Ejemplo n.º 1
def journal_entry(cmdr, is_beta, system, station, entry, state):

    if this.system != system:
        this.system = system
        write_file('EDMC System.txt', this.system)

    if 'StarPos' in entry and this.starpos != tuple(entry['StarPos']):
        this.starpos = tuple(entry['StarPos'])
            'EDMC StarPos.txt',
            '%s %s %s' % (Locale.stringFromNumber(this.starpos[0], 5),
                          Locale.stringFromNumber(this.starpos[1], 5),
                          Locale.stringFromNumber(this.starpos[2], 5)))

    if this.station != station:
        this.station = station
        write_file('EDMC Station.txt', this.station)

    if entry['event'] in [
            'FSDJump', 'LeaveBody', 'Location', 'SupercruiseEntry',
    ] and entry.get('BodyType') in [None, 'Station']:
        if this.body:
            this.body = None
            write_file('EDMC Body.txt')
    elif 'Body' in entry:  # StartUp, ApproachBody, Location, SupercruiseExit
        if this.body != entry['Body']:
            this.body = entry['Body']
            write_file('EDMC Body.txt', this.body)
    elif entry['event'] == 'StartUp':
        this.body = None
        write_file('EDMC Body.txt')

    if this.stationorbody != (this.station or this.body):
        this.stationorbody = (this.station or this.body)
        write_file('EDMC Station or Body.txt', this.stationorbody)

    if this.stationorbodyorsystem != (this.station or this.body
                                      or this.system):
        this.stationorbodyorsystem = (this.station or this.body or this.system)
        write_file('EDMC Station or Body or System.txt',

    if this.shiptype != state['ShipType']:
        this.shiptype = state['ShipType']
        write_file('EDMC ShipType.txt',
                   ship_map.get(this.shiptype, this.shiptype))

    if this.shipname != (state['ShipName'] or this.shiptype):
        this.shipname = (state['ShipName'] or this.shiptype)
            'EDMC ShipName.txt', state['ShipName'] and state['ShipName']
            or ship_map.get(this.shiptype, this.shiptype))

    if this.shipident != state['ShipIdent']:
        this.shipident = state['ShipIdent']
        write_file('EDMC ShipID.txt',
                   ship_map.get(this.shipident, this.shipident))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ships(data):

    ships = companion.listify(data.get('ships'))
    current = data['commander'].get('currentShipId')

    if isinstance(current, int) and ships[current]:
        ships.insert(0, ships.pop(current))	# Put current ship first

        if not data['commander'].get('docked'):
            # Set current system, not last docked
            return [ [ship_map.get(ships[0]['name'].lower(), ships[0]['name']), data['lastSystem']['name'], ''] ] + [ [ship_map.get(ship['name'].lower(), ship['name']), ship['starsystem']['name'], ship['station']['name']] for ship in ships[1:] if ship]

    return [ [ship_map.get(ship['name'].lower(), ship['name']), ship['starsystem']['name'], ship['station']['name']] for ship in ships if ship]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ships(data):

    ships = companion.listify(data.get('ships'))
    current = data['commander'].get('currentShipId')

    if isinstance(current, int) and current < len(ships) and ships[current]:
        ships.insert(0, ships.pop(current))	# Put current ship first

        if not data['commander'].get('docked'):
            # Set current system, not last docked
            return ([ (str(ships[0]['id']), ship_map.get(ships[0]['name'].lower(), ships[0]['name']), ships[0].get('shipName', ''), data['lastSystem']['name'], '', credits(ships[0]['value']['total'])) ] +
                    [ (str(ship['id']), ship_map.get(ship['name'].lower(), ship['name']), ship.get('shipName', ''), ship['starsystem']['name'], ship['station']['name'], credits(ship['value']['total'])) for ship in ships[1:] if ship])

    return [ (str(ship['id']), ship_map.get(ship['name'].lower(), ship['name']), ship.get('shipName', ''), ship['starsystem']['name'], ship['station']['name'], credits(ship['value']['total'])) for ship in ships if ship]
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def export_ship(self, filename=None):
        string = json.dumps(self.ship(False),
                                        ': ')).encode('utf-8')  # pretty print

        if filename:
            with open(filename, 'wt') as h:

        ship = self.state['ShipName'] or ship_map.get(self.state['ShipType'],
        regexp = re.compile(
            re.escape(ship) + '\.\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\dT\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\.txt')
        oldfiles = sorted(
            [x for x in listdir(config.get('outdir')) if regexp.match(x)])
        if oldfiles:
            with open(join(config.get('outdir'), oldfiles[-1]), 'rU') as h:
                if h.read() == string:
                    return  # same as last time - don't write

        # Write
        filename = join(
            config.get('outdir'), '%s.%s.txt' %
            (ship, strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S', localtime(time()))))
        with open(filename, 'wt') as h:
Ejemplo n.º 5
def export(data):
    def elapsed(game_time):
        return '%3d:%02d:%02d' % ((game_time // 3600) % 3600,
                                  (game_time // 60) % 60, game_time % 60)

    querytime = config.getint('querytime') or int(time.time())


    commodities = defaultdict(int)
    for item in data['ship'].get('cargo', {}).get('items', []):
        if item['commodity'] != 'drones':
                                          item['commodity'])] += item['qty']

        '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\r\n' %
        (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(querytime)),
                       time.localtime(querytime)), data['lastSystem']['name'],
         data['commander']['docked'] and data['lastStarport']['name'] or '',
         ship_map.get(data['ship']['name'], data['ship']['name']), ','.join(
             [('%d %s' % (commodities[k], k)) for k in sorted(commodities)])))

Ejemplo n.º 6
    def updateshipyard(self, entry: Dict[str, Any], state: Dict[str,Any]) -> None:
        logger.trace("Updating Shipyard")
        keep: List[Optional[int]] = []

        # Update the current ship
        shipid: str = str(state["ShipID"])
        loadout: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
        n: str = ""
        if shipid in self.shipdata.keys():
            loadout = self.shipdata[shipid]["loadout"]
            n = self.shipdata[shipid]["Name"]
        if "ShipName" in state.keys() and state["ShipName"]:
            n = state["ShipName"]
        elif "ShipType" in state.keys() and (not n or n == state["ShipType"]):
            n = ship_map.get(state["ShipType"].lower(), state["ShipType"])
        elif not n:
            n = "Unknown"
            logger.debug("Unknown Ship Name/Type")
        self.shipdata[shipid] = {"Name":n,"loadout":loadout}

        # Update all local and remote ships from the journal entry
        for s in (entry["ShipsHere"] + entry["ShipsRemote"]):
            loadout = None
            shipid = str(s["ShipID"])
            n = ""
            if shipid in self.shipdata.keys():
                loadout = self.shipdata[shipid]["loadout"]
                n = self.shipdata[shipid]["Name"]
            if "Name" in s.keys() and s["Name"]:
                n = s["Name"]
            elif "ShipType" in s.keys() and (not n or n == s["ShipType"]):
                n = ship_map.get(s["ShipType"].lower(), s["ShipType"])
            elif not n:
                n = "Unknown"
                logger.debug("Unknown Ship Name/Type")
            self.shipdata[shipid] = {"Name":n,"loadout":loadout}

        # Remove any extra entries that the shipyard + state didn't contain
        self.shipdata = dict([(k,v) for k,v in self.shipdata.items() if k in set(keep)])
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ships(data):

    ships = companion.listify(data.get("ships"))
    current = data["commander"].get("currentShipId")

    if isinstance(current, int) and ships[current]:
        ships.insert(0, ships.pop(current))  # Put current ship first

        if not data["commander"].get("docked"):
            # Set current system, not last docked
            return [[ship_map.get(ships[0]["name"].lower(), ships[0]["name"]), data["lastSystem"]["name"], ""]] + [
                [ship_map.get(ship["name"].lower(), ship["name"]), ship["starsystem"]["name"], ship["station"]["name"]]
                for ship in ships[1:]
                if ship

    return [
        [ship_map.get(ship["name"].lower(), ship["name"]), ship["starsystem"]["name"], ship["station"]["name"]]
        for ship in ships
        if ship
Ejemplo n.º 8
def cmdr_data(data):
    timestamp = config.getint('querytime') or int(time.time())

    commodities = defaultdict(int)
    for item in data['ship'].get('cargo', {}).get('items', []):
        if item['commodity'] != 'drones':
            commodities[item['commodity']] += item['qty']

    writelog(timestamp, data['lastSystem']['name'], data['commander']['docked']
             and data['lastStarport']['name'],
                          data['ship']['name']), commodities)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def export(data):

    querytime = config.getint("querytime") or int(time.time())

    commodities = defaultdict(int)
    for item in data["ship"].get("cargo", {}).get("items", []):
        if item["commodity"] != "drones":
            commodities[commodity_map.get(item["commodity"], item["commodity"])] += item["qty"]

        data["commander"]["docked"] and data["lastStarport"]["name"],
        ship_map.get(data["ship"]["name"].lower(), data["ship"]["name"]),
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def updateloadout(self, entry: Dict[str, Any], state: Dict[str,Any]) -> None:
     logger.trace("Updating loadout")
     shipid = str(entry["ShipID"])
     n: str = ""
     if shipid in self.shipdata.keys():
         n = self.shipdata[shipid]["Name"]
     if "ShipName" in state.keys() and state["ShipName"]:
         n = state["ShipName"]
     elif "ShipName" in state.keys() and not n:
         n = ship_map.get(state["ShipType"], state["ShipType"])
     self.shipdata[shipid] = {"Name": n, "loadout": entry}
     # Cleanup the placeholder if it's still there, and we've just added a new ship.
     if shipid != "0" and "0" in self.shipdata.keys() and self.shipdata["0"]["Name"] == self.shipdata_default["0"]["Name"]:
         del self.shipdata["0"]
Ejemplo n.º 11
def export(data, filename):

    querytime = config.getint('querytime') or int(time.time())

    assert data['lastSystem'].get('name')
    assert data['lastStarport'].get('name')
    assert data['lastStarport'].get('ships')

    header = 'System,Station,Ship,FDevID,Date\n'
    rowheader = '%s,%s' % (data['lastSystem']['name'], data['lastStarport']['name'])

    h = open(filename, 'wt')
    for (name,fdevid) in [(ship_map.get(ship['name'].lower(), ship['name']), ship['id']) for ship in (data['lastStarport']['ships'].get('shipyard_list') or {}).values() + data['lastStarport']['ships'].get('unavailable_list')]:
        h.write('%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % (rowheader, name, fdevid, data['timestamp']))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def export(data):

    def elapsed(game_time):
        return '%3d:%02d:%02d' % ((game_time // 3600) % 3600, (game_time // 60) % 60, game_time % 60)

    querytime = config.getint('querytime') or int(time.time())


    logfile.write('%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\r\n' % (
        time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(querytime)),
        time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(querytime)),
        data['commander']['docked'] and data['lastStarport']['name'] or '',
        ship_map.get(data['ship']['name'], data['ship']['name']),
        ','.join([('%d %s' % (x['qty'], commodity_map.get(x['commodity'],x['commodity']))) for x in data['ship']['cargo']['items'] if x['commodity']!='drones'])))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def addships(data):

    if not data['lastStarport'].get('ships'): return

    shipfile = 'shipyard.csv'
    ships = {}

    # slurp existing
    if isfile(shipfile):
        with open(shipfile) as csvfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
            for row in reader:
                ships[int(row['id'])] = row['name']	# index by int for easier lookup and sorting
    size_pre = len(ships)

    for ship in (data['lastStarport']['ships'].get('shipyard_list') or {}).values() + data['lastStarport']['ships'].get('unavailable_list'):
        # sanity check
        key = ship['id']
        new = ship_map.get(ship['name'].lower())
        if new:
            old = ships.get(int(key))
            if old:
                # check consistency with existing data
                if new != old: raise AssertionError('%s: "%s"!="%s"' % (key, new, old))
                ships[int(key)] = new

    if len(ships) > size_pre:

        if isfile(shipfile):
            if isfile(shipfile+'.bak'):
            os.rename(shipfile, shipfile+'.bak')

        with open(shipfile, 'wb') as csvfile:
            writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, ['id', 'name'])
            for key in sorted(ships):
                row = { 'id': key, 'name': ships[key] }

        print 'Added %d new ships' % (len(ships) - size_pre)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def addships(data):

    if not data['lastStarport'].get('ships'): return

    shipfile = 'shipyard.csv'
    ships = {}

    # slurp existing
    if isfile(shipfile):
        with open(shipfile) as csvfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
            for row in reader:
                ships[int(row['id'])] = row['name']	# index by int for easier lookup and sorting
    size_pre = len(ships)

    for ship in (data['lastStarport']['ships'].get('shipyard_list') or {}).values() + data['lastStarport']['ships'].get('unavailable_list'):
        # sanity check
        key = ship['id']
        new = ship_map.get(ship['name'].lower())
        if new:
            old = ships.get(int(key))
            if old:
                # check consistency with existing data
                if new != old: raise AssertionError('%s: "%s"!="%s"' % (key, new, old))
                ships[int(key)] = new

    if len(ships) > size_pre:

        if isfile(shipfile):
            if isfile(shipfile+'.bak'):
            os.rename(shipfile, shipfile+'.bak')

        with open(shipfile, 'wb') as csvfile:
            writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, ['id', 'name'])
            for key in sorted(ships):
                row = { 'id': key, 'name': ships[key] }

        print 'Added %d new ships' % (len(ships) - size_pre)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def export(data, filename):

    querytime = config.getint('querytime') or int(time.time())

    assert data['lastSystem'].get('name')
    assert data['lastStarport'].get('name')
    assert data['lastStarport'].get('ships')

    header = 'System,Station,Ship,FDevID,Date\n'
    rowheader = '%s,%s' % (data['lastSystem']['name'],

    h = open(filename, 'wt')
    for (name, fdevid) in [
        (ship_map.get(ship['name'].lower(), ship['name']), ship['id'])
            for ship in list((data['lastStarport']['ships'].get(
                'shipyard_list') or {}).values()) +
        h.write('%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % (rowheader, name, fdevid, data['timestamp']))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def export(data):

    def elapsed(game_time):
        return '%3d:%02d:%02d' % ((game_time // 3600) % 3600, (game_time // 60) % 60, game_time % 60)

    querytime = config.getint('querytime') or int(time.time())


    commodities = defaultdict(int)
    for item in data['ship'].get('cargo',{}).get('items',[]):
        if item['commodity'] != 'drones':
            commodities[commodity_map.get(item['commodity'], item['commodity'])] += item['qty']

    logfile.write('%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\r\n' % (
        time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(querytime)),
        time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(querytime)),
        data['commander']['docked'] and data['lastStarport']['name'] or '',
        ship_map.get(data['ship']['name'], data['ship']['name']),
        ','.join([('%d %s' % (commodities[k], k)) for k in sorted(commodities)])))

Ejemplo n.º 17
def lookup(module):

    # if not module.get('category'): raise AssertionError('%s: Missing category' % module['id'])	# only present post 1.3, and not present in ship loadout
    if not module.get('name'): raise AssertionError('%s: Missing name' % module['id'])

    name = module['name'].split('_')
    new = {}

    # Armour - e.g. Federation_Dropship_Armour_Grade2
    if name[-2] == 'Armour':
        name = module['name'].rsplit('_', 2)	# Armour is ship-specific, and ship names can have underscores
        new['category'] = 'standard'
        new['name'] = armour_map[name[2]]
        new['ship'] = ship_map.get(name[0], name[0])
        new['class'] = '1'
        new['rating'] = 'I'

    # Skip uninteresting stuff
    elif name[0].lower() in ['decal', 'paintjob']:	# Have seen "paintjob" and "PaintJob"
        return None

    # Skip PP-specific modules in outfitting which have an sku like ELITE_SPECIFIC_V_POWER_100100
    elif module.get('category') == 'powerplay':
        return None

    # Shouldn't be listing player-specific paid stuff
    elif module.get('sku'):
        raise AssertionError('%s: Unexpected sku "%s"' % (module['id'], module['sku']))

    # Hardpoints - e.g. Hpt_Slugshot_Fixed_Medium
    elif name[0]=='Hpt' and name[1] in weapon_map:
        if name[2] not in weaponmount_map: raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown weapon mount "%s"' % (module['id'], name[2]))
        if name[3] not in weaponclass_map: raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown weapon class "%s"' % (module['id'], name[3]))
        new['category'] = 'hardpoint'
        if len(name)>4:
            if name[4] in weaponoldvariant_map:		# Old variants e.g. Hpt_PulseLaserBurst_Turret_Large_OC
                new['name'] =  weapon_map[name[1]] + ' ' + weaponoldvariant_map[name[4]]
                new['rating'] = '?'
            else:			# PP faction-specific weapons e.g. Hpt_Slugshot_Fixed_Large_Range
                new['name'] =  weapon_map[(name[1],name[4])]
                new['rating'] = weaponrating_map.get(('_').join(name[:4]), '?')	# assumes same rating as base weapon
            new['name'] =  weapon_map[name[1]]
            new['rating'] = weaponrating_map.get(module['name'], '?')		# no obvious rule - needs lookup table
        new['mount'] = weaponmount_map[name[2]]
        if name[1] in missiletype_map:	# e.g. Hpt_DumbfireMissileRack_Fixed_Small
            new['guidance'] = missiletype_map[name[1]]
        new['class'] = weaponclass_map[name[3]]

    # Utility - e.g. Hpt_CargoScanner_Size0_Class1
    elif name[0]=='Hpt' and name[1] in utility_map:
        new['category'] = 'utility'
        new['name'] = utility_map[len(name)>4 and (name[1],name[4]) or name[1]]
        if name[-1] in weaponclass_map:	# e.g. Hpt_PlasmaPointDefence_Turret_Tiny
            new['class'] = weaponclass_map[name[-1]]
            new['rating'] = 'I'
            if not name[2].startswith('Size') or not name[3].startswith('Class'): raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown class/rating "%s/%s"' % (module['id'], name[2], name[3]))
            new['class'] = name[2][4:]
            new['rating'] = rating_map[name[3][5:]]

    elif name[0]=='Hpt':
        raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown weapon "%s"' % (module['id'], name[1]))

    # Stellar scanners - e.g. Int_StellarBodyDiscoveryScanner_Standard
    elif name[1] in ['StellarBodyDiscoveryScanner', 'DetailedSurfaceScanner']:
        new['category'] = 'internal'
        new['name'], new['rating'] = stellar_map[name[2]]
        new['class'] = '1'

    # Docking Computer - e.g. Int_DockingComputer_Standard
    elif name[1] == 'DockingComputer' and name[2] == 'Standard':
        new['category'] = 'internal'
        new['name'] = 'Standard Docking Computer'
        new['class'] = '1'
        new['rating'] = 'E'

    # Standard & Internal
        # Reported category is not necessarily helpful. e.g. "Int_DockingComputer_Standard" has category "utility"
        if name[0] != 'Int': raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown prefix "%s"' % (module['id'], name[0]))

        if name[1] == 'DroneControl':	# e.g. Int_DroneControl_Collection_Size1_Class1

        if name[1] in standard_map:	# e.g. Int_Engine_Size2_Class1
            new['category'] = 'standard'
            new['name'] = standard_map[len(name)>4 and (name[1],name[4]) or name[1]]
        elif name[1] in internal_map:	# e.g. Int_CargoRack_Size8_Class1
            new['category'] = 'internal'
            new['name'] = internal_map[len(name)>4 and (name[1],name[4]) or name[1]]
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown module "%s"' % (module['id'], name[1]))

        if not name[2].startswith('Size') or not name[3].startswith('Class'): raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown class/rating "%s/%s"' % (module['id'], name[2], name[3]))
        new['class'] = name[2][4:]
        new['rating'] = rating_map[name[3][5:]]

    # check we've filled out mandatory fields
    for thing in ['category', 'name', 'class', 'rating']:
        if not new.get('name'): raise AssertionError('%s: failed to set %s' % (module['id'], thing))

    return new
Ejemplo n.º 18
def lookup(module):

    # if not module.get('category'): raise AssertionError('%s: Missing category' % module['id'])	# only present post 1.3, and not present in ship loadout
    if not module.get('name'):
        raise AssertionError('%s: Missing name' % module['id'])

    name = module['name'].split('_')
    new = {}

    # Armour - e.g. Federation_Dropship_Armour_Grade2
    if name[-2] == 'Armour':
        name = module['name'].rsplit(
            2)  # Armour is ship-specific, and ship names can have underscores
        new['category'] = 'standard'
        new['name'] = armour_map[name[2]]
        new['ship'] = ship_map.get(name[0], name[0])
        new['class'] = '1'
        new['rating'] = 'I'

    # Skip uninteresting stuff
    elif name[0].lower() in ['decal', 'paintjob'
                             ]:  # Have seen "paintjob" and "PaintJob"
        return None

    # Shouldn't be listing player-specific paid stuff
    elif module.get('sku'):
        raise AssertionError('%s: Unexpected sku "%s"' %
                             (module['id'], module['sku']))

    # Hardpoints - e.g. Hpt_Slugshot_Fixed_Medium
    elif name[0] == 'Hpt' and name[1] in weapon_map:
        # Skip PP faction-specific weapons e.g. Hpt_Slugshot_Fixed_Large_Range
        if len(name) > 4:
            raise AssertionError('%s: Skipping weapon variant "%s"' %
                                 (module['id'], name[4]))
        if name[2] not in weaponmount_map:
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown weapon mount "%s"' %
                                 (module['id'], name[2]))
        if name[3] not in weaponclass_map:
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown weapon class "%s"' %
                                 (module['id'], name[3]))
        # if module['name'] not in weaponrating_map: raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown rating for this weapon' % module['id'])
        new['category'] = 'hardpoint'
        new['name'] = weapon_map[name[1]]
        new['mount'] = weaponmount_map[name[2]]
        if name[1] in missiletype_map:  # e.g. Hpt_DumbfireMissileRack_Fixed_Small
            new['guidance'] = missiletype_map[name[1]]
        new['class'] = weaponclass_map[name[3]]
        new['rating'] = weaponrating_map.get(
            module['name'], '?')  # no obvious rule - needs lookup table

    # Utility - e.g. Hpt_CargoScanner_Size0_Class1
    elif name[0] == 'Hpt' and name[1] in utility_map:
        # Skip PP faction-specific modules (none atm)
        if len(name) > 4:
            raise AssertionError('%s: Skipping utility variant "%s"' %
                                 (module['id'], name[4]))
        new['category'] = 'utility'
        new['name'] = utility_map[name[1]]
        if name[-1] in weaponclass_map:  # e.g. Hpt_PlasmaPointDefence_Turret_Tiny
            new['class'] = weaponclass_map[name[-1]]
            new['rating'] = 'I'
            if not name[2].startswith('Size') or not name[3].startswith(
                raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown class/rating "%s/%s"' %
                                     (module['id'], name[2], name[3]))
            new['class'] = name[2][4:]
            new['rating'] = rating_map[name[3][5:]]

    elif name[0] == 'Hpt':
        raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown weapon "%s"' %
                             (module['id'], name[1]))

    # Stellar scanners - e.g. Int_StellarBodyDiscoveryScanner_Standard
    elif name[1] in ['StellarBodyDiscoveryScanner', 'DetailedSurfaceScanner']:
        new['category'] = 'internal'
        new['name'], new['rating'] = stellar_map[name[2]]
        new['class'] = '1'

    # Docking Computer - e.g. Int_DockingComputer_Standard
    elif name[1] == 'DockingComputer' and name[2] == 'Standard':
        new['category'] = 'internal'
        new['name'] = 'Standard Docking Computer'
        new['class'] = '1'
        new['rating'] = 'E'

    # Standard & Internal
        # Reported category is not necessarily helpful. e.g. "Int_DockingComputer_Standard" has category "utility"
        if name[0] != 'Int':
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown prefix "%s"' %
                                 (module['id'], name[0]))

        if name[1] == 'DroneControl':  # e.g. Int_DroneControl_Collection_Size1_Class1

        # Skip PP faction-specific modules e.g. Int_ShieldGenerator_Size1_Class5_Strong
        if len(name) > 4:
            raise AssertionError('%s: Skipping module variant "%s"' %
                                 (module['id'], name[4]))

        if name[1] in standard_map:  # e.g. Int_Engine_Size2_Class1
            new['category'] = 'standard'
            new['name'] = standard_map[name[1]]
        elif name[1] in internal_map:  # e.g. Int_CargoRack_Size8_Class1
            new['category'] = 'internal'
            new['name'] = internal_map[name[1]]
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown module "%s"' %
                                 (module['id'], name[1]))

        if not name[2].startswith('Size') or not name[3].startswith('Class'):
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown class/rating "%s/%s"' %
                                 (module['id'], name[2], name[3]))
        new['class'] = name[2][4:]
        new['rating'] = rating_map[name[3][5:]]

    # check we've filled out mandatory fields
    for thing in ['category', 'name', 'class', 'rating']:
        if not new.get('name'):
            raise AssertionError('%s: failed to set %s' %
                                 (module['id'], thing))

    return new
Ejemplo n.º 19
def lookup(module):

    # if not module.get('category'): raise AssertionError('%s: Missing category' % module['id'])	# only present post 1.3, and not present in ship loadout
    if not module.get('name'):
        raise AssertionError('%s: Missing name' % module['id'])

    name = module['name'].lower().split('_')
    new = {}

    # Armour - e.g. Federation_Dropship_Armour_Grade2
    if name[-2] == 'armour':
        name = module['name'].lower().rsplit(
            2)  # Armour is ship-specific, and ship names can have underscores
        new['category'] = 'standard'
        new['name'] = armour_map[name[2]]
        new['ship'] = ship_map.get(name[0], name[0])
        new['class'] = '1'
        new['rating'] = 'I'

    # Skip uninteresting stuff
    elif name[0] in ['decal', 'paintjob']:
        return None

    # Skip PP-specific modules in outfitting which have an sku like ELITE_SPECIFIC_V_POWER_100100
    elif 'category' in module and module['category'].lower() == 'powerplay':
        return None

    # Shouldn't be listing player-specific paid stuff
    elif module.get('sku'):
        raise AssertionError('%s: Unexpected sku "%s"' %
                             (module['id'], module['sku']))

    # Hardpoints - e.g. Hpt_Slugshot_Fixed_Medium
    elif name[0] == 'hpt' and name[1] in weapon_map:
        if name[2] not in weaponmount_map:
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown weapon mount "%s"' %
                                 (module['id'], name[2]))
        if name[3] not in weaponclass_map:
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown weapon class "%s"' %
                                 (module['id'], name[3]))
        new['category'] = 'hardpoint'
        if len(name) > 4:
            if name[4] in weaponoldvariant_map:  # Old variants e.g. Hpt_PulseLaserBurst_Turret_Large_OC
                new['name'] = weapon_map[name[1]] + ' ' + weaponoldvariant_map[
                new['rating'] = '?'
            else:  # PP faction-specific weapons e.g. Hpt_Slugshot_Fixed_Large_Range
                new['name'] = weapon_map[(name[1], name[4])]
                new['rating'] = weaponrating_map.get(
                    '?')  # assumes same rating as base weapon
            new['name'] = weapon_map[name[1]]
            new['rating'] = weaponrating_map.get(
                '?')  # no obvious rule - needs lookup table
        new['mount'] = weaponmount_map[name[2]]
        if name[1] in missiletype_map:  # e.g. Hpt_DumbfireMissileRack_Fixed_Small
            new['guidance'] = missiletype_map[name[1]]
        new['class'] = weaponclass_map[name[3]]

    # Countermeasures - e.g. Hpt_PlasmaPointDefence_Turret_Tiny
    elif name[0] == 'hpt' and name[1] in countermeasure_map:
        new['category'] = 'utility'
        new['name'], new['rating'] = countermeasure_map[
            len(name) > 4 and (name[1], name[4]) or name[1]]
        new['class'] = weaponclass_map[name[-1]]

    # Utility - e.g. Hpt_CargoScanner_Size0_Class1
    elif name[0] == 'hpt' and name[1] in utility_map:
        new['category'] = 'utility'
        new['name'] = utility_map[len(name) > 4 and (name[1], name[4])
                                  or name[1]]
        if not name[2].startswith('size') or not name[3].startswith('class'):
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown class/rating "%s/%s"' %
                                 (module['id'], name[2], name[3]))
        new['class'] = name[2][4:]
        new['rating'] = rating_map[name[3][5:]]

    elif name[0] == 'hpt':
        raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown weapon "%s"' %
                             (module['id'], name[1]))

    # Stellar scanners - e.g. Int_StellarBodyDiscoveryScanner_Standard
    elif name[1] in ['stellarbodydiscoveryscanner', 'detailedsurfacescanner']:
        new['category'] = 'internal'
        new['name'], new['rating'] = stellar_map[name[2]]
        new['class'] = '1'

    # Docking Computer - e.g. Int_DockingComputer_Standard
    elif name[1] == 'dockingcomputer' and name[2] == 'standard':
        new['category'] = 'internal'
        new['name'] = 'Standard Docking Computer'
        new['class'] = '1'
        new['rating'] = 'E'

    # Standard & Internal
        # Reported category is not necessarily helpful. e.g. "Int_DockingComputer_Standard" has category "utility"
        if name[0] != 'int':
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown prefix "%s"' %
                                 (module['id'], name[0]))

        if name[1] == 'dronecontrol':  # e.g. Int_DroneControl_Collection_Size1_Class1

        if name[1] in standard_map:  # e.g. Int_Engine_Size2_Class1
            new['category'] = 'standard'
            new['name'] = standard_map[len(name) > 4 and (name[1], name[4])
                                       or name[1]]
        elif name[1] in internal_map:  # e.g. Int_CargoRack_Size8_Class1
            new['category'] = 'internal'
            new['name'] = internal_map[len(name) > 4 and (name[1], name[4])
                                       or name[1]]
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown module "%s"' %
                                 (module['id'], name[1]))

        if not name[2].startswith('size') or not name[3].startswith('class'):
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown class/rating "%s/%s"' %
                                 (module['id'], name[2], name[3]))
        new['class'] = name[2][4:]
        new['rating'] = rating_map[name[3][5:]]

    # Disposition of fitted modules
    if 'on' in module and 'priority' in module:
        new['enabled'], new['priority'] = module['on'], module[
            'priority']  # priority is zero-based

    # check we've filled out mandatory fields
    for thing in ['category', 'name', 'class', 'rating']:
        if not new.get(thing):
            raise AssertionError('%s: failed to set %s' %
                                 (module['id'], thing))
    if new['category'] == 'hardpoint' and not new.get('mount'):
        raise AssertionError('%s: failed to set %s' % (module['id'], 'mount'))

    return new
Ejemplo n.º 20
def export(data):

    def send(msg):
        r = requests.post(upload, data=json.dumps(msg), timeout=timeout)
        if __debug__ and r.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
            print 'Status\t%s'  % r.status_code
            print 'URL\t%s'  % r.url
            print 'Headers\t%s' % r.headers
            print ('Content:\n%s' % r.text).encode('utf-8')

    querytime = config.getint('querytime') or int(time.time())

    header = {
        'softwareName'    : '%s [%s]' % (applongname, platform=='darwin' and "Mac OS" or system()),
        'softwareVersion' : appversion,
        'uploaderID'      : config.getint('anonymous') and hashlib.md5(data['commander']['name'].strip().encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() or data['commander']['name'].strip(),

    # Don't send empty commodities list - schema won't allow it
    if data['lastStarport'].get('commodities'):
        commodities = []
        for commodity in data['lastStarport'].get('commodities', []):
                'name'      : commodity['name'],
                'buyPrice'  : commodity['buyPrice'],
                'supply'    : int(commodity['stock']),
                'sellPrice' : commodity['sellPrice'],
                'demand'    : int(commodity['demand']),
            if commodity['stockBracket']:
                commodities[-1]['supplyLevel'] = bracketmap[commodity['stockBracket']]
            if commodity['demandBracket']:
                commodities[-1]['demandLevel'] = bracketmap[commodity['demandBracket']]
            '$schemaRef' : 'http://schemas.elite-markets.net/eddn/commodity/2',
            'header'     : header,
            'message'    : {
                'systemName'  : data['lastSystem']['name'].strip(),
                'stationName' : data['lastStarport']['name'].strip(),
                'timestamp'   : time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime(querytime)),
                'commodities' : commodities,

    # EDDN doesn't yet accept an outfitting schema
    # # *Do* send empty modules list - implies station has no outfitting
    # modules = []
    # for v in data['lastStarport'].get('modules', {}).itervalues():
    #     try:
    #         module = outfitting.lookup(v)
    #         if module:
    #             modules.append(module)
    #     except AssertionError as e:
    #         if __debug__: print 'Outfitting: %s' % e	# Silently skip unrecognized modules
    #     except:
    #         if __debug__: raise
    # send({
    #     '$schemaRef' : 'http://schemas.elite-markets.net/eddn/outfitting/1',
    #     'header'     : header,
    #     'message'    : {
    #         'systemName'  : data['lastSystem']['name'].strip(),
    #         'stationName' : data['lastStarport']['name'].strip(),
    #         'timestamp'   : time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime(querytime)),
    #         'modules'     : modules,
    #     }
    # })

    # Don't send empty ships list - shipyard data is only guaranteed present if user has visited the shipyard.
    if data['lastStarport'].get('ships'):
            '$schemaRef' : 'http://schemas.elite-markets.net/eddn/shipyard/1',
            'header'     : header,
            'message'    : {
                'systemName'  : data['lastSystem']['name'].strip(),
                'stationName' : data['lastStarport']['name'].strip(),
                'timestamp'   : time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime(querytime)),
                'ships'       : [ship_map.get(ship['name'],ship['name']) for ship in (data['lastStarport']['ships'].get('shipyard_list') or {}).values() + data['lastStarport']['ships'].get('unavailable_list')],
Ejemplo n.º 21
def lookup(module):

    # if not module.get('category'): raise AssertionError('%s: Missing category' % module['id'])	# only present post 1.3, and not present in ship loadout
    if not module.get("name"):
        raise AssertionError("%s: Missing name" % module["id"])

    name = module["name"].split("_")
    new = {}

    # Armour - e.g. Federation_Dropship_Armour_Grade2
    if name[-2] == "Armour":
        name = module["name"].rsplit("_", 2)  # Armour is ship-specific, and ship names can have underscores
        new["category"] = "standard"
        new["name"] = armour_map[name[2]]
        new["ship"] = ship_map.get(name[0], name[0])
        new["class"] = "1"
        new["rating"] = "I"

    # Skip uninteresting stuff
    elif name[0].lower() in ["decal", "paintjob"]:  # Have seen "paintjob" and "PaintJob"
        return None

    # Shouldn't be listing player-specific paid stuff
    elif module.get("sku"):
        raise AssertionError('%s: Unexpected sku "%s"' % (module["id"], module["sku"]))

    # Hardpoints - e.g. Hpt_Slugshot_Fixed_Medium
    elif name[0] == "Hpt" and name[1] in weapon_map:
        # Skip PP faction-specific weapons e.g. Hpt_Slugshot_Fixed_Large_Range
        if len(name) > 4:
            raise AssertionError('%s: Skipping weapon variant "%s"' % (module["id"], name[4]))
        if name[2] not in weaponmount_map:
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown weapon mount "%s"' % (module["id"], name[2]))
        if name[3] not in weaponclass_map:
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown weapon class "%s"' % (module["id"], name[3]))
        # if module['name'] not in weaponrating_map: raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown rating for this weapon' % module['id'])
        new["category"] = "hardpoint"
        new["name"] = weapon_map[name[1]]
        new["mount"] = weaponmount_map[name[2]]
        if name[1] in missiletype_map:  # e.g. Hpt_DumbfireMissileRack_Fixed_Small
            new["guidance"] = missiletype_map[name[1]]
        new["class"] = weaponclass_map[name[3]]
        new["rating"] = weaponrating_map.get(module["name"], "?")  # no obvious rule - needs lookup table

    # Utility - e.g. Hpt_CargoScanner_Size0_Class1
    elif name[0] == "Hpt" and name[1] in utility_map:
        # Skip PP faction-specific modules (none atm)
        if len(name) > 4:
            raise AssertionError('%s: Skipping utility variant "%s"' % (module["id"], name[4]))
        new["category"] = "utility"
        new["name"] = utility_map[name[1]]
        if name[-1] in weaponclass_map:  # e.g. Hpt_PlasmaPointDefence_Turret_Tiny
            new["class"] = weaponclass_map[name[-1]]
            new["rating"] = "I"
            if not name[2].startswith("Size") or not name[3].startswith("Class"):
                raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown class/rating "%s/%s"' % (module["id"], name[2], name[3]))
            new["class"] = name[2][4:]
            new["rating"] = rating_map[name[3][5:]]

    elif name[0] == "Hpt":
        raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown weapon "%s"' % (module["id"], name[1]))

    # Stellar scanners - e.g. Int_StellarBodyDiscoveryScanner_Standard
    elif name[1] in ["StellarBodyDiscoveryScanner", "DetailedSurfaceScanner"]:
        new["category"] = "internal"
        new["name"], new["rating"] = stellar_map[name[2]]
        new["class"] = "1"

    # Docking Computer - e.g. Int_DockingComputer_Standard
    elif name[1] == "DockingComputer" and name[2] == "Standard":
        new["category"] = "internal"
        new["name"] = "Standard Docking Computer"
        new["class"] = "1"
        new["rating"] = "E"

    # Standard & Internal
        # Reported category is not necessarily helpful. e.g. "Int_DockingComputer_Standard" has category "utility"
        if name[0] != "Int":
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown prefix "%s"' % (module["id"], name[0]))

        if name[1] == "DroneControl":  # e.g. Int_DroneControl_Collection_Size1_Class1

        # Skip PP faction-specific modules e.g. Int_ShieldGenerator_Size1_Class5_Strong
        if len(name) > 4:
            raise AssertionError('%s: Skipping module variant "%s"' % (module["id"], name[4]))

        if name[1] in standard_map:  # e.g. Int_Engine_Size2_Class1
            new["category"] = "standard"
            new["name"] = standard_map[name[1]]
        elif name[1] in internal_map:  # e.g. Int_CargoRack_Size8_Class1
            new["category"] = "internal"
            new["name"] = internal_map[name[1]]
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown module "%s"' % (module["id"], name[1]))

        if not name[2].startswith("Size") or not name[3].startswith("Class"):
            raise AssertionError('%s: Unknown class/rating "%s/%s"' % (module["id"], name[2], name[3]))
        new["class"] = name[2][4:]
        new["rating"] = rating_map[name[3][5:]]

    # check we've filled out mandatory fields
    for thing in ["category", "name", "class", "rating"]:
        if not new.get("name"):
            raise AssertionError("%s: failed to set %s" % (module["id"], thing))

    return new
Ejemplo n.º 22
def export(data):

    def class_rating(module):
        if 'guidance' in module:
            return module['class'] + module['rating'] + '/' + module.get('mount', 'F')[0] + module['guidance'][0] + ' '
        elif 'mount' in module:
            return module['class'] + module['rating'] + '/' + module['mount'][0] + ' '
            return module['class'] + module['rating'] + ' '

    querytime = config.getint('querytime') or int(time.time())

    ship = ship_map.get(data['ship']['name'], data['ship']['name'])

    loadout = defaultdict(list)

    for slot in sorted(data['ship']['modules']):

        v = data['ship']['modules'][slot]
        if not v or not v.get('module'):
            module = outfitting.lookup(v['module'])
            if not module: continue
        except AssertionError as e:
            if __debug__: print 'Loadout: %s' % e
            continue	# Silently skip unrecognized modules
            if __debug__: raise

        cr = class_rating(module)

        # Specials
        if module['name'] in ['Fuel Tank', 'Cargo Rack']:
            name = '%s (Capacity: %d)' % (module['name'], 2**int(module['class']))
            name = module['name']

        for s in slot_map:
            if slot.startswith(s):
                loadout[slot_map[s]].append(cr + name)
            if slot.startswith('Slot'):
                loadout[slot[-1]].append(cr + name)
            elif __debug__: print 'Loadout: Unknown slot %s' % slot

    # Construct description
    string = '[%s]\n' % ship
    for slot in ['L', 'M', 'S', 'U', None, 'BH', 'RB', 'TM', 'FH', 'EC', 'PC', 'SS', 'FS', None, '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1']:
        if not slot:
            string += '\n'
        elif slot in loadout:
            for name in loadout[slot]:
                string += '%s: %s\n' % (slot, name)
    string += '---\nCargo : %d T\nFuel  : %d T\n' % (data['ship']['cargo']['capacity'], data['ship']['fuel']['capacity'])

    # Look for last ship of this type
    regexp = re.compile(re.escape(ship) + '\.\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\dT\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\.txt')
    oldfiles = sorted([x for x in os.listdir(config.get('outdir')) if regexp.match(x)])
    if oldfiles:
        with open(join(config.get('outdir'), oldfiles[-1]), 'rU') as h:
            if h.read() == string:
                return	# same as last time - don't write

    # Write
    filename = join(config.get('outdir'), '%s.%s.txt' % (ship, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S', time.localtime(querytime))))
    with open(filename, 'wt') as h:
Ejemplo n.º 23
def export(data):
    def send(msg):
        r = requests.post(upload, data=json.dumps(msg), timeout=timeout)
        if __debug__ and r.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
            print 'Status\t%s' % r.status_code
            print 'URL\t%s' % r.url
            print 'Headers\t%s' % r.headers
            print('Content:\n%s' % r.text).encode('utf-8')

    querytime = config.getint('querytime') or int(time.time())

    header = {
        '%s [%s]' %
        (applongname, platform == 'darwin' and "Mac OS" or system()),
        config.getint('anonymous') and hashlib.md5(
        or data['commander']['name'].strip(),

    # Don't send empty commodities list - schema won't allow it
    if data['lastStarport'].get('commodities'):
        commodities = []
        for commodity in data['lastStarport'].get('commodities', []):
                'name': commodity['name'],
                'buyPrice': commodity['buyPrice'],
                'supply': int(commodity['stock']),
                'sellPrice': commodity['sellPrice'],
                'demand': int(commodity['demand']),
            if commodity['stockBracket']:
                commodities[-1]['supplyLevel'] = bracketmap[
            if commodity['demandBracket']:
                commodities[-1]['demandLevel'] = bracketmap[
            '$schemaRef': 'http://schemas.elite-markets.net/eddn/commodity/2',
            'header': header,
            'message': {
                time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime(querytime)),

    # EDDN doesn't yet accept an outfitting schema
    # # *Do* send empty modules list - implies station has no outfitting
    # modules = []
    # for v in data['lastStarport'].get('modules', {}).itervalues():
    #     try:
    #         module = outfitting.lookup(v)
    #         if module:
    #             modules.append(module)
    #     except AssertionError as e:
    #         if __debug__: print 'Outfitting: %s' % e	# Silently skip unrecognized modules
    #     except:
    #         if __debug__: raise
    # send({
    #     '$schemaRef' : 'http://schemas.elite-markets.net/eddn/outfitting/1',
    #     'header'     : header,
    #     'message'    : {
    #         'systemName'  : data['lastSystem']['name'].strip(),
    #         'stationName' : data['lastStarport']['name'].strip(),
    #         'timestamp'   : time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime(querytime)),
    #         'modules'     : modules,
    #     }
    # })

    # Don't send empty ships list - shipyard data is only guaranteed present if user has visited the shipyard.
    if data['lastStarport'].get('ships'):
            '$schemaRef': 'http://schemas.elite-markets.net/eddn/shipyard/1',
            'header': header,
            'message': {
                time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime(querytime)),
                'ships': [
                    ship_map.get(ship['name'], ship['name'])
                    for ship in data['lastStarport']['ships'].get(
                        'shipyard_list', {}).values() +
                    data['lastStarport']['ships'].get('unavailable_list', [])