def change_admin_password(self, new_password, username=None, verify=True): if not username: username = self.username with self.ctx_config_block("system admin"): with self.ctx_edit_block(common.sanitize(username)): self.run_command( "set password %s" % common.sanitize(new_password), True) if verify: if not self.verify_login(username, new_password): raise common.OperationalError( "Password change verification failed") else: return True
def get_keywords_from_text(text): text = sanitize(text) rake_object = Rake("/home/**********/libs/rake/SmartStoplistv2.txt", 3, 15, 2) rake_keywords = filtered_keywords = keyword_filter(rake_keywords, 'all', False) return filtered_keywords
def add(self, entry): if entry.rsplit(".", 1)[1] == "m3u": with open(os.path.join(config.playlist_location, entry)) as f: for music in f.readlines(): self.array.append(music.replace("\n", "").decode("UTF-8")) if dirmanager.found_entry(sanitize(entry)) is not None: self.array.append(entry)
def change_admin_password(self, new_password, verify=True): # TODO: verify that login user is admin user ("get admin name") self.run_command('set admin password "%s"' % common.sanitize(new_password)) self.save_and_apply() if verify: if not self.verify_login(self.username, new_password): raise OperationalError("Password change verification failed") else: return True
def directory(): if request.method == "POST": text = request.form['text'] dirmanager.add_directory(sanitize(text)) return redirect("/") elif request.method == "DELETE": text = request.form['text'] dirmanager.del_directory(sanitize(text)) return redirect("/") elif request.method == "GET": return ''' <!doctype html> <title>Add New Directory</title> <h1>Add New Directory</h1> <form action="/control/directory/" method=post> <p><input type=text name=text> <input type=submit value=Send> </form> ''' else: print "UPS" \ "" abort(400)
def add_admin(self, username, password, privilege="prof_admin", role=None, sshkey=None, ssh_only_key=False, verify=True): # TODO: remove redundant code # TODO: abstract privileges if role: raise ValueError("Roles not supported") if ssh_only_key: raise NotImplementedError("ssh_only_key not implemented") with self.ctx_config_block("system admin"): with self.ctx_edit_block(common.sanitize(username)): self.run_command("set password %s" % common.sanitize(password), True) self.run_command( "set accprofile %s" % common.sanitize(privilege), True) self.run_command("set trusthost1", True) if sshkey: self.run_command('set ssh-public-key1 "ssh-dss %s"' % sshkey, True) if verify: if not self.verify_login(username, password): raise common.OperationalError("Failed to add new admin") else: return True
def uploadmusic(): if request.method == 'POST': file = request.files['file'] if file and file.filename.rsplit(".", 1)[1] in config.supported_extensions: filename = sanitize(file.filename), filename)) return redirect("/") return ''' <!doctype html> <title>Upload new Music</title> <h1>Upload new Music File</h1> <form action="" method=post enctype=multipart/form-data> <p><input type=file name=file> <input type=submit value=Upload> </form> ''', 201
def uploadplaylist(): if request.method == 'POST': file = request.files['file'] if file and file.filename.rsplit(".", 1)[1] is "m3u": filename = sanitize(file.filename), filename)) return redirect("/") return ''' <!doctype html> <title>Upload new Playlist</title> <h1>Upload new Playlist</h1> <form action="" method=post enctype=multipart/form-data> <p><input type=file name=file> <input type=submit value=Upload> </form> ''', 201
def add_admin(self, username, password, privilege="read-only", role=None, sshkey=None, ssh_only_key=False, verify=True): self.run_command('set admin user "%s" password "%s" privilege "%s"' % (common.sanitize(username), common.sanitize(password), common.sanitize(privilege))) if role: self.run_command( 'set admin user "%s" role "%s"' % (common.sanitize(username), common.sanitize(role))) if sshkey: self.run_command( 'set ssh pka-dsa user-name "%s" key "%s"' % (common.sanitize(username), common.sanitize(sshkey))) if ssh_only_key: self.run_command( 'set admin scs password disable username "%s"' % (common.sanitize(username))) if verify: if sshkey and ssh_only_key: raise NotImplementedError( "Verification not supported for passwordless SSH login") if not self.verify_login(username, password): raise OperationalError("Failed to add new admin user") else: return True self.save_and_apply()
parser.add_argument('-o','--outputPath', help = 'output path') arguments = parser.parse_args() if not arguments.outputPath: arguments.outputPath = os.path.dirname(arguments.csvFile) + '/chipYaml' year = with open(arguments.csvFile) as csvFile: csvReader = csv.reader(csvFile) firstRow = next(csvReader) paths, labels = parseFirstRow(firstRow) yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML() yaml.register_class(Reference) for row in csvReader: yamlFilename = os.path.join(arguments.outputPath, common.sanitize(parseString(row[0])[0]) + '.yaml') print('Generating {}...'.format(yamlFilename)) with open(yamlFilename, 'w') as yamlFile: dictionary = parseRow(row, paths) dictionary = addLabels(dictionary, labels) yamlFile.write("#\n" "# file: {}\n" "#\n" "# author: Copyright (C) {} Kamil Szczygiel " "\n" "#\n" "# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a " "copy of the MPL was not\n" "# distributed with this file, You can obtain one at\n" "#\n" "# Automatically generated file - do not edit!\n"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('csvFile', help='input CSV file') parser.add_argument('outputPath', help='output path') arguments = parser.parse_args() year = with open(arguments.csvFile) as csvFile: csvReader = csv.reader(csvFile) firstRow = next(csvReader) paths, labels = parseFirstRow(firstRow) yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML() for row in csvReader: yamlFilename = os.path.join( arguments.outputPath, common.sanitize(parseString(row[0])[0]) + '.yaml') print('Generating {}...'.format(yamlFilename)) with open(yamlFilename, 'w') as yamlFile: dictionary = parseRow(row, paths) dictionary = addLabels(dictionary, labels) yamlFile.write( "#\n" "# file: {}\n" "#\n" "# author: Copyright (C) {} Kamil Szczygiel " "\n" "#\n" "# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a " "copy of the MPL was not\n" "# distributed with this file, You can obtain one at\n" "#\n"
relativeDistortosPath = posixpath.relpath(posixpath.realpath(arguments.distortosPath), posixpath.realpath(arguments.outputPath)) relativeOutputPath = posixpath.relpath(posixpath.realpath(arguments.outputPath), posixpath.realpath(arguments.distortosPath)) jinjaEnvironment = jinja2.Environment(trim_blocks = True, lstrip_blocks = True, keep_trailing_newline = True, loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(['.', arguments.distortosPath])) jinjaEnvironment.add_extension(RaiseExtension) jinjaEnvironment.filters['sanitize'] = common.sanitize jinjaEnvironment.globals['board'] = board jinjaEnvironment.globals['distortosPath'] = relativeDistortosPath jinjaEnvironment.globals['enumerate'] = enumerate jinjaEnvironment.globals['len'] = len jinjaEnvironment.globals['outputPath'] = relativeOutputPath jinjaEnvironment.globals['sanitizedBoard'] = common.sanitize(board) jinjaEnvironment.tests['fullMatch'] = isFullMatch metadata = [] for currentDirectory, directories, filenames in os.walk('.', followlinks = True): # jinja expects forward slashes on all systems - currentDirectory = currentDirectory.replace('\\', '/') localFilenames = [posixpath.join(currentDirectory, filename) for filename in filenames] for metadataFilename in fnmatch.filter(localFilenames, '*/boardTemplates/*.metadata'): print('Loading {}'.format(metadataFilename)) try: metadataFragment = jinjaEnvironment.get_template(metadataFilename).render(dictionary = dictionary) except jinja2.exceptions.TemplateAssertionError as exception: sys.exit("{}:{}: error: {}".format(exception.filename, exception.lineno, exception.message)) metadata += ast.literal_eval('[' + metadataFragment + ']')
posixpath.realpath(arguments.outputPath), posixpath.realpath(arguments.distortosPath)) jinjaEnvironment = jinja2.Environment(trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True, keep_trailing_newline=True, loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader( ['.', arguments.distortosPath])) jinjaEnvironment.add_extension(RaiseExtension) jinjaEnvironment.filters['sanitize'] = common.sanitize jinjaEnvironment.globals['board'] = board jinjaEnvironment.globals['distortosPath'] = relativeDistortosPath jinjaEnvironment.globals['enumerate'] = enumerate jinjaEnvironment.globals['len'] = len jinjaEnvironment.globals['outputPath'] = relativeOutputPath jinjaEnvironment.globals['sanitizedBoard'] = common.sanitize(board) jinjaEnvironment.globals['year'] = jinjaEnvironment.tests['fullMatch'] = isFullMatch metadata = [] for currentDirectory, directories, filenames in os.walk('.', followlinks=True): # jinja expects forward slashes on all systems - currentDirectory = currentDirectory.replace('\\', '/') localFilenames = [ posixpath.join(currentDirectory, filename) for filename in filenames ] for metadataFilename in fnmatch.filter(localFilenames, '*/boardTemplates/*.metadata'):