Ejemplo n.º 1
def expand_pinterest( accum_ids, asset_def, embeds_dct, images_dct = None, override_link=None, override_image=None ):

        asset_name = asset_def["asset_name"]

        # get id...
        htmlid = common.get_id(asset_name,accum_ids)
        accum_ids.append( htmlid )

        # get parms...
        x = get_attr( 'x', asset_name, asset_def, embeds_dct )
        y = get_attr( 'y', asset_name, asset_def, embeds_dct )
        z = get_attr( 'z', asset_name, asset_def, embeds_dct,'0')
        if override_link:
                link = override_link
                link = get_attr( 'link', asset_name, asset_def, embeds_dct,'http://www.pinterest.com')
                link = common.site_replace(link)

        if override_image:
                image = override_image
		image = get_attr( 'image', asset_name, asset_def, embeds_dct, 'http://thestudio.codetodesign.com/content_7_6_2012/main_logo4.png' )
		image = common.site_replace( image )

	# possibly use img path...
	br1 = image.find("[") 
	br2 = image.find("]")
	if (br1>=0) and (br2>=0):
		imgref = image[br1:(br2+1)]
		imgref = imgref[1:-1]	
		print images_dct
		pathimg = get_img_path( imgref, images_dct )
		image = image[0:br1] + pathimg + image[br2+1:]
		print "ref->",imgref, pathimg, image
		image = common.path_replace( image)
        f = open("embeds/pinterest.txt",'r')
        tmpl = f.read()
        txt = tmpl.replace("HTMLID",htmlid)
	link = urllib2.quote(link)
	link = link.replace( "/", "%2F" )
        txt = txt.replace("LINK",link)
	image = urllib2.quote(image)
	image = image.replace( "/", "%2F" )
	txt = txt.replace("IMAGE", image)

        style = "#%s { position:absolute;top:%dpx;left:%dpx;z-index:%d;} " % (asset_name, int(y), int(x), int(z) )
        content = txt
        scriptlet_dct = { "on":"", "off":"", "init":"" }
        return [ style, content, "", scriptlet_dct ]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def expand_twitter( accum_ids, asset_def, embeds_dct, override_link ):

        asset_name = asset_def["asset_name"]

        # get id...
        htmlid = common.get_id(asset_name,accum_ids)
        accum_ids.append( htmlid )

        # get parms...
        x = get_attr( 'x', asset_name, asset_def, embeds_dct )
        y = get_attr( 'y', asset_name, asset_def, embeds_dct )
        z = get_attr( 'z', asset_name, asset_def, embeds_dct,'0')
        if override_link:
                link = override_link
                link = get_attr( 'link', asset_name, asset_def, embeds_dct,'http://www.twitter.com')
                link = common.site_replace(link)
	# get template and replace vars...
        f = open("embeds/twitter.txt",'r')
        tmpl = f.read()
        txt = tmpl.replace("HTMLID",htmlid)
        txt = txt.replace("LINK",link )

	# produce html parts...
        style = "#%s { position:absolute;top:%dpx;left:%dpx;z-index:%d;} " % (asset_name, int(y), int(x), int(z) )
        content = txt
        scriptlet_dct = { "on":"", "off":"", "init":"" }
        return [ style, content, "", scriptlet_dct ]