Ejemplo n.º 1
 def save_plot(self, fig, axes, width=None, height=None, bottom=None, top=None, left=None, right=None, sep=()):
     # Attributes or parameters #
     w = width  if width  != None else self.width
     h = height if height != None else self.height
     b = bottom if bottom != None else self.bottom
     t = top    if top    != None else self.top
     l = left   if left   != None else self.left
     r = right  if right  != None else self.right
     # Adjust #
     fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.0, bottom=b, top=t, left=l, right=r)
     # Data and source #
     if hasattr(self, 'dev_mode'):
         fig.text(0.99, 0.98, time.asctime(), horizontalalignment='right')
         job_name = os.environ.get('SLURM_JOB_NAME', 'Unnamed')
         user_msg = 'user: %s, job: %s' % (getpass.getuser(), job_name)
         fig.text(0.01, 0.98, user_msg, horizontalalignment='left')
     # Nice digit grouping #
     if 'x' in sep:
         seperate = lambda x,pos: split_thousands(x)
     if 'y' in sep:
         seperate = lambda y,pos: split_thousands(y)
     # Save it as different formats #
     for ext in self.formats: fig.savefig(self.path.replace_extension(ext))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def save_plot(self, fig, axes, **kwargs):
     # Parameters #
     self.params = {}
     for key in self.default_params:
         if key in kwargs:                          self.params[key] = kwargs[key]
         elif hasattr(self, key):                   self.params[key] = getattr(self, key)
         elif self.default_params[key] is not None: self.params[key] = self.default_params[key]
     # Backwards compatibility #
     if kwargs.get('x_log', False): self.params['x_scale'] = 'symlog'
     if kwargs.get('y_log', False): self.params['y_scale'] = 'symlog'
     # Log #
     if 'x_scale' in self.params: axes.set_xscale(self.params['x_scale'])
     if 'y_scale' in self.params: axes.set_yscale(self.params['y_scale'])
     # Axis limits #
     if 'x_min' in self.params: axes.set_xlim(self.params['x_min'], axes.get_xlim()[1])
     if 'x_max' in self.params: axes.set_xlim(axes.get_xlim()[0], self.params['x_max'])
     if 'y_min' in self.params: axes.set_xlim(self.params['y_min'], axes.get_ylim()[1])
     if 'y_max' in self.params: axes.set_xlim(axes.get_ylim()[0], self.params['y_max'])
     # Title #
     title = self.params.get('title', False)
     if title: axes.set_title(title)
     # Axes labels  #
     if self.params.get('x_label'): axes.set_xlabel(self.params['x_label'])
     if self.params.get('y_label'): axes.set_ylabel(self.params['y_label'])
     # Adjust #
     fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.0, bottom = self.params['bottom'], top   = self.params['top'],
                                     left   = self.params['left'],   right = self.params['right'])
     # Grid #
     # Data and source extra text #
     if hasattr(self, 'dev_mode') and self.dev_mode is True:
         fig.text(0.99, 0.98, time.asctime(), horizontalalignment='right')
         job_name = os.environ.get('SLURM_JOB_NAME', 'Unnamed')
         user_msg = 'user: %s, job: %s' % (getpass.getuser(), job_name)
         fig.text(0.01, 0.98, user_msg, horizontalalignment='left')
     # Nice digit grouping #
     if 'x' in self.params['sep']:
         separate = lambda x,pos: split_thousands(x)
     if 'y' in self.params['sep']:
         separate = lambda y,pos: split_thousands(y)
     # Add custom labels #
     if 'x_labels' in self.params: axes.set_xticklabels(self.params['x_labels'])
     if 'x_labels_rot' in self.params: pyplot.setp(axes.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=self.params['x_labels_rot'])
     # Possibility to overwrite path #
     if 'path' in self.params:   path = FilePath(self.params['path'])
     elif hasattr(self, 'path'): path = FilePath(self.path)
     else:                       path = FilePath(self.short_name + '.pdf')
     # Save it as different formats #
     for ext in self.params['formats']: fig.savefig(path.replace_extension(ext))