Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_csi_expansion_with_size_round_up(client, core_api):  # NOQA
    test expand longhorn volume

    1. Create longhorn volume with size '1Gi'
    2. Attach, write data, and detach
    3. Expand volume size to '2000000000/2G' and
        check if size round up '2000683008'
    4. Attach, write data, and detach
    5. Expand volume size to '2Gi' and check if size is '2147483648'
    6. Attach, write data, and detach

    volume_name = generate_volume_name()
    volume = create_and_check_volume(client, volume_name, 2, str(1 * Gi))

    self_hostId = get_self_host_id()
    volume.attach(hostId=self_hostId, disableFrontend=False)
    volume = wait_for_volume_healthy(client, volume_name)
    test_data = write_volume_random_data(volume)
    volume = wait_for_volume_detached(client, volume_name)

    wait_for_volume_expansion(client, volume_name)
    volume = client.by_id_volume(volume_name)
    assert volume.size == "2000683008"

    self_hostId = get_self_host_id()
    volume.attach(hostId=self_hostId, disableFrontend=False)
    volume = wait_for_volume_healthy(client, volume_name)
    check_volume_data(volume, test_data, False)
    test_data = write_volume_random_data(volume)
    volume = wait_for_volume_detached(client, volume_name)

    volume.expand(size=str(2 * Gi))
    wait_for_volume_expansion(client, volume_name)
    volume = client.by_id_volume(volume_name)
    assert volume.size == "2147483648"

    self_hostId = get_self_host_id()
    volume.attach(hostId=self_hostId, disableFrontend=False)
    volume = wait_for_volume_healthy(client, volume_name)
    check_volume_data(volume, test_data, False)
    volume = wait_for_volume_detached(client, volume_name)

    wait_for_volume_delete(client, volume_name)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_csi_expansion_with_replica_failure(client, core_api, storage_class, pvc, pod_manifest):  # NOQA
    Test expansion success but with one replica expansion failure

    1. Create a new `storage_class` with `allowVolumeExpansion` set
    2. Create PVC and Pod with dynamic provisioned volume from the StorageClass
    3. Create an empty directory with expansion snapshot tmp meta file path
       for one replica so that the replica expansion will fail
    4. Generate `test_data` and write to the pod
    5. Delete the pod and wait for volume detachment
    6. Update pvc.spec.resources to expand the volume
    7. Check expansion result using Longhorn API. There will be expansion error
       caused by the failed replica but overall the expansion should succeed.
    8. Create a new pod and
       check if the volume will rebuild the failed replica
    9. Validate the volume content, then check if data writing looks fine

    pod_name = 'csi-expansion-with-replica-failure-test'
    pvc_name = pod_name + "-pvc"
    pvc['metadata']['name'] = pvc_name
    pvc['spec']['storageClassName'] = storage_class['metadata']['name']

    pod_manifest['metadata']['name'] = pod_name
    pod_manifest['spec']['volumes'] = [{
        'persistentVolumeClaim': {'claimName': pvc_name},
    create_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod_manifest)

    expand_size = str(EXPANDED_VOLUME_SIZE*Gi)
    pv = wait_and_get_pv_for_pvc(core_api, pvc_name)
    assert pv.status.phase == "Bound"
    volume_name = pv.spec.csi.volume_handle
    volume = client.by_id_volume(volume_name)
    failed_replica = volume.replicas[0]
    fail_replica_expansion(client, core_api,
                           volume_name, expand_size, [failed_replica])

    test_data = generate_random_data(VOLUME_RWTEST_SIZE)
    write_pod_volume_data(core_api, pod_name, test_data)

    delete_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod_name)
    wait_for_volume_detached(client, volume_name)

    # There will be replica expansion error info
    # but the expansion should succeed.
    pvc['spec']['resources'] = {
        'requests': {
            'storage': size_to_string(EXPANDED_VOLUME_SIZE*Gi)
    expand_and_wait_for_pvc(core_api, pvc)
    wait_for_expansion_failure(client, volume_name)
    wait_for_volume_expansion(client, volume_name)
    volume = client.by_id_volume(volume_name)
    assert volume.state == "detached"
    assert volume.size == expand_size
    for r in volume.replicas:
        if r.name == failed_replica.name:
            assert r.failedAt != ""
            assert r.failedAt == ""

    # Check if the replica will be rebuilded
    # and if the volume still works fine.
    create_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod_manifest)
    volume = wait_for_volume_healthy(client, volume_name)
    for r in volume.replicas:
        if r.name == failed_replica.name:
            assert r.mode == ""
            assert r.mode == "RW"
    resp = read_volume_data(core_api, pod_name)
    assert resp == test_data
    test_data = generate_random_data(VOLUME_RWTEST_SIZE)
    write_pod_volume_data(core_api, pod_name, test_data)
    resp = read_volume_data(core_api, pod_name)
    assert resp == test_data
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_csi_offline_expansion(client, core_api, storage_class, pvc, pod_manifest):  # NOQA
    Test CSI feature: offline expansion

    1. Create a new `storage_class` with `allowVolumeExpansion` set
    2. Create PVC and Pod with dynamic provisioned volume from the StorageClass
    3. Generate `test_data` and write to the pod
    4. Delete the pod
    5. Update pvc.spec.resources to expand the volume
    6. Verify the volume expansion done using Longhorn API
    7. Create a new pod and validate the volume content

    pod_name = 'csi-offline-expand-volume-test'
    pvc_name = pod_name + "-pvc"
    pvc['metadata']['name'] = pvc_name
    pvc['spec']['storageClassName'] = storage_class['metadata']['name']

    pod_manifest['metadata']['name'] = pod_name
    pod_manifest['spec']['volumes'] = [{
        'persistentVolumeClaim': {'claimName': pvc_name},
    create_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod_manifest)
    test_data = generate_random_data(VOLUME_RWTEST_SIZE)
    write_pod_volume_data(core_api, pod_name, test_data)
    delete_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod_name)

    pv = wait_and_get_pv_for_pvc(core_api, pvc_name)
    assert pv.status.phase == "Bound"
    volume_name = pv.spec.csi.volume_handle
    wait_for_volume_detached(client, volume_name)

    pvc['spec']['resources'] = {
        'requests': {
            'storage': size_to_string(EXPANDED_VOLUME_SIZE*Gi)
    expand_and_wait_for_pvc(core_api, pvc)
    wait_for_volume_expansion(client, volume_name)
    volume = client.by_id_volume(volume_name)
    assert volume.state == "detached"
    assert volume.size == str(EXPANDED_VOLUME_SIZE*Gi)

    pod_manifest['metadata']['name'] = pod_name
    pod_manifest['spec']['volumes'] = [{
        'persistentVolumeClaim': {'claimName': pvc_name},
    create_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod_manifest)

    resp = read_volume_data(core_api, pod_name)
    assert resp == test_data

    volume = client.by_id_volume(volume_name)
    engine = get_volume_engine(volume)
    assert volume.size == str(EXPANDED_VOLUME_SIZE*Gi)
    assert volume.size == engine.size