Ejemplo n.º 1
    def load_rt(self, point, fn):
        """Load the results of a LibRadTran run """

        wl, rdn0, irr = s.loadtxt(self.lut_dir + '/LUT_' + fn + '_alb0.out').T
        wl, rdn025, irr = s.loadtxt(self.lut_dir + '/LUT_' + fn +
        wl, rdn05, irr = s.loadtxt(self.lut_dir + '/LUT_' + fn +

        # Replace a few zeros in the irradiance spectrum via interpolation
        good = irr > 1e-15
        bad = s.logical_not(good)
        irr[bad] = interp1d(wl[good], irr[good])(wl[bad])

        # Translate to Top of Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance
        rhoatm = rdn0 / 10.0 / irr * s.pi  # Translate to uW nm-1 cm-2 sr-1
        rho025 = rdn025 / 10.0 / irr * s.pi
        rho05 = rdn05 / 10.0 / irr * s.pi

        # Resample TOA reflectances to simulate the instrument observation
        rhoatm = resample_spectrum(rhoatm, wl, self.wl, self.fwhm)
        rho025 = resample_spectrum(rho025, wl, self.wl, self.fwhm)
        rho05 = resample_spectrum(rho05, wl, self.wl, self.fwhm)
        irr = resample_spectrum(irr, wl, self.wl, self.fwhm)

        # Calculate some atmospheric optical constants
        sphalb = 2.8 * (2.0 * rho025 - rhoatm - rho05) / (rho025 - rho05)
        transm = (rho05 - rhoatm) * (2.0 - sphalb)

        # For now, don't estimate this term!!
        # TODO: Have LibRadTran calculate it directly
        transup = s.zeros(self.wl.shape)

        # Get solar zenith, translate to irradiance at zenith = 0
        with open(self.lut_dir + '/LUT_' + fn + '.zen', 'r') as fin:
            output = fin.read().split()
            solzen, solaz = [float(q) for q in output[1:]]
        irr = irr / s.cos(solzen / 360.0 * 2.0 * s.pi)

        return self.wl, irr, solzen, rhoatm, transm, sphalb, transup
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def sample(self, x_instrument, wl_hi, rdn_hi):
        """ Apply instrument sampling to a radiance spectrum, returning the
            predicted measurement"""

        if self.calibration_fixed and all((self.wl_init - wl_hi) < wl_tol):
            return rdn_hi
        wl, fwhm = self.calibration(x_instrument)
        if rdn_hi.ndim == 1:
            return resample_spectrum(rdn_hi, wl_hi, wl, fwhm)
            resamp = []
            # The "fast resample" option approximates a complete resampling
            # by a convolution with a uniform FWHM.
            if self.fast_resample:
                for i, r in enumerate(rdn_hi):
                    ssrf = srf(s.arange(-10, 11), 0, fwhm[0])
                    blur = convolve(r, ssrf, mode='same')
                    resamp.append(interp1d(wl_hi, blur)(wl))
                for i, r in enumerate(rdn_hi):
                    r2 = resample_spectrum(r, wl_hi, wl, fwhm)
            return s.array(resamp)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def load_rt(self, point, fn):
        """Load the results of a SixS run """

        with open(os.path.join(self.lut_dir, fn), 'r') as l:
            lines = l.readlines()

        with open(os.path.join(self.lut_dir, 'LUT_' + fn + '.inp'), 'r') as l:
            inlines = l.readlines()
            solzen = float(inlines[1].strip().split()[0])

        # Strip header
        for i, ln in enumerate(lines):
            if ln.startswith('*        trans  down   up'):
                lines = lines[(i + 1):(i + 1 + self.sixs_ngrid_init)]

        solzens = s.zeros(len(lines))
        sphalbs = s.zeros(len(lines))
        transups = s.zeros(len(lines))
        transms = s.zeros(len(lines))
        rhoatms = s.zeros(len(lines))
        self.grid = s.zeros(len(lines))

        for i, ln in enumerate(lines):
            ln = ln.replace('*', ' ').strip()
            w, gt, scad, scau, salb, rhoa, swl, step, sbor, dsol, toar = \

            self.grid[i] = float(w) * 1000.0  # convert to nm
            solzens[i] = float(solzen)
            sphalbs[i] = float(salb)
            transups[i] = 0.0  # float(scau)
            transms[i] = float(scau) * float(scad) * float(gt)
            rhoatms[i] = float(rhoa)

        solzen = resample_spectrum(solzens, self.grid, self.wl, self.fwhm)
        rhoatm = resample_spectrum(rhoatms, self.grid, self.wl, self.fwhm)
        transm = resample_spectrum(transms, self.grid, self.wl, self.fwhm)
        sphalb = resample_spectrum(sphalbs, self.grid, self.wl, self.fwhm)
        transup = resample_spectrum(transups, self.grid, self.wl, self.fwhm)
        irr = resample_spectrum(self.irr, self.iwl, self.wl, self.fwhm)
        return self.wl, irr, solzen, rhoatm, transm, sphalb, transup
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def write_spectrum(self, row, col, states, meas, geom):
        """Write data from a single inversion to all output buffers."""

        self.writes = self.writes + 1

        if len(states) == 0:

            # Write a bad data flag
            atm_bad = s.zeros(len(self.fm.statevec)) * -9999.0
            state_bad = s.zeros(len(self.fm.statevec)) * -9999.0
            data_bad = s.zeros(self.fm.instrument.n_chan) * -9999.0
            to_write = {
                'estimated_state_file': state_bad,
                'estimated_reflectance_file': data_bad,
                'estimated_emission_file': data_bad,
                'modeled_radiance_file': data_bad,
                'apparent_reflectance_file': data_bad,
                'path_radiance_file': data_bad,
                'simulated_measurement_file': data_bad,
                'algebraic_inverse_file': data_bad,
                'atmospheric_coefficients_file': atm_bad,
                'radiometry_correction_file': data_bad,
                'spectral_calibration_file': data_bad,
                'posterior_uncertainty_file': state_bad


            # The inversion returns a list of states, which are
            # intepreted either as samples from the posterior (MCMC case)
            # or as a gradient descent trajectory (standard case). For
            # gradient descent the last spectrum is the converged solution.
            if self.iv.method == 'MCMC':
                state_est = states.mean(axis=0)
                state_est = states[-1, :]

            # Spectral calibration
            wl, fwhm = self.fm.calibration(state_est)
            cal = s.column_stack(
                [s.arange(0, len(wl)), wl / 1000.0, fwhm / 1000.0])

            # If there is no actual measurement, we use the simulated version
            # in subsequent calculations.  Naturally in these cases we're
            # mostly just interested in the simulation result.
            if meas is None:
                meas = self.fm.calc_rdn(state_est, geom)

            # Rodgers diagnostics
            lamb_est, meas_est, path_est, S_hat, K, G = \
                self.iv.forward_uncertainty(state_est, meas, geom)

            # Simulation with noise
            meas_sim = self.fm.instrument.simulate_measurement(meas_est, geom)

            # Algebraic inverse and atmospheric optical coefficients
            x_surface, x_RT, x_instrument = self.fm.unpack(state_est)
            rfl_alg_opt, Ls, coeffs = invert_algebraic(
                self.fm.surface, self.fm.RT, self.fm.instrument, x_surface,
                x_RT, x_instrument, meas, geom)
            rhoatm, sphalb, transm, solar_irr, coszen, transup = coeffs
            atm = s.column_stack(
                list(coeffs[:4]) + [s.ones((len(wl), 1)) * coszen])

            # Upward emission & glint and apparent reflectance
            Ls_est = self.fm.calc_Ls(state_est, geom)
            apparent_rfl_est = lamb_est + Ls_est

            # radiometric calibration
            factors = s.ones(len(wl))
            if 'radiometry_correction_file' in self.outfiles:
                if 'reference_reflectance_file' in self.infiles:
                    reference_file = self.infiles['reference_reflectance_file']
                    self.rfl_ref = reference_file.read_spectrum(row, col)
                    self.wl_ref = reference_file.wl
                    w, fw = self.fm.instrument.calibration(x_instrument)
                    resamp = resample_spectrum(self.rfl_ref,
                    meas_est = self.fm.calc_meas(state_est, geom, rfl=resamp)
                    factors = meas_est / meas
                    logging.warning('No reflectance reference')

            # Assemble all output products
            to_write = {
                s.column_stack((self.fm.surface.wl, lamb_est)),
                s.column_stack((self.fm.surface.wl, Ls_est)),
                s.column_stack((self.fm.surface.wl, lamb_est)),
                s.column_stack((wl, meas_est)),
                s.column_stack((self.fm.surface.wl, apparent_rfl_est)),
                s.column_stack((wl, path_est)),
                s.column_stack((wl, meas_sim)),
                s.column_stack((self.fm.surface.wl, rfl_alg_opt)),

        for product in self.outfiles:
            logging.debug('IO: Writing ' + product)
            self.outfiles[product].write_spectrum(row, col, to_write[product])
            if (self.writes % flush_rate) == 0:

        # Special case! samples file is matlab format.
        if 'mcmc_samples_file' in self.output:
            logging.debug('IO: Writing mcmc_samples_file')
            mdict = {'samples': states}
            s.io.savemat(self.output['mcmc_samples_file'], mdict)

        # Special case! Data dump file is matlab format.
        if 'data_dump_file' in self.output:

            logging.debug('IO: Writing data_dump_file')
            x = state_est
            Seps_inv, Seps_inv_sqrt = self.iv.calc_Seps(x, meas, geom)
            meas_est_window = meas_est[self.iv.winidx]
            meas_window = meas[self.iv.winidx]
            xa, Sa, Sa_inv, Sa_inv_sqrt = self.iv.calc_prior(x, geom)
            prior_resid = (x - xa).dot(Sa_inv_sqrt)
            rdn_est = self.fm.calc_rdn(x, geom)
            x_surface, x_RT, x_instrument = self.fm.unpack(x)
            Kb = self.fm.Kb(x, geom)
            xinit = invert_simple(self.fm, meas, geom)
            Sy = self.fm.instrument.Sy(meas, geom)
            cost_jac_prior = s.diagflat(x - xa).dot(Sa_inv_sqrt)
            cost_jac_meas = Seps_inv_sqrt.dot(K[self.iv.winidx, :])
            meas_Cov = self.fm.Seps(x, meas, geom)
            lamb_est, meas_est, path_est, S_hat, K, G = \
                self.iv.forward_uncertainty(state_est, meas, geom)
            A = s.matmul(K, G)

            # Form the MATLAB dictionary object and write to file
            mdict = {
                'K': K,
                'G': G,
                'S_hat': S_hat,
                'prior_mu': xa,
                'Ls': Ls,
                'prior_Cov': Sa,
                'meas': meas,
                'rdn_est': rdn_est,
                'x': x,
                'x_surface': x_surface,
                'x_RT': x_RT,
                'x_instrument': x_instrument,
                'meas_Cov': meas_Cov,
                'wl': wl,
                'fwhm': fwhm,
                'lamb_est': lamb_est,
                'coszen': coszen,
                'cost_jac_prior': cost_jac_prior,
                'Kb': Kb,
                'A': A,
                'cost_jac_meas': cost_jac_meas,
                'winidx': self.iv.winidx,
                'prior_resid': prior_resid,
                'noise_Cov': Sy,
                'xinit': xinit,
                'rhoatm': rhoatm,
                'sphalb': sphalb,
                'transm': transm,
                'solar_irr': solar_irr
            s.io.savemat(self.output['data_dump_file'], mdict)

        # Write plots, if needed
        if len(states) > 0 and 'plot_directory' in self.output:

            if 'reference_reflectance_file' in self.infiles:
                reference_file = self.infiles['reference_reflectance_file']
                self.rfl_ref = reference_file.read_spectrum(row, col)
                self.wl_ref = reference_file.wl

            for i, x in enumerate(states):

                # Calculate intermediate solutions
                lamb_est, meas_est, path_est, S_hat, K, G = \
                    self.iv.forward_uncertainty(state_est, meas, geom)

                red = [0.7, 0.2, 0.2]
                wl, fwhm = self.fm.calibration(x)
                xmin, xmax = min(wl), max(wl)
                fig = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
                plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
                meas_est = self.fm.calc_meas(x, geom)
                for lo, hi in self.iv.windows:
                    idx = s.where(s.logical_and(wl > lo, wl < hi))[0]
                    p1 = plt.plot(wl[idx], meas[idx], color=red, linewidth=2)
                    p2 = plt.plot(wl, meas_est, color='k', linewidth=1)
                plt.title("Measurement (Scaled DN)")
                ymax = max(meas) * 1.25
                ymax = max(meas) + 0.01
                ymin = min(meas) - 0.01
                plt.text(500, ymax * 0.92, "Measured", color=red)
                plt.text(500, ymax * 0.86, "Model", color='k')
                plt.ylabel("$\mu$W nm$^{-1}$ sr$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$")
                plt.xlabel("Wavelength (nm)")
                plt.ylim([-0.001, ymax])
                plt.ylim([ymin, ymax])
                plt.xlim([xmin, xmax])

                plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
                lamb_est = self.fm.calc_lamb(x, geom)
                ymax = min(max(lamb_est) * 1.25, 0.10)
                for lo, hi in self.iv.windows:

                    # black line
                    idx = s.where(s.logical_and(wl > lo, wl < hi))[0]
                    p2 = plt.plot(wl[idx], lamb_est[idx], 'k', linewidth=2)
                    ymax = max(max(lamb_est[idx] * 1.2), ymax)

                    # red line
                    if 'reference_reflectance_file' in self.infiles:
                        idx = s.where(
                            s.logical_and(self.wl_ref > lo,
                                          self.wl_ref < hi))[0]
                        p1 = plt.plot(self.wl_ref[idx],
                        ymax = max(max(self.rfl_ref[idx] * 1.2), ymax)

                    # green and blue lines - surface components
                    if hasattr(self.fm.surface, 'components') and \
                        idx = s.where(
                            s.logical_and(self.fm.surface.wl > lo,
                                          self.fm.surface.wl < hi))[0]
                        p3 = plt.plot(self.fm.surface.wl[idx],
                                      self.fm.xa(x, geom)[idx],
                        for j in range(len(self.fm.surface.components)):
                            z = self.fm.surface.norm(
                            mu = self.fm.surface.components[j][0] * z
                plt.text(500, ymax * 0.86, "Remote estimate", color='k')
                if 'reference_reflectance_file' in self.infiles:
                    plt.text(500, ymax * 0.92, "In situ reference", color=red)
                if hasattr(self.fm.surface, 'components') and \
                    plt.text(500, ymax * 0.80, "Prior mean state ", color='b')
                             ymax * 0.74,
                             "Surface components ",
                plt.ylim([-0.0010, ymax])
                plt.xlim([xmin, xmax])
                plt.title("Source Model")
                plt.xlabel("Wavelength (nm)")
                fn = self.output['plot_directory'] + ('/frame_%i.png' % i)