def run(self): try: while (self.key): Network.send_frame(self.connection,self.frames.get()) except(KeyboardInterrupt,IOError,OSError) as e: pass finally: self.frames.close() self.connection.close() print('sending Frames is stopped')
def run(self): try: msglen_sum = 0 #the size of total frames received y = time() #Total time of the receiving # The loop to receive frames from the connection #self.key.value is a flag to be used by the main process to break the loop and terminate the parallel process while (self.key.value): x = time() # start recording the time of receiving each frame frame_,msglen = Network.recv_frame(self.client) # receiving a frame msglen_sum += msglen # updating the size of the total frames received #adding the (frame received,the size of the frame and the total time it took to receive it) in the shared memory buffer self.frames.put([frame_,msglen,time()-x]) #calculating and printing the average speed of the connection print('The secound process is terminated \n', 'The total average Rate is ',msglen_sum/((time-y)*1000),'KB/s') self.client.close() #closing the connection if the for loop is broken self.frames.close() #declaring that there is no data will be added to the queue from this process #breaking the connection and terminating the process if there is an error , interruption or connection break except ( KeyboardInterrupt,IOError,OSError)as e: self.frames.close() #declaring that there is no data will be added to the queue from this process print('The secound process is terminated \n', #calculating and printing the average speed of the connection 'The total average Rate is ',msglen_sum/((time()-y)*1000),'KB/s') self.client.close() #closing the connection if the for loop is broken return
def run(self): try: while (self.key_): flag = Network.recv_msg(self.connection, 1 , 1) flag = int(unpack(">B",flag)[0]) fmb = self.fmb[flag] results = Network.recv_msg(self.connection,calcsize(fmb), 2048) results = unpack(fmb,results) with self.cond: self.result_ = results self.count -=1 except(KeyboardInterrupt,IOError,OSError) as e: pass finally: self.connection.close() print('receiving results is stopped')
def __init__(self,ip,port,status=True,w_max=30): self.client = Network.set_client(ip, port) #setting the connection from the client end self.frames = mp.Queue(0) # Setting the Queue object(Shared memory between process) self.key = mp.Value('b',True) #the flag across process to manage closing from the parallel process smoothly # invoking the base class constructor (defining the class as a multiprocessing class # inheriting the prvious initializations from the code besides the shared memory frames Queue and key mp.Process.__init__(self) self.status = status if self.status: # If the flag is true then initialize the mean object self.m = Segmentation.mean(w_max)
def get(self,rgb=True): frame_ = self.frames.get() #blocking until getting the data with time out of 60 s if frame_ is 0: return 0,() frame_ , msglen , spf = frame_ frame_ = Network.decode_frame(frame_) #decoding the frames if rgb: frame_ = frame_[...,::-1] # Converting from BGR to RGB [msglen_rate,spf] = self.m.mean([msglen,spf]) status = (1/spf,msglen_rate/(spf*1000)) return frame_ ,status #Returning the frame as an output
def First_step(): num_crop = args.test_crops test_segments = args.test_segments #this function do forward propagation and returns scores def eval_video(data): """ Evaluate single video video_data : Tuple has 3 elments (data in shape (crop_number,num_segments*length,H,W), label) return : predictions and labels """ if args.modality == 'RGB': length = 3 elif args.modality == 'RGBDiff': length = 18 else: raise ValueError("Unknown modality " + args.modality) with torch.no_grad(): #reshape data to be in shape of (num_segments*crop_number,length,H,W) input = data.view(-1, length, data.size(1), data.size(2)) #Forword Propagation output = model(input) output_np = #Reshape numpy array to (num_crop,num_segments,num_classes) output_np = output_np.reshape((num_crop, test_segments, num_class)) #Take mean of cropped images to be in shape (num_segments,1,num_classes) output_np = output_np.mean(axis=0).reshape((test_segments,1,num_class)) output_np = output_np.mean(axis=0) return output_np action_label = label_dic(args.classInd_file) if args.dataset == 'ucf101': num_class = 101 else: raise ValueError('Unkown dataset: ' + args.dataset) model = TSN_model(num_class, 1, args.modality, base_model_name=args.arch, consensus_type='avg', dropout=args.dropout) #load the weights of your model training checkpoint = torch.load(args.weights) print("epoch {}, best acc1@: {}" .format(checkpoint['epoch'], checkpoint['best_acc1'])) base_dict = {'.'.join(k.split('.')[1:]): v for k,v in list(checkpoint['state_dict'].items())} model.load_state_dict(base_dict) #test_crops is set to 1 for fast video evaluation if args.test_crops == 1: cropping = torchvision.transforms.Compose([ GroupScale(model.scale_size), GroupCenterCrop(model.input_size), ]) elif args.test_crops == 10: cropping = torchvision.transforms.Compose([ GroupOverSample(model.input_size, model.scale_size) ]) else: raise ValueError("Only 1 and 10 crops are supported while we got {}".format(test_crops)) #Required transformations transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose([ cropping, Stack(roll=args.arch == 'BNInception'), ToTorchFormatTensor(div=args.arch != 'BNInception'), GroupNormalize(model.input_mean, model.input_std), ]) if args.gpus is not None: devices = [args.gpus[i] for i in range(args.workers)] else: devices = list(range(args.workers)) model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model.cuda(devices[0]), device_ids=devices) model.eval() softmax = torch.nn.Softmax() scores = torch.tensor(np.zeros((1,101)), dtype=torch.float32).cuda() frames = [] frame_count = 0 try: top5_actions = Top_N(args.classInd_file) Tunnel_ = True conn,T_thr = Network.set_server(port=6666,Tunnel=Tunnel_,n=1) rcv_frames = Streaming.rcv_frames_thread(connection=conn[0]) send_results = Streaming.send_results_thread(connection=conn[1]) while (rcv_frames.isAlive() and send_results.isAlive()): frame,status = rcv_frames.get() if frame is 0: break frame_count += 1 frame = Image.fromarray(frame) if args.modality == 'RGB': frames.append(frame) if frame_count % 5 == 0 and frame_count != 0: frames = transform(frames).cuda() scores = eval_video(frames) scores = softmax(torch.FloatTensor(scores)) scores = top5_actions.import_scores(scores[0,]) indecies,_,scores = top5_actions.get_top_N_actions() send_results.put(status=status,scores=(*indecies,*scores)) frames = [] else: send_results.put(status=status) except (KeyboardInterrupt,IOError,OSError): pass finally: rcv_frames.close() send_results.close() conn[0].close() conn[1].close()