncode) + 'err:' + returnmsgf + 'out:' + outf.decode(), 'e') if len(returnmsgf) == 0: returnmsgf = outf.decode() if len(returnmsgf) == 0: returnmsgf = S2_MSG5 #sys.exit(procf.returncode) else: returnmsgf = outf.decode() return returnmsgf
def checkfilestatus(pmailslst, ppath, pfilename): rst = False tmpidxuid = getidxbyuidflag( get2betw13(pfilename, public.GPREFIX_FILEUID, public.GSEPTOR_FILE), public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_BEFEXPORT, pmailslst) if tmpidxuid > -1: logaq(pfilename + ':' + S2_MSG2, 'w') #shutil.move(ppath,public.gdir_history) else: tmpidxuid = getidxbyuidflag( get2betw13(pfilename, public.GPREFIX_FILEUID, public.GSEPTOR_FILE), public.GSTATUS_ATACHMT_DOWNLOADED, pmailslst) if tmpidxuid < 0: #write error file to his,move this file to his logaq(pfilename + ':' + S2_MSG1, 'e') #writefile(os.path.join(public.gdir_history,pfilename),S2_MSG1,'.err') if os.path.exists(public.gdir_history + pfilename): os.remove(public.gdir_history + pfilename) logaq('moving file to his') shutil.move(ppath, public.gdir_history) else: rst = True return rst
def createviews(pmailslst, pparaslst, pmutex, ppath, pfilename): #login to sqlplus exec sqlfile rst = 'OK' lsqlerr = '' ltmpuid = get2betw13(pfilename, public.GPREFIX_FILEUID, public.GSEPTOR_FILE) lcon = getsqlpluscon(getdbtnsbyuid(ltmpuid, pmailslst), getdbusrbyuid(ltmpuid, pmailslst), pparaslst) if lcon: lrst = execsfile(lcon, ppath) try: logaq('execsfile return') except Exception as e: logaq('log Error: %s' % e, 'e') else: logaq(pfilename + ':' + S2_MSG3, 'e') if os.path.exists(public.gdir_history + pfilename): os.remove(public.gdir_history + pfilename) logaq('moving file to his') shutil.move(ppath, public.gdir_history) rst = '' return rst #logaq('judging returnstr error') for lerr in S2_ERROR: if lrst.lower().find(lerr.lower()) > -1: lsqlerr = lrst #logaq('judging end 20s') time.sleep(20) if lsqlerr: #sqlfile exec error lsqlerr = clearblankchar(lsqlerr) updateflagmsg_byuidflag(pmailslst, pmutex, ltmpuid, public.GSTATUS_ATACHMT_DOWNLOADED, public.GSTATUS_ERROR, lsqlerr) logaq(pfilename + ':' + lsqlerr, 'e') if os.path.exists(public.gdir_history + pfilename): os.remove(public.gdir_history + pfilename) logaq('moving file to his') shutil.move(ppath, public.gdir_history) rst = '' return rst
def mails_main(pmaillst, pmutex, pdirattachment): if breaktime(): exit() try: global ms_serv global ms_msg1 lpretime = time.time() ms_serv = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(public.gshst, public.gsprt) ms_serv.login(public.gmusr, getpdbyen(public.gmenpd)) logaq('smtp server login ok', 'i') while not breaktime(): while not getfilepgok(public.gmutex_filepg) and not breaktime(): logaq('waiting for filepg ' + str(public.gsleep) + 's...', 'i') time.sleep(public.gsleep) logaq('process exception mail') process_exceptmaillst(pmaillst, pmutex) continue pretmpmuid = '' tmpmuid = '' existsplitf = False relogin_mail(lpretime) lpretime = time.time() try: lexistnewfile = False fileslst = os.listdir(pdirattachment) fileslst.sort() for i in range(0, len(fileslst), 1): tmplstfile = fileslst[i] logaq('file:' + tmplstfile, 'i') lpath = os.path.join(pdirattachment, tmplstfile) if time.time() - os.path.getmtime(lpath) <= 1: logaq('mtime<=1:' + lpath) lexistnewfile = True continue tmpmuid = get2betw13(tmplstfile, public.GFLAG_UID, public.GSUFFIX_TARGZFILEMAIL) #--split file process if tmpmuid == pretmpmuid: existsplitf = True if (existsplitf and (i<len(fileslst)-1) and get2betw13(fileslst[i+1],public.GFLAG_UID,'_')!=tmpmuid) \ or (existsplitf and i==len(fileslst)-1): tmpfilelike = get2betw13( tmplstfile, '', public.GSUFFIX_TARGZFILEMAIL ) + public.GSUFFIX_TARGZFILEMAIL writefile( pdirattachment + 'UID' + pretmpmuid, ms_cmd_merge.replace('FILENAME', tmpfilelike), '.cmd') tmplstfile = tmplstfile + ',UID' + pretmpmuid + '.cmd' existsplitf = False #--end split file process idxmail = getidxbyuidflag( tmpmuid, public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_DOWNLOADED, pmaillst) ltmpuid = pmaillst[idxmail]['uid'] #get mailheader info if idxmail > -1: logaq('sendmail uid:' + tmpmuid) ms_msg1 = ms_msg1.replace('STOPTIME', public.gstop_time) ms_msg1 = ms_msg1.replace('MAX_QTIME', str(public.gmmaxqtime / 60)) send_mail( public.gmusr, pmaillst[idxmail]['from'] + ',' + pmaillst[idxmail]['to'], pmaillst[idxmail]['cc'], 'Re:' + pmaillst[idxmail]['subject'], ms_msg1, public.gdir_atachmt_willsend, tmplstfile) if pmaillst[idxmail]['uid'] != ltmpuid: logaq('!!!!!!multithreads data conflict!!!!!!', 'e') if os.path.exists(public.gdir_history + fileslst[i]): os.remove(public.gdir_history + fileslst[i]) logaq('moving file to his uid:' + tmpmuid) shutil.move(lpath, public.gdir_history) #--delete pmaillst if pretmpmuid and tmpmuid != pretmpmuid: logaq('deleting mailmeta by preuid(cur<>pre)') deldict_fromlist(pmaillst, pmutex, 'uid', pretmpmuid) if i == (len(fileslst) - 1): logaq('deleting mailmeta by uid(lastone)') deldict_fromlist(pmaillst, pmutex, 'uid', tmpmuid) #--end delete pretmpmuid = tmpmuid process_exceptmaillst(pmaillst, pmutex) if not lexistnewfile: setfilepgok(public.gmutex_filepg, False) else: time.sleep(3) logaq(pmaillst) logaq('while end', 'i') except Exception as e: logaq('mailss Error: %s' % e, 'e') time.sleep(3) finally: logaq('while finally', 'i') saveobject(pmaillst, 'maills4') #refresh_ini() finally: try: ms_serv.quit() except Exception as e: logaq('smtp exit exception: %s' % e, 'i')
def s2file_main(pmailslst, pparaslst, pmutex, pdb, pproclst, pmutexp, pdbconlst): #add pdbconlst while not getmailsaok(public.gmutex_mailsa) and not breaktime(): logaq('waiting for mailsa 10s...', 'i') time.sleep(10) continue preuid = '' curuid = '' try: fileslst = os.listdir(public.gdir_atachmt_downloaded) fileslst.sort() logaq('FilesCNT:' + str(len(fileslst))) for i in range(0, len(fileslst), 1): try: lexistnewfile = False #only process file start with pdb logaq('Process idx:' + str(i)) if get2betw13(fileslst[i], '', public.GPREFIX_FILEUID) == pdb: logaq('Curfile:' + fileslst[i]) lpath = os.path.join(public.gdir_atachmt_downloaded, fileslst[i]) curuid = get2betw13(fileslst[i], public.GPREFIX_FILEUID, public.GSEPTOR_FILE) #if exist one attachment error in same mail,will not process others if getflagbyuid(curuid, pmailslst) == public.GSTATUS_ERROR: if os.path.exists(public.gdir_history + fileslst[i]): os.remove(public.gdir_history + fileslst[i]) logaq('moving file to his') shutil.move(lpath, public.gdir_history) continue #if all attachment have been processed in same mail,update flag to GSTATUS_SQLDATA_EXPORTED if preuid and preuid != curuid: updateflagmsg_byuidflag( pmailslst, pmutex, preuid, public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_BEFEXPORT, public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_EXPORTED, '') if time.time() - os.path.getmtime(lpath) <= 1: logaq('MTime<=1:' + lpath) lexistnewfile = True continue if not checkfilestatus(pmailslst, lpath, fileslst[i]): continue else: #process file context #1.judging file charset #2.changing select segment to create or replace view ..... as select segment #3.judging whether exist risk factors if not processfile(pmailslst, pmutex, lpath, fileslst[i]): continue #end process file context #login to sqlplus exec sqlfile if not createviews(pmailslst, pparaslst, pmutex, lpath, fileslst[i]): continue else: callprocedure(pmailslst, pparaslst, pmutex, lpath, fileslst[i], pproclst, pmutexp, pdbconlst) preuid = curuid logaq('Curfile end') except Exception as e: logaq('s2file Forloop Error: %s' % e, 'e') time.sleep(3) updateflagmsg_byuidflag(pmailslst, pmutex, curuid, public.GSTATUS_ATACHMT_DOWNLOADED, public.GSTATUS_ERROR, str(e)) updateflagmsg_byuidflag(pmailslst, pmutex, curuid, public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_BEFEXPORT, public.GSTATUS_ERROR, str(e)) updateflagmsg_byuidflag(pmailslst, pmutex, curuid, public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_BEFEXPORT, public.GSTATUS_SQLDATA_EXPORTED, '') if not lexistnewfile: setmailsaok(public.gmutex_mailsa, False) else: time.sleep(3) sets2fileok(public.gmutex_s2file, True) logaq(pmailslst) except Exception as e: logaq('s2file Error: %s' % e, 'e') finally: #saveobject(pmailslst,'maills2') logaq('s2file finally')