Ejemplo n.º 1
    def find_song_info(self, content):
#         content = content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')

        pattern = u'<meta property="og:title" content="(.*?) 歌詞 \|'
        title = common.get_first_group_by_pattern(content, pattern)
        title = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(title)
        self.title = title

        pattern = u'<meta property="og:description" content="(.*?)が歌う'
        artist = common.get_first_group_by_pattern(content, pattern)
        artist = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(artist)
        self.artist = artist

        prefixes = {
            'lyricist': u'作詞</dt>',
            'composer': u'作曲</dt>',
        suffix = '</dd>'

        for key in prefixes:
            prefix = prefixes[key]
            value = common.find_string_by_prefix_suffix(content, prefix, suffix, False)
            if value:
                value = common.strip_tags(value).strip()
                value = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(value)
                setattr(self, key, value)

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def find_song_info(self, content):
        prefix = "<div id='lyricBlock'>"
        suffix = '</table>'
        info_block = common.find_string_by_prefix_suffix(content, prefix, suffix, False)

        prefix = '<h2>'
        suffix = '</h2>'
        title = common.find_string_by_prefix_suffix(info_block, prefix, suffix, False)

        self.title = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(common.unicode2string(title))

        patterns = {
            'artist': u'>歌:(.*?)</td>',
            'lyricist': u'>作詞:(.*?)</td>',
            'composer': u'>作曲:(.*?)</td>'

        for key in patterns:
            pattern = patterns[key]

            value = common.get_first_group_by_pattern(info_block, pattern)
            if value:
                value = common.strip_tags(common.htmlspecialchars_decode(value)).strip()
                setattr(self, key, value)
                logging.debug('Failed to get %s, pattern: %s' % (key, pattern, ))

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def parse_song_info(self, url, html):
        ret = True

        pattern = '<h1.*?>(.*)</h1>'
        title = common.get_first_group_by_pattern(html, pattern)
        if title:
            title = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(common.strip_tags(title)).strip()
            self.title = title
            logging.warning('Failed to parse title of url [%s]', url)
            ret = False

        patterns = {
            'artist': '">([^<]*)</a></span></td></tr>',
            'lyricist': 'td>([^<]*)<br></td></tr><tr>',
            'composer': 'td>([^<]*)<br></td></tr></table>',

        prefix = '<table class="lyric-data">'
        suffix = '</table>'
        info_table = common.find_string_by_prefix_suffix(html, prefix, suffix)
        info_table = info_table.replace('\n', '')

        for key in patterns:
            pattern = patterns[key]

            value = common.get_first_group_by_pattern(info_table, pattern)
            if value:
                value = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(common.strip_tags(value)).strip()
                setattr(self, key, value)
                logging.warning('Failed to get %s', key)
                ret = False

        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def find_lyric(self, url):
        pattern = 'item-([0-9]+)\.html'

        song_id = common.get_first_group_by_pattern(url, pattern)

        if not song_id:
            logging.info('Failed to get id of url [%s]', url)
            return False

        song_url = 'http://www.kasi-time.com/item_js.php?no=' + song_id
        data = common.get_url_content(song_url)
        if not data:
            logging.info('Failed to get content of url [%s]', song_url)
            return False

        lyric = data.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
        lyric = lyric.replace("document.write('", "")
        lyric = lyric.replace("');", "")
        lyric = lyric.replace("<br>", "\n")
        lyric = lyric.replace("&nbsp;", " ")
        lyric = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(lyric)
        lyric = common.unicode2string(lyric)
        lyric = common.strip_slash(lyric)
        lyric = lyric.strip()

        # test for half to full
        lyric = common.half2full(lyric)

        self.lyric = lyric

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def find_song_info(self, url):
        ret = True
        html = common.get_url_content(url)

        encoding = 'euc_jp'
        html = html.decode(encoding, 'ignore')

        patterns = {
            'title': 'title',
            'artist': 'artist',
            'lyricist': 'sakusi',
            'composer': 'sakyoku',

        for key in patterns:
            key_for_pattern  = patterns[key]

            pattern = u'<INPUT type="hidden" name=%s value="([^"]*)">' % (key_for_pattern, )
            value = common.get_first_group_by_pattern(html, pattern)

            if not value:
                logging.info('Failed to get %s of url [%s]', key, url)
                ret = False
                value = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(value).strip()
                setattr(self, key, value)

        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def parse_composer(self, html):
        prefix = '<b>&#20316;&#26354;&#65306;</b>'
        suffix = '\t'

        raw_string = common.find_string_by_prefix_suffix(html, prefix, suffix, False)
        if not raw_string:
            logging.debug('Failed to find composer')
            return False

        self.composer = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(common.unicode2string(raw_string)).strip()
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def find_lyric(self, content):
        prefix = "<p id='lyricBody'>"
        suffix = "</p>"
        lyric = common.find_string_by_prefix_suffix(content, prefix, suffix, False)

        lyric = lyric.replace('<br />', '')
        lyric = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(common.unicode2string(lyric))
        lyric = lyric.strip();

        self.lyric = lyric

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def parse_lyricist(self, html):
        prefix = '<b>&#20316;&#35422;&#65306;</b>'
        suffix = '\t'

        logging.debug('find me LYRICIST')

        raw_string = common.find_string_by_prefix_suffix(html, prefix, suffix, False)
        if not raw_string:
            logging.debug('Failed to find lyricist')
            return False

        self.lyricist = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(common.unicode2string(raw_string)).strip()
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def parse_lyric(self, html):
        prefix = '<PRE>'
        suffix = '</PRE>'
        raw_lyric = common.find_string_by_prefix_suffix(html, prefix, suffix, False)
        if not raw_lyric:
            logging.info('Failed to parse lyric from html [%s]', html)
            return False

        raw_lyric = raw_lyric.strip()

        pos = raw_lyric.find('\n\n')
        if pos < 0:
            logging.info('Failed to find two consecutive newlines')
            return False

        self.title = raw_lyric[0:pos]

        raw_lyric = raw_lyric[pos+2:]

        pos = raw_lyric.find('\n\n')
        if pos < 0:
            logging.info('Failed to find two consecutive newlines')
            return False

        info = raw_lyric[0:pos]
        self.lyric = raw_lyric[pos+2:]

        patterns = {
            'artist': u'歌:(.+)',
            'lyricist': u'作詞:(.+?)/',
            'composer': u'作曲:(.+?)/',
            'arranger': u'編曲:(.+?)/',

        for key in patterns:
            pattern  = patterns[key]

            value = common.get_first_group_by_pattern(info, pattern)

            if not value:
                logging.info('Failed to get %s of url [%s]', key, url)
                value = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(value).strip()
                setattr(self, key, value)

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def find_song_info(self, url):
        ret = True
        html = common.get_url_content(url)

        encoding = 'euc_jp'
        html = html.decode(encoding, 'ignore')

        prefix = '<TABLE cellspacing="1"'
        suffix = '</TABLE>'
        info_table = common.find_string_by_prefix_suffix(html, prefix, suffix)

        def get_info_value_by_key(html, key):
            valuePrefix = '#ffffff>&nbsp;'
            valueSuffix = '</TD>'
            lenPrefix = len(valuePrefix)
            posKey = html.find(key)
            logging.debug('key position: %d' % (posKey))

            posStart = html.find(valuePrefix, posKey) + lenPrefix
            posEnd = html.find(valueSuffix, posStart)
            logging.debug('position [%d:%d]' % (posStart, posEnd))

            value = html[posStart:posEnd]
            return value

        patterns = {
            'title': u'曲名</TD>',
            'artist': u'歌手</TD>',
            'lyricist': u'作詞</TD>',
            'composer': u'作曲</TD>',

        for key in patterns:
            pattern = patterns[key]
            value = get_info_value_by_key(info_table, pattern)

            if not value:
                logging.info('Failed to get %s of url [%s]', key, url)
                ret = False
                value = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(value).strip()
                setattr(self, key, value)

        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def parse_page(self):
        url = self.url

        s = requests.Session()
        self.s = s

        # 1. get song id from url
        id = self.get_song_id(url)
        if not id:
            logging.error('Failed to get id of url [%s]', url)
            return False

        r = s.get(url)

        plsession = r.cookies['PLSESSION']

        # 2. get 1st part lyric from html and song_info
        html = r.text
        if not html:
            logging.info('Failed to get html of url [%s]' % (url))
            return False
        lyric_1st = self.get_lyric_1st_part(html)

        # 2. get CSRF token
        token = self.get_csrf_token(html)
        if not token:
            logging.info('Failed to get CSRF token of url [%s]' % (url))
            return False
        logging.debug('CSRF token is %s' % (token, ))

        # 2. get second part lyric
        lyric_2nd = self.get_lyric_2nd_part(id, token, plsession)
        self.lyric = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(lyric_1st + lyric_2nd)


        return True
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def find_song_info(self, doc):
        ret = True

        patterns = {
            'title': 'Title',
            'artist': 'ArtistName',
            'lyricist': 'WriterName',
            'composer': 'ComposerName',

        for key in patterns:
            tag = patterns[key]

            value = self.xml_get_first_child(doc, tag)

            if not value:
                logging.info('Failed to get %s of url [%s]', key, url)
                ret = False
                value = common.htmlspecialchars_decode(value).strip()
                setattr(self, key, value)

        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def find_song_info(self, content):
        pattern = 'og:description" content="(.*)"'
        og_desc = common.get_first_group_by_pattern(content, pattern)
        if og_desc:
            pattern = u'(.*?)「(.*?)」'
            matches = common.get_matches_by_pattern(og_desc, pattern)
            if matches:
                artist = matches.group(1)
                artist = artist.replace(u'歌詞サーチ ', '')
                self.artist = artist
                self.title  = matches.group(2)
                logging.debug('og desc: %s' % (og_desc))

        prefix = '="lyrics_info_text"'
        suffix = '</div>'
        info_text = common.find_string_by_prefix_suffix(content, prefix, suffix, False)
        if not info_text:
            logging.info('Failed to find lyrics info text')
        one_line = info_text.replace('\n', '')

        patterns = {
            'lyricist': u'>作詞</p><p class="info_detail">(.*?)</p>',
            'composer': u'>作曲</p><p class="info_detail">(.*?)</p>',

        for key in patterns:
            pattern = patterns[key]

            value = common.get_first_group_by_pattern(one_line, pattern)
            if value:
                value = common.strip_tags(common.htmlspecialchars_decode(value)).strip()
                setattr(self, key, value)
                logging.debug('Failed to get %s, pattern: %s' % (key, pattern, ))

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def sanitize(self, src):
     return common.unicode2string(common.htmlspecialchars_decode(src))