Ejemplo n.º 1
    def exists(self):
        check that db exists
        logging.debug("verifying that db '%s' exists" % (basedefs.DB_NAME))

        # Making sure postgresql service is up - only on local installation
        if utils.localHost(DB_HOST):
            postgresql = utils.Service("postgresql")

            # We want to make check that we can connect to basedefs.DB_NAME DB
            logging.debug("making sure postgresql service is up")
            utils.retry(utils.checkIfDbIsUp, tries=5, timeout=15, sleep=3)
            # If we're here, it means something is wrong, either there is a real db error
            # or the db is not installed, let's check
            logging.debug("checking if db is already installed..")
            out, rc = utils.execRemoteSqlCommand(DB_ADMIN, DB_HOST, DB_PORT,
                                                 basedefs.DB_NAME, "select 1")
            if rc != 0:
                if utils.verifyStringFormat(
                        out, ".*FATAL:\s*database\s*\"%s\"\s*does not exist" %
                    # This means that the db is not installed, so we return false
                    return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _validateString(string, minLen, maxLen, regex=".*"):
    Generic func to verify a string
    match its min/max length
    and doesn't contain illegal chars

    The func returns various return codes according to the error
    plus a default error message
    the calling func can decide if to use to default error msg
    or to use a more specific one according the RC.
    Return codes:
    1 - string length is less than min
    2 - string length is more tham max
    3 - string contain illegal chars
    0 - success
    # String length is less than minimum allowed
    if len(string) < minLen:
        msg = output_messages.INFO_STRING_LEN_LESS_THAN_MIN % (minLen)
        return(msg, 1)
    # String length is more than max allowed
    elif len(string) > maxLen:
        msg = output_messages.INFO_STRING_EXCEEDS_MAX_LENGTH % (maxLen)
        return(msg, 2)
    # String contains illegal chars
    elif not utils.verifyStringFormat(string, regex):
        return(output_messages.INFO_STRING_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARS, 3)
        # Success
        return (None, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def stopDbRelatedServices(etlService, notificationService):
    shut down etl and notifier services
    in order to disconnect any open sessions to the db
    # If the ovirt-engine-etl service is installed, then try and stop it.
    if etlService.isServiceAvailable():
            logging.warn("Failed to stop ovirt-engine-etl")
            messages.append(MSG_ERR_FAILED_STOP_SERVICE % "ovirt-engine-etl")

    # If the ovirt-engine-notifierd service is up, then try and stop it.
    if notificationService.isServiceAvailable():
            (status, rc) = notificationService.status()
            if utils.verifyStringFormat(status, ".*running.*"):
                logging.debug("stopping ovirt-engine-notifierd service..")
            logging.warn("Failed to stop ovirt-engine-notifierd service")
            messages.append(MSG_ERR_FAILED_STOP_SERVICE % "ovirt-engine-notifierd")
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def exists(self):
        check that db exists
        logging.debug("verifying that db '%s' exists" % (basedefs.DB_NAME))

        # Making sure postgresql service is up - only on local installation
        if utils.localHost(DB_HOST):
            postgresql = utils.Service("postgresql")

            # We want to make check that we can connect to basedefs.DB_NAME DB
            logging.debug("making sure postgresql service is up")
            utils.retry(utils.checkIfDbIsUp, tries=5, timeout=15, sleep=3)
            # If we're here, it means something is wrong, either there is a real db error
            # or the db is not installed, let's check
            logging.debug("checking if db is already installed..")
            out, rc = utils.execRemoteSqlCommand(DB_ADMIN, DB_HOST, DB_PORT, basedefs.DB_NAME, "select 1")
            if rc != 0:
                if utils.verifyStringFormat(out,".*FATAL:\s*database\s*\"%s\"\s*does not exist" % (PREFIX)):
                    # This means that the db is not installed, so we return false
                    return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _validateString(string, minLen, maxLen, regex=".*"):
    Generic func to verify a string
    match its min/max length
    and doesn't contain illegal chars

    The func returns various return codes according to the error
    plus a default error message
    the calling func can decide if to use to default error msg
    or to use a more specific one according the RC.
    Return codes:
    1 - string length is less than min
    2 - string length is more tham max
    3 - string contain illegal chars
    0 - success
    # String length is less than minimum allowed
    if len(string) < minLen:
        msg = output_messages.INFO_STRING_LEN_LESS_THAN_MIN % (minLen)
        return (msg, 1)
    # String length is more than max allowed
    elif len(string) > maxLen:
        msg = output_messages.INFO_STRING_EXCEEDS_MAX_LENGTH % (maxLen)
        return (msg, 2)
    # String contains illegal chars
    elif not utils.verifyStringFormat(string, regex):
        return (output_messages.INFO_STRING_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARS, 3)
        # Success
        return (None, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def stopDbRelatedServices(etlService, notificationService):
    shut down etl and notifier services
    in order to disconnect any open sessions to the db
    # If the ovirt-engine-etl service is installed, then try and stop it.
    if etlService.isServiceAvailable():
            logging.warn("Failed to stop ovirt-engine-etl")
            messages.append(MSG_ERR_FAILED_STOP_SERVICE % "ovirt-engine-etl")

    # If the ovirt-engine-notifierd service is up, then try and stop it.
    if notificationService.isServiceAvailable():
            (status, rc) = notificationService.status()
            if utils.verifyStringFormat(status, ".*running.*"):
                logging.debug("stopping ovirt-engine-notifierd service..")
            logging.warn("Failed to stop ovirt-engine-notifierd service")
            messages.append(MSG_ERR_FAILED_STOP_SERVICE %
    def exists(self):
        check if db exists
        logging.debug("verifying is db exists")

        # Making sure postgresql service is up
        postgresql = utils.Service("postgresql")

            # We want to make check if postgresql service is up
            logging.debug("making sure postgresql service is up")
            utils.retry(utils.checkIfRhevmDbIsUp, tries=5, timeout=15, sleep=3)
            # If we're here, it means something is wrong, either there is a real db error
            # or the db is not installed, let's check
            logging.debug("checking if db is already installed..")
            (out, rc) = utils.execSqlCommand(basedefs.DB_ADMIN, basedefs.DB_NAME, "select 1")
            if (rc != 0):
                if utils.verifyStringFormat(out,".*FATAL:\s*database\s*\"%s\"\s*does not exist" % (PREFIX)):
                    # This means that the db is not installed, so we return false
                    return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def exists(self):
        check that db exists
        logging.debug("verifying that db '%s' exists" % (basedefs.DB_NAME))

        # Checking whether pgpass file exists. If not,
        # we cannot cleanup DB, so return False.
        if not os.path.exists(basedefs.DB_PASS_FILE):
            return False

        # Making sure postgresql service is up - only on local installation
        if utils.localHost(DB_HOST):
            postgresql = utils.Service("postgresql")

            # We want to make check that we can connect to basedefs.DB_NAME DB
            logging.debug("Checking that DB '%s' exists", basedefs.DB_NAME)
            utils.retry(utils.checkIfDbIsUp, tries=5, timeout=15, sleep=3)
            # If we're here, it means something is wrong, either there is a real db error
            # or the db is not installed, let's check
            logging.debug("checking if db is already installed..")
            out, rc = utils.execRemoteSqlCommand(DB_ADMIN, DB_HOST, DB_PORT, basedefs.DB_NAME, "select 1")
            if rc != 0:
                if utils.verifyStringFormat(out,".*FATAL:\s*database\s*\"%s\"\s*does not exist" % (PREFIX)):
                    # This means that the db is not installed, so we return false
                    return False
                    raise Exception(MSG_ERROR_CONNECT_DB)

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _isPathInExportFs(path):
    if not os.path.exists(basedefs.FILE_ETC_EXPORTS):
        return False
    file = open(basedefs.FILE_ETC_EXPORTS)
    fileContent = file.readlines()

    for line in fileContent:
        if utils.verifyStringFormat(line, "^%s\s+.+" % (path)):
            return True
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _isPathInExportFs(path):
    if not os.path.exists(basedefs.FILE_ETC_EXPORTS):
        return False
    file = open(basedefs.FILE_ETC_EXPORTS)
    fileContent = file.readlines()

    for line in fileContent:
        if utils.verifyStringFormat(line, "^%s\s+.+" % (path)):
            return True
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 11
def isHealthPageUp():
    check if project health page is and accesible
    will throw exception on error
    and not return a value
    health_url = JBOSS_HEALTH_URL % (controller.CONF["HOST_FQDN"], controller.CONF["HTTP_PORT"])
    logging.debug("Checking JBoss status.")
    content = getUrlContent(health_url)
    if content and utils.verifyStringFormat(content, ".*DB Up.*"):
        logging.info("JBoss is up and running.")
        return True
        raise Exception(ERROR_JBOSS_STATUS)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def validateMountPoint(path):
    logging.info("validating %s as a valid mount point" % (path))
    if not utils.verifyStringFormat(path, "^\/[\w\_\-\s]+(\/[\w\_\-\s]+)*\/?$"):
        print output_messages.INFO_VAL_PATH_NAME_INVALID
        return False
    if _isPathInExportFs(path):
        print output_messages.INFO_VAL_PATH_NAME_IN_EXPORTS
        return False
    if os.path.exists(path) and len(os.listdir(path)):
        print output_messages.INFO_VAR_PATH_NOT_EMPTY % path
        return False
    if not _isPathWriteable(_getBasePath(path)):
        print output_messages.INFO_VAL_PATH_NOT_WRITEABLE
        return False

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 13
def validateMountPoint(path):
    logging.info("validating %s as a valid mount point" % (path))
    if not utils.verifyStringFormat(path, "^\/[\w\_\-\s]+(\/[\w\_\-\s]+)*\/?$"):
        print output_messages.INFO_VAL_PATH_NAME_INVALID
        return False
    if _isPathInExportFs(path):
        print output_messages.INFO_VAL_PATH_NAME_IN_EXPORTS
        return False
    if os.path.exists(path) and len(os.listdir(path)):
        print output_messages.INFO_VAR_PATH_NOT_EMPTY % path
        return False
    if not _isPathWriteable(_getBasePath(path)):
        print output_messages.INFO_VAL_PATH_NOT_WRITEABLE
        return False

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 14
def isHealthPageUp():
    check if project health page is and accesible
    will throw exception on error
    and not return a value
    health_url = JBOSS_HEALTH_URL % (controller.CONF["HOST_FQDN"],
    logging.debug("Checking JBoss status.")
    content = getUrlContent(health_url)
    if content and utils.verifyStringFormat(content, ".*DB Up.*"):
        logging.info("JBoss is up and running.")
        return True
        raise Exception(ERROR_JBOSS_STATUS)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def exists(self):
        check that db exists
        logging.debug("verifying that db '%s' exists" % (basedefs.DB_NAME))

        # Checking whether pgpass file exists. If not,
        # we cannot cleanup DB, so return False.
        if not os.path.exists(basedefs.DB_PASS_FILE):
            return False

        # Making sure postgresql service is up - only on local installation
        if utils.localHost(DB_HOST):
            postgresql = utils.Service("postgresql")

            # We want to make check that we can connect to basedefs.DB_NAME DB
            logging.debug("Checking that DB '%s' exists", basedefs.DB_NAME)
            utils.retry(utils.checkIfDbIsUp, tries=5, timeout=15, sleep=3)
            # If we're here, it means something is wrong, either there is a real db error
            # or the db is not installed, let's check
            logging.debug("checking if db is already installed..")
            out, rc = utils.execRemoteSqlCommand(
                sqlQuery="select 1",
            if rc != 0:
                if utils.verifyStringFormat(
                        out, ".*FATAL:\s*database\s*\"%s\"\s*does not exist" %
                    # This means that the db is not installed, so we return false
                    return False
                    raise Exception(MSG_ERROR_CONNECT_DB)

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 16
def validateMountPoint(param, options=[]):
    logging.info("validating %s as a valid mount point" % (param))
    if not utils.verifyStringFormat(param, "^\/[\w\_\-\s]+(\/[\w\_\-\s]+)*\/?$"):
        print output_messages.INFO_VAL_PATH_NAME_INVALID
        return False
    if _isPathInExportFs(param):
        print output_messages.INFO_VAL_PATH_NAME_IN_EXPORTS
        return False
    if os.path.exists(param) and len(os.listdir(param)):
        print output_messages.INFO_VAR_PATH_NOT_EMPTY % param
        return False
    basePath = _getBasePath(param)
    if not _isPathWriteable(basePath):
        print output_messages.INFO_VAL_PATH_NOT_WRITEABLE
        return False
    availableSpace = utils.getAvailableSpace(basePath)
    if availableSpace < basedefs.CONST_MINIMUM_SPACE_ISODOMAIN:
        print output_messages.INFO_VAL_PATH_SPACE % (str(availableSpace), str(basedefs.CONST_MINIMUM_SPACE_ISODOMAIN))
        return False
    return True