Ejemplo n.º 1
        msg = comms.Receive(q_xbee)
        # if msg != None:
        #     q_xbee.put(msg.status)

if __name__ == "__main__":

#     # Always instatiate a Comms object
    comms = Comms();

#     # Shows the all the different information that Pi
#     # sends to Arduino. This methods runs until an 
#     # it receives an acknowledgement from Arduino

#     # comms.DeviceReady()
#     # comms.NaviReady()
#     # comms.NaviEnd()
#     # comms.ObstacleDetected("L",3)


#     # The following code represents
#     # the process that always run
    while True:
        Msg = comms.rcv()
        if Msg:
		print str(Msg)