Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    intext = common.read_input(10)
    log.info('Initializing lists...')
    l_lengths = [int(n.strip()) for n in intext.split(',')]
    l_numbers = init_elements()
    log.info('Starting hash for part 1...')
    answer_1, _, _, _ = hash(l_lengths, l_numbers)
    print('The answer to part 1 is: {}'.format(answer_1))

    # First, from now on, your input should be taken not as a list of numbers, but as a string of bytes instead
    l_lengths = get_ascii_sequence(common.read_input(10))
    answer_2 = get_part_2_hash(l_lengths=l_lengths)
    print('The answer to part 2 is: {}'.format(answer_2))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_cleaned_input():
    raw = read_input("data/day_03.txt")
    arr = str_to_array(raw)

    tree_ascii = 35
    as_boolean = arr == tree_ascii
    return as_boolean
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    input = common.read_input(1)
    input_array = [int(c) for c in input]
    answer = sum_matches(input_array)
    answer2 = sum_matches_part2(input_array)
    print('The part 1 answer is: {}'.format(answer))
    print('The part 2 answer is: {}'.format(answer2))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def generate_myoutput():
    for i in range(CHALLENGES):
        cities = read_input(f'input_{i}.csv')
        solver, name = (mysolver, 'output')
        tour = solver.solve(cities)
        with open(f'{name}_{i}.csv', 'w') as f:
            f.write(format_tour(tour) + '\n')
def generate_sample_output():
    for i in range(CHALLENGES):
        cities = read_input(f'input_{i}.csv')
        for solver, name in ((solver_random, 'random'), (solver_greedy, 'greedy')):
            tour = solver.solve(cities)
            with open(f'sample/{name}_{i}.csv', 'w') as f:
                f.write(format_tour(tour) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def generate_sample_output():
    for i in range(CHALLENGES):
        cities = read_input(f'input_{i}.csv')
        for solver, name in ((sample_solver_random, 'random'), (solver_greedy, 'greedy')):
            tour = solver.solve(cities)
            with open(f'sample/{name}_{i}.csv', 'w') as f:
                f.write(format_tour(tour) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def generate_sample_output(solver, name):
    for i in range(CHALLENGES):
        cities = read_input(f'input_{i}.csv')
        tour = solver.solve(cities)
        # my_output/に作る
        with open(f'my_output/{name}_{i}.csv', 'w') as f:
            f.write(format_tour(tour) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    intext = common.read_input(13)
    layers = parse_input(s_input=intext)
    s = Scanner(layers=layers)
    log.info('Starting part 1...')
    answer_1 = s.score
    print('The answer to part 1 is: {}'.format(answer_1))

    log.info('Starting part 2...')
    print('answer 2: {}'.format(part_2_stolen()))

    delay = 5500
    while False and delay < 10**4:
        # log.info('Trying delay: {}'.format(delay))
        layers = parse_input(s_input=intext)
        if delay % 2 == 1:
            delay += 1
            continue  # only even delays allow layer 1 to pass
        s = Scanner(layers=layers, delay=delay)
        if s.score == 0:
        if delay % 500 == 0:
            log.info('Delay: {}'.format(delay))
        log.debug('Delay: {}, Score: {}'.format(delay, s.score))
        delay += 1
    answer_2 = delay
    print('The answer to part 2 is: {}'.format(answer_2))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def check_vault_env_variable():
    if os.environ.get("ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD") is None:
        pwd = common.read_input("Enter vault password", "", is_password=True)
        os.environ["ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD"] = pwd
        return pwd

    return ""
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main():
    text = common.read_input(9)
    text, g_count = StrParser.cleanup_garbage(text)
    groups = StrParser.build_groups(text)
    answer_1 = StrParser.count_group_score(groups)
    print('The answer to part 1 is: {}'.format(answer_1))
    answer_2 = g_count
    print('The answer to part 2 is: {}'.format(answer_2))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def main():
    s_instr = common.read_input(8)
    rc = init_collection_from_input(s_instr)
    answer_1 = max([r.value for r in rc.registers])
    answer_2 = rc.max_seen
    print('The answer to part 1 is: {}'.format(answer_1))
    print('The answer to part 2 is: {}'.format(answer_2))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def createInitial(k):
    k = 7
    tour = read_input('input_' + str(k) + '.csv')
    n = len(tour)
    points = list(range(n))
    inital = createConvexHull(tour)
    result = insertAtoB(set(points) - set(inital), inital)
    print(totalDistance(result), result)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def generate_sample_output():
    for i in range(7,8):
        cities = read_input(f'input_{i}.csv')
        solver = solver_sa
        name = 'output'
        tour = solver.solve(cities)
        with open(f'{name}_{i}.csv', 'w') as f:
        	f.write(format_tour(tour) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 14
def main():
    jmps = parse_input(common.read_input(5))
    js = JmpSet(jmps=jmps.copy())
    t1 = timeit.timeit(js.proc)
    answer_1 = js.steps
    print('The answer to part 1 is: {} (took {} seconds)'.format(answer_1, t1))
    js = JmpSet(jmps=jmps.copy())
    t2 = timeit.timeit(js.proc2)
    answer_2 = js.steps
    print('The answer to part 2 is: {} (took {} seconds)'.format(answer_2, t2))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def generate_sample_solutions():
    solvers = ((solver_random, 'random'),
               (solver_greedy, 'greedy'),
    for challenge_number in range(CHALLENGES):
        cities = read_input('input_{}.csv'.format(challenge_number))
        for solver, solver_name in solvers:
            solution = solver.solve(cities)
            with open('solution_{}_{}.csv'.format(solver_name, challenge_number), 'w') as f:
                f.write(format_solution(solution) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 16
def generate_sample_solutions():
    solvers = ((solver_random, 'random'), (solver_greedy, 'greedy'))
    for challenge_number in range(CHALLENGES):
        cities = read_input('input_{}.csv'.format(challenge_number))
        for solver, solver_name in solvers:
            solution = solver.solve(cities)
            with open(
                    'solution_{}_{}.csv'.format(solver_name, challenge_number),
                    'w') as f:
                f.write(format_solution(solution) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 17
def split_group(data = read_input(sys.argv[1])):
    a_group = []
    a_store = {}
    b_group = []
    b_store = {}
    c_group = []
    c_store = {}
    d_group = []
    d_store = {}
    e_group = []
    e_store = {}
    f_group = []
    f_store = {}
    g_group = []
    g_store = {}
    h_group = []
    h_store = {}
    all_store = {}
    num = 0
    for x, y in data:
        if 0 <= x < 400 :
            if 0 <= y <400 :
                a_group.append((x, y))
                a_store[num] = (x, y)
            elif 400 <= y :
                e_store[num] = (x, y)
        elif 400 <= x < 800 :
            if 0 <= y <400 :
                b_group.append((x, y))
                b_store[num] = (x, y)
            elif 400 <= y :
                f_store[num] = (x, y)
        elif 800 <= x < 1200 :
            if 0 <= y <400 :
                c_group.append((x, y))
                c_store[num] = (x, y)
            elif 400 <= y :
                g_store[num] = (x, y)
        elif 1200 <= x :
            if 0 <= y <400 :
                d_group.append((x, y))
                d_store[num] = (x, y)
            elif 400 <= y :
                h_store[num] = (x, y)

    for idx, city in enumerate(data):
        all_store[idx] = city            
    return a_group, b_group, c_group, d_group, e_group, f_group, g_group, h_group, \
        a_store, b_store, c_store, d_store, e_store, f_store, g_store, h_store, all_store
Ejemplo n.º 18
def main():
    intext = common.read_input(11)
    directions = parse_input(s_input=intext)
    t = Traveler()
    log.info('Starting part 1...')
    answer_1 = t.distance
    print('The answer to part 1 is: {}'.format(answer_1))

    log.info('Starting part 2...')
    answer_2 = t.max_distance
    print('The answer to part 2 is: {}'.format(answer_2))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def main():
    lines = parse_input(common.read_input(7))
    towers = create_towers_from_input(lines)
    t_base = get_base_tower(towers)
    answer_1 = t_base.name
    print('The answer to part 1 is: {}'.format(answer_1))
    unbalanced_tower = find_anomaly(towers)
    weight_corr = get_weight_correction(unbalanced_tower)
    new_weight = unbalanced_tower.weight + weight_corr
    if not verify_wrong_weight(unbalanced_tower, towers):
        log.error('The bad tower was not correct')
    answer_2 = new_weight
    print('The answer to part 2 is: {}'.format(answer_2))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def main():
    passphrases = parse_input(common.read_input(4))
    answer_1 = 0
    answer_2 = 0
    idx = 1
    for p in passphrases:
        log.debug('Testing passphrase ({}/{})'.format(idx, len(passphrases)))
        idx += 1
        if not has_duplicates(p):
            answer_1 += 1
        if not has_anagrams(p):
            answer_2 += 1
    print('The answer to part 1 is: {}'.format(answer_1))
    print('The answer to part 2 is: {}'.format(answer_2))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def part_2_stolen():
    """ Straigh ganked from https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/7jgyrt/2017_day_13_solutions/dr6bxce/ """
    lines = [line.split(': ') for line in common.read_input(13).split('\n')]

    heights = {int(pos): int(height) for pos, height in lines}

    part1 = sum(pos * heights[pos] for pos in heights
                if scanner(heights[pos], pos) == 0)
    print('part1: {}'.format(part1))

    part2 = next(
        wait for wait in itertools.count()
        if not any(scanner(heights[pos], wait + pos) == 0 for pos in heights))
    return part2
Ejemplo n.º 22
def generate_sample_solutions():
    # solvers = ((solver_random, 'random'),
    #    (solver_greedy, 'greedy'))
    solvers = ((solver_divide_and_conquer, 'yours'), )
    for challenge_number in range(CHALLENGES):
        cities = read_input('input/{}.csv'.format(challenge_number))
        # other_solution = read_solution('solution_yours/divide_greedy2/{}.csv'.format(challenge_number))
        for solver, solver_name in solvers:
            solution = solver.solve(cities)
            # solution = solver.solve(cities, other_solution)
            with open(
                    'solution_{}/{}.csv'.format(solver_name, challenge_number),
                    'w') as f:
                f.write(format_solution(solution) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 23
def generate_output():
    for i in range(7, CHALLENGES):
        cities = read_input(f'input_{i}.csv')
        solver = solver_DSA
        name = 'dsa'
        #solver = solver_2_opt
        #name = '2_opt'
        record = [3292, 3779, 4495, 8150, 10676, 20273, 40000, 81000]
        tour, distance = solver.solve(cities)
        while distance > record[i]:
            tour, distance = solver.solve(cities)
            if distance <= record[i]:
        with open(f'my_output/{name}_{i}_1.csv', 'w') as f:
            f.write(format_tour(tour) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 24
def verify_output():
    for challenge_number in range(CHALLENGES):
        print(f'Challenge {challenge_number}')
        cities = read_input(f'./input/input_{challenge_number}.csv')
        N = len(cities)
        for output_prefix in ('output/greedy', 'output/best_greedy', 'output/two_opt', 'sample/sa','sample/change', 'output/one_or_opt', 'output/more_opt', 'sample/final'):
            output_file = f'{output_prefix}_{challenge_number}.csv'
            with open(output_file) as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
                assert lines[0].strip() == 'index'
                tour = [int(i.strip()) for i in lines[1:N + 1]]
            assert set(tour) == set(range(N))
            path_length = sum(distance(cities[tour[i]], cities[tour[(i + 1) % N]])
                              for i in range(N))
            print(f'{output_prefix:16}: {path_length:>10.2f}')
Ejemplo n.º 25
def verify_output():
    for challenge_number in range(CHALLENGES):
        print(f'Challenge {challenge_number}')
        cities = read_input(f'input_{challenge_number}.csv')
        N = len(cities)
        for output_prefix in ('output', 'sample/random', 'sample/greedy', 'sample/sa'):
            output_file = f'{output_prefix}_{challenge_number}.csv'
            with open(output_file) as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
                assert lines[0].strip() == 'index'
                tour = [int(i.strip()) for i in lines[1:N + 1]]
            assert set(tour) == set(range(N))
            path_length = sum(distance(cities[tour[i]], cities[tour[(i + 1) % N]])
                              for i in range(N))
            print(f'{output_prefix:16}: {path_length:>10.2f}')
Ejemplo n.º 26
def verify_output():
    for challenge_number in range(6, CHALLENGES):
        print(f'Challenge {challenge_number}')
        cities = read_input(f'input_{challenge_number}.csv')
        N = len(cities)
        for output_prefix in ('output', 'my_output/dsa'):
            output_file = f'{output_prefix}_{challenge_number}.csv'
            with open(output_file) as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
                assert lines[0].strip() == 'index'
                tour = [int(i.strip()) for i in lines[1:N + 1]]
            assert set(tour) == set(range(N))
            path_length = sum(
                distance(cities[tour[i]], cities[tour[(i + 1) % N]])
                for i in range(N))
            print(f'{output_prefix:16}: {path_length:>10.2f}')
Ejemplo n.º 27
def verify_output():
    for challenge_number in range(CHALLENGES):
        print(f'Challenge {challenge_number}')
        cities = read_input(f'input_{challenge_number}.csv')
        output_files = []
        lengths = []
        for output_prefix in PREFIXES:
            output_file = f'my_output/{output_prefix}_{challenge_number}.csv'
            path_length = get_path_length(output_file, cities)
            if path_length:
                print(f'{output_prefix:16}: {path_length:>10.2f}')
        best_output = output_files[lengths.index(min(lengths))]
        shutil.copyfile(f'{best_output}', f'output_{challenge_number}.csv')
Ejemplo n.º 28
def verify_solutions():
    solutions = ('random', 'greedy', 'sa', 'yours')
    for challenge_number in range(CHALLENGES):
        print('Challenge {}'.format(challenge_number))
        cities = read_input('input_{}.csv'.format(challenge_number))
        N = len(cities)
        for solution_name in solutions:
            solution_file = 'solution_{}_{}.csv'.format(solution_name,
            with open(solution_file) as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
                assert lines[0].strip() == 'index'
                tour = [int(i.strip()) for i in lines[1:N + 1]]
            assert set(tour) == set(range(N))
            path_length = sum(distance(cities[u], cities[v])
                              for u, v in zip(tour, tour[1:] + tour[0:1]))
            print('{:8}: {:>10.2f}'.format(solution_name, path_length))
Ejemplo n.º 29
def verify_output():
    for challenge_number in range(CHALLENGES):
        print(f'Challenge {challenge_number}')
        cities = read_input(f'./input/input_{challenge_number}.csv')
        N = len(cities)
        for output_prefix in (
            output_file = f'{output_prefix}_{challenge_number}.csv'
                with open(output_file) as f:
                    lines = f.readlines()
                    assert lines[0].strip() == 'index'
                    tour = [int(i.strip()) for i in lines[1:N + 1]]
                assert set(tour) == set(range(N))
                path_length = sum(distance(cities[tour[i]], cities[tour[(i + 1) % N]])
                                  for i in range(N))
                print(f'{output_prefix:16}: {path_length:>10.2f}')
            except BaseException:
Ejemplo n.º 30
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import math
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, './data')
from common import print_solution, read_input, format_solution

def distance(city1, city2):
    return math.sqrt((city1[0] - city2[0]) ** 2 + (city1[1] - city2[1]) ** 2)

def solve(cities):
    # Build a trivial solution.
    # Visit the cities in the order they appear in the input.
    return list(range(len(cities)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    solution = solve(read_input("data/"+sys.argv[1])) #read first argument e.g. solver_random.py input_1.csv 
    # print solution 
    # print format_solution(solution)

Ejemplo n.º 31

import math
import re
from functools import partial, reduce
from itertools import combinations
from pprint import pprint

from common import drop, last, read_input, take_while_list, window

import numpy as np

data = [int(l) for l in read_input('data.input.day9')]

# do we care about processing? at least we'll use generators...
# walk a window of preamble + 1, the last being the one we check
def check(w):
    p = map(math.fsum, combinations(w[:-1], 2))
    v = w[-1]
    return any(map(lambda n: n == v, p))

preamble = 25
ans = next(x for x in drop(preamble, window(preamble + 1, data))
           if not check(x))[-1]

# part 2
# find some set of at least 2 numbers that add to value from part 1
# i guess i still don't care about processing though...
Ejemplo n.º 32
            while len(tabu_list) > size:

            count = count + 1
        return best_solution_ever

# solve function
def solve(cities):
    ts = TS(cities)
    tour = ts.tabu_search()
    return tour

def solve_with_initial(cities, initial_tour):
    ts = TS(cities, initial_tour=initial_tour)
    tour = ts.tabu_search()
    return tour

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    cities = read_input(sys.argv[1])
    tour = solve(cities)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def main():
    inlist = parse_input(common.read_input(2))
    print('The answer to part 1 is: {}'.format(checksum(inlist)))
    print('The answer to part 2 is: {}'.format(checksum_part2(inlist)))
Ejemplo n.º 34
    dist = [[0] * N for i in range(N)]
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(N):
            dist[i][j] = dist[j][i] = distance(cities[i], cities[j])

    current_city = 0
    last_city_pos = 0  
    sum = 0
    unvisited_cities = set(range(1, N))
    solution = [current_city]

    def distance_from_current_city(to):
        return dist[current_city][to]

    while unvisited_cities:
        next_city = min(unvisited_cities, key=distance_from_current_city) 
        sum += dist[current_city][next_city]
        current_city = next_city

    sum += dist[current_city][last_city_pos]
    print sum
    return solution

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    solution = solve(read_input("data/"+sys.argv[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 35
#!/usr/bin/env python 2
import math
import sys
from common import print_solution,read_input
import random

def distance(city1,city2):
    return math.sqrt((city1[0] - city2[0]) ** 2 + (city1[1] - city2[1]) ** 2)

def solve(cities):
    # Build a trivial solution.
    # Visit the cities in the order they appear in the input.
    return list(range(len(cities)))

while 1 :
    if m<=n:
        dis += distance(cities[m-1],cities[m])

print total_dis
Ejemplo n.º 36
        probe = (base + 1) % N
        next_probe = (probe + 1) % N
        next_base = (base + 1) % N
        delta = 0
        for j in range(N-3):
            if(count == 0):
                if(distance(cities[base], cities[next_base]) > distance(cities[next_base], cities[next_probe])):
                    delta = distance(cities[base], cities[next_base]) - distance(cities[next_base], cities[next_probe])
                    cities = parcel_reverse(cities, next_base, probe)
                    count += 1
                    if(distance(cities[base], cities[next_base]) + delta > distance(cities[next_base], cities[next_probe])):
                        count += 1
                        delta = distance(cities[base], cities[next_base]) + distance(cities[probe], cities[next_probe]) - distance(cities[base], cities[probe]) - distance(cities[next_base], cities[next_base]) + delta
                        cities = parcel_reverse(cities, next_base, probe)
            probe = (probe + 1) % N
            next_probe = (probe + 1) % N
    return cities
if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    city = read_input(sys.argv[1])
    solution = solve(city)
    solution = lin_kernighan(solution)
    solution = do_2opt(solution)
    solution = match_index(city, solution)

Ejemplo n.º 37
        elif path[i - 1] == x:
            path[i + 1] = y
            path[i + 1] = x
    return path

# 探索
def kruskal_greedy(cities):
    size = len(cities)
    edges = make_edge(cities)
    edge_count = [0] * size
    u = unionfind(size)
    i = 0
    select_edge = []
    while i < size:
        e = edges.get()
        if (edge_count[e.p1] < 2 and edge_count[e.p2] < 2
        and (u.find(e.p1) != u.find(e.p2) or i == size - 1)):
            u.unite(e.p1, e.p2)
            edge_count[e.p1] += 1
            edge_count[e.p2] += 1
            i += 1
    return edge_to_path(select_edge, size)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    solution = kruskal_greedy(read_input(sys.argv[1]))

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import math
from itertools import *

import solver_greedy
from common import print_solution, read_input
from intersect import doIntersect

FILENAME = 'input_7.csv'
INPUT = read_input(FILENAME)
solution = solver_greedy.solve(INPUT)

class Tour(object):

    def __init__(self, solution):
        self.tour_list = solution

        self.dist = [[0] * LENGTH for i in range(LENGTH)]
        for i in range(LENGTH):
            for j in range(LENGTH):
                self.dist[i][j] = self.dist[j][i] = solver_greedy.distance(INPUT[i], INPUT[j])

    def getTour(self):
        return self.tour_list

    def intersectsWithSubsequentEdge(self, i):
        A, B = self.tour_list[i], self.tour_list[i+1]
        for j in range(i+1, LENGTH):
Ejemplo n.º 39
                            path[j1:j1] = [p]
                        count += 1
        total += count
        if count == 0: break
    return path, total

def optimize2(cities, path):
    N = len(cities)
    dist = distance_table(cities)
    cnt = 0
    while True:
        path, _ = opt_2(N, path, dist)
        path, flag = or_opt(N, path, dist)
        if flag == 0:
            cnt += 1
        if cnt == 5:
            return path

def read_path(filename):
    with open(filename) as f:
        path = []
        for line in f.readlines()[1:]:  # Ignore the first line.
        return path

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    solution = optimize2(read_input(sys.argv[1]), read_path(sys.argv[2]))
Ejemplo n.º 40
    table[(1 << size1) - 1] = [(distance_table[i][0], 0) for i in xrange(1, size)]
    for v in xrange((1 << size1) - 2, 0, -1):
        tmp = [1e300] * size1
        for i in xrange(size1):
            if (1 << i) & v:
                tmp[i] = min0([(distance_table[i+1][j+1] + table[v | (1 << j)][j][0], j) \
                               for j in xrange(size1) if not (1 << j) & v])
        table[v] = tmp
    s = min0([(distance_table[i+1][0] + table[1 << i][i][0], i) for i in xrange(size1)])
    return s[0], get_min_path(table, size, s[1])

def get_min_path(table, size, p):
    path = [0, p + 1]
    v = 1 << p
    while len(path) < size:
        _, q = table[v][p]
        path.append(q + 1)
        v |= (1 << q)
        p = q
    return path

point_table = read_input(sys.argv[1])
point_size = len(point_table)
distance_table = distance(point_table)

min_len, min_path = tsp_dp1(point_size)
#min_len = tsp_dp(point_size)
#min_path = []
print min_len
Ejemplo n.º 41
from common import print_solution, read_input

def distance(city1, city2):
    return math.sqrt((city1[0] - city2[0]) ** 2 + (city1[1] - city2[1]) ** 2)

def greedy(cities):
    N = len(cities)
    dist = [[0] * N for i in range(N)]
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(N):
            dist[i][j] = dist[j][i] = distance(cities[i], cities[j])
    path = [i for i in range(N)]
    for i in range(N - 1):
        min_len = 1000000
        min_pos = 0
        for j in range(i + 1, N):
            l = dist[path[i]][path[j]]
            if l < min_len:
                min_len = l
                min_pos = j
        path[i + 1], path[min_pos] = path[min_pos], path[i + 1]
    return path

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    solution = greedy(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 42
                kyori3 = dist[solution[a2]][solution[b-1]]
                kyori4 = dist[solution[a]][solution[b]]
                if (kyori1+kyori2) > (kyori3+kyori4):
                    print "found!"
                    solution[a:b] = solution[b-1:a-1:-1]
                    print solution
                    found = True

            if found:
                print "break"
        if not found:

    sum_kyori = 0
    for i in range(N-1):
        sum_kyori += dist[solution[i]][solution[i+1]]
    sum_kyori += dist[solution[N-1]][solution[0]]
    print "ko-shin!"
    print sum_kyori
    return solution

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    solution = solve(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 43
import time
start_time = time.time()

# This code tries all permutaions - obviously not a good way (wanted to try it anywayws)
# Only works for input_0.csv and input_1.csv 

def distance(city1, city2):
    city1, city2 = xy_list[city1], xy_list[city2] #city index to coordinate
    return math.sqrt((city1[0] - city2[0]) ** 2 + (city1[1] - city2[1]) ** 2)

def try_everything(xy_list):
    shortest_dist= 100000000000000
    start_city = 0
    perms = itertools.permutations(range(1,len(xy_list)), len(xy_list)-1)
    for perm in perms:
        total_dist = distance(start_city, perm[0]) + distance(perm[len(perm)-1], start_city)
        i,j = 0, 1 
        while i < (len(perm)-1) and j < len(perm):
            total_dist += distance(perm[i], perm[j])
            i+= 1
        if total_dist < shortest_dist:
            shortest_dist, best_route = total_dist, perm
    return best_route, shortest_dist

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    xy_list = read_input("data/"+sys.argv[1])
    print try_everything(xy_list)
    print("RunTime: %s seconds" % (time.time() - start_time))
Ejemplo n.º 44
    return tour

def opt_2(tour, cities):
    for i in range(100000):
        point1 = int(random.uniform(1, len(tour)))
        point2 = int(random.uniform(1, len(tour)))
        while point2 == point1:
            point2 = int(random.uniform(1, len(tour)))
        orig = cal_dist(tour, cities)
        tour[point1], tour[point2] = tour[point2], tour[point1]
        updated = cal_dist(tour, cities)
        if orig < updated:
            tour[point1], tour[point2] = tour[point2], tour[point1]
    return tour

def cal_dist(tour, cities):
    dist = 0 
    for i in range(len(tour)-1):
    # for i in range(tour-1):
        dist += distance(cities[tour[i]], cities[tour[i+1]])
    dist += distance(cities[tour[len(tour)-1]], cities[0])
    return dist

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    tmp_tour = greedy(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
    tour = opt_2(tmp_tour[:], read_input(sys.argv[1]))
    # print(cal_dist(tour, read_input(sys.argv[1])))
Ejemplo n.º 45
            i0 = i - 1
            i1 = i + 1
            if i0 < 0: i0 = N - 1
            if i1 == N: i1 = 0
            for j in range(N):
                j1 = j + 1
                if j1 == N: j1 = 0
                if j != i and j1 != i:
                    l1 = dist[path[i0]][path[i]]  # i0 - i - i1
                    l2 = dist[path[i]][path[i1]]
                    l3 = dist[path[j]][path[j1]]  # j - j1
                    l4 = dist[path[i0]][path[i1]] # i0 - i1
                    l5 = dist[path[j]][path[i]]   # j - i - j1
                    l6 = dist[path[i]][path[j1]] 
                    if l1 + l2 + l3 > l4 + l5 + l6:
                        # つなぎかえる
                        p = path[i]
                        path[i:i + 1] = []
                        if i < j:
                            path[j:j] = [p]
                            path[j1:j1] = [p]
                        count += 1
        if count == 0: break
    return path

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    solution = or_opt(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 46
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(N):
            dist[i][j] = dist[j][i] = distance(cities[i], cities[j])
    path = [i for i in range(N)]
    while True:
        count = 0
        for i in range(N - 2):
            i1 = i + 1
            for j in range(i + 2, N):
                if j == N - 1:
                    j1 = 0
                    j1 = j + 1
                if i != 0 or j1 != 0:
                    l1 = dist[path[i]][path[i1]]
                    l2 = dist[path[j]][path[j1]]
                    l3 = dist[path[i]][path[j]]
                    l4 = dist[path[i1]][path[j1]]
                    if l1 + l2 > l3 + l4:
                        # つなぎかえる
                        new_path = path[i1:j+1]
                        path[i1:j+1] = new_path[::-1]
                        count += 1
        if count == 0: break
    return path

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    solution = opt_2(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 47
from common import read_input, Const

circuit = read_input()
a_val = circuit.get('a').evaluate()
for node_name in circuit.nodes.keys():
circuit.get('b').value = Const(a_val)
print circuit.get('a').evaluate()
Ejemplo n.º 48
def solve_by_list(lst, cities):
    dist_sum = 0.0
    for i in range(-1,len(lst)-1):
        dist_sum += distance(cities[lst[i]], cities[lst[i+1]])
    return dist_sum

def solve_all(cities): # 体当たり
    seq = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
#    seq = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
    list_all = list(itertools.permutations(seq))
    result = 0.0
    d = 0.0
    for l in list_all:
        lst = list(l)
#        lst.append(7)
        if result == 0.0:
            result = solve_by_list(lst, cities)
            d = solve_by_list(lst, cities)
            if result > d:
                result = d
    print result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
#    solution = solve(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
#    print_solution(solution)
Ejemplo n.º 49
from common import read_input, solve

prefs = read_input()
prefs['me']  # For the side-effect on defaultdict

print solve(prefs)
Ejemplo n.º 50
from common import read_input, leader

def race(reindeer, seconds):
    n = 0
    while n < seconds:
        for r in reindeer:
        n += 1
    return reindeer

def leader(reindeer):
    return max(reindeer, key=lambda r: r.position)

print 'EXAMPLE'
result = race(read_input('input.example'), 1000)
print result
print 'Won: %s' % leader(result)

print 'REAL'
result = race(read_input('input'), 2503)
print result
print 'Won: %s' % leader(result)
Ejemplo n.º 51
def fullsearch(cities):
    N = len(cities)
    global min_length, min_path
    min_length = 100000000
    min_path = []
    def fullsearch_sub(start, solution):
        global min_length, min_path
        dist = path_length(solution, cities)
        if dist > min_length:
        if N == len(solution): 
            new_len = path_length(solution, cities)
            if(new_len < min_length):
               min_length = new_len
               min_path = solution[:]
           for current_city in range(N):
               if current_city not in solution:
                   fullsearch_sub(current_city + 1, solution)
    for i in range(N):
        fullsearch_sub(i, min_path)
    return min_path               

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    solution = fullsearch(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 52
from common import read_input, solve

print solve(read_input())
Ejemplo n.º 53
                    l4 = dist[path[i0]][path[i1]] # i0 - i1
                    l5 = dist[path[j]][path[i]]   # j - i - j1
                    l6 = dist[path[i]][path[j1]] 
                    if l1 + l2 + l3 > l4 + l5 + l6:
                        # つなぎかえる
                        p = path[i]
                        path[i:i + 1] = []
                        if i < j:
                            path[j:j] = [p]
                            path[j1:j1] = [p]
                        count += 1
        total += count
        if count == 0: break
    return path, total

def optimize(cities):
    N = len(cities)
    path = [i for i in range(N)]
    dist = distance_table(cities)
    while True:
        path, _ = opt_2(N, path, dist)
        path, flag = or_opt(N, path, dist)
        if flag == 0: return path

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    solution = optimize(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 54
def distance(city1, city2):
    return math.sqrt((city1[0] - city2[0]) ** 2 + (city1[1] - city2[1]) ** 2)

def solve(cities):
    N = len(cities)

    dist = [[0] * N for i in range(N)]
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(i, N):
            dist[i][j] = dist[j][i] = distance(cities[i], cities[j])

    current_city = 0
    unvisited_cities = set(range(1, N))
    tour = [current_city]

    while unvisited_cities:
        next_city = min(unvisited_cities,
                        key=lambda city: dist[current_city][city])
        current_city = next_city
    return tour

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    tour = solve(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def distance(i):
        return math.sqrt((cities[i][0] - cities[separate_before][0]) ** 2
                     + (cities[i][1] - cities[separate_before][1]) ** 2)

    while unvisited_cities:
        solution, separate_from, unvisited_cities = make_circle(cities, unvisited_cities)
        if (cnt % 2):
        next = min(solution, key=distance)
        solution = solution[next:] + solution[:next]
        if (next > separate_from):
            separate_from += len(solution[:next])
            separate_from -= next
        solution_f = solution[:separate_from]
        solution_e = solution[separate_from:]
        cnt += 1
        separate_before = separate_from
    return solution_first  

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    solution = vortex(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 56
def solve(cities):
    N = len(cities)

    dist = [[0] * N for i in range(N)]
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(i, N):
            dist[i][j] = dist[j][i] = distance(cities[i], cities[j])

    # step = min(N, 10)
    step = 10**3
    ans_tour = generate_greedy_tour(N, dist)
    ans_path_length = sum(distance(cities[ans_tour[i]], cities[ans_tour[(i + 1) % N]]) for i in range(N))
    for i in range(step):
        # tmp_tour = generate_greedy_tour(N, dist, (200 * i) % N)
        tour, path_length = swap_cross(cities, dist, N)
        # tour, path_length = swap_cross(cities, dist, ans_tour, N)
        if path_length < ans_path_length:
            ans_tour = tour
            ans_path_length = path_length
    return ans_tour

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    tour = solve(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 57
import sys

from common import read_input, print_solution
from optimize import optimize
from opt_2 import opt_2
from greedy import greedy
from solver_greedy import solve
from or_opt import or_opt
from vortex import vortex
from kruskal import kruskal_greedy
from my_random import random_solve
from combine import optimize2, read_path

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert len(sys.argv) > 1
    optimize = optimize(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
    optimize2 = optimize2(read_input(sys.argv[1]), read_path(sys.argv[2]))
    greedy = greedy(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
    opt_2 = opt_2(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
    or_opt = or_opt(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
    vortex = vortex(read_input(sys.argv[1]))
    kruskal = kruskal_greedy(read_input(sys.argv[1]))