def MPSK(v, M, Ts, T, itermG=False):
     # Geração do sinal MQAM
     v = mensagem de Entrada
     M = nº da modulação
     T = periodo do quadro
     print("Modulação Iniciada")
     modcpy = commod.PSKModem(M)
     a2 = modcpy.modulate(v)
     qam_real = []
     qam_img = []
     for i in a2:
         qam_real += [i.real] * Ts
         qam_img += [i.imag] * Ts
     print(np.array(qam_real) + 1j*np.array(qam_img))
     m = []
     q = []
     i = []
     f, t = crr.Generic_Carrier(T)
     print(f"{f} , {t}")
     if itermG == True:
         plot_message(qam_real, qam_img)
     for k in range(0,len(qam_real)):
         y=[a + b for a, b in zip(yr, yim)]
         m = m+y
         q = q + list(yr)
         i = i + list(yim)
     print("Modulação Terminada")
     return np.array(m), np.array(q), np.array(i)# s(t), T
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, power=30):
        self.txPower = power
        self.bandwith = 400e6  #hertz
        self.centerFreq = 700e6  #hertz
        self.modulation = 4
        self.nsubcarriers = 16

        self.sensibility = -110  #dBm
        self.modulator = mod.PSKModem(self.modulation)
 def De_MPSK(signal, M, Ts, T, itermG=False):# D-MPSK
     signal = sinal modulado
     M = nº da modulação
     key = chave de desentrelaçamento da constelação
     T = período do cada quadro
     modcpy = commod.PSKModem(M)
     msg = crr.CarrierDemodeMPSK(signal, Ts, T, modcpy, itermG)
     return msg
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def get_modem(self) -> mod.Modem:
     Gets the modem that is going to be used for this particular WiFi simulation according to the MCS
     bits_per_symbol = [2, 4, 4, 16, 16, 64, 64, 64, 256, 256]
     if self.mcs <= 2:
         # BPSK for mcs 0
         # QPSK for mcs 1 a 2
         return mod.PSKModem(bits_per_symbol[self.mcs])
         # Modem : QAMModem
         return mod.QAMModem(bits_per_symbol[self.mcs])
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def transmitMessage(self):
     msg = Message()
     modulator = mod.PSKModem(self.modulation)
     a = [bin(ord(x))[2:].zfill(8) for x in msg.payload]
     binary = [int(j) for i in a for j in i]
     constellation = modulator.modulate(binary)
     symbol = np.array([
         constellation[i * self.nsubcarriers:(i + 1) * self.nsubcarriers]
         for i in range(int(len(constellation) / self.nsubcarriers))
     ])  #[i for i in constellation]
     signal = ofdm_tx(symbol, 64, self.nsubcarriers, 0)
     while True:
         yield self.scenario.timeout(self.period)
         self.scenario.sendThroughChannel(signal, self)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def wava(upperbound, snr, trellis):

    BPSK_Mode = cm.PSKModem(2)
    last_state1 = 0
    last_metric1 = 0
    last_state2 = 0
    last_metric2 = 0
    BitErrors = 0

    for i in range(upperbound):
        message_bits = np.random.randint(0, 2, 128)
        # tail biting encode
        tbencodedbits = tb_encoder.conv_encode_tb(message_bits, trellis)
        # BPSK
        BPSK_bits = BPSK_Mode.modulate(tbencodedbits)
        # through the channel
        receive_code_channel = cch.awgn(BPSK_bits, snr)
        # demodulate
        receive_code = BPSK_Mode.demodulate(receive_code_channel,
        # no tail viterbi
        decoded_bits_notb = tb_encoder.viterbi_decoder_notail(
            receive_code, trellis, last_state1, last_metric1)

        decoded_bits_tb = tb_viterbi.tb_viterbi_decode(receive_code, trellis,

        # decoded_bits_notb = async_result1.get()
        # decoded_bits_tb = async_result2.get()

        # reset the values of last state
        last_state1 = decoded_bits_notb[1]
        last_metric1 = decoded_bits_notb[2]
        last_state2 = decoded_bits_tb[1]
        last_metric2 = decoded_bits_tb[2]
        # compare these two results
        if np.array_equal(decoded_bits_tb[0], decoded_bits_notb[0]):
            result1 = decoded_bits_notb[0]
        elif i == upperbound - 1:
            result1 = decoded_bits_tb[0]
        BitErrors = str(array(message_bits) ^ result1).count('1')
    return BitErrors
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, power=30):
        self.txPower = power
        self.bandwith = 400e6 #hertz
        self.centerFreq = 700e6 #hertz
        self.modulation = 4
        self.nsubcarriers = 16

        self.sensibility = -110 #dBm
        self.modulator = mod.PSKModem(self.modulation)

        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0

        self.antennaGain = 8
        self.users = []
        self.SNRThreshold = float(sys.argv[3])

        self.period = 0
        self.noiseFigure = 10*np.log10(BANDWIDTH*1.38e-23*290)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def stack_runner(IterationTimes, snr, index, metrics):
    memory = array([8])
    g_matrix = array([[0o515, 0o677]])
    trellis = cc.Trellis(memory, g_matrix)
    BPSKMod = cm.PSKModem(2)
    CodeError = 0

    total_result = 0.0
    for i in range(IterationTimes):
        # encode

        # set the message size
        message_bits = np.random.randint(0, 2, 128)
        # print(message_bits)
        encoded_code = cc.conv_encode(message_bits, trellis)
        BPSK_modedbits = BPSKMod.modulate(encoded_code)
        AWGNreceived_bits = cch.awgn(BPSK_modedbits, snr + 3, 0.5)
        result = stack_soft_decoder(AWGNreceived_bits, metrics, trellis)

        print("pass: {}, {}".format(i, index))
        if len(result) != 136:
            BitErrors = str(
                ^ array(result[0:len(message_bits)])).count('1')

            # print(result)
            # print(BitErrors)
            # print(result_int)
            # print(message_bits_int)
            BER = BitErrors / 128
            if BitErrors > 0:
                CodeError += 1
            total_result += BER
            # i += 1
            # print(i)

            # print(result)
    CER = CodeError / IterationTimes
    AverageBER = total_result / IterationTimes
    return CER
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self,
                 const_size: int = 4,
                 f_symbol: int = 128,
                 f_sample: int = int(8e3),
                 f_carrier: int = int(1e3)):
        Initialize the audio component of a modulator/demodulator using IQ modulation of complex QAM symbols.

        :param const_size: number of points in QPSK constellation
        :param f_symbol: symbol frequency (symbols per second)
        :param f_carrier: carrier frequency for the signal
        :param f_sample: sample rate for DAC/ADC
        # instantiate the QAM map for 4QPSK
        from commpy import modulation as mod
        self._modem = mod.PSKModem(const_size)

        # define basic parameters
        self._f_symbol = f_symbol
        self._f_sample = f_sample
        self._f_carrier = f_carrier

        self._w_carrier = 2 * np.pi * self._f_carrier  # angular frequency of raw carrier
        self._symbol_period = 1 / self._f_symbol  # seconds per symbol
        self._upsmple_factor = int(self._symbol_period *
                                   self._f_sample)  # samples per symbol

        # compute/construct filter FIR coefficents and delays
        rrc_delay, self._rrc_fir = self._construct_rrc_filter()
        lp_delay, self._lp_fir = self._construct_lowpass_filter()
        self._filter_delay_samples = int(
            (2 * rrc_delay + lp_delay) * self._f_sample)
            'Instantiated IQModem with const_size {CS}, f_symbol {FSY}, f_sample {FSA}, and f_carrier {FC}'
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def get_modem(self) -> mod.Modem:
     Gets the modem that is going to be used for this particular WiFi simulation according to the MCS
     qpsks = [
     if self.mcs == 0:
         # BPSK
         return mod.PSKModem(2)
         # Modem : QPSK
         return mod.QAMModem(qpsks[self.mcs])
def newmethodrunner(iterationtimes, eb_n0, index, metrics):
    memory = array([8])
    g_matrix = array([[0o515, 0o677]])
    trellis = cc.Trellis(memory, g_matrix)
    BPSKMod = cm.PSKModem(2)
    # set the message size
    total_error = 0
    cer = 0

    for d in range(iterationtimes):
        message_bits = np.random.randint(0, 2, 128)
        result = 0
        # print(message_bits)
        encoded_code = tb_encoder.conv_encode_tb(message_bits, trellis)
        BPSK_modedbits = BPSKMod.modulate(encoded_code)
        r_code = cch.awgn(BPSK_modedbits, eb_n0 + 3, 0.5)
        # r_code = BPSKMod.demodulate(AWGNreceived_bits, demod_type='hard')
        # part_code = BPSKMod.demodulate(r_code[240:], demod_type='hard')
        part_decode = shortviterbi1.short_viterbi(np.append(r_code[240:], r_code[0:64]), trellis, 'unquantized')[0]
        # part_decode = message_bits[120:]
        # print(part_decode)
        # print(len(part_decode))
        initial_code = part_decode[0:8][::-1]
        # initial_code = message_bits[120:][::-1]
        initial_state = bitarray2dec(initial_code)
        # print(initial_state)
        initial_metric = 0
        result = stack_decoder_fixed_tb(r_code, metrics, trellis, initial_state, initial_metric)[0]

        print("pass: {}, {}".format(d, index))
        # print(result)
        bit_error = str(message_bits ^ array(result)).count('1')
        if bit_error > 0:
            cer += 1
        # print(bit_error)
        total_error += bit_error

    averageber = total_error/(iterationtimes * 128)
    a_cer = cer/iterationtimes
    return a_cer, averageber
def signalGeneration(SIGNAL_NUM=50000):
    init params
        X: signals with I and Q series
        Y: labels with the 5 classes, 0-1 5-dim vectors
        Z: SNRs
    classes = ['BPSK', 'QPSK', '8PSK', 'QAM16', 'QAM64']

    X = np.zeros([SIGNAL_NUM, 2, SYMBOL_NUM * SYMBOL_RATE])
    Y = np.zeros([SIGNAL_NUM, 5])
    Z = np.zeros([SIGNAL_NUM])
    #X2 = np.zeros([SIGNAL_NUM, 2, SYMBOL_NUM*SYMBOL_RATE])

    for iterator in xrange(SIGNAL_NUM):
        pid = os.getpid()
        print('pid:%d, iterator:%d' % (pid, iterator))
        generate 5 modulationTypes randomly
        generate #SYMBOL_NUM# symbols randomly
        construct constellation
        modulationType = np.random.random_integers(1, 5, 1)
        label = np.zeros(5)
        label[modulationType - 1] = 1
        Y[iterator] = label

        if modulationType == 1:
            inputSeries = np.random.random_integers(0, 1,
                                                    SYMBOL_NUM * CONST_BPSK)
            modulationSeries = modulation.PSKModem(2).modulate(inputSeries)
            modulationSeries = interpolation(modulationSeries, SYMBOL_RATE)
        elif modulationType == 2:
            inputSeries = np.random.random_integers(0, 1,
                                                    SYMBOL_NUM * CONST_QPSK)
            modulationSeries = modulation.PSKModem(4).modulate(inputSeries)
            modulationSeries = interpolation(modulationSeries, SYMBOL_RATE)
        elif modulationType == 3:
            inputSeries = np.random.random_integers(0, 1,
                                                    SYMBOL_NUM * CONST_8PSK)
            modulationSeries = modulation.PSKModem(8).modulate(inputSeries)
            modulationSeries = interpolation(modulationSeries, SYMBOL_RATE)
        elif modulationType == 4:
            inputSeries = np.random.random_integers(0, 1,
                                                    SYMBOL_NUM * CONST_QAM16)
            modulationSeries = modulation.QAMModem(16).modulate(inputSeries)
            modulationSeries = interpolation(modulationSeries, SYMBOL_RATE)
        elif modulationType == 5:
            inputSeries = np.random.random_integers(0, 1,
                                                    SYMBOL_NUM * CONST_QAM64)
            modulationSeries = modulation.QAMModem(64).modulate(inputSeries)
            modulationSeries = interpolation(modulationSeries, SYMBOL_RATE)
            print 'incorrect modulationType'
        '''use RRC'''
        [t, hRRC] = cp.filters.rrcosfilter(33, 0.4, 1, SYMBOL_RATE)
        signal = np.convolve(modulationSeries, hRRC, mode='same')
        '''add phrase, freq offset'''
        OFFSET_F = 0.01
        OFFSET_PH = float(np.random.randint(0, 314)) / 100

        signal = cp.add_frequency_offset(
            signal, SYMBOL_RATE,
            OFFSET_F * float(np.random.randint(8, 15)) / 10)
        signal = signal * np.exp(-OFFSET_PH * 1j)
        '''rayleigh channel'''
        H_CHANNEL = [
            0.342997170285018 + 2.75097576175635j,
            0.342995668431465 + 2.75097418548155j,
            0.342991162874393 + 2.75096945665969j,
            0.342983653624566 + 2.75096157529839j,
            0.342973140699920 + 2.75095054141035j,
            0.342959624125568 + 2.75093635501332j,
            0.342943103933798 + 2.75091901613016j,
            0.342923580164072 + 2.75089852478880j,
            0.342901052863027 + 2.75087488102222j,
            0.342875522084475 + 2.75084808486853j

        signal = np.convolve(signal, H_CHANNEL, mode='same')
        '''noise by quantitative SNR'''
        snr = SNRs[np.random.randint(0, len(SNRs))]

        Z[iterator] = snr

        #signal2 = signal

        signal = awgn(signal, snr)
        length = np.zeros([len(signal)])
        for i in xrange(len(signal)):
            length[i] = np.sqrt(
                np.power(np.imag(signal[i]), 2) +
                np.power(np.real(signal[i]), 2))

        maxLen = length[np.where(length == np.max(length))]
        signal = signal / maxLen[0]
        signalI = np.real(signal)
        signalQ = np.imag(signal)

        X[iterator][0] = signalI
        X[iterator][1] = signalQ

        #X2[iterator][0] = np.real(signal2)
        #X2[iterator][1] = np.imag(signal2)

    return [X, Y, Z]