Ejemplo n.º 1
def process_response(q):
    This function defines the processes of the "Response Thread" that is
    fully independent from the main thread. This one handles extracting
    regions from the original (higher-res) frame and uploading the cropped
    out portion locally or to the cloud.
    import boto3
    s3 = boto3.resource("s3")
    last_up = clock()
    # initialize our largest detected area to 0
    biggest_crop_area = 0
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
    while cap.isOpened():
        # receive the data
        data = q.get()
        f = data["f"]
        rects_sal = data["rects_sal"]
        sz_scaled = data["sz_scaled"]
        ts = data["ts"]
        sz = getsize(f)
        rr = (float(sz[0]) / sz_scaled[0], float(sz[1]) / sz_scaled[1])
        # rescale the rectangular dimensions to our original resolution
        bx = []
        for x, y, w, h in rects_sal:
            tmp = (x * rr[0], y * rr[1], w * rr[0], h * rr[1])
            bx.append(tuple(int(x) for x in tmp))
        if config.storage.save_cloud_crops or config.storage.save_local_crops:
            if len(bx) > 0:
                xx = tuple(
                    (min([min(x[0], x[0] + x[2]) for x in bx]), max([max(x[0], x[0] + x[2]) for x in bx])))
                yy = tuple(
                    (min([min(x[1], x[1] + x[3]) for x in bx]), max([max(x[1], x[1] + x[3]) for x in bx])))
                # only continue if the area of is not zero
                if abs(yy[0] - yy[1]) > 0 and abs(xx[0] - xx[1]) > 0:
                    f_mask = f[min(yy):max(yy), min(xx):max(xx)]
                    cropped_area = (max(xx) - min(xx)) * (max(yy) - min(yy))
                    if (clock() - last_up) > config.storage.min_upload_delay:
                        biggest_crop_area = 0
                    # Always send the frames that contain detected people/faces.
                    # If detecting people/faces is disabled in the config, it
                    # is not affected.
                    if (cropped_area > biggest_crop_area) or data["num_bodies"] > 0 or data["num_faces"] > 0:
                        biggest_crop_area = cropped_area
                        root_path = join(
                            join(sDir, "cropped-regions"), date_pretty())
                        fn = root_path + "_regions.jpg"
                        res, img = cv2.imencode(
                            ".jpg", f_mask, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), config.storage.encoding_quality])
                        if res and config.storage.save_local_crops:
                            print("saving frame locally: {}".format(root_path))
                            # todo: save locally
                        if res and config.storage.save_cloud_crops:
                            last_up = clock()
                            img = img.tostring()
                                "uploading frame to s3: {}".format(basename(fn)))
                                "-- time since last upload: {}s".format(clock() - last_up))
                                                        Metadata={"Content-Type": "Image/jpeg",
                                                                  "Number-Detected-Motion": str(data["num_motion"]),
                                                                  "Number-Detected-Bodies": str(data["num_bodies"]),
                                                                  "Number-Detected-Faces": str(data["num_faces"]),
                                                                  "Captured-Timestamp": str(ts),
                                                                  "Captured-Timestamp-Timezone": "UTC"})
Ejemplo n.º 2
                last_frame_time = t
                ts = datetime.utcnow()
                task = pool.apply_async(process_motion_frame, args=(
                    q, f, t, ts, MFA, config.camera.rot, config.computing.width))

            # save a local video stream of detection motion if enabled
            if config.storage.save_local_vids:
                # motion has just begun, generate a new filename and write the
                # first frame
                if (datetime.utcnow() - LMT) < timedelta(seconds=config.computing.last_motion_timeout):
                    if MFA is False:
                        MFA = True
                        streamId += 1
                        vwParams["filename"] = join(
                            vsDir, str(vWfn[0] + "_{:04d}_".format(streamId) + date_pretty() + vWfn[1]))
                        vW = cv2.VideoWriter(**vwParams)
                # no activity
                    if MFA is True:
                        MFA = False
                        vW = None

            if config.window.enabled:
                # update the slider values to the background model and
                # bind tasks to keystrokes if the window is enabled

                # only with opencv3
                if imutils.is_cv3():
                    # refresh the background subtraction parameters
                    bgSh = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Motion Hist.', config.window.name)