Ejemplo n.º 1
    def expand_file_system(block_device_path, fs_type):
        fs_type = fs_type.strip()

        if fs_type == 'devtmpfs':
            raise DriverError(
                'Device not formatted with FileSystem found fs type {}'.format(
        elif fs_type.startswith('ext'):
            cmd = 'resize2fs {}'.format(block_device_path)
        elif fs_type == 'xfs':
            cmd = 'xfs_growfs {}'.format(block_device_path)
            raise DriverError(StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT,
                              'unknown fs_type {}'.format(fs_type))

        exit_code, stdout, stderr = Utils.run_command(cmd)
        logger.debug("resize file-system finished {} {} {}".format(
            exit_code, stdout, stderr))

        if exit_code != 0:
            raise DriverError(
                'Error expanding File System {} on block device {}'.format(
                    fs_type, block_device_path))

        return exit_code, stdout, stderr
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def mount(source, target, flags=None, mount_options=None):
		flags_str = ' '.join(flags) if flags else ''
		mount_opts_str = '-o ' + ','.join(mount_options) if mount_options else ''
		cmd = 'mount {flags_str} {options} {source} {target}'.format(flags_str=flags_str, options=mount_opts_str, source=source, target=target)

		exit_code, stdout, stderr = Utils.run_command(cmd)

		if exit_code != 0:
			raise Exception("mount failed {} {} {}".format(exit_code, stdout, stderr))
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def umount(target):
		cmd = 'umount {target}'.format(target=target)

		exit_code, stdout, stderr = Utils.run_command(cmd)
		logger.debug("umount finished {} {} {}".format(exit_code, stdout, stderr))

		if exit_code != 0:
			if 'not mounted' in stderr:
				# this is not an error
			elif 'target is busy' in stderr:
				raise MountTargetIsBusyError(stderr)
				raise Exception("umount failed exit_code={} stdout={} stderr={}".format(exit_code, stdout, stderr))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def mkfs(fs_type, target_path, flags=None):
        if not fs_type:
            raise ArgumentError(
                "fs_type argument Cannot be None or an empty string")

        if not flags:
            flags = []

        cmd = "mkfs.{fs_type} {flags} {target_path}".format(
            fs_type=fs_type, flags=' '.join(flags), target_path=target_path)

        exit_code, stdout, stderr = Utils.run_command(cmd)

        if exit_code != 0:
            raise OSError("mkfs failed {} {} {}".format(
                exit_code, stdout, stderr))
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def mkfs(fs_type, target_path, flags=None):
		if not fs_type:
			raise ArgumentError("fs_type argument Cannot be None or an empty string")

		if not flags:
			flags = []

		if fs_type == FSType.XFS:
			# support older host kernels which don't support this feature
			flags.append('-m reflink=0')

		cmd = "mkfs.{fs_type} {flags} {target_path}".format(fs_type=fs_type, flags=' '.join(flags), target_path=target_path)

		exit_code, stdout, stderr = Utils.run_command(cmd)

		if exit_code != 0:
			raise OSError("mkfs failed {} {} {}".format(exit_code, stdout, stderr))
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def get_fs_type(target_path):
		# returns an empty string for a block device that has no FileSystem on it
		# An alternate method is to use `df --output=fstype {target_path} | tail -1` but this will return "devtmpfs" if the block device has no FileSystem on it
		cmd = "blkid -o export {}".format(target_path)
		exit_code, stdout, stderr = Utils.run_command(cmd)
			blkid_output = stdout.strip()
			if blkid_output == '':
				return blkid_output

			for line in blkid_output.split('\n'):
				key, value = line.split('=')
				if key == 'TYPE':
					return value

			raise ValueError('Could not find TYPE key in blkid output')
		except Exception as ex:
			raise DriverError(StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, 'Could not determine file system type for path {}. Error: {}'.format(target_path, ex))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def get_fs_type(target_path):
     cmd = "blkid {} | awk '{{ print $3}}' | cut -c 7- | rev | cut -c 2- | rev".format(
     exit_code, stdout, stderr = Utils.run_command(cmd)
     return stdout.strip()
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def is_mounted(mount_path):
     cmd = 'grep -qs "{} " /proc/mounts'.format(mount_path)
     exit_code, stdout, stderr = Utils.run_command(cmd)
     return exit_code == 0
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def get_block_device_size(block_device_path):
     cmd = "lsblk {} --output SIZE | tail -1".format(block_device_path)
     exit_code, stdout, stderr = Utils.run_command(cmd)
     return stdout.strip()
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def get_file_system_type(target_path):
     cmd = "df -T {} | tail -1 | awk '{{ print $2}}'".format(target_path)
     exit_code, stdout, stderr = Utils.run_command(cmd)
     return stdout
Ejemplo n.º 11
	def chmod(permissions_mask, path):
		cmd = 'chmod {mask} {path}'.format(mask=permissions_mask, path=path)
		exit_code, stdout, stderr = Utils.run_command(cmd)

		if exit_code != 0:
			raise Exception("Failed changing permissions on {} code:{} stdout:{} stderr:{}".format(path, exit_code, stdout, stderr))