Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: 2.py Proyecto: bkachinthay/aoc
def B(fname):
    valid_cnt = 0
    for l in lines(fname):
        first, last, char, passwd = parse(l)
        if (passwd[first-1] != char and passwd[last-1] == char) or \
                (passwd[first-1] == char and passwd[last-1] != char):
            valid_cnt += 1
    return valid_cnt
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: 2.py Proyecto: bkachinthay/aoc
def A(fname):
    valid_cnt = 0
    for l in lines(fname):
        llmt, ulmt, char, passwd = parse(l)
        cnt = passwd.count(char)
        if cnt >= llmt and cnt <= ulmt:
            valid_cnt += 1
    return valid_cnt
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: 3.py Proyecto: bkachinthay/aoc
def A(fname, c_inc, r_inc):
    rows = lines('3a.txt')
    col_len = len(rows[0])
    tree_cnt = 0
    c = 0
    for row in rows[::r_inc]:
        tree_cnt += row[c % col_len] == '#'
        c += c_inc
    return tree_cnt
Ejemplo n.º 4
from common import lines

instructions = [(line[0], int(line[1:])) for line in lines("12")]

directions = {"N": (0, 1), "E": (1, 0), "S": (0, -1), "W": (-1, 0)}

def simulate(commands, mode, start_position, start_direction):
    x, y = start_position
    dx, dy = start_direction
    for action, value in commands:
        if action in directions:
            vx, vy = directions[action]
            if mode == 1:
                x, y = x + vx * value, y + vy * value
            if mode == 2:
                dx, dy = dx + vx * value, dy + vy * value
        elif action == "L":
            for _ in range(value // 90):
                dx, dy = -dy, dx
        elif action == "R":
            for _ in range(value // 90):
                dx, dy = dy, -dx
        elif action == "F":
            x, y = x + dx * value, y + dy * value
    return abs(x) + abs(y)

part1 = simulate(instructions,
                 start_position=(0, 0),
Ejemplo n.º 5
def B(grid):
    while True:
        newgrid = iter(grid, neighborsB, 5)
        if is_same(grid, newgrid):
            return to_str(newgrid).count('#')
        grid = newgrid

s1 = """L.LL.LL.LL

assert A(s1) == 37
assert B(s1) == 26

if __name__ == '__main__':
    t = time()
    t1 = time()
    print('time A : ', t1 - t)
    print('time B : ', time() - t)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    return sum(int(evalb(parse(l))) for l in lns)

s1 = "2 * 3 + (4 * 5)"
s2 = "5 + (8 * 3 + 9 + 3 * 4 * 3)"
s3 = "5 * 9 * (7 * 3 * 3 + 9 * 3 + (8 + 6 * 4))"
s4 = "((2 + 4 * 9) * (6 + 9 * 8 + 6) + 6) + 2 + 4 * 2"
assert evala(parse(s1)) == '26'
assert evala(parse(s2)) == '437'
assert evala(parse(s3)) == '12240'
assert evala(parse(s4)) == '13632'
assert evalb(parse(s1)) == '46'
assert evalb(parse(s2)) == '1445'
assert evalb(parse(s3)) == '669060'
assert evalb(parse(s4)) == '23340'

def parse_expr(line) -> tuple:
    "Parse an expression: '2 + 3 * 4' => (2, '+', 3, '*', 4)."
    return ast.literal_eval(re.sub('([+*])', r",'\1',", line))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('herel', A(lines('18.txt')))
    print('herel', B(lines('18.txt')))
    print('--- norvig parse ---- ')
Ejemplo n.º 7
from functools import reduce

from common import lines

departure, schedule = lines("13")
buses = [(-time % int(bus), int(bus))
         for time, bus in enumerate(schedule.split(",")) if bus != "x"]

delay, bus = min((-int(departure) % bus, bus) for _, bus in buses)
part1 = delay * bus

def crt_sieve(c1, c2):
    a1, n1 = c1
    a2, n2 = c2
    while a1 % n2 != a2:
        a1 += n1
    return a1, n1 * n2

part2, _ = reduce(crt_sieve, buses)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    """Entry point."""
    # We store everything as a dict keyed on YouTube ID
    all_data = collections.defaultdict(dict)

    # Process crawled data
    log("Processing crawled data")
    count, processed = 0, 0
    for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(CRAWL_INPUT):
        for fn in files:
            count += 1
            # Remember, file name is also the youtube key in the crawl output
            with open(os.path.join(path, fn), "r") as fh:
                data = fh.read().strip()
            log("Processing crawled data: [%s] len=%12d", fn, len(data))
            daily_stats, brag_bar = process_crawled(data)
            if not daily_stats and not brag_bar:
                continue  # Nothing to do

            processed += 1
            all_data[fn]["daily_stats"] = daily_stats
            all_data[fn]["brag_bar"] = brag_bar

    log("Processed crawled data: %d out of %d", processed, count)
    log("All brag bar labels: %s", repr(ALL_BRAG_BAR))

    # Process API content
    log("Processing JSON retrieve from API")
    count, processed = 0, 0
    for line in lines(API_FILE):
        count += 1
        rec = json.loads(line)
        ytid = rec.get("id", "").strip()
        if not ytid:

        processed += 1
        all_data[ytid]["stats"] = rec.get("statistics", {})
        all_data[ytid]["snippet"] = rec.get("snippet", {})

    log("Processed API data: %d out of %d", processed, count)

    # Output final CSV files
    log("Writing output file:     %s", OUTPUT_DATA)
    log("Writing daily data file: %s", OUTPUT_DAILIES)
    data_count, daily_count = 0, 0
    with open(OUTPUT_DATA, "w") as data_fh, open(OUTPUT_DAILIES, "w") as daily_fh:
        data_csv = csv.writer(data_fh, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)

        daily_csv = csv.writer(daily_fh, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)

        for ytid, data in all_data.items():
            # From API
            stats = data.get("stats", {})
            snippet = data.get("snippet", {})
            # From crawl
            daily_stats = data.get("daily_stats", {})
            brag_bar = data.get("brag_bar", {})

            # Write out the main data record
            data_count += 1
                ytid,                                            # YouTubeID
                "https://youtube.com/watch?v="+ytid,             # WatchURL
                normws(snippet.get("title", "")),                # Title
                snippet.get("channelTitle", ""),                 # Channel
                ints(stats.get("commentCount", "")),             # StatsCommentCount
                ints(stats.get("dislikeCount", "")),             # StatsDislikeCount
                ints(stats.get("favoriteCount", "")),            # StatsFavoriteCount
                ints(stats.get("likeCount", "")),                # StatsLikeCount
                ints(stats.get("viewCount", "")),                # StatsViewCount
                ints(brag_bar.get("Shares", "")),                # BBShares
                ints(brag_bar.get("Subscriptions driven", "")),  # BBSubscriptions
                ints(brag_bar.get("Views", "")),                 # BBViews
                brag_bar.get("Time watched", ""),                # BBTimeWatched
                normws(snippet.get("description", "")),          # Description
                "|".join(snippet.get("tags", [])),               # Tags

            # Write out all the daily views
            days = daily_stats.get("day", {}).get("data", [])
            views = daily_stats.get("views", {}).get("daily", {}).get("data", [])
            for d, v in zip(days, views):
                daily_csv.writerow([ytid, ts_to_day(d), v])
                daily_count += 1

    log("Wrote %12d to %s", data_count, OUTPUT_DATA)
    log("Wrote %12d to %s", daily_count, OUTPUT_DAILIES)
Ejemplo n.º 9
from common import lines

def play(start, turns):
    heard = {}
    last = -1
    for i in range(turns):
        if i < len(start):
            say = start[i]
        elif last in heard:
            say = i - 1 - heard[last]
            say = 0
        heard[last] = i - 1
        last = say
    return last

start = [int(n) for n in lines("15")[0].split(",")]

part1 = play(start, 2020)

part2 = play(start, 30000000)
Ejemplo n.º 10

def B(lines):
    for l, li in zip(lines, range(len(lines))):
        if l[:3] == 'jmp' or l[:3] == 'nop':
            newl = l.replace('jmp', 'nop') if 'jmp' in l else l.replace(
                'nop', 'jmp')
            val, cond = walk(lines[:li] + [newl] + lines[li + 1:])
            if cond == 'term':
                return val

s1 = """nop +0
acc +1
jmp +4
acc +3
jmp -3
acc -99
acc +1
jmp -4
acc +6""".strip().split('\n')

assert walk(s1) == (5, 'loop')
assert B(s1) == 8

if __name__ == '__main__':
Ejemplo n.º 11
def B(fname):
    occupied = {seatID(l) for l in lines(fname)}
    return [s for s in range(128 * 8)\
            if s not in occupied and (s-1) in occupied and (s+1) in occupied]
Ejemplo n.º 12
def A(fname):
    return max([seatID(l) for l in lines(fname)])
Ejemplo n.º 13
    return [int(off, 2) for off in offsets]

def simulate(instructions, mode):
    mem = {}
    mask = ""

    for instruction in instructions:
        location, value = instruction.split(" = ")
        if location == "mask":
            mask = value
            offset = int(re.fullmatch(r"mem\[(\d+)]", location).group(1))
            value = int(value)
            if mode == 1:
                mem[offset] = apply_value_mask(mask, value)
            if mode == 2:
                for off in apply_offset_mask(mask, offset):
                    mem[off] = value

    return sum(mem.values())

instructions = lines("14")

part1 = simulate(instructions, mode=1)

part2 = simulate(instructions, mode=2)
Ejemplo n.º 14
from common import lines

seats = [list(line) for line in lines("11")]
m, n = len(seats), len(seats[0])

def fixed_point(neighbor_function, crowd_factor, grid):
    def tick():
        def tick_cell(r, c):
            if grid[r][c] == ".":
                return "."
            elif grid[r][c] == "L":
                return "#" if neighbor_function(grid, r, c) == 0 else "L"
            elif grid[r][c] == "#":
                return "L" if neighbor_function(grid, r,
                                                c) >= crowd_factor else "#"

        return [[tick_cell(r, c) for c in range(n)] for r in range(m)]

    while grid != (next_grid := tick()):
        grid = next_grid
    return grid

directions = {(dr, dc)
              for dr in (-1, 0, 1) for dc in (-1, 0, 1) if (dr, dc) != (0, 0)}

def neighbors1(grid, r, c):
    return sum(grid[r + dr][c + dc] == "#" for dr, dc in directions
               if 0 <= r + dr < m and 0 <= c + dc < n)