Ejemplo n.º 1
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    _, d = X.shape
    n, K = post.shape

    mu = np.zeros((K,d))
    var = np.zeros(K)
    p = np.zeros(K)

    for j in range(K):
        # find mixture model given the derivative of the fixed likelihood function
        mu[j] = np.sum(post[:,j].reshape(n,1) * X, axis=0) / np.sum(post[:,j])
        var[j] = np.sum(post[:,j].reshape(n,1) * np.square(X - mu[j])) / (d * np.sum(post[:,j]))
        p[j] = (1 / n) * np.sum(post[:,j])

    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, p)
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    for i in range((k)):
    return GaussianMixture(mu=meu,var=variance,p=p)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    n, d = X.shape
    K = post.shape[1]

    nj = np.sum(post, axis=0)  # shape is (K, )

    pi = nj / n  # Cluster probs; shape is (K, )

    mu = (post.T @ X) / nj.reshape(-1, 1)  # Revised means; shape is (K,d)

    norms = np.linalg.norm(X[:, None] - mu, ord=2,
                           axis=2)**2  # Vectorized version

    var = np.sum(post * norms, axis=0) / (nj * d
                                          )  # Revised variance; shape is (K, )

    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, pi)
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    K = post.shape[1]
    n, d = X.shape

    post_sum = np.sum(post, axis=0)

    mu_hat = np.dot(post.T, X) / post_sum.reshape(K, 1)
    p_hat = post_sum / n

    norm = np.linalg.norm(X[:, None] - mu_hat, axis=2)**2
    var_hat = np.sum(post * norm, axis=0) / (d * post_sum)

    gaussian_mixture = GaussianMixture(mu_hat, var_hat, p_hat)

    return gaussian_mixture
Ejemplo n.º 5
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    n, d = X.shape
    K = post.shape[1]

    nj = np.sum(post, axis=0)  # shape is (K, )

    pi = nj / n  # Cluster probs; shape is (K, )

    mu = (np.matmul(post.T, X)) / nj.reshape(
        -1, 1)  # Revised means; shape is (K,d)

    norms = np.linalg.norm(X[:, None] - mu, ord=2,
                           axis=2)**2  # Vectorized version

    #    norms = np.zeros((n, K), dtype=np.float64) # For loopy version: Matrix to hold all the norms: (n,K)
    #    for i in range(n):
    #        dist = X[i,:] - mu
    #        norms[i,:] = np.sum(dist**2, axis=1)

    var = np.sum(post * norms, axis=0) / (nj * d
                                          )  # Revised variance; shape is (K, )

    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, pi)
    raise NotImplementedError
Ejemplo n.º 6
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    n = X.shape[0]
    d = X.shape[1]
    k = post.shape[1]
    n_hat = np.sum(post, axis=0)

    p_hat = n_hat / n
    mu_hat = np.ndarray((k, d))

    pj_i_xi = np.matmul(np.transpose(post), X)
    for j in range(k):
        mu_hat[j] = 1 / n_hat[j] * pj_i_xi[j]

    var_hat = np.ndarray((k, ))
    for j in range(k):
        pj_i_var = 0
        for i in range(n):
            pj_i_var += post[i][j] * np.linalg.norm(X[i] - mu_hat[j])**2
        var_hat[j] = 1 / (n_hat[j] * d) * pj_i_var
    mixture = GaussianMixture(p=p_hat, mu=mu_hat, var=var_hat)
    return mixture
Ejemplo n.º 7
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    #raise NotImplementedError
    def squared_distance(x, mu):
        sd = np.square(np.linalg.norm(x-mu, 2, 1))
        return sd

    # mu = np.matmul(post.T, X)/np.sum(post)

    K = post.shape[1]
    d = X.shape[1]
    n = X.shape[0]
    var = np.ndarray(K)
    p = np.ndarray(K)
    mu = np.ndarray((K,d))
    for k in range(K):
        mu[k] = np.dot(X.T, post.T[k])/np.sum(post.T[k])
        var[k] = np.dot(post.T[k], squared_distance(X, mu[k]))/(np.sum(post.T[k]) * d)
        p[k] = np.sum(post.T[k])

    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, p/np.sum(p))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    d = X.shape[1]
    n, K = post.shape
    mu = np.zeros((K, d))
    var = np.zeros(K, )

    p = post.sum(axis=0) / n

    for j in range(K):
        for i in range(n):
            x = X[i]
            mu[j, :] += x * post[i, j]

        mu[j, :] /= (n * p[j])

    for j in range(K):
        sigma = np.zeros((d, d))
        for i in range(n):
            x = X[i]
            sigma += post[i, j] * np.dot(x - mu[j, :], x - mu[j, :])
        var[j] = sigma[0][0] / d
        var[j] /= (n * p[j])

    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, p)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    #raise NotImplementedError
    n, d = X.shape

    n_hat = np.sum(post, axis=0)
    p = n_hat / n
    mu = np.matmul(post.T, X) / n_hat.reshape(-1, 1)

    diff = X - mu.reshape(-1, 1, d)
    sse = np.linalg.norm(diff, ord=2, axis=2)**2  # k by n
    sse = sse.T
    var = np.sum(post * sse, axis=0) / (n_hat * d)

    mixture = GaussianMixture(mu, var, p)

    return mixture
Ejemplo n.º 10
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    n, K = post.shape
    _, d = X.shape
    n_hat = np.sum(post, axis=0)
    p = n_hat / n

    mu = np.zeros((K, d))
    var = np.zeros(K)

    for k in range(K):
        mu[k, :] = post[:, k] @ X / post[:, k].sum()
        var[k] = ((X - mu[k, :])**
                  2).sum(axis=1) @ post[:, k] / (d * post[:, k].sum())

    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, p)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    shaped_X = X.reshape((X.shape[0], 1, X.shape[1])).repeat(post.shape[1],
    shaped_post = post.reshape((post.shape[0], post.shape[1], 1))

    ponderated_points = shaped_X * shaped_post
    full_sum = ponderated_points.sum(axis=0)
    weights_sum = shaped_post.sum(axis=0)

    mu = full_sum / weights_sum

    shaped_mu = mu.reshape((1, mu.shape[0], mu.shape[1])).repeat(X.shape[0],
    diffs = shaped_X - shaped_mu
    sq_diffs = (diffs * diffs).sum(axis=2, keepdims=True)
    var_not_normalized = (sq_diffs * shaped_post).sum(axis=0)

    var = (var_not_normalized / (X.shape[1] * weights_sum)).reshape(

    pond = post.sum(axis=0) / post.shape[0]

    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, pond)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    # Define parameters and dimensions
    n, d = X.shape
    _, K = post.shape
    mu = np.zeros((K, d))
    p = np.zeros(K)
    var = np.zeros(K)
    _post = np.copy(np.transpose(post))

    # Compute p
    p = np.sum(_post, axis=1) / n
    mu = np.divide(np.matmul(_post, X),
                   np.transpose(np.tile(np.sum(_post, axis=1), (d, 1))))

    for j in range(K):
        for i in range(n):
            var[j] = var[j] + _post[j, i] * np.linalg.norm(
                X[i, :] - mu[j, :])**2 / (d * np.sum(_post[j, :]))

    new_mixture = GaussianMixture(mu, var, p)
    return new_mixture
Ejemplo n.º 13
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    n, K , d = post.shape[0], post.shape[1], X.shape[1]
    # hat_n_k = sum( p(k | i) )
    hat_n_k = np.sum(post, axis=0) # 1 x K
    hat_n_k = hat_n_k.reshape(K, 1) # K x 1

    # hat_mix_p = hat_n_k/n
    hat_mix_p = hat_n_k/n  # K x 1
    hat_mix_p = hat_mix_p.reshape(K)

    # hat_mu_k = (1/hat_n_k) * sum( p(k|i)*x_i )
    hat_mu_k = post.T.dot(X)/hat_n_k # K x d

    # hat_var = (1/(hat_n_k * d)) * sum(p(k|i) *  (x_i - hat_mu_k)**2 )
    xx_mu_2 = np.square((X.reshape(n, 1, d) - hat_mu_k.reshape(1, K, d)), dtype=np.float) # n x K x d
    xx_mu_2 = np.sum(xx_mu_2, axis=2, dtype=np.float) # n x K
    prob_xx_mu_2 = post * xx_mu_2 # n x K
    # hat_var_k = (1/(hat_n_k*d)) * sum(post * (xx - mu)**2 )
    hat_var_k = np.sum(prob_xx_mu_2, axis=0, dtype=np.float)/(d * hat_n_k.reshape(1, K)) # 1 x K
    hat_var_k = hat_var_k.reshape(K)

    mixture = GaussianMixture(hat_mu_k, hat_var_k, hat_mix_p)
    return mixture
Ejemplo n.º 14
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture

    [n, d] = np.shape(X)
    [n, K] = np.shape(post)

    n_K = np.sum(post, axis=0)  # (1,K) -> (K,)
    p_K = n_K / n  # (1,K) -> (K,)

    mu_K = np.matmul(post.transpose(), X)  # (K,d)
    mu_K = mu_K.transpose() / n_K
    mu_K = mu_K.transpose()

    var_K = []  # list

    for i in range(K):
        A = np.linalg.norm(X - mu_K[i], axis=1)  # (n,1) -> (n,)
        B = np.matmul(A**2, post[:, i])
        var_K.append(B / d / n_K[i])  # (1,K) -> (K,)

    var_K = np.asarray(var_K)  # convert to array

    return GaussianMixture(mu_K, var_K, p_K)
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    K = post.shape[1]
    n = X.shape[0]
    d = X.shape[1]
    n_hat = np.zeros(K)
    p_hat = np.zeros(K)
    mu_hat = np.zeros((K,d))
    sigma_hat = np.zeros(K)
    for j in range(K):
        for i in range(n):
            n_hat[j] += post[i,j]
        p_hat[j] = n_hat[j]/n
        sum_px = 0
        for k in range(n):
            sum_px += post[k,j] * X[k]
        mu_hat[j] = 1/n_hat[j] * sum_px
        sum_px = 0
        for k in range(n):
            sum_px += post[k,j] * np.power(np.linalg.norm(X[k] - mu_hat[j]),2)
        sigma_hat[j] = 1/(n_hat[j]*d) * sum_px
    return GaussianMixture(mu_hat, sigma_hat, p_hat)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture

    nums = np.sum(post, axis=0)

    probs = nums / X.shape[0]

    mus = (1 / nums)[:, None] * np.dot(X.T, post).T

    var = np.zeros(post.shape[1])

    for j in range(post.shape[1]):
        var[j] = (1/(nums[j]*X.shape[1])) * \
            np.dot((numpy.linalg.norm(X-mus[j], axis=1)**2), post[:, j]).T

    return GaussianMixture(mus, var, probs)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EM_algorithm_and_GMM_model

    n, d = X.shape
    K = post.shape[1]

    n_hat = np.sum(post, axis=0)    # Adding up the posterior probability by column
    p_hat = n_hat/n     # Weight for the mixture component

    mu_hat = (post.T @ X)/n_hat.reshape(K,1)    # Compute the mean of the cluster

    # Compute the variance
    norm = np.linalg.norm(X[:, None] - mu_hat, ord=2, axis=2) ** 2
    var_hat = np.sum(post * norm, axis=0) / (n_hat * d)

    # Return optimal mean, variance and weight
    return GaussianMixture(mu_hat, var_hat, p_hat)

    raise NotImplementedError
Ejemplo n.º 18
def mstep(X: np.ndarray,
          post: np.ndarray,
          mixture: GaussianMixture,
          min_variance: float = .25) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data, with incomplete entries (set to 0)
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples
        mixture: the current gaussian mixture
        min_variance: the minimum variance for each gaussian

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    n, d = X.shape
    mu_rev, _, _ = mixture
    K = mu_rev.shape[0]
    pi_rev = np.sum(post, axis=0) / n
    delta = X.astype(bool).astype(int)
    denom = post.T @ delta
    numer = post.T @ X
    update_indices = np.where(denom >= 1)
    mu_rev[update_indices] = numer[update_indices] / denom[update_indices]
    denom_var = np.sum(post * np.sum(delta, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1), axis=0)
    norms = np.sum(
        X**2, axis=1)[:, None] + (delta @ mu_rev.T**2) - 2 * (X @ mu_rev.T)
    var_rev = np.maximum(
        np.sum(post * norms, axis=0) / denom_var, min_variance)
    return GaussianMixture(mu_rev, var_rev, pi_rev)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    n, d = X.shape
    _, K = post.shape

    n_hat = post.sum(axis=0)
    p = n_hat / n

    cost = 0
    mu = np.zeros((K, d))
    var = np.zeros(K)

    for j in range(K):
        mu[j, :] = post[:, j] @ X / n_hat[j]
        sse = ((mu[j] - X)**2).sum(axis=1) @ post[:, j]
        cost += sse
        var[j] = sse / (d * n_hat[j])

    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, p)
    raise NotImplementedError
Ejemplo n.º 20
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    mu = np.zeros((post.shape[1], X.shape[1]))
    var = np.zeros((post.shape[1],))
    nj = np.sum(post, axis=0)
    p = nj/X.shape[0]
    for j in range(post.shape[1]):
        for i in range(X.shape[0]):
            mu[j] += post[i][j]*X[i]
        mu[j] /= nj[j]
        for i in range(X.shape[0]):
            var[j] += post[i][j]*np.linalg.norm(X[i]-mu[j])**2;
        var[j] /= nj[j]*X.shape[1]
    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, p)
    raise NotImplementedError
Ejemplo n.º 21
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    # Get model parameters
    n, d = X.shape
    K = post.shape[1]
    # New model values
    nj = np.sum(post, axis=0)
    pi = nj / n
    mu = (post.T @ X) / nj.reshape(-1,1)
    norms = np.linalg.norm(X[:, None] - mu, ord=2, axis=2)**2 
    var = np.sum(post*norms, axis=0) / (nj*d)
    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, pi)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    n, d = X.shape
    _, K = post.shape

    n_hat = post.sum(axis=0)
    p = n_hat / n

    mu = np.zeros((K, d))
    var = np.zeros(K)

    for j in range(K):
        # computing mean
        mu[j, :] = (X * post[:, j, None]).sum(axis=0) / n_hat[j]
        # computing variance
        sse = ((mu[j] - X)**2).sum(axis=1) @ post[:, j]
        var[j] = sse / (d * n_hat[j])

    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, p)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray, mixture: GaussianMixture,
          min_variance: float = .25) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data, with incomplete entries (set to 0)
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples
        mixture: the current gaussian mixture
        min_variance: the minimum variance for each gaussian

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    n, d = X.shape
    _, K = post.shape

    n_hat = post.sum(axis=0)
    p = n_hat / n

    delta = (X != 0)
    C = delta.sum(axis=1)
    mu = mixture.mu
    var = mixture.var

    for j in range(K):
        support = post[:, j] @ delta
        mu[j, :] = np.where(support >= 1, post[:, j] @ (delta * X) / support, mu[j, :])
        sse = (delta * (mu[j] - X) ** 2).sum(axis=1) @ post[:, j]
        var_new = sse / (post[:, j] @ C)
        var[j] = var_new if var_new > min_variance else min_variance

    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, p)
def mstep(X: np.ndarray,
          post: np.ndarray,
          mixture: GaussianMixture,
          min_variance: float = .25) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data, with incomplete entries (set to 0)
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples
        mixture: the current gaussian mixture
        min_variance: the minimum variance for each gaussian

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    n, d = X.shape
    K = post.shape[1]
    p = np.sum(post, axis=0) / n
    mu = np.dot(np.transpose(post), X) / (np.sum(post, axis=0)).reshape(K, 1)
    Sum = np.zeros((1, K))
    var = np.zeros((1, K))
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(K):
            Sum[:, j] += post[i, j] * (np.linalg.norm(X[i, :] - mu[j, :]))**2
    var = np.squeeze(Sum / (d * np.sum(post, axis=0)))

    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, p)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    n, d = X.shape
    _, K = post.shape

    n_k = np.sum(post, axis=0)
    mu_k = np.divide(np.dot(post.T, X), n_k.reshape(-1, 1))

    temp = np.zeros((n, K))

    for i in range(n):
        for k in range(K):
            temp[i, k] = np.dot((X[i, :] - mu_k[k, :]),
                                (X[i, :] - mu_k[k, :])) * post[i, k]
    summation = temp.sum(axis=0)
    #summation = np.hstack([np.sum(np.dot(np.inner((X[i, :] - mu_k), (X[i, :] - mu_k)), post[i, :])) for i in range(n)])
    var_k = np.divide(summation, n_k) / d
    p_k = n_k / n
    return GaussianMixture(mu_k, var_k, p_k)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def mstep(X: np.ndarray, post: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[GaussianMixture, float]:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture. Each cluster
    yields a component mean and variance.

    Args: X: (n, d) array holding the data
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
        float: the distortion cost for the current assignment
    n, d = X.shape
    _, K = post.shape

    n_hat = post.sum(axis=0)
    p = n_hat / n

    cost = 0
    mu = np.zeros((K, d))
    var = np.zeros(K)

    for j in range(K):
        mu[j, :] = post[:, j] @ X / n_hat[j]
        sse = ((mu[j] - X)**2).sum(axis=1) @ post[:, j]
        cost += sse
        var[j] = sse / (d * n_hat[j])

    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, p), cost
Ejemplo n.º 27
def mstep(X: np.ndarray,
          post: np.ndarray,
          mixture: GaussianMixture,
          min_variance: float = .25) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data, with incomplete entries (set to 0)
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples
        mixture: the current gaussian mixture
        min_variance: the minimum variance for each gaussian

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture

    # n, d = X.shape
    # _, K = post.shape
    # n_hat = post.sum(axis=0)
    # p_hat = n_hat / n
    # mu_hat = (1 / n_hat.reshape(K, 1)) * post.T @ X
    # norm = np.power(np.linalg.norm(X[:, np.newaxis] - mu_hat, axis=2), 2)
    # summation = np.sum(post * norm, axis=0)
    # var_hat = (1 / (n_hat * d)) * summation

    n, d = X.shape
    _, K = post.shape

    n_hat = post.sum(axis=0)
    p = n_hat / n

    mu = mixture.mu.copy()
    var = np.zeros(K)

    for j in range(K):
        sse, weight = 0, 0
        for l in range(d):
            mask = (X[:, l] != 0)
            n_sum = post[mask, j].sum()
            if (n_sum >= 1):
                # Updating mean
                mu[j, l] = (X[mask, l] @ post[mask, j]) / n_sum
            # Computing variance
            sse += ((mu[j, l] - X[mask, l])**2) @ post[mask, j]
            weight += n_sum
        var[j] = sse / weight
        if var[j] < min_variance:
            var[j] = min_variance

    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, p)

    raise NotImplementedError
Ejemplo n.º 28
def mstep(X: np.ndarray,
          post: np.ndarray,
          mixture: GaussianMixture,
          min_variance: float = 0.25) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data, with incomplete entries (set to 0)
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples
        mixture: the current gaussian mixture
        min_variance: the minimum variance for each gaussian

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    #raise NotImplementedError
    n, d = X.shape
    mu = mixture.mu

    d_s = np.sum(X != 0, axis=1)

    n_hat = np.sum(post, axis=0)
    p = n_hat / n

    # condition for mean update
    mask = np.int32(X != 0)
    condition = np.matmul(post.T, mask)

    #new_mu = np.matmul(post.T, X) / np.matmul(post.T, mask)
    #new_mu = np.matmul(post.T, X)/(condition+1e-16)
    new_mu = np.divide(np.matmul(post.T, X),
                       where=condition != 0)
    mu[condition >= 1] = new_mu[condition >= 1]
    #mu = new_mu
    diff = np.where(X != 0, X - mu.reshape(-1, 1, d), 0)
    sse = np.linalg.norm(diff, ord=2, axis=2)**2
    #sse = np.exp(2*np.log(np.linalg.norm(diff, ord=2, axis=2)))
    new_var = (1 / np.matmul(post.T, d_s)) * np.sum(post.T * sse, axis=1)

    # set a minimum varaince tp prevent variance from going to zero die to a
    # small number of points being assigned to them
    new_var[new_var < min_variance] = min_variance
    # mu = np.matmul(post.T, X) / n_hat.reshape(-1, 1)

    # diff = X - mu.reshape(-1, 1, d)
    # sse = np.linalg.norm(diff, ord=2, axis=2)**2 # k by n
    # sse = sse.T
    # var = np.sum(post * sse, axis=0)/(n_hat * d)

    mixture = GaussianMixture(mu, new_var, p)

    return mixture
Ejemplo n.º 29
def mstep(X: np.ndarray,
          post: np.ndarray,
          mixture: GaussianMixture,
          min_variance: float = .25) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data, with incomplete entries (set to 0)
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples
        mixture: the current gaussian mixture
        min_variance: the minimum variance for each gaussian

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    mu = np.zeros((post.shape[1], X.shape[1]))
    var = np.zeros((post.shape[1], ))

    for k in range(post.shape[1]):
        for l in range(X.shape[1]):
            for u in range(X.shape[0]):
                if (X[u][l] != 0):
                    mu[k][l] += post[u][k] * X[u][l]
            sm = 0
            for u in range(post.shape[0]):
                if (X[u][l] != 0):
                    sm += post[u][k]
            if (sm >= 1):
                mu[k][l] /= sm
                mu[k][l] = mixture.mu[k][l]

    p = np.sum(post, axis=0) / X.shape[0]

    for k in range(post.shape[1]):
        v = 0
        for u in range(X.shape[0]):
            mgn = 0
            for idx in range(X.shape[1]):
                if (X[u][idx] != 0):
                    mgn += (X[u][idx] - mu[k][idx])**2
            v += mgn * post[u][k]
        ct = 0
        for u in range(X.shape[0]):
            ct += len(np.nonzero(X[u])[0]) * post[u][k]
        v /= ct
        if (v < min_variance):
            var[k] = min_variance
            var[k] = v
    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, p)
    raise NotImplementedError
Ejemplo n.º 30
def mstep(X: np.ndarray,
          post: np.ndarray,
          mixture: GaussianMixture,
          min_variance: float = .25) -> GaussianMixture:
    """M-step: Updates the gaussian mixture by maximizing the log-likelihood
    of the weighted dataset

        X: (n, d) array holding the data, with incomplete entries (set to 0)
        post: (n, K) array holding the soft counts
            for all components for all examples
        mixture: the current gaussian mixture
        min_variance: the minimum variance for each gaussian

        GaussianMixture: the new gaussian mixture
    n, d = X.shape
    K, _ = mixture.mu.shape
    indicator = X != 0

    mu = mixture.mu

    for k in range(K):
        for col in range(d):
            if np.dot(post[:, k], indicator[:, col]) <= 1:
                mu[k, col] = mu[k, col]
                #mu[k, col] = np.dot(np.multiply(post[:, k], indicator[:, col]), X[:, col])/np.dot(post[:, k], indicator[:, col])

                mu[k, col] = np.dot(np.multiply(post[:, k], indicator[:, col]),
                                    X[:, col]) / np.dot(
                                        post[:, k], indicator[:, col])

    ## var caluculation
    normalizer = np.sum(np.multiply(post,
                                    np.sum(indicator, axis=1, keepdims=True)),
    temp = np.zeros((n, K))

    for i in range(n):
        for k in range(K):
            filter = np.where(X[i, :] != 0)
                 k] = np.dot((X[i, :][filter] - mu[k, :][filter]),
                             (X[i, :][filter] - mu[k, :][filter])) * post[i, k]

    summation = temp.sum(axis=0)
    var = np.divide(summation, normalizer)
    var = np.maximum(var, min_variance)
    n_k = np.sum(post, axis=0)
    p = n_k / n
    return GaussianMixture(mu, var, p)