Ejemplo n.º 1
def generate_ogrenewt():
    xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc(
                        os.path.join( environment.ogrenewt.root_dir, "python_ogrenewt.h" )
                        , environment.ogrenewt.cache_file )
                        'ogrenewt_NONCLIENT_BUILD','OIS_NONCLIENT_BUILD' ] #, 'OIS_STATIC_BUILD' ]
    defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.ogrenewt.version )
    if environment._USE_THREADS:
    if environment.isLinux():

    mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ]
                                          , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin
                                          , working_directory=environment.root_dir
                                          , include_paths=environment.ogrenewt.include_dirs
                                          , define_symbols=defined_symbols
                                          , cflags=environment.ogrenewt.cflags
                                          , indexing_suite_version=2 )

    ## This module depends on Ogre
    mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir )
    filter_declarations (mb)
    # fix shared Ptr's that are defined as references but NOT const...
    find_nonconst ( mb.namespace( 'Ogre' ) )

    mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True

    # the manual stuff all done here !!!
    hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb )
    # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions
    set_call_policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace ('OgreNewt') )
    # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables  
    add_transformations ( mb )
    # now add properties
    for cls in mb.namespace ('OgreNewt').classes():
        cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t()  )
        common_utils.add_LeadingLowerProperties ( cls )
    ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly 
    common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.ogrenewt )

    # create the doc extractor we'll be using
    extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor("")
    #Creating the actual code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations.
    mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_ogrenewt_', doc_extractor= extractor)
    for incs in environment.ogrenewt.include_dirs:
        mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( incs )
    mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files(environment.ogrenewt.version) )

    huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes(environment.ogrenewt.version) )

    mb.split_module(environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir, huge_classes)

#     return_pointee_value_source_path \
#         = os.path.join( environment.pyplusplus_install_dir
#                         , 'pyplusplus_dev'
#                         , 'pyplusplus'
#                         , 'code_repository' )
#                         ## , 'return_pointee_value.hpp' ) ## Removed AJM 1/1/07

#     return_pointee_value_target_path \
#         = os.path.join( environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir, 'return_pointee_value.hpp' )

#     if not os.path.exists( return_pointee_value_target_path ):
#         shutil.copy( return_pointee_value_source_path, environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir )

    if environment.isMac():
       ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are
      ## copied to the generated directory..
      basePath = os.path.join(environment.Config.PATH_OgreAddons,'ogrenewt', 'OgreNewt_Main')
      common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'inc'),
                              destPath = environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir, 
                              recursive= False,
                              extensions = ['h'] )
      common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'src'),
                              destPath = environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir, 
                              recursive= False,
                              collapse = True, # put all the source in a single directory
                              extensions = ['cpp'] )
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generate_code():  
#           Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X
        , messages.W1021
        , messages.W1022
        , messages.W1023
        , messages.W1024
        , messages.W1025
        , messages.W1026
        , messages.W1027
        , messages.W1028
        , messages.W1029
        , messages.W1030
        , messages.W1031
        , messages.W1035
        , messages.W1040 
        , messages.W1038        
#         , messages.W1041
#         , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member
#         , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables
#         , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes
#         , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable
#         , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator
    # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file.
    # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded
    # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file   
    xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc(
                        os.path.join( environment.watermesh.root_dir, "python_watermesh.h" )
                        , environment.watermesh.cache_file )

    defined_symbols = ['OGRE_NONCLIENT_BUILD']
    defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.watermesh.version )  
    # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source
    mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ]
                                          , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin
                                          , working_directory=environment.root_dir
                                          , include_paths=environment.watermesh.include_dirs
                                          , define_symbols=defined_symbols
                                          , indexing_suite_version=2
                                          , cflags=environment.watermesh.cflags
    # if this module depends on another set it here                                           
    mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir )
    # normally implicit conversions work OK, however they can cause strange things to happen so safer to leave off
    mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False                                           
    mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True
    # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap
    global_ns = mb.global_ns
    main_ns = global_ns.namespace( MAIN_NAMESPACE )
    common_utils.AutoExclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE )
    ManualExclude ( mb )
    common_utils.AutoInclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE )
    ManualInclude ( mb )
    # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables    
    ManualTransformations ( mb )
    AutoFixes ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE )
    ManualFixes ( mb )
    common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation ( main_ns )
    # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions
    common_utils.Set_DefaultCall_Policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace ( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) )
    # the manual stuff all done here !!!
    hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb )

    NoPropClasses = [""]
    for cls in main_ns.classes():
        if cls.name not in NoPropClasses:
            cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() )
    ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly 
    common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.watermesh )

    # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations.
    extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor() # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing 
    mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_watermesh_' , doc_extractor= extractor )
    for inc in environment.watermesh.include_dirs:
        mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc )
    mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.watermesh.generated_dir )
    mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.watermesh.version ) )

    huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.watermesh.version ) )

    mb.split_module(environment.watermesh.generated_dir, huge_classes, use_files_sum_repository=False)

    ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are
    ## copied to the generated directory..
    common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = environment.Config.PATH_watermesh, 
                            destPath = environment.watermesh.generated_dir, 
                            recursive=False )
Ejemplo n.º 3
def generate_code():  
#           Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X
        , messages.W1021
        , messages.W1022
        , messages.W1023
        , messages.W1024
        , messages.W1025
        , messages.W1026
        , messages.W1027
        , messages.W1028
        , messages.W1029
        , messages.W1030
        , messages.W1031
#         , messages.W1035
#         , messages.W1040 
#         , messages.W1038 
#         , messages.W1039       
#         , messages.W1041
        , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member
        , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables
        , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes
        , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable
        , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator
    # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file.
    # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded
    # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file   
    xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc(
                        os.path.join( environment.nxogre.root_dir, "python_nxogre.h" )
                        , environment.nxogre.cache_file )
    if os.name == 'nt':

    if environment._USE_THREADS:
    defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.nxogre.version )  
    undefined_symbols = []
    # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source
    mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ]
                                          , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin
                                          , working_directory=environment.root_dir
                                          , include_paths=environment.nxogre.include_dirs
                                          , define_symbols=defined_symbols
# #                                           , undefine_symbols = undefined_symbols
                                          , indexing_suite_version=2
                                          , cflags=environment.ogre.cflags
    # NOTE THE CHANGE HERE                                           
    mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False                                           
    ## This module depends on Ogre and physx
    mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir )
    mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.physx.generated_dir )

    mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True
    # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap
    global_ns = mb.global_ns
    main_ns = global_ns.namespace( MAIN_NAMESPACE )
    AutoExclude ( mb )
    ManualExclude ( mb )
    AutoInclude ( mb )
    ManualInclude ( mb )
    # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables    
    common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation ( main_ns )  #, special_vars=['::Ogre::Real &','::Ogre::ushort &','size_t &'] )
    ManualTransformations ( mb )
    AutoFixes ( mb )
    ManualFixes ( mb )
    # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions
    Set_Call_Policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace (MAIN_NAMESPACE) )
# #     for op in main_ns.operators():
# #         print "op1", op
# # #         if op.allow_implicit_conversion:
# # #             print "Implicit conversion on operator ", op
# #     print dir(op)
# #     for op in main_ns.constructors():
# #         print "con1", op
# #         if op.allow_implicit_conversion:
# #             print "Implicit conversion on constructor ", op
# #     print dir(op)            
# #     for op in main_ns.free_operators():
# #         print "op2", op
# # #         if op.allow_implicit_conversion:
# # #             print "Implicit conversion on free operator ", op
# #     print dir(op)
    # the manual stuff all done here !!!
    hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb )

    NoPropClasses = [""]
    for cls in main_ns.classes():
        if cls.name not in NoPropClasses:
            cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() )
    ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly 
    common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.nxogre )
    # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations.
    extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor("") # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing 
    mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_nxogre_' , doc_extractor= extractor )
    for inc in environment.nxogre.include_dirs:
        mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc )
    mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.nxogre.generated_dir )
    mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.nxogre.version ) )

    huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.nxogre.version ) )

    mb.split_module(environment.nxogre.generated_dir, huge_classes,use_files_sum_repository=False)

    ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are
    ## copied to the generaated directory..
    common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = environment.Config.PATH_NxOgre, 
                            destPath = environment.nxogre.generated_dir, 
                            recursive=False )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def generate_code():  
    if 0:
    #           Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X
            , messages.W1021
            , messages.W1022
            , messages.W1023
            , messages.W1024
            , messages.W1025
            , messages.W1026
            , messages.W1027
            , messages.W1028
            , messages.W1029
            , messages.W1030
            , messages.W1031
            , messages.W1035
            , messages.W1040 
            , messages.W1038        
            , messages.W1041
            , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member
            , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables
            , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes
            , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable
            , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator
    # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file.
    # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded
    # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file   
    xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc(
                        os.path.join( environment.ogresdksample.root_dir, "python_ogresdksample.h" )
                        , environment.ogresdksample.cache_file )

    defined_symbols = environment.defined_symbols 
    defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.ogresdksample.version )  
    print environment.ogresdksample.include_dirs
    # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source
    mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ]
                                          , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin
                                          , working_directory=environment.root_dir
                                          , include_paths=environment.ogresdksample.include_dirs
                                          , define_symbols=defined_symbols
                                          , indexing_suite_version=2
                                          , cflags=environment.ogresdksample.cflags
    # if this module depends on another set it here                                           
    mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir )
    # normally implicit conversions work OK, however they can cause strange things to happen so safer to leave off
    mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False                                           
    mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True
    # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap
    global_ns = mb.global_ns
    main_ns = global_ns.namespace( MAIN_NAMESPACE )
    common_utils.AutoExclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE )
    ManualExclude ( mb )
    common_utils.AutoInclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE )
    ManualInclude ( mb )
    # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables    
    ManualTransformations ( mb )
    AutoFixes ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE )
    ManualFixes ( mb )
    common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation ( main_ns ) #, special_vars=[]  )
    FindProtectedVars ( mb )
    # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions
    common_utils.Set_DefaultCall_Policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace ( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) )
    # the manual stuff all done here !!!
    hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb )

    NoPropClasses = [""]
    for cls in main_ns.classes():
        if cls.name not in NoPropClasses:
            cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() )
    # THIS MUST BE AFTER Auto_Functional_Transformation
    common_utils.Auto_Document( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE )
    ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly 
    common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.ogresdksample )

    # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations.
    extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor() # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing 
    mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_ogresdksample_' , doc_extractor= extractor )
    for inc in environment.ogresdksample.include_dirs:
        mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc )
    mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.ogresdksample.generated_dir )
    mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.ogresdksample.version ) )

    huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.ogresdksample.version ) )

    mb.split_module(environment.ogresdksample.generated_dir, huge_classes, use_files_sum_repository=False)

    ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are
    ## copied to the generated directory..
#     files =  os.listdir( environment.Config.PATH_INCLUDE_sdksample )
#     files_filtered = []
#     for f in files:
#         if f.startswith ("Sample") or f.startswith ("FileSystem"):
#             files_filtered.append (f)
#     print files_filtered
    common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = environment.Config.PATH_INCLUDE_sdksample,
                            destPath = environment.ogresdksample.generated_dir,

    # need the actual implementation file
    if environment.isWindows():
        fileToCopy = ['FileSystemLayerImpl_WIN32.cpp']  
    elif environment.isLinux():
        fileToCopy = ['FileSystemLayerImpl_Unix.cpp']  
    common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = environment.Config.PATH_INCLUDE_sdksample,
                            destPath = environment.ogresdksample.generated_dir,
                            files_in= fileToCopy )    
    if environment.ogre.version.startswith("1.7"):
        ## have a code generation issue that needs resolving...
        for filename in filesToFix:
            fname = os.path.join( environment.ogresdksample.generated_dir, filename)
                f = open(fname, 'r')
                buf = f.read()
                if (" MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL" in buf) or ("<MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL" in buf):
                    buf = buf.replace ( " MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL", " Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL")
                    buf = buf.replace ( "<MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL", "<Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL")
                    f = open ( fname, 'w+')
                    f.write ( buf )
                    print "UGLY FIX OK:", fname
                print "ERROR: Unable to fix:", fname
Ejemplo n.º 5
def generate_code():  
#           Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X
        , messages.W1021
        , messages.W1022
        , messages.W1023
        , messages.W1024
        , messages.W1025
        , messages.W1026
        , messages.W1027
        , messages.W1028
        , messages.W1029
        , messages.W1030
        , messages.W1031
# # #         , messages.W1035
# # #         , messages.W1040 
# # #         , messages.W1038        
# # #         , messages.W1041
# # #         , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member
# # #         , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables
# # #         , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes
# # #         , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable
# # #         , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator
    # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file.
    # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded
    # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file   
    xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc(
                        os.path.join( environment.noise.root_dir, "python_noise.h" )
                        , environment.noise.cache_file )

    defined_symbols = [ 'OGRE_NONCLIENT_BUILD','__PYTHONOGRE_BUILD_CODE' ]
    if environment._USE_THREADS:

    defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.noise.version )  
    # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source
    mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ]
                                          , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin
                                          , working_directory=environment.root_dir
                                          , include_paths=environment.noise.include_dirs
                                          , define_symbols=defined_symbols
                                          , indexing_suite_version=2
                                          , cflags=environment.noise.cflags
    # NOTE THE CHANGE HERE                                           
    mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False
    mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True

    global_ns = mb.global_ns

    for n in mb.global_ns.namespaces():
        print n._name

    namespaces = ['noise', 'utils', 'model', 'module']
    for n in namespaces:
        common_utils.AutoExclude ( mb, n )

    ## Manual Excludes 

    ## These generate "<<protected declaration>>\n" and compile fails

    for n in namespaces:
        common_utils.AutoInclude ( mb, n)

    ManualInclude ( mb )
    # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables    
    ManualTransformations ( mb )
    for n in namespaces:
        AutoFixes ( mb, n )

    ManualFixes ( mb )
    ## namespaces 
    namespaces = ['noise', 'model' , 'module', 'utils']

    # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions
    for ns in namespaces:
        common_utils.Set_DefaultCall_Policies (mb.global_ns.namespace(ns))
        common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation ( mb.global_ns.namespace(ns) )

    # the manual stuff all done here !!!
    hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb )

    ## add properties to the 4 namespaces, in a conservative fashion
    for ns in namespaces:
        for cls in mb.global_ns.namespace(ns).classes():
            cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() )
    ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly 
    common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.noise )

    # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations.
    extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor() # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing 
    mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_noise_' , doc_extractor= extractor )
    for inc in environment.noise.include_dirs:
        mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc )
    mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.noise.generated_dir )
    mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.noise.version ) )

    huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.noise.version ) )

    mb.split_module(environment.noise.generated_dir, huge_classes, use_files_sum_repository=False)

    ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are
    ## copied to the generated directory..
    common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = environment.Config.PATH_noise, 
                            destPath = environment.noise.generated_dir, 
                            recursive=False )
Ejemplo n.º 6
def generate_code():  
#     messages.disable( 
# #           Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X
#           messages.W1020
#         , messages.W1021
#         , messages.W1022
#         , messages.W1023
#         , messages.W1024
#         , messages.W1025
#         , messages.W1026
#         , messages.W1027
#         , messages.W1028
#         , messages.W1029
#         , messages.W1030
#         , messages.W1031
#         , messages.W1035
#         , messages.W1040 
#         , messages.W1038        
#         , messages.W1041
#         , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member
#         , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables
#         , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes
#         , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable
#         , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator
#          )
    # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file.
    # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded
    # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file   
    xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc(
                        os.path.join( environment.plsm2.root_dir, "python_plsm2.h" )
                        , environment.plsm2.cache_file )

    defined_symbols = [ '_MSC_VER'
                        , 'OGRE_GCC_VISIBILITY'
                        ,'__PYTHONOGRE_BUILD_CODE' ]
    defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.plsm2.version )

    # threads not tested    
    if environment._USE_THREADS:

    # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source
    mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ]
                                          , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin
                                          , working_directory=environment.root_dir
                                          , include_paths=environment.plsm2.include_dirs
                                          , define_symbols=defined_symbols
                                          , indexing_suite_version=2
                                          , cflags=environment.plsm2.cflags
    # if this module depends on another set it here                                           
    mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir )
    # normally implicit conversions work OK, however they can cause strange things to happen so safer to leave off
    mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False                                           
    mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True
    # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap
    global_ns = mb.global_ns
#     #
#     # I'm assuming that any 'std' classes etc we need will have already been exposed by the Ogre library
#     #
    # some of the std classes we need haven't been exposed i.e ColourValue 
    #std_ns = global_ns.namespace('std')
    # We don't include all of MAIN_NAMESPACE otherwise we get the same full wrapper
    # so instead we include classes with names that start with PCZ
    main_ns = global_ns.namespace( MAIN_NAMESPACE )
    main_ns.include( already_exposed = True )  ## force the ogre class to be exposed as well...

    # We don't include all of MAIN_NAMESPACE otherwise we get the same full wrapper
    # so instead we include classes as follows:
    includes = [  'PagingLandScape'
    # temp hack to overcome problem with gccxml fast delegates taken from plsm samples
    for c in main_ns.classes():
        for i in includes:
            if c.name.startswith(i):
                print "Including Class: ", c
    # same for member functions            
    includes = ['vectorToBoxDistance']
    for f in main_ns.member_functions():
        for i in includes:
            if f.name.startswith(i):
                print "Including Function: ", f
    # same for std namespace            
    #includes = [  'std::list< Ogre::SceneNode* >'
    #             ,'std::vector< Ogre::ColourValue >'
    #             ,'std::vector <Ogre::Real>'       ]

    std_ns = global_ns.namespace('std')
    #for c in std_ns.classes():
    #    print "STDXX ", c.name
    #for c in std_ns.classes():
    #    for i in includes:
    #        if c.name.startswith(i):
    #            print "Including Std: ", c
    #            c.include()
    # problem with colorvalue again                
    #std_ns.class_('vector<Ogre::ColourValue, std::allocator<Ogre::ColourValue> >').exclude()
    #std_ns.class_('list<Ogre::PagingLandScapeData2D*, std::allocator<Ogre::PagingLandScapeData2D*> >').include()
    #std_ns.class_('list<Ogre::PagingLandScapeTile*, std::allocator<Ogre::PagingLandScapeTile*> >').include()
    #std_ns.class_('list<Ogre::PagingLandScapePage*, std::allocator<Ogre::PagingLandScapePage*> >').include()
    #std_ns.class_('list<Ogre::PagingLandScapeOctreeNode*, std::allocator<Ogre::PagingLandScapeOctreeNode*> >').include()

    stdex_ns = mb.global_ns.namespace("stdext")
    for cls in stdex_ns.classes():
        print "STDEXT ", cls.name

    # same for enums            
    includes = [  'culling_modes'
                 ,'PageState' ]
    for c in main_ns.enums():
        for i in includes:
            if c.name.startswith(i):
                print "Including Enum: ", c
    # exclude nameless structures
    common_utils.AutoExclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE )
    ManualExclude ( mb )
    common_utils.AutoInclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE )
    ManualInclude ( mb )
    # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables    
    ManualTransformations ( mb )
    AutoFixes ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE )
    ManualFixes ( mb )
    common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation ( main_ns )

    # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions
    common_utils.Set_DefaultCall_Policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace ( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) )
    # the manual stuff all done here !!!
    hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb )

    NoPropClasses = [""]
    for cls in main_ns.classes():
        if cls.name not in NoPropClasses:
            cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() )
    ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly 
    common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.plsm2 )

    # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations.
    extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor() # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing 
    mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_plsm2_' , doc_extractor= extractor )
    for inc in environment.plsm2.include_dirs:
        mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc )
    mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.plsm2.generated_dir )
    mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.plsm2.version ) )

    huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.plsm2.version ) )

    mb.split_module(environment.plsm2.generated_dir, huge_classes, use_files_sum_repository=False)

    ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are
    ## copied to the generated directory..
    common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = environment.Config.PATH_INCLUDE_plsm2, 
                            destPath = environment.plsm2.generated_dir, 
                            recursive=False )
Ejemplo n.º 7
def generate_code():
        #           Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X
        #         , messages.W1035
        #         , messages.W1040
        #         , messages.W1038
        #         , messages.W1041
        messages.W1036,  # pointer to Python immutable member
        messages.W1033,  # unnamed variables
        messages.W1018,  # expose unnamed classes
        messages.W1049,  # returns reference to local variable
        messages.W1014,  # unsupported '=' operator
    # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file.
    # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded
    # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file
    xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc(
        os.path.join(environment.ogreforests.root_dir, "python_forests.h"), environment.ogreforests.cache_file

    undefine_symbols = []
    if environment._USE_THREADS:

    defined_symbols.append("VERSION_" + environment.ogreforests.version)

    # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source
    mb = module_builder.module_builder_t(

    # if this module depends on another set it here
    ## mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir )

    # normally implicit conversions work OK, however they can cause strange things to happen so safer to leave off
    mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False

    mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True

    # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap
    global_ns = mb.global_ns
    main_ns = global_ns.namespace(MAIN_NAMESPACE)

    common_utils.AutoExclude(mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE)
    common_utils.AutoInclude(mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE)

    # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables and are not autmatically fixed

    AutoFixes(mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE)

    common_utils.Auto_Document(mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE)

    ## note change to clear prefix_output as this will force all transforms to be inout (and not 'output') to ensure the arguments are matched
    ## problem with overload virtual fuctions from parent class such as getMetrics in RenderWindow and RenderTarget
    )  ##, special_vars=['::Ogre::Real &','::Ogre::ushort &','size_t &']  )

    # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions
    for c in main_ns.classes():
        print "CLass", c
    # the manual stuff all done here !!!

    NoPropClasses = [""]
    for cls in main_ns.classes():
        if cls.name not in NoPropClasses:

    ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly
    common_utils.addDetailVersion(mb, environment, environment.ogreforests)

    # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations.
    extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor()  # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing
    mb.build_code_creator(module_name="_ogreforests_", doc_extractor=extractor)

    for inc in environment.ogreforests.include_dirs:

    huge_classes = map(mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes(environment.ogreforests.version))

    mb.split_module(environment.ogreforests.generated_dir, huge_classes, use_files_sum_repository=False)

    ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are
    ## copied to the generated directory..