Ejemplo n.º 1
def receive_prefix(symbols):
    S = common.take(symbols, len(train.prefix))[:, config.carrier_index]
    sliced = np.round(S)
    if pylab:
        show.constellation(S, sliced, 'Prefix')

    bits = np.array(np.abs(sliced), dtype=int)
    if any(bits != train.prefix):
        raise ValueError('Incorrect prefix')

    log.info('Prefix OK')

    nonzeros = np.array(train.prefix, dtype=bool)
    pilot_tone = S[nonzeros]
    phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(pilot_tone)) / (2 * np.pi)
    indices = np.arange(len(phase))
    a, b = sigproc.linear_regression(indices, phase)

    freq_err = a / (config.Tsym * config.Fc)
    last_phase = a * indices[-1] + b
    log.debug('Current phase on carrier: %.3f', last_phase)

    expected_phase, = set(np.angle(sliced[nonzeros]) / (2 * np.pi))
    log.debug('Excepted phase on carrier: %.3f', expected_phase)

    sampling_err = (last_phase - expected_phase) * config.Nsym
    log.info('Frequency error: %.2f ppm', freq_err * 1e6)
    log.info('Sampling error: %.2f samples', sampling_err)
    return freq_err, sampling_err
Ejemplo n.º 2
def train_receiver(symbols, freqs):
    filters = {}
    scaling_factor = len(freqs)  # to avoid saturation
    training = np.array(train.equalizer)
    if pylab:

    symbols = common.take(symbols, len(training) * len(freqs))
    for i, freq in enumerate(freqs):
        size = len(training)
        offset = i * size
        S = symbols[offset:offset+size, i]

        filt = sigproc.train(S, training * scaling_factor)
        filters[freq] = filt

        Y = list(filt(S))
        y = np.array(Y) / scaling_factor
        if pylab:
            pylab.subplot(HEIGHT, WIDTH, i+1)
            show.constellation(y, modem.qam.symbols,
                               'Train: $F_c = {}Hz$'.format(freq))
            pylab.plot(S.real, S.imag, '.-')

        train_result = np.round(y)
        if not all(train_result == training):
            raise ValueError('#{} training failed on {} Hz'.format(i, freq))

        noise = y - training
        Pnoise = sigproc.power(noise)
        log.info('%10.1f kHz: Noise sigma=%.4f, SNR=%.1f dB',
                 freq/1e3, Pnoise**0.5, 10*np.log10(1/Pnoise))

    return filters
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def mine_rule(self):
        population = list(self.rule_generator.generate(self.dataset, self.population_size))

        generation = 0
        while generation < self.max_generations:
            generation += 1
            sorted_population = sorted(population, key=lambda rule: rule.fitness, reverse=True)
            elite_population = take(self.elitism_level, sorted_population)

            new_population = self.selection.select(population)
            new_population = self.crossover.recombinate(new_population)
            new_population = self.mutation.mutate(new_population, self.dataset.attrs)

            new_population = (rule for rule in new_population if not rule.is_empty())
            new_population = take(self.population_size - self.elitism_level, new_population)           
            population = new_population

        return elite_population[0]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main(args):

    log.info('Running MODEM @ {:.1f} kbps'.format(modem.modem_bps / 1e3))

    fd = sys.stdin
    signal = stream.iread(fd)
    skipped = common.take(signal, args.skip)
    log.debug('Skipping first %.3f seconds', len(skipped) / float(modem.baud))

    stream.check = common.check_saturation

    size = 0
    signal, amplitude = detect(signal, config.Fc)
    bits = receive(signal, modem.freqs, gain=1.0/amplitude)
        for chunk in decode(bits):
            size = size + len(chunk)
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Decoding failed')

    duration = time.time() - stats['rx_start']
    audio_time = stats['rx_bits'] / float(modem.modem_bps)
    log.debug('Demodulated %.3f kB @ %.3f seconds (%.1f%% realtime)',
              stats['rx_bits'] / 8e3, duration, 100 * duration / audio_time)

    log.info('Received %.3f kB @ %.3f seconds = %.3f kB/s',
             size * 1e-3, duration, size * 1e-3 / duration)

    if pylab:
        symbol_list = np.array(stats['symbol_list'])
        for i, freq in enumerate(modem.freqs):
            pylab.subplot(HEIGHT, WIDTH, i+1)
            show.constellation(symbol_list[i], modem.qam.symbols,
                               '$F_c = {} Hz$'.format(freq))
Ejemplo n.º 5
# By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime is 13.

# What is the 10 001st prime number?

from common import primes, take

print(list(take(10001, primes()))[-1])