Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_custom_operator_profiling_naive_engine():
    # run the three tests above using Naive Engine
    run_in_spawned_process(test_custom_operator_profiling, \
            {'MXNET_ENGINE_TYPE' : "NaiveEngine"}, \
    run_in_spawned_process(custom_operator_profiling_multiple_custom_ops, \
            {'MXNET_ENGINE_TYPE' : "NaiveEngine"}, 'imperative', \
    run_in_spawned_process(custom_operator_profiling_multiple_custom_ops, \
            {'MXNET_ENGINE_TYPE' : "NaiveEngine"}, 'symbolic', \
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_custom_operator_profiling_naive_engine():
    # run the three tests above using Naive Engine
    run_in_spawned_process(test_custom_operator_profiling, \
            {'MXNET_ENGINE_TYPE' : "NaiveEngine"}, \
    run_in_spawned_process(test_custom_operator_profiling_multiple_custom_ops_imperative, \
            {'MXNET_ENGINE_TYPE' : "NaiveEngine"}, \
            'imperative', \
    run_in_spawned_process(test_custom_operator_profiling_multiple_custom_ops_imperative, \
            {'MXNET_ENGINE_TYPE' : "NaiveEngine", \
            'MXNET_EXEC_BULK_EXEC_TRAIN' : 0}, \
            'symbolic', \
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _test_bulking(test_bulking_func):
    # test case format: (max_fwd_segment_size, max_bwd_segment_size, enable_bulking_in_training)
    test_cases = [(0, 0, True), (1, 1, True), (15, 15, False), (15, 0, True),
                  (0, 15, True), (15, 15, True)]
    times = {}
    times_str = ''
    for seg_sizes in test_cases:
        # Create shared variable to return measured time from test process
        time_per_iteration = mp.Manager().Value('d', 0.0)

        if not run_in_spawned_process(
                'MXNET_EXEC_BULK_EXEC_MAX_NODE_TRAIN_FWD': str(seg_sizes[0]),
                'MXNET_EXEC_BULK_EXEC_MAX_NODE_TRAIN_BWD': str(seg_sizes[1]),
                'MXNET_EXEC_BULK_EXEC_TRAIN': str(seg_sizes[2])
            }, time_per_iteration):
            # skip test since the python version can't run it properly.  Warning msg was logged.
        times[seg_sizes] = time_per_iteration.value
        times_str += \
            '\n    runtime of (fwd,bwd,enable) op seg setting ({},{},{}) =\t{:.1f} msec'.format(
                seg_sizes[0], seg_sizes[1], seg_sizes[2], 1000.0 * times[seg_sizes])

    fastest_non_bulked_time = min(times[(0, 0, True)], times[(1, 1, True)],
                                  times[(15, 15, False)])
    slowest_half_bulked_time = max(times[(0, 15, True)], times[(15, 0, True)])
    fastest_half_bulked_time = min(times[(0, 15, True)], times[(15, 0, True)])
    fully_bulked_time = times[(15, 15, True)]

    # Non-bulked times[0,0,True], times[1,1,True] and times[15,15,False] should be about the same,
    # slower than both half-bulked times[0,15,True] and times[15,0,True]
    assert slowest_half_bulked_time < fastest_non_bulked_time, \
        'A half-bulked exec time is slower than the non-bulked time by {} secs! {}' \
        .format(slowest_half_bulked_time - fastest_non_bulked_time, times_str)
    # The fully bulked times[15,15,True] should be faster than both half-bulked runs
    assert fully_bulked_time < fastest_half_bulked_time, \
        'The fully-bulked exec time is slower than a half-bulked time by {} secs! {}' \
        .format(fully_bulked_time - fastest_half_bulked_time, times_str)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_bulking():
    # test case format: (max_fwd_segment_size, max_bwd_segment_size, enable_bulking_in_training)
    test_cases = [(0, 0, True), (1, 1, True), (15, 15, False),
                  (15, 0, True), (0, 15, True), (15, 15, True)]
    times = {}
    times_str = ''
    for seg_sizes in test_cases:
        # Create shared variable to return measured time from test process
        time_per_iteration = mp.Manager().Value('d', 0.0)
        if not run_in_spawned_process(_test_bulking_in_process,
                                      {'MXNET_EXEC_BULK_EXEC_MAX_NODE_TRAIN_FWD': seg_sizes[0],
                                       'MXNET_EXEC_BULK_EXEC_MAX_NODE_TRAIN_BWD': seg_sizes[1],
                                       'MXNET_EXEC_BULK_EXEC_TRAIN': seg_sizes[2]},
            # skip test since the python version can't run it properly.  Warning msg was logged.
        times[seg_sizes] = time_per_iteration.value
        times_str += \
            '\n    runtime of (fwd,bwd,enable) op seg setting ({},{},{}) =\t{:.1f} msec'.format(
                seg_sizes[0], seg_sizes[1], seg_sizes[2], 1000.0 * times[seg_sizes])

    fastest_non_bulked_time = min(
        times[(0, 0, True)], times[(1, 1, True)], times[(15, 15, False)])
    slowest_half_bulked_time = max(times[(0, 15, True)], times[(15, 0, True)])
    fastest_half_bulked_time = min(times[(0, 15, True)], times[(15, 0, True)])
    fully_bulked_time = times[(15, 15, True)]

    # Non-bulked times[0,0,True], times[1,1,True] and times[15,15,False] should be about the same,
    # slower than both half-bulked times[0,15,True] and times[15,0,True]
    assert slowest_half_bulked_time < fastest_non_bulked_time, \
        'A half-bulked exec time is slower than the non-bulked time by {} secs! {}' \
        .format(slowest_half_bulked_time - fastest_non_bulked_time, times_str)
    # The fully bulked times[15,15,True] should be faster than both half-bulked runs
    assert fully_bulked_time < fastest_half_bulked_time, \
        'The fully-bulked exec time is slower than a half-bulked time by {} secs! {}' \
        .format(fully_bulked_time - fastest_half_bulked_time, times_str)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_custom_operator_profiling_multiple_custom_ops_symbolic():
    run_in_spawned_process(test_custom_operator_profiling_multiple_custom_ops_imperative, \
            {'MXNET_EXEC_BULK_EXEC_INFERENCE' : 0, \
            'MXNET_EXEC_BULK_EXEC_TRAIN' : 0}, \
            'symbolic', \